Sound [U] and letter Methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)

Purpose of the lesson: study the letter U, develop reading skills, develop speech skills, improve phonemic awareness, and the basics of elementary graphic skills.


  • introduce the preschooler to the letter U and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter U in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:





Ask what sound the words begin with - the names of the pictures? To pronounce [U], you need to make a tube with your lips, open your mouth slightly and “turn on” your voice. Repeat: UUU

Do your teeth, lips or tongue prevent air from coming out of your mouth freely? (No, they don’t interfere.)

Close eyes. What do you hear? (Traffic noise, music, etc.) We hear different sounds. Close your eyes again and listen: Aah, Uuu... These are also sounds - the sounds of human speech. Sounds make up the words we use to speak.

AAA is a sound, AIST is a word. UUU is a sound, DUCK is a word. Please remember: we hear sounds, we pronounce them. You can use letters to write down speech sounds and words. We see letters, we write them, we read them.

A preschooler will be able to distinguish between the concepts of sound, letter, and word gradually, as a result of constant repetition over a long time.

Assignment: printed letter U for preschoolers

Draw the sticks carefully along the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line. If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.


Getting to know the sound "U"

First of all, it is necessary to explain the difference between a sound and a letter. Sound is something that we can hear and pronounce, and letters represent the sounds of speech; we see them and write them.

Getting to know sound begins with awareness of articulation and studying the graphical representation of the sound profile.

Features of articulation: lips are tube-shaped and extended as far forward as possible. The back of the tongue is raised, the tongue moves away from the lower teeth. The vocal cords are working, the throat is trembling. The air is exhaled without obstruction. To better understand the articulation and reproduction of the “U” sound, invite your child to place his hand on his throat, he will feel a slight vibration of the ligaments.

Then the child learns to correctly reproduce the sound using articulation. If he doesn’t succeed right away, offer to look at the profile and repeat.

Sound pronunciation is inextricably linked with phonemic perception. Therefore, further exercises are performed to isolate sounds by ear in different parts of the word, from a group of other vowels. Vowels are more difficult to distinguish than consonants. You need to start with simple tasks: Say a chain of sounds, hearing the sound “U”, the baby should clap his hands.

Gradually complicate the task: say syllables, words. First, select words for children with the sound “U” at the beginning of the word, then at the end and in the middle. Explain what the sound pattern of a word is and what colors represent each sound. As a result, children should be able to determine the number of sounds in a word.

At the end, the designation of a sound by a letter is studied and its visual image is formed.

Continue the sentence

I will say without bragging: I will make all my friends younger! They come to me sad - With wrinkles, with folds, They leave very nice, Cheerful and smooth! So, I am a reliable friend - Electric... (iron).

He floats on the sheet, like a boat on a wave. He is a good friend to housewives. Electric... (iron).

Autumn has arrived, and snowstorms are coming. And with a farewell cry the Birds... (flew away).

The long-awaited call was given - It's over... (lesson).

Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning? … (Student.)

All the guys from the yard shout to the painters: ... (hurray)

Tale about the letter U

About a little spider On the shore of a pond in the dill there lived a little, little spider, who was afraid of flies more than anything else in the world. All the beetles, snails, snakes, frogs, ducklings and even the flies themselves laughed at him, and his brothers, the big spiders, scolded him and called him a quitter.

“I need to prove to everyone that I’m not a quitter,” decided the little spider.

And one night he picked a large bouquet of red poppies and painted all the cobwebs in the garden with them.

“The brothers will be happy in the morning,” thought the contented spider, “it’s so beautiful—the red web!”

But alas! The next morning, the evil, despicable big spiders, swearing terribly, washed their webs. The flies immediately noticed the red nets, and none of them were caught.

And the little spider was so scared that it ran far, far away. And now no one knows where he lives...

(G. Yudin)

Let's summarize: analogues of Russian |у|

  1. Long sound | u: | in contrast to ours, it is a diphthongoid (the speech apparatus slightly changes its position during pronunciation): the tongue moves backward and upward in the oral cavity. The lips are initially rounded and, as the tongue moves, they become even more rounded. But don't stick out forward!
  2. Brief sound | ʊ | is also very different from ours. First, the tongue needs to be moved forward and lowered slightly. Secondly, the rounding of the lips is more reminiscent of the position for our | o |, but the mouth is not open so wide, the lips hardly move forward. The sound needs to be given the “shade” of our | s |.
  3. Diphthong | ʊǝ | is an indivisible combination of a strong syllabic sound | ʊ | and weak | ǝ|. This sound is not very common in English.

