Phonetic-phonemic album on speech therapy sound [l]-[l']

Stories with pictures to automate the sound “L”

Stories with pictures to automate the sound “L” will help children learn to correctly say the sound in sentences and easily remember the text for retelling.

View the contents of the document “Alla and Glory.”

View the contents of the document "Squirrel and Woodpecker"

View the contents of the document "Wolf Cubs"

View the contents of the Blue Lamp document

View the contents of the document “A Doll for Lana”

View the contents of the document “The Moose and the Calf”

Viewing the contents of the document “Luntik and Mila”

Viewing the contents of a Spider-Man document

Sound automation [L]

The hard consonant sound [L] is colored blue (hard consonant). Vowel sounds are colored red.

The sound [L_] is pronounced for a long time and only with a motionless tongue (see articulation of the sound [L]).

1) Pronounce (read) syllables with the sound [L_]

Sample: al__, ol__, st__, yl__, el__, il__, el__, yol__, yul__, yal__

2) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [L] at the end

Sample: floor__, y-goal__

  • floor
  • count
  • ball
  • hall
  • sang
  • lived
  • corner
  • injection
  • fell
  • slept
  • chair
  • sowed
  • channel
  • collapse
  • case
  • falcon
  • woodpecker
  • boiler
  • railway station
  • metal
  • football
  • basement
  • muscle
  • shook
  • dropped off
  • pulled out
  • carried out
  • knocked
  • pinched
  • jumped out

3) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [l] in the middle

Sample: floor, and head

  • volley
  • duty
  • wolf
  • Hill
  • silk
  • sense
  • jackdaw
  • beam
  • it's a pity
  • heifer
  • file
  • vein
  • balcony
  • soldier
  • violet
  • sage
  • volcano
  • cap
  • mower
  • panicle
  • villages
  • barrette
  • noon
  • stretcher

4) Pronounce (read) the syllables L__A, A__O, L__U, L__Y, L__E

5) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [L] at the beginning

Sample: l__ak, l__a-pa

  • varnish
  • manhole
  • forehead
  • scrap
  • onion
  • Ray
  • paw
  • lama
  • magnifying glass
  • bast
  • skis
  • puddle
  • lamp
  • shop
  • boat
  • spoon
  • hole
  • better
  • shovel
  • jigsaw
  • avalanche
  • horse
  • lily of the valley
  • skier
  • honey
  • trap
  • lawn
  • basket
  • martin
  • bulb

6) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [l] in the middle

Sample: ka-l__ach, sa-l__at

  • ash
  • led
  • affairs
  • oxen
  • floors
  • goals
  • fist
  • kalach
  • salad
  • stocking
  • Baby
  • pigeon
  • ward
  • galoshes
  • swamp
  • beluga
  • deck
  • channels
  • tent
  • pin
  • well
  • hammer
  • bun
  • breaking

7) Pronounce (read) syllables

Sample: k-l__a, k-l__o, k-l__u, k-l__y

  • kla-klo-klu-kly
  • flo-flu-fla-fly
  • slu-sla-sly-slo
  • plo-plu-plo-pla
  • gla-gly-glu-glo
  • khly-khla-khlo-khlu

8) Pronounce (read) words with a combination of consonants with the sound [L]

Sample: f-l__ag, p-l__a-val__

  • flag
  • fleet
  • elephant
  • club
  • fang
  • shred
  • eyes
  • flame
  • words
  • Class
  • lump
  • whip
  • bottle
  • checkbox
  • globe
  • flower bed
  • seal
  • poster
  • planet
  • keys
  • square
  • notebook
  • swim
  • listen

9) Pronounce (read) words with two sounds [l]

Sample: f-l__ag, p-l__a-val__

  • barked
  • swam
  • pricked
  • weed
  • did
  • lapped
  • climbed
  • broke
  • caught
  • lotal
  • stroked
  • cried
  • swam
  • swallowed
  • served
  • reported
  • threshed
  • pounded
  • received
  • bell

10) Pronounce (read) phrases

Sample: SAMPLE: White ha-l__at

  • Blue dress.
  • Bright moon.
  • Bad boat.
  • Yellow scarf.
  • Broken saw.
  • Cold basement.
  • Hungry wolf.
  • Thick stick.
  • Heavy hammer.
  • Ripe strawberries.
  • A warm coat.
  • A spiky tree.
  • Tin soldier.
  • Golden ear.
  • Blue eyes.
  • Silk blouse.
  • Deep well.

11) Conjugate sentences

  • I ate milk noodles.
  • I bought a notepad and chalk.
  • I broke my bike.
  • I was sailing on a boat on the waves.
  • I ate ripe strawberries.


  • I drank cold milk.
  • You drank cold milk.
  • He (she) drank cold milk.
  • We drank cold milk.
  • You drank cold milk.
  • They drank cold milk.

