From experience working with non-speaking children - advice from a speech therapist

Working with parents

Working with non-verbal children begins with their parents. And they have different attitudes to this situation. Some do not see a problem in the fact that a child of 2.5 years is silent... Indeed, many children begin to speak after 2.5-3 years. But such a delay in itself should already alert you: it means that there are some, albeit minimal, changes in development.

Other parents, on the contrary, read a lot, look for a way out of the situation, but, strictly following the advice, cannot or do not want to admit that all children have different starting opportunities, and are surprised: I do everything as recommended: I don’t babysit, I speak in full words , I read a lot, I put on audio cassettes to listen to. And he is still silent. Such parents have to explain that they are rewarding their child with backbreaking work. Yes, one baby will stand on his feet and easily stomp on his own, without outside help, while the other will walk along the wall for a long time, and he will have to specially shape and correct his gait. It's the same with speech. If a parent sees that a child is not coping, he should help him and make the task easier. Some people are sincerely surprised by the advice to use onomatopoeia, babbling words kuk-ku, bi-bi, bye-bye when communicating with a child: “What are you talking about, we did this when he was a year old, now we only say “car, towel.”

Speech therapist advice

Speech therapist teacher at MBDOU "Cherry" - Sedik Alena Vasilievna

“Why does your child speak poorly? What to do"

“How to organize speech therapy classes at home”

October, 2021 teacher-speech therapist Sedik A.V.

What to do if a child speaks poorly at 4-6 years old? There are several basic conditions for the correct and timely development of speech:

  • Talk to the baby. This is the most important point. Children learn by adopting, so they need role models. In a family, it is important to talk and communicate a lot with the child. It is a well-known fact that if a child grows up in a deaf-mute family, then even if he has no pathology, he will not begin to talk, since there is simply no one to teach him. Gesture and facial expressions will be his ways of expressing thoughts, speech skills will not be formed (this is provided that the baby does not attend children's groups). Experts advise saying out loud all the actions that an adult performs together with his son or daughter. And, even if it seems that the child does not understand anything and does not answer, then this still needs to be done. The baby hears speech, remembers and learns.
  • Fill the life of a little person with impressions and emotions, organize his leisure time. This is the main task. If he sits without seeing the interesting and alluring world around him, the child will speak much later, his vocabulary will be more meager. Therefore, it is necessary to organize joint walks to a new place, trips to parks, museums, interesting playgrounds, and enroll in a club.
  • Create a comfortable psychological atmosphere in the family. Family is a child’s cultural niche and the best means for his development. If there are constant scandals in the house and profanity is used, then the child’s emotional and, accordingly, speech development will suffer.

“How to teach a child to do articulation gymnastics in a fun and effective way”

Consultation for parents from a speech therapist teacher September, 2021

When performing exercises, under no circumstances should the baby be forced to hold the position of his lips or tongue by force. Negative emotions will not do any good.

The best thing that can be: it's a GAME! Your child will perceive gaming tasks with joy and then he himself will ask you to play with him again.

Have a competition: whose tongue is longer?

— Who can make the “Cup from the Tongue” deeper — “Who can hold the straw on the tongue longer without moving?...

— Whose “Mushroom” looks more like the real one?

— How to “play football with your tongue”

— Or how to put a “little man on the tip of a tongue and ride him on a “Swing”….

Etc...The scope for imagination is endless. Practice together, invent, create joy and your baby, without noticing that he is seriously studying, will strengthen his articulatory apparatus, which will certainly lead to improved sound pronunciation and clear speech!

Consultation for parents: teacher-speech therapist Sedik A.V. March, 2021


Practical advice for parents on the topic: “BE YOURSELF A Speech Pathologist”

It is a well-known fact that the intellectual development of a child directly depends on his speech. The sooner and more clearly the child begins to pronounce sounds and words, put words into phrases and sentences, the more actively his brain and intellectual abilities will develop. No matter how trivial it may sound, it is necessary to develop a child’s speech from infancy. How to do it?

Rule #1: Communicate from the cradle! Talk to your baby as often as you can, from the very first days of his life. Even if he is only one month old! Sing songs, comment with words on yours and his actions, for example, when changing clothes, bathing, walking... Then - more: nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales, talk out loud with the child, consult with him. By the age of two or three, it was already possible to fully communicate with them.

Rule No. 2: Don't babysit When communicating with a child, don't babysit him! Even if he is just a little one. I mean distorting words, sort of imitating the speech of children.