Riddles for children starting with the letter U

Two antennas on the top of her head, And she sits in a hut, She carries it on herself, She crawls very slowly. (Snail)

Horns came out onto the path. You won't butt? I touched them a little, the horns hid again. (Snail)

Along the river, along the water, a string of boats floats. The ship is ahead, leading everyone behind it! (Duck with ducklings)

What is it with Galochka? A thread on a stick, A stick in your hand, And a thread in the river. (Fishing rod)

Amazing child! Just out of diapers, he can swim and dive, like his own mother. (Duckling)

Across the linen country, Along the Sheet River The steamer floats back and forth, And behind it is such a smooth surface - Not a wrinkle can be seen. (Iron)

Recommendations for activities

  1. There is no point in starting to learn the alphabet before the age of 4; before this age, children are not ready to learn psychologically; their speech apparatus is poorly developed. Preschoolers perceive information more easily and are more assiduous.
  2. Teachers recommend starting training with those sounds that are formed earlier, these are vowels: a, u, e, i, o. Then you can switch to vowels consisting of two sounds: e, e, yu, i.
  3. For learning, use visual methods: pictures, objects.
  4. During classes, alternate auditory, visual, and tactile activities.
  5. When learning a new letter, ask them to think of as many words as possible with that sound, or ask them to find objects in the room that begin with the sound.

Poems about the letter U for children

The snail asks the Duck: Throw a fishing rod into the river. The duck threw it in and took out the bleak fish. (G. Satir)

Like a snail before bed, it’s boring in your house! He tries to invent a fairy tale, but it turns out to be a sad fairy tale. (G. Vieru)

Snail-snail, You walk briskly: It will take you four days to crawl from the gate to me. (Ya. Akim)

By the pond, a baby duckling calls out to the mother duck in fear: “Oh, I’m afraid! If a midge bites, help me escape." (F. Bobylev)

In all honesty I will say: I feel bad, I feel bad, I LOVE, I look very disgusting... But I’m not poisonous! (B. Zakhoder)

Amazing people - A bird named hoopoe. Not cut, not combed. A red tuft sticks out above the nose - The whole hairstyle is hanging, Feathers even on the nose. The hairdresser, apparently, does not work in the forest. (A. Pudval)

The bell rang and stopped. The lesson begins. We sat down at our desks together and looked at the board, and quickly opened the Twenty-nine ABC books. We learned the letter A, We learned the letter U. The kids shout UA. We are screaming AU in the forest. From the letter A - watermelon and stork (We tried to remember). Starting with the letter U, guys. An ear, a fishing rod, ducklings... This is what the first grade learned for the first time. (L. Demyanov)

The lion tamer will surprise the students: She tames the lion and the lioness, and is as afraid of mice as she is! (V. Berestov)

The teacher is in my briefcase! Who? It can not be! Really? Take a look, please! He is here. It's called a textbook. (V. Berestov)

The student learned his lessons - His cheeks were stained with ink. (S. Marshak)

At the edge of the forest, two old ladies took milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms. Owl: - Wow! Owl: - Wow! The old women's spirits froze. Creepy! (E. Blaginina)

Collocations (341)