12) Say (read) sentences

Sample: Mi-l__a pi-l__a mo-l__o-ko

  • There was a table next to the table.
  • Volodya went to the collective farm.
  • Alla bought a white dress.
  • Mila carried the blue flag.
  • A boat floats on the waves.
  • Klava clapped her hands.
  • Klusha swept the floor.
  • The elephant has white tusks.
  • The squirrel was sitting near the hollow.
  • Klava bought onions and beets.
  • Mila ate strawberries from a basket.
  • Nikolai broke his bike.
  • Volodya forgot where he put his pencil case.

13) Pronounce (read) pure sayings

  • He sat down and ate everything.
  • Near the bell stake.
  • Klava deftly chopped the onion.
  • Mom didn’t spare soap; mom washed Mila with soap.
  • The stake is near the table, the table is near the stake.
  • Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.
  • Alyonka sat down in the corner - Alyonka had a lot to do.
  • The nightingale is not great, but its voice is golden.
  • Put off idleness, but don’t put off doing things.
  • A cap under a cap, a cap under a cap.
  • Here the cheerful bun rolled like a ball.
  • Fyokla’s beets were wet and dry.
  • Slava swam on a raft and caught roaches from the raft.

14) Pronounce (read) and retell the text


Mila had a cat. He was completely white. Mila named him Belyak. Belyak was a big naughty man. One day Mom was knitting new socks for Mila. There was a ball on the table. Mom left the room and left the ball on the table. The white hare jumps onto the chair, from the chair onto the table, and let’s push the ball with his paws. The hare pushed and pushed the ball and tangled all the threads. Mila entered the room, saw a ball on the floor and said: “Oh, what a naughty man you are, Belyak!”

15) Say (read) poems

White snow, white chalk, The white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white, the squirrel was not white.

Grandfather planted onions and grew an onion. The grandson saw the bow and tore off the forelock of the bow.

Klava deftly chopped onions, Lala washed the floor and shelves, Volodya knocked out the dust, Valya hammered nails, Kolya merrily sawed, Anatoly washed the forks, and little Sveta ate sweet candies.

- White hare, white hare! Where did you run after the bast? The white hare answered: “I didn’t run, I galloped.”

16) Pronounce (read) and memorize a poem

Automation of sound [L]. "Naughty Kitten" | Speech therapist via Skype


Sound automation game [L] “Naughty Kitten”

(based on the book by L.N. Shinkarev “Games for automation and differentiation of sounds in preschool children”)
Purpose of the game:

  1. Automation of sounds [ C ], [Z], [Sh], [Zh], [R], [L], [L].
  2. Differentiation of sounds [ C ] - [Z] - [SH] - [Zh]; [R] - [L] - [L].
  3. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, in particular, training in the use of case constructions


Circles made of colored cardboard, painted to look like balls

Pictures of balls are cut out separately and glued.
Rules of the game "Kitten - Naughty"

The balls are laid out on the table. We explain to the child that the kitten scattered grandma’s balls. To prevent grandma from being upset, they need to be collected.

You can collect the balls in any beautiful box, or place them near the grandmother sitting in the chair, shown in the story picture.

To practice distinguishing (differentiating) sounds, you can ask the child to collect balls with pictures containing different sounds (for example, the sounds [C] - [Ш] or [Р] - [Л]) in different piles or different boxes.

You can ask the question: “What pictures did you collect?”, “What picture did the kitten hide?”, training in the use of the accusative case.

On the back of the glomeruli there are object pictures that the child must name correctly.

Game application: see below

The game was prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

Lyudmila Fedirko

MDOU Kindergarten No. 1 village. Aksha

I advise you to read more on this topic

Sound table for the sound L

Words - hints:elephant,needle,shark,t-shirt,
donkey,Christmas tree,wolf,Spoon,

1. Name all the objects in order “snake”, starting with the picture with an asterisk * (elephant, needle, shark, T-shirt, squirrel, broom, horse, dress...)

2. Place a chip on each item (you can use a button or a toy - “kinder”) and first add to the named item the phrase “I got up” :

I stood on an elephant I stood on a needle I stood on a shark, etc.

3. Name objects in pairs so that a living object is paired with a non-living object. For example, an elephant has a needle, a shark has a T-shirt, etc.

(pictures are selected in pairs: living object - inanimate object).

4. Name all the objects, adding living - non-living : elephant - alive, needle - non-living, etc.

5. Name the object on which you place the chip first in the SINGULAR , then coordinate it with the numerals TWO, FIVE : one elephant, two elephants, five elephants; one needle, two needles, five needles, etc.

6. Name each item in a diminutive form, if possible:

elephant - elephant, needle - needle, etc.

7. Color living objects yellow, inanimate objects blue.

8. Show and call elephant - yellow, needle - blue, shark - yellow, etc.

9. Name what is in the upper right corner; in the lower left corner; in the lower right corner; in the top left corner; in the top row second in a row; in the bottom row third in a row; first in the second row; between, above..., under... etc. (the task can be of any complexity).

10. Come up with one sentence for each subject.

(complicated version of the task: come up with sentences using two words from the sound table, for example, elephant and needle - elephant threads a needle)

Make sure you pronounce the L sound correctly!

Author of the material: Inga Didkovskaya

Also on the topic: “Automation of sounds”

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