Rule No. 3: Wean off incorrect words, even if they are funny... Correct your child if he pronounces words incorrectly, do it carefully. Yes, words are often funny, sometimes the whole family uses them jokingly (“kapet” instead of package, “koklet” instead of cutlet). Every mother has a whole list of such children's words... But there is absolutely no need to allow incorrect words to become fixed in speech.

Rule No. 4: Do fun exercises for your speech apparatus! Train your mouth muscles. It sounds scary, but in fact we are talking about the work of the muscles of the tongue, lips, and cheeks. While the child is very small, teach him to convey the sounds that different animals and birds make: moo-oo, croak, quack-quack, woof-woof, meow, ko-ko, oink-oink, pee-pee, bee -e, me-e-e, chiv-chiv, ku-ka-re-ku and so on. These short syllables are varied and rich in facial expressions and phonetics. Allow your child to sometimes make a face at home: reach the tip of the tongue with the tip of the nose, puff out the cheeks, make the tongue a tube or cup, stretch the lips forward so that a pencil is held on the upper lip... Teach the child to click, whistle, click, blow long and intermittently... If If your child can imitate how a horse clicks or a blackbird clicks with different rhythms and volumes, then you may not need the services of a speech therapist.

Sometimes you can arrange holidays of disobedience during a home tea party and allow what is usually prohibited at the table! For example, licking jam or condensed milk from a saucer with your tongue. This is a great tongue exercise.

You can “clean” your teeth with your tongue by running over the teeth from the outside and inside. You can count the teeth by touching each tooth in turn with your tongue. It is the flexibility of the tongue, the elasticity of the frenulum - the bridge under the tongue - that allows us to clearly and distinctly pronounce sounds. My daughter, for example, learned to say the sound “r” herself when she and I came up with the phrase: “The rabbits were roller-skating around the yard...”. And the son learned to say the letter “r” because his name is “Mark Alekseevich”, and by the age of 2 he was already clearly telling the fairy tale “Kolobok”. In the phrase “It’s easy to get away from you, fox,” there is a very successful combination of the letter “r” in the word “uncomplicated.” The main thing is not to be indifferent to the sound and speech culture of your children, to activate them and take an active part in the development of speech.

Rule #5: Learn sounds and letters before school! A child needs to learn to clearly pronounce sounds and letters before school. This is important because at school children begin to study phonetics - the science of sounds. And it is simply impossible to study sounds if these sounds are pronounced incorrectly. If the sounds still don’t arise on their own, then it’s better to contact a speech therapist, he will definitely help. And then, instead of the word “fish”, your child will not answer “herring”!


teacher-speech therapist Sedik A.V. February, 2021

A child may not be able to remember the graphic image of a letter and correlate it with the corresponding sound, which causes difficulties in reading and writing. In order for the child to firmly grasp the visual image of the letter , you can use various techniques, games and exercises:

• Naming the letter . Children become familiar with the fact that sound can be denoted graphically, i.e. by the letter . We call the letters briefly (not “be”, but “b”), and show a black and white printed version.

• We read and memorize poems about letters (There is a hollow in an old tree - well, just like the letter “O”; “T” turned into an antenna and ended up on the roof).

• Drawing on the topic “What does a letter ” (read about this alphabet, for example V. Stepanov, S. Marshak, G. Viera).

• After analyzing the letter the letter consists of , how these elements are located in space, you can use counting sticks, ropes, chains, matches, beans to lay out this letter .

• Tactile recognition of letters created from velvet and sandpaper. • “Wonderful bag” - the child identifies plastic (metal, cardboard) letters .

• Tracing letters using a stencil or template; cutting out letters with scissors ; modeling from plasticine.

• Cutting off the letter along the contour .

• Writing letters using semolina , on sand.

• Creating letters from rubber bands in the game “Geometric”.

Using the “Dermolexia” technique, when the teacher draws the child’s back or palm : “What letter did I write ?”

• “Which letter is missing ” - a series of letters , starting with 3-4, the teacher asks him to remember in what sequence they are located. The child closes his eyes, and the teacher removes one.

• Recognizing a letter from verbal instructions - “This letter is oval-shaped ”, “This letter consists of two lines crossed at an angle”, etc.

• Find a letter among others (without overlapping and overlapping). Trace the letter with a red or blue pencil.

• Game " The letter is broken . " Complete the missing elements of the letter .

• Reconstruction of letters . For example: from the letter “P” you can make the letter “H” by moving one stick.

• Recognition of letters written in different fonts.

• Game "Keeping Eyes". Crossing out a given letter from the text .

As a result of such games, children improve visual attention, perception and memory , develop creative abilities, awaken interest in the process of reading and writing, and relieve emotional stress and anxiety.