  • and therefore
  • uselessly
  • incessantly
  • eyesore
  • thanks to
  • thanks to
  • whereby
  • thereby
  • closer to the point
  • congenial
  • close to heart
  • sick all over
  • I won't do it again
  • touching one's soul
  • was on point
  • in mind
  • top ten
  • a curiosity
  • catch up
  • in a circle
  • in harmony
  • for the better
  • in moderation
  • new
  • sticky
  • hugging
  • by oneself
  • in one row
  • the basis
  • into a bastard
  • in defiance
  • in full force
  • in favor
  • on time
  • in addition
  • last year
  • in a row
  • to the point
  • in your favor
  • on Wednesday
  • by virtue of
  • to the side
  • to the point
  • exactly
  • for the sake of
  • in use
  • as a joke
  • this year
  • anywhere and everywhere
  • carry out work
  • got into my head
  • Make a note
  • get into the soul
  • contributed
  • contribute
  • that's why
  • enforceable
  • comes into force
  • come into force
  • entry into force
  • bring to clean water
  • to perform the task
  • do the job
  • I'm telling the truth
  • Cook food
  • warming the soul
  • yah
  • give an assessment
  • call girl
  • afloat
  • to death
  • till I drop
  • dear to my heart
  • each other
  • to each other
  • soul to soul
  • soul wide open
  • lives on a yellow ticket
  • as a basis
  • make amends
  • set the heat
  • knows his worth
  • is beneficial
  • kiss my ass
  • go to hell
  • keep pace
  • going to meeting
  • follow the lead
  • going to meeting
  • from side to side
  • meaning
  • meaning
  • that is why
  • keep in mind
  • low priced
  • I mean
  • atone for guilt
  • by the end
  • to your face
  • for the better
  • in place
  • to the moment
  • For example
  • by the way
  • besides
  • for what
  • to hell
  • to the number
  • to that
  • like an eyesore
  • in good spirits
  • like clockwork
  • as written
  • like a carbon copy
  • out of the blue
  • as soon as possible
  • like Tuzik using a heating pad
  • to all other
  • nosebleed
  • a lot of people
  • formed the basis
  • formed the basis
  • chilling
  • Let's go
  • face to face
  • break your hat
  • dear to the heart
  • dear to my heart
  • in sight
  • to the fullest
  • on a live thread
  • on a note
  • at every step
  • at stake
  • on the fly
  • On the nose
  • with distinction
  • for a couple
  • for the future
  • in fact
  • to the fullest
  • for good
  • for fun
  • on hand
  • on fish fur
  • with a fresh mind
  • for a second
  • hastily
  • to the glory
  • by ear
  • for changing
  • for good luck
  • for free
  • on the run
  • on the ball
  • on a grand scale
  • set one's teeth on edge
  • stuffed to the brim
  • fill to the top
  • writing articles on a given topic
  • get started
  • I won't
  • off topic
  • I do not see
  • I don't care about fat, I wish I was alive
  • not becoming
  • out of place
  • no rush
  • out of place
  • I can not
  • in earnest
  • don't lose the office
  • without taking a breath
  • wrong address
  • not to my taste
  • it is too expensive
  • not to my liking
  • not to my liking
  • not up to par
  • not for real
  • I can't do it
  • didn't lead to anything good
  • I will not say
  • I can not
  • without asking the ford
  • not right away
  • Don't want
  • small in age
  • dishonest
  • dishonest
  • neither to the village nor to the city
  • to nothing
  • no way in hell
  • not one iota
  • not for a minute
  • never
  • neither a word nor a breath
  • knife in the back
  • nose to nose
  • well well
  • win a victory
  • one to one
  • One minute
  • disservice
  • beg
  • headlong
  • crossed the border
  • spit in the soul
  • shoulder to shoulder
  • shoulder to shoulder
  • plus everything
  • do not care
  • by pull
  • by and large
  • by appearance
  • taste
  • on the issue
  • Worldwide
  • on business
  • deservedly
  • in law
  • as a result
  • for fun
  • affordable
  • according to which
  • round
  • to the maximum
  • local
  • to your liking
  • according to the model
  • as a general rule
  • one by one
  • according to plan
  • on the shoulder
  • about
  • in order
  • by right
  • predominantly
  • for fun
  • according to principle
  • in a row
  • by secret
  • according to my heart
  • within the meaning of
  • at the same time
  • Next door
  • essentially
  • type
  • on the other side
  • in fact
  • I don't care
  • the nature
  • along the way
  • fuck it
  • That's why
  • on this occasion
  • under a hot hand
  • to capacity
  • within the power
  • antique
  • raise the bar
  • like that
  • in trouble
  • get into trouble
  • insofar as
  • led to this
  • leads to
  • recruitment
  • come to conclusion
  • have a finger in the pie
  • give benefit
  • took to heart
  • benefits
  • be useful
  • beneficial
  • came to the conclusion
  • to one's taste
  • has concluded
  • came to the conclusion
  • came to mind
  • lend a hand
  • drunk as hell
  • work from home
  • excellent work
  • nice to meet you
  • nice to meet
  • rolled out my lip
  • solve the problem of
  • hand in hand
  • in appearance
  • at any moment
  • upside down
  • piping hot
  • on a grand scale
  • right away
  • soft-boiled boots
  • confused
  • drop from the clouds
  • minimize
  • boils down to this
  • yours on the board
  • make a career
  • stuck in a puddle
  • seven spans in the forehead
  • seven spans in the forehead
  • middle half
  • this minute
  • through the prism
  • God bless
  • should be kept in mind
  • headlong
  • no sleep in either eye
  • blew the roof off
  • Whereby
  • according to this
  • appropriate to the moment
  • striving for the best
  • The pursuit of excellence
  • striving for excellence
  • one size fits all
  • cut with one brush
  • as it appears
  • grasped on the fly
  • catches on the fly
  • neck to neck
  • I have no idea
  • lapsed
  • some bread
  • through the ass
  • through the stump deck
  • through the stump-deck
  • through the prism
  • through force
  • black and white
  • what's in the forehead, what's on the forehead
  • what is in the spirit
  • I do what I want
  • followed the lead
  • I can not
  • I'm glad about this
  • I want

On this page you can find the most popular words ending with "u" (at the end of the word - U). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing U.

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