List of documentation of a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Journal of speech therapy examination

It is convenient to keep a journal of speech therapy examination in the form given on p. 83. The magazine itself is made from a thick notebook that unfolds horizontally. The speech therapist can also record the examination results in a regular class journal for school teachers.

It is recommended to leave free space in case new children join the group. In such a log, the state of speech in dynamics is clearly visible.

When examining young children, the speech therapist must note the general level of speech development (normal, developmental speech development, dysarthria, features of the anatomical structure of the organs of articulation). When working with middle-aged children, it is necessary to describe in detail the state of sound pronunciation, features of lexical and grammatical development and coherent speech. This will help identify children who need to be transferred to a specialized preschool institution and identify children for enrollment in a speech center. The examination of children of senior preschool age is carried out in a similar way.

The advantage of this journal is that there is no need to annually rewrite the names of all children in the group.

In the notes, the speech therapist makes notes about the child’s transfer to another institution, indicates the date of enrollment or graduation from the speech center, and the number of the protocol in which the fact of enrollment (graduation) is recorded.

Logopunkt GOU d/s No. ________



group no. _________

No.Last name, first name of the childChild's date of birth20_ - 20_g Speech development. Recommendations 20_ - 20_g Speech development. Recommendations 20_ - 20_g Speech development. Recommendations Note

Speech card

For each child enrolled in a speech center, a speech card is created, in which the features of the phonetic side of the child’s speech are recorded (the general sound of speech, the state of phonemic hearing, features of sound pronunciation); state of lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Speech card of a child who underwent examination[14]

Last name, first name of the child ______________


Date of Birth

Group __________

General speech sound (normal, pronunciation of sounds is blurred, weakly labilized) _________________________


Voice (normal, hoarse, nasal) _________________________

Tempo (normal, bradyllalia, tachylalia) ___________________________________

Smoothness (hesitation, stuttering) ___________________________________

Strength (normal, strong, weak, fading) ______________________

Structure of the speech apparatus:

Lips (normal, thick, thin, everted) _______________________

Teeth (edentulous, normal) __________________________________________

Sky (normal, high) ________________________________________

Occlusion (normal, progenia, prognathia, open) ___________________

Tongue (normal, thick, thin, small, massive, geographical, forked) __________________________________________________________

Bridle (normal, shortened, short) __________________________

Salivation (normal, increased) ____________________________

Phonemic hearing (normal, slightly impaired, severely impaired)


RA-LA-RA ____________ SHA-SHA-SA ___________

SA-ZA-ZA ____________ BA-PA-BA _____________

TA-DA-TA ____________ DE-DE-DE _____________

KA-GA-KA ____________ TE-DE-TE _____________

VE-FE-FE ____________ LE-VE-LE _____________

A hat and a fur coat - that’s the whole bear ____________________________

______________________________________________________________ Osa is barefoot and without a belt ___________________________________________


The watchmaker narrowed his eye, fixing the watch for us ____________________


Our Dasha loves drying, drying is not porridge for you __________________


Lara has a red balloon and a blue scarf ____________________________


Vowel highlighting:

at the beginning of a word at the end of a word in the middle of a word

Syllable structure (broken)


Children released birds from cages _________________________________


Leaves fell off the sea buckthorn branches ___________________________


There are a lot of perishable foods in the refrigerator ________________


Policeman Valery regulates traffic _____________


Policeman __________ Construction ___________

Shipwreck ______ Button _______________

Aquarium _____________ Excavator ______________

Grammatical structure of speech



Noun pl. h. R. p. pl. h. R. p. unit Use


BagBecause ofFrom under

Word formation


with a diminutive






Wooden chairFox nose. Whose?
Glass glassDog ear. Whose?
Leather bagBear paw. Whose?
Brick houseMom's coat. Whose?
Paper bagDad's boots. Whose?

Connected speech:

Retelling (S, V, N[15]) ____________________________________________






A story based on a series of plot paintings (C, V, H) _______________________





Story based on the picture (C, V, N) _____________________________________





Formation of the leading hand (lateralities) ________________________


Pronunciation state

Absence ___________________________________________________

Replacement _______________________________________________________

Distortion (m/z, uvular) _____________________________________

Text for the survey: A fluffy white hare jumped out from under a gooseberry bush. He squinted into the sun and buried himself in a deep hole under a spruce tree.


