Sound and letter [A]. methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)

Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?

For a child, letters are an abstraction, something incomprehensible. It is important that in addition to the letter itself, he also remembers the image - the picture. We all remember our first alphabet, there was a picture next to each letter. It’s even better if the child has a real-life example. For example, on our card there is the word Lampshade. Find it in your home and let your child look at it. You can literally touch and test “tooth” something edible starting with the letter A, for example, watermelon, apricot, pineapple, orange. You can smell the aster. Cars and buses surround city residents everywhere, and they drive on asphalt. Draw the letter A on the pavement with chalk while walking.

Actors and actresses star in films, acrobats and arena perform in circuses. Perhaps you have an aquarium in your house? Find a practical application for the abstract letter. Have your child paint with watercolors and note that the watercolor begins with A. Let him paint A with watercolors with your help or on his own, if he can. Such an experience will penetrate into the very depths of the child’s consciousness and his brain will absorb this important information about the first letter of the Russian alphabet, which also begins with A.

Does your child like to look at animals: the words stork and shark would be suitable. Modern houses on the street are full of antennas, draw your child’s attention to them and he will automatically remember the letter A when he sees the antenna. There are also many inscriptions around that contain the letter A, for example, Pharmacy. Or maybe your child likes to listen to music? Then draw his attention to musical instruments on A, for example, Harp, Viola. What methods do you use to easily memorize information?

Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?

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It is important to arouse interest in the child and support him on the path of knowledge. Start learning letters as early as possible in a simple playful way. When you walk with your child, communicate, play with him, pay his attention to the letters. They surround us everywhere. Pay attention to what the letter A looks like. A stepladder, two logs and one more between them. Maybe some tree grows in the shape of a letter or something? Eiffel Tower?

It is important that the child has positive emotions while learning letters. He may be happy that mom or dad is telling him something important. Tell him how letters help people. What you can read yourself, determine what street you are on, find which cartoon to watch yourself.

Each person has several channels of information perception: auditory (hearing), visual (picture), kinesthetic (touch) and motor (scheme, algorithm). Special tests will help determine which channel of perception is more developed in each individual person. Whether this is genetically determined or formed depending on the environment surrounding the child is not yet clear. I agree with the opinion that a child can be helped to develop all channels of perception, so it is very important that he: - hears the letter; - saw an image - a picture; — touched it in the real world; - I drew it.

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word - 23 pictures

If the picture is bright, it will attract the child’s attention more and will remain in his memory forever. Take a look at our selection of pictures below.

In the magazine you will find words starting with the letter A: Lampshade, Apricot, Bus, Car, Stork, Watercolor, Aquarium, Acrobats, Actor, Actress, Shark, Alphabet, Album, Pineapple, Angel, Antenna, Orange, Pharmacy, Watermelon, Arena, Harp , Astra, Asphalt.

Flip through the magazine and study words starting with the letter A.

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Pictures for coloring the letter A

Creative work with them will help you remember the letters even better. If the child can color the letters himself, he will remember them better. Print out the finished stencils and color the letter A with your child!

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy to older preschoolers “Sound [a] and letter A”

Lesson notes

“The sound [a] and the letter A”

for older children


introduce children to the letter A, which denotes the vowel sound [a];

characterize the sound, consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound a


clarify the pronunciation of the sound [a];

teach children to distinguish the sound [a] from a number of other vowel sounds;

develop phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

Progress of the lesson


Guys, today the doll Anya came to visit us. She has prepared an interesting task for you. Look at the pictures and name them. (Children's answers).

Tell me what is the first sound we hear in all these words.

- That's right, the sound [a] is heard.

Children: They all start with the sound [A]

Educator: Let's all pronounce the sound [A] together (the teacher puts up a picture of the sound being pronounced) with the mouth open wide.

This sound is sung, and when we pronounce it in our mouth, we don’t feel any obstruction, which means it’s a vowel - repeat. We denote vowel sounds in red (red circle). The sound [A] is indicated by the letter A. (The letter A is set).

Development of articulatory motor skills.

- And to make it easier for us to speak, let's stretch our tongue and lips.

