Sound and letter Methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)

Tasks for learning the letters I, J for preschoolers and 1st grade students.

Let's start with, perhaps, the most favorite task of all children - find all the letters I, Y (5 letters I and 5 letters Y). You can draw children's attention to:

  • coloring book image - a lot of toys, thereby working on the lexical topic: “Toys”;
  • ask to highlight the first sound in the word “toys”;
  • name all the toys that are in the pictures;
  • give the boy a name starting with the sound I (Ivan, Igor, Ilya);
  • make sentences based on the picture.

Sound and letter And the first acquaintance for preschoolers.

First, children look at the pictures, then identify the first sound in the words: Indian, needle, turkey, willow, hut. In the center of the sheet is a graphic representation of the sound - letter I.

Source: Natalya Tkachenko “We learn to read from the age of 2. ABC, primer, copybook"

Introducing the letter I, J in pictures - toys, yogurt, watering can, peach, raisin, teapot, parrot, caviar, kiwi, T-shirt.

Y. Fisher “Workbook No. 5 for children 4-5 years old “Letters”

Continue the sentence

Out of stubbornness, he won’t advance a single step... (donkey).

I will be a master like our uncle Evdokim: Making chairs and tables, Painting doors and floors. In the meantime, for sister Tanya, I myself make... (toys).

She will never agree to lie there uselessly. Who knows the craftswoman Zealous... (needle)?

A thin thread was threaded through the narrow peephole and quickly swam after the boat. He sews, sews up and injects sharply. And they call it a boat... (needle).

Not prickly. Light blue, hung in the bushes... (frost).

How boring it is - For a hundred years without moving, looking into the water at your reflection. The branches hung from the cliff. So sad... (willow).

Letters I, J for preschoolers (tasks for 2 sheets)

  • Task 1. Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.
  • Task 2. Find the hidden letters I and Y. Circle them (development of letter gnosis, attention).
  • Task 3. The letters are hidden, name them.
  • Task 4. Identify the letters in the wrong position.
  • Task 5. Color the cubes in which the letters I and Y are written correctly.
  • Task 6. The letters are broken, fix them. We need to fill in the missing elements.
  • Task 7. There are letters written on the turkeys, find the letters I, Y.
  • Task 8. Write the letters I, Y. Trace the dots of capital printed letters.

Source: O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodova “Tables for teaching reading”

This manual is suitable for teaching reading to very young children. The tasks are simple and accessible. Red text is intended to be read by adults. The exercises are ideal for preparing for school.

Source: Valeria Ivleva “Steps to reading”

Funny poems about the letter I for children

To the turkey And the best friend will honestly say: - You are a turkey! (B. Zakhoder)

The turkeys met near the willow: “Look, how beautiful you and I are!” (B. Timofeev)

- Willow, my willow! Who, tell me, are your friends? - The sun caresses me, the wind braids my hair. (G. Vieru)

Needle and thread - Big friends. Look, what stitches turned out! Wonder! (E. Blaginina)

The turkey is coming from the city, bringing a new toy. This is not a simple toy - a painted turkey. (G. Satir)

Take care of your toys! A truck without wheels! The hedgehog's nose is unglued! The chickens have turned black! And cotton wool is coming out of the doll! There were new toys, but now they are old ladies. Let's quickly take needles and glue, threads, spools and fix the toys. And the kids will thank us from the bottom of their hearts for this. (E. Uspensky)

Everyone knows the puffed up turkey. But they are hardly friends with him. Don’t put on airs so that they don’t call you a turkey. (Ya. Akim)

Copybook with letter I

Draw worms for the important turkey.

Write block letters I

Color the toys that have the sound I .

Copywriting work with the letters I, Y.

We start with shading according to the pattern, printing lowercase and capital letters. Then we move on to writing capital letters. We are also looking for the letter I among a number of other letters.

Copybook with lowercase and capital letters I, Y.

Writing with capital letter I

Copybook with lowercase letter I

Cursive writing with capital letter Y

Copybook with lowercase letter Y


Work is being done on sound-letter analysis, highlighting the vowel I at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Author of the manual: Kosenko Yu. A. “Learning to read and write”

Source: N.Yu. Kostyleva “200 entertaining exercises with letters and sounds for children 5-6 years old”

Speech therapy work in a group on sound begins with articulation and finger exercises, determining the presence of the sound [I] and its place in words. Work continues on the prosodic side of speech, memorizing the graphic image of the letter I, based on all channels of perception (visual, auditory, motor). The work ends with reading the learned letters and writing them.

Vilena Konovalenko “We write and read. Notebook No. 1. Teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age"

Tale about the letter I

Indian Emerald Eye

In July, Igorek came to his grandmother in the village. In the morning he came out of the hut with a beautiful toy bow and saw a girl playing in the yard.

- What is your name? - asked Igor. - Irina. And you? - Indian Emerald Eye! - Igor said proudly. - Do you want to be an Indian? - You should speak not like an Indian, but like an Indian. - No, turkey! - Then you will be a turkey!

Igorek thought and said:

- OK. You hide, and I will look for you.

Igorek goes looking, but Irinka is nowhere to be found. It's like she disappeared! He walked up to the fence, parted the grass with his hands and shouted:

- Oh-oh-oh-oh! - and run. And Irina followed him: “Oh, you Indian!” Nettle was scared! And also the Emerald Eye!

(G. Yudin)

Sound I, letter I. Tasks for first graders

Great tasks that include the development of graphomotor skills, sound-letter analysis, enrichment of vocabulary on the topic “Mushrooms”, work with graphic images of words, sentences, memory development (memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table), development of attention (traversing a maze, searching for identical letters).

Compiled by: Koptik S.A. “Workbook of speech therapy classes for 1st grade students”

Labyrinth in the form of the letter And see here

Coloring book and first copybook with block letters I, Y

Coloring page with letter I

The child colors the letters I and the objects that are depicted on the sheet. If children are familiar with the concepts of “vowel - consonant sound,” then it is advisable to color the letter in red. Then we color the squares with a red pencil, determining the position of the sound I in the words.

Coloring page with letter Y

Tasks with the letter ATasks with the letter YTasks with the letter M
Learning the letter "B"Learning the letter "B"Learning the letter b, b
Tasks with the letter OTasks with the letter ULearning the letter P

Riddles for children starting with the letter I

I am small in stature, thin and sharp, looking for a path for myself with my nose. I'm dragging my tail behind me. (Needle and thread)

Hot, sultry, stuffy day. Even chickens seek shade. The mowing of bread has begun, the time for berries and mushrooms. Its days are the peak of summer. What month is this, tell me? (July)

She dropped her curls into the river and became sad about something, but what she is sad about doesn’t tell anyone. (Willow) She sews everything in the world, What she sews, she doesn’t put on. (Needle)

And not snow, and not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

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