Speech diagnosis at the beginning of work



Final diagnosis





"____" ___________ 200____

Speech therapist__


Card of primary speech examination

Students enter Type VIII correctional school throughout the entire academic year.

Speech therapy groups are formed in September, but the speech therapist conducts a speech examination of all newly admitted children and determines the type of speech therapy assistance if the child needs it.

At this stage, I suggest using a primary speech examination card (a mini-version of a speech card), and when enrolling in speech therapy classes, fill out the generally accepted detailed speech card.

The card contains general information about the child, then an initial speech examination is carried out.

The overall sound of speech includes speech intelligibility, tempo, fluency, and voice strength characteristics.

The structure and mobility of the organs of articulation: deviations from the norm in the structure and the volume of articulatory movements are recorded.

Speech comprehension research includes: understanding instructions; understanding contextual speech; understanding of the simplest questions and questions of indirect cases; understanding prepositions; understanding of logical and grammatical structures.

Sound pronunciation state: the child pronounces a particular sound using pictures.

The study of syllabic structure is carried out using pictures, the names of which reflect different syllable complexity. Perseverations, eliminations, rearrangements, additions of sounds and syllables are recorded.

Vocabulary research is carried out in the form of a survey based on pictures. It is necessary to present both rarely occurring and frequently occurring words. Knowledge of generalization words is checked, the volume of parts of speech in the student’s dictionary is established.

The study of the grammatical system includes: the use of prepositions, changing words by case, various types of word formation, coordination of various parts of speech.

Studies of coherent speech: the student is asked to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, based on a plot picture, and retell the text told by a speech therapist.

Study of written speech: the child’s workbooks are examined, the written short dictation is checked, and a text is offered for reading. During the examination, the presence of specific errors is revealed

The “Recommendations” column indicates whether the student needs speech therapy assistance, recommended types of classes, whether he is enrolled in classes or put on a waiting list.

Vostrokh Olga Vladimirovna, teacher-speech therapist MKS(K)OU "S(K)OSH No. 58", Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk

  1. Speech card and presentation for examination of a 6-7 year old child
  2. Speech card for examination of a preschool child
  3. Characteristics of the teacher for the child (for examination at the PHC Consultation)
  4. Presentation “Technology for organizing speech therapy examinations in preschool educational institutions”
  5. Speech card for school speech center

( 1 liked, average score: 5.00 out of 5)


Let's go to the speech therapist. First consultation

What questions can a speech therapist ask parents? What does a speech therapist examine?

Approximate structure of examination of a child from 2 to 11 years old and speech therapy report.

Below you can DOWNLOAD:

  1. Sample of writing a speech therapy report.
  2. Sample referral to a neurologist.

Personal data

  1. FULL NAME. child.
  2. Date of birth, age.
  3. Home address.
  4. Home phone.
  5. Educational institution (kindergarten/school).
  6. Curriculum, what program the child is studying in.
  7. Whether the program was duplicated or not, what grade (for a schoolchild).
  8. Information about parents: mother (full name, required age at the time of birth), father (full name, age, heredity).
  9. National language.
  10. Bilingualism

General anamnesis

  1. Unfavorable development factors.
  2. How did pregnancy and childbirth proceed?
  3. Heredity (are there any hereditary diseases).
  4. Past illnesses: before/after one year.
  5. Bruises, head injuries.
  6. Convulsions, whether there are convulsions at high temperatures.

Early development

  1. Holds his head with... (norm from 1.5 months).
  2. Sits from….. (normal from 6 months).
  3. Crawling from ..... (normal from 6-7 months).
  4. Costs from…..(normally from 10-11 months).
  5. Walks from .....(normally from 11-12 months).
  6. Recognizes loved ones from ....(normally from 2.5 - 3 months).
  7. The first teeth appeared from... (normally at 6-8 months).
  8. Number of teeth per year….(normally 8 teeth).

Speech anamnesis

  1. Walking in... (normal from 2 months).
  2. Babbling in .... (normal from 4-6 months).
  3. The first words...(normal for about a year).
  4. The first phrases in….(Normally from 1.5 to 2 years).
  5. Was speech development interrupted and for what reason?
  6. Use of gestures (replacement of speech, addition of speech).
  7. Attitude of family members to the child’s speech defect.
  8. Have you worked with a speech therapist?
  9. For how long?
  10. Results of sessions with a speech therapist.

