Technologies and methods of practical professional activity of a speech therapist teacher

Art therapy

Art therapy is a direction of speech therapy related to creativity. Speech therapists often use the drawing method: they ask children to depict various objects. The main goal of such an activity is to improve the child’s mental state by developing the ability to express himself. To relieve increased emotional tone, you are given the task of depicting your state using color, lines and shapes.

Using this method, you can solve other problems: consolidate the material covered on the topic, develop the ability to depict the characteristics of objects, and develop coherent speech.

Developmental technologies in speech therapy

The fundamentals of innovative technologies (IT) were developed in the middle of the last century. The innovations in the work of a speech therapist in 2021 are different; they have changed taking into account the needs of society and the children themselves. The possibilities of using IT in speech therapy are limited only by the imagination of the teacher and the financial capabilities of the educational institution. In budgetary organizations, speech therapists implement correctional tasks in fairy tale therapy, art therapy, the use of massage techniques and kinesiological exercises.

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Logorhythmic classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. Daily performance of logorhythmic exercises of various nature at a certain time (morning respiratory-vocal exercises with movement, relaxation exercises, singing vowel sounds with movement, etc.) accustoms children to a health-improving regimen. Under the influence of regular logorhythmic exercises, a restructuring of various systems occurs in the body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, speech-motor, cognitive, etc. #development #child development #tutor #school preparation #school #childrenmoscow #childrenkazan #detiufa #childrenkrasnodar #childrenostov #childrensamara #logorhythmics #logorhythmicsforchildren

A post shared by Teachers for children 4-16 years old (@literakids_online) on Apr 24, 2021 at 12:54pm PDT

Kinesiological exercises

Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and shaping physical health through a system of special exercises for the hands. Experts believe that most of the cerebral cortex is occupied by cells associated with the activities of the hands.

Kinesiological exercises will help the speech therapist work on developing the child’s thinking, memory, and attention at any stage of the work. The set of movements is selected taking into account the connection between the brain area and the body area and the individual characteristics of the child. These exercises are often recommended to be performed at home, since when performed daily, the technique will achieve better results.

Speech therapy and finger massage

Speech therapy massage is an active method of mechanical influence. With its help, a speech therapist changes muscle tone, the condition of the nerves and blood vessels of the child’s speech apparatus. It is used in cases where there is increased or decreased muscle tension, leading to speech impairment.

Massage helps improve pronunciation of speech. It is important to use it in the initial stages of work. This method helps to develop in the child the ability to perform the movements necessary to pronounce sounds when he does not know how to perform them himself.

Children who are learning to write are often advised to massage their hands. Finger massage causes blood flow to the extremities, normalizes muscle tone, which will help the child master writing.

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