  • lip exercises: smile – fence – proboscis
  • exercises for the tongue: “delicious jam”, “watch”, “swing”.

- Now let's play. Let's pronounce the sound [a] silently, just with our lips - in a whisper - quietly - loudly. For this, the Anya doll prepared magic circles. If it shows a red circle, then you will pronounce the sound [a] loudly, blue - quietly, green - in a whisper, and if white - silently.

And the sound can be pronounced for a long time, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (the teacher pronounces the sound and moves the pointer along the path and pronounces the sound for a long time), or it can be pronounced briefly. A. (the teacher pronounces the sound and moves the pointer along the path and pronounces the sound briefly).

Game “Find out by sound”


- Now get your palms ready. You need to clap your hands when you hear the sound [A]. Be careful, let's start the game:

  • A, U, I, M, O, A, S, E
  • SA, KU, PY, SO, DI; AS, OS, UM, US, AP
  • garden, tree, crayfish, juice, tap, braid, meat, candy.

Physical education minute

Hands up and into a fist,

Hands down and on your side

We'll sit down and say wow

We'll stand up and say, ah-ah-ah

It's time for us to get down to business. (repeat 2 times).


Guys, I already said that the sound [A] is indicated by the letter A. (show the letter A)

Save it!!! We hear and pronounce the sound, and we see and write the letter.

Look how I write it. (The teacher writes a letter on the board) and says: shelf, stick and line - the result is the letter A.

Work in notebooks.

We write the printed letter A, and draw a circle next to it with a red felt-tip pen.

Entertaining exercises “Sound A”


  1. Look at the pictures. Tell me what is written on them.

  1. Repeat the words after me loudly



What sound do we start pronouncing these words with?! From the sound A, that's right!

  1. Try to stretch your lips forward into a oo-narrow tube and say A-A-A-A. Does not work?! What do you want to do? Open your mouth wide! Now, with your mouth wide open, try to say U-U-U-U. It doesn’t work either?! You need to fold your lips into a narrow tube!

Let's do what we need to do to pronounce each of these sounds:

  • Let's open our mouth wide - A-A-A-A;
  • Let's stretch our lips into a narrow tube - O-U-U-U.

I will silently show you what lips look like with the sound A and the sound U, and you guess and pronounce these sounds loudly.

  1. I will pronounce various sounds, and you repeat after me only the sound A


A U O U A A O U.

I will continuously draw sounds one after another, and you pronounce the sound A with me when you hear it.


  1. Repeat after me only those words that begin with the sound A:

Olya, Alya, Asya, Osya, Inna, Anna, arch, urn, island, aster, aces, wasps, duck, attack, pharmacy, optics.

  1. Find fruits in the picture whose names begin with the sound A

(quince, pear, avocado, orange, pineapple, apricot, apple, peach, tangerine, watermelon)

  1. Have you ever seen the host of a TV show open his mouth, but no sound can be heard, the sound disappears - the TV is not working well?! It also happens that only “pieces”, “remnants” of words are heard.

Let's play a game:

I will pronounce words with the “missing” sound, and you will “fix the TV” and pronounce the word in full.


  1. And in these words the last sound disappeared! Say the word completely, so that the sound at the end of the word is clearly heard



  1. Someone was in the garden, bit off and swallowed a piece of carrot, onion, radish... And the guys who speak quickly, “swallow” the endings of words, say CARROTS instead of CARROTS.

I’ll show you how these guys speak, and you pronounce the word correctly and name the sound that I “swallowed.”



  1. Name the first sound in the word


Name the last sound in the word.

The duration of the last sound should be slightly increased so that children can feel the difference in the articulation and sound of the preceding consonant and the following vowel.



  1. Where is the sound A in words?



  1. There are a lot of words in which the sound A is not at the beginning, not at the end, but is hidden in the middle of the word. Repeat after me only those words in which you hear the sound A.



  1. Complete the sentence with a word with the sound A.

Driving along the road….(BUS, CAR)

Swims in the ocean....(SHARK)

.....(ASTERS, ACACIA) bloomed in the garden

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