Examination of the articulatory apparatus

  1. Lips.
  2. Teeth.
  3. Bite.
  4. Jaws.
  5. Sky.
  6. Language.
  7. Bridle.
  8. Uvulus.

Mobility survey

  1. Lips.
  2. Language.

Fine Motor Skills Test

  1. On the switching bridge
  2. On hold.

Hearing test

With normal hearing, the child should hear and repeat words and phrases spoken in a whisper in the residual air (after exhalation) at a distance of 6-7 meters from the auricle. When testing hearing, visual perception of speech should be excluded. The boundaries of perception of whispered speech are determined. The perception of a whisper at a distance of less than 3 meters indicates the need for special consultation at a hearing aid center to clarify the state of hearing.

Sound pronunciation survey

  1. Vowel sounds.
  2. Consonant sounds.
  3. Whistling, hissing, affricates.
  4. Sonorous.
  5. Voiced and voiceless.
  6. Fricatives.

Examination of the syllable structure of a word

  1. The words are polysyllabic.
  2. With a consonant cluster.
  3. Contain similar sounds.

Phonemic Awareness Test

  1. A chain of syllables.
  2. A chain of words.
  3. Differentiation of oppositional phonemes.

Vocabulary Survey

  1. Subject dictionary.
  2. Verb dictionary.
  3. Selection of synonyms.
  4. Selection of antonyms.
  5. Selection of related cognate words.

Examination of the grammatical structure of speech

  1. State of sentences or short stories.
  2. Using prepositions.
  3. The use of nouns in different cases.
  4. The use of cases depending on the numerals.
  5. Forming the plural from a singular noun and vice versa.
  6. Formation of the genitive plural form.
  7. The use of number in agreement with a noun.
  8. Formation of the diminutive form of a noun.
  9. Use of suffixes.
  10. Formation of adjectives from nouns.
  11. The use of prefixes in verbs.

Study of the sound composition of a word (from 5 years old)

  1. Highlighting the vowel at the beginning of the word and under stress.
  2. Isolating vowels in monosyllabic words.
  3. Highlighting the vowel at the end of a word.
  4. Isolating a consonant from the beginning of a word and a vowel from the end of a word.
  5. Independent selection of words starting with a given sound.
  6. Determining the place of a sound in a word.
  7. Definition of syllables in a word.
  8. Determining the number and sequence of sounds and letters.
  9. Definition of vowels and consonants.
  10. Designation of consonant letters by sound: voiced or voiceless, soft or hard.

Writing examination (from 7 years old)

  1. Copy words and sentences from handwritten text
  2. Copy words and sentences from printed text
  3. Write down lowercase and uppercase letters from dictation
  4. Syllable dictation.
  5. Dictation of words of different structures.
  6. Suggestions after listening once.
  7. Auditory dictation.

Reading survey (from 7 years old)

  1. Select vowels and consonants.
  2. Reading syllables.
  3. Reading words.
  4. Reading phrases.
  5. Reading specially selected texts.

It is important to promptly determine the presence/absence of speech disorders and take all measures to overcome them. A complete diagnosis of your child and consultation with determination of the further course of action can only be obtained at a face-to-face meeting with a specialist. No amount of online correspondence, chats on forums, or communities can provide complete information about the problem and qualified assistance to you and your child.

Olga Sakharovskaya

Documentation of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Documentation of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

First of all, you need to look at the documents of the speech therapist teacher, which were developed by the creative team at the methodological association.

First of all, what concerns correctional and speech therapy work on the part of the administration of the preschool educational institution:

· Regulations on correctional and speech therapy work

· Regulations on logopoint and logogroup.

· Regulations on PMPK

· Regulations “On the interaction of a speech therapist with parents of children with speech disorders”

· Regulations “On the interaction of a speech therapist with specialists of a preschool educational institution”

· Job description of a speech therapist and speech therapy group teacher.

Next is what should be directly in the documentation of a speech therapist at a preschool institution. For successful effective work, a speech therapist must have the skills to correctly and competently conduct documentation. This will make it possible to effectively and rationally plan the course of correctional training, taking into account speech disorders, their psychophysiological characteristics, and clearly record the stages of speech therapy support. The presence of basic types of documentation is a prerequisite for the work of a speech therapist; the correctness of its management is assessed and is one of the decisive moments in determining the qualification category of a speech therapist. Basic documentation of a speech therapist teacher should include:

1. Cabinet passport

. Where the speech therapist teacher completely prescribes all the zones in the office and their equipment. Regardless of whether there is a separate office or not. Includes a list of everything that a speech therapist has:

- equipment

— visual, educational and methodological aids

— textbooks and methodological literature

— didactic games and simulators

Can be presented in the form of diagrams, tables, drawings by sections or centers (depending on the creativity of the speech therapist)

2. Children's register

in need of correctional assistance. Children enrolled in speech therapy groups or at a speech center must be registered in a logbook, which is kept separately by each speech therapist

3. Journal of primary examination of children's speech

. (1 for two). Every year, the institution examines children to identify those in need of speech therapy help. The results of the examination are recorded in the journal of the primary examination of the speech of preschool children. Children with speech underdevelopment in the middle, senior and preparatory groups are sent to the PMPK to staff speech therapy groups or a speech center. For children of younger groups with severe speech underdevelopment, with malocclusion, short hyoid ligament, and stuttering, parents and their parents are invited to see a speech therapist for consultation, referral to specialists for examination and treatment.

4. Speech cards

. There are 2 types of speech cards for children with OHP and FFN. Speech cards are filled out by a speech therapist for each child during the month of September based on the results of a speech therapy examination. Errors and shortcomings made by children when completing tasks are entered into the map. Speech samples with their lexico-grammatical and phonetic errors must be recorded. The speech card must be accompanied by:

- pedagogical characteristics compiled by the teacher of the group that the child attended before entering the speech therapy group or speech center;

- certificate (extract from the medical record with the conclusion of a psychoneurologist, ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist).

At the end of the examination, a speech therapy report is formulated in the speech card in accordance with the recommendations for speech therapy diagnostics and a long-term plan for individual work with the child for the period of study is drawn up. At the end of the school year, the speech card must indicate the result of speech therapy work: what violations still exist, what aspects of the speech process require consolidation or clarification.

5. Summary table for children's speech diagnostics

speech therapy group or speech center. In our preschool educational institution, speech therapists prepare such cards for each age group

6. Annual work plan

, approved by the head of the educational institution. It is written in 2 copies (which 1 from the speech therapist teacher, 2 is attached to the annual plan of the preschool educational institution) At the end of the school year, an annual work plan is drawn up, which includes the following sections:

- examination of children’s speech, it indicates the work of filling out speech cards and completing documentation

— staffing groups and subgroups, scheduling speech therapy classes

- directions, tasks and main content of correctional work by sections, in accordance with the areas of work

— interaction between a teacher-speech therapist and a teacher of groups (regular and speech therapy); with specialists from preschool educational institutions (psychologist, music director, art teacher, etc.). Work with parents for the school year is also prescribed (parent meetings, consultations, open speech therapy classes, design of corners for parents and stands, etc.)

— measures to improve the equipment of the speech therapy room with educational and methodological aids, didactic and visual material, etc.

— advanced training of a speech therapist teacher (attendance at courses, methodological associations, conferences, questions on self-education, certification, etc.)

— action plan aimed at preventing speech disorders in children

7. Long-term plan for corrective work

. Compiled for the academic year (quarter, month). If a speech therapist teacher works with children of the same age and with the same speech disorders, one long-term plan is drawn up; If you work with children who have different speech disorders or attend different age groups, long-term plans are drawn up for each subgroup of children.

8. Calendar-thematic plan for frontal classes

. It is compiled on the basis of the program used by the speech therapist.

9. Schedule of speech therapy classes

for a week. After a comprehensive examination of children’s speech, a schedule of classes is drawn up, which reflects all types of speech therapy classes (frontal, subgroup, individual).

10. Daily work plan

. The title page of the plan indicates the number of the preschool educational institution, the academic year, and the name of the speech therapist. The plan can be kept in the form of a journal, which contains the following columns:

- date

- surname, first name of the child

— form of class (industrial, subgr., frontal)

- summary of lessons

The plan indicates all types of work that are carried out by a speech therapist on a given day (examination of children’s speech, filling out speech cards, conducting diagnostics, preparing speech therapy corners or booklets, conducting consultations, speaking at parent-teacher meetings, teacher councils, participating in entertainment, matinees, attending methodological associations, etc.)

11. Frontal training plan

. Making plans for each lesson is mandatory. The plan indicates the topic, goal and objectives, equipment and progress of the OA

12. Children's attendance notebook for speech therapy classes

. The attendance notebook contains the entire list of the speech therapy group or speech center. If a child has not attended kindergarten for a long time, it is recommended to indicate the reason for not attending.

13. Individual notebooks for children

. Individual notebooks are filled out by a speech therapist for each child. They record the date of the lesson and approximate content. Notebooks are colorfully designed (with the participation of parents). On weekends, children take notebooks home to do homework, and on normal days the teacher works on the notebooks

14. Teacher's Evening Activities Notebook

. The speech therapist's assignments and an analysis of the work carried out by the teacher are recorded in the notebook. The analysis indicates how successfully the children have mastered the material and what difficulties they encountered when completing the tasks. All types of tasks should be familiar to children. These can be individual articulation exercises, repetition of texts and exercises selected earlier with a speech therapist, exercises to develop attention, memory, phonemic awareness, the formation of lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, etc. The notebook is filled out by a speech therapist at least once a week. The teacher keeps records of the work done. Evening classes should not include sound production exercises.

15. . Annual report on the effectiveness of correctional work for the academic year

(over the last 3 years). This is a report on the performance of the speech therapist for the year, which is submitted to the education committee. The report is certified by the manager. One copy remains with the speech therapist, 1 with the methodologist, 1 with the KO.

16. Working programm

, developed by a speech therapist, based on the general education program of the preschool educational institution and the corresponding correctional ones.

17. Interaction Notebook

with teachers and a plan for interaction with preschool specialists.

· Organize an information stand in the reception areas of each group (“useful information corner for parents”). Information must be systematically updated. Also, the speech therapist should have an information corner like: “What did we do today,” where parents should be informed daily about the lessons completed with their children.

The main areas of a speech therapist's office using specific examples.

Most speech therapy rooms are located in outdated standard kindergarten buildings and are located in small, unsuitable premises (former storerooms, corridors, etc.

Let's consider the correctional and developmental environment of speech therapy rooms

• A training area for conducting subgroup correctional classes, including children’s work stations, wall panels and demonstration surfaces.

• A sound correction zone or an area for individual work requires the presence of a wall mirror, a rack for tools, games and aids, devices for breathing exercises, massage, etc.

• The work area of ​​the speech therapist teacher is equipped with a table, chair, tape recorder with audio recordings, CDs; training programs, computer.

In the storage area of ​​visual didactic aids and documentation of the teacher-speech therapist there are the necessary visual and methodological aids, methodological literature on production, automation and differentiation of defective sounds; cards with articulatory patterns of speech profiles (whistling, hissing, sonorous); visual material, sets of breathing exercises, didactic games, etc.

Documents of the teacher of the speech therapy group

— a summary statement of the results of diagnosing sound pronunciation in children

— notebook of interaction with a speech therapist teacher

— notebook of speech therapy hours notes

— card file of individual lessons with children with card numbers

— card files of speech games and exercises with children.

Monitoring correctional and speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions

Control is the most important management function, including in a preschool educational institution. Currently, a large amount of literature and various publications have appeared in periodicals devoted to the organization of control over the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Based on the fact that the main functions and types of control are the same, our attention is focused on the development of control algorithms for various types of activities of a speech therapist teacher, in the following areas:

1. Organization of a speech therapy room.

2. Maintaining mandatory documentation.

3. Corrective work with children: a) frontal; b) individual.

4. Work with educators.

5. Work of the teacher with children of the speech therapy group

6. Working with parents.

To prepare control documents, we used the idea of ​​a tabular form for maintaining control materials, proposed by many authors (K. Yu. Belaya, O. A. Skorolupova, etc.) and adapted to the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist.

The tabular form of presentation of materials is the most universal, as it allows you to easily change the content of the control depending on the purpose and tasks set by the inspector. The rating scale can also have several options (verbal, color, point, percentage).

As practice has shown, control has a positive effect on the pedagogical process, has a beneficial effect on the organization of all activities of the speech therapist and teacher of the speech therapy group, increases their responsibility for the level of education, correction and upbringing of children, and promotes the interest of teachers in improving their professional skills.

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