How to read and listen to books correctly

The role of literature in the development of coherent speech in children

Speech therapist Sedik A.V., January, 2021

Literature for children is not only a source of joy, but also a source of comprehensive education and speech development. It introduces children to the world around them, enriching children's ideas about human relationships, good and evil, truth and justice. But love for books and the ability to use the acquired knowledge in life do not come to a child on their own. In preschool years, a child is an active listener, and his path to a book lies through adults. Reading together can be fun, entertaining, thoughtful, serious, and with skillful selection, the book has a profound educational effect on the child. Literature for children has its own characteristics, and parents should understand this. The age at which children become interested in books varies from 5-6 months to 1 year. Children aged 8 months to 2-2.5 years can listen to reading for 5-20 minutes, from 2.5 to 3 years old, usually 1 hour or more. For some children, when reading a book, it is not important to see pictures. It is important to listen to the text. “Recognition” of images in many children occurs only after 1 year - 1 year 2 months, and then words, the source of which are books, begin to appear in their vocabulary. At this stage, “didactic” books – a collection of pictures – are relevant for children. Looking at and commenting on pictures in a book, together with an adult or independently, is a special type of “reading” that is significant for a young child. By the age of 2, quotes from favorite books appear in children’s speech, as well as words and expressions that the child encounters only in fairy tales and poems: once upon a time, prowling, quiet, sideways, roar. At this age, children remember many poems and insert appropriate phrases when communicating. Reading teaches children to hear, understand and use artistic language. The fifth year of life is very favorable for the development of a sense of language, but for this, an adult needs to highlight figuratively vivid words and phrases when reading, and speak them with the child. When reading books to children, it is necessary to teach them to compare, identify common and different characteristics in the characters of one work of art, and also compare the appearance of characters and their actions from two different works. When comparing, for example, fairy tales, you need to draw children's attention to what they have in common: good fights evil and always wins; The heroes face great challenges; There are fantastic characters in the fairy tale. The role of a fairy tale is to provide images in which children’s feelings are expressed and nourished. Observations show that for children, words have a deep and mysterious connection with the things whose names they are. A child’s favorite fairy tale is the one whose plot is closest to the world of his inner experiences. After five years, when a child has a fairly large stock of knowledge about the world around him, he begins to invent and compose with pleasure, showing creativity. A good book is a source of joyful experiences for children and has a huge impact on their mental and speech development. It is necessary for all adults to set themselves the task of teaching children to take care of books, to explain to them that a book is a source of knowledge, the result of the work of many people.

Consultation for parents: teacher-speech therapist Sedik A.V.



Do articulatory exercises with your child every day, this will help you identify all problematic sounds faster and more effectively. Your baby's speech will become clearer and more beautiful!

Parenting Advice No. 1:

“Wait five years or go to a speech therapist earlier”

Many parents think that they need to go to a speech therapist only when there is no sound [R] or they have to wait 3 or 5 years to make an appointment for a consultation. This is wrong! I would like to dispel this myth, since the child’s precious time is wasted, which would speed up the process of speech correction. There are times when parents seek help too late. As a result, the child goes to a specialized school...

?From 0 to 1 year - At this age, it is worth contacting a speech therapist if the child does not gurgle/babble, there are no first words, or, in principle, something confuses you. Yes, and it won’t hurt for prevention. What is needed here is not classes, but consultations on what and how to do for mom! To be fair, it is worth noting that only a small part of speech therapists work with such children.

? From 2 to 3 years old - It is worth urgently contacting a speech therapist if the baby is silent, “speaks his own” language, does not understand you or you do not understand him, if there are only a couple of conscious words (or even 20) - TO A Speech Therapist. There should be no grammatical errors in the child’s speech - “red bag, etc.” If a child has a lot of words - but no phrases - URGENTLY see a speech therapist.

?3-6 years - Run to a speech therapist if there are problems with coherent speech, poor vocabulary, grammatical errors (mom came, beautiful house), problems with sound pronunciation. If a child pronounces a sound incorrectly (lisps, lisps), substitutes, speaks in a manner that is incomprehensible, confuses syllables - show it to a Speech Therapist. The specialist will tell you whether it is age-related or a speech disorder.

?6-9 years old - If a child makes “stupid mistakes” when writing - writes letters upside down, skips letters, writes the text in one sentence, makes mistakes like “daddy, sayaz” - QUICKLY TO A Speech Therapist, this can be corrected, but only to a certain extent age. Many errors can occur at 1 year and at 5 years. If your baby has any of the following, show it to a speech therapist before it’s too late:

1. The baby does not understand speech; 2. Only the mother understands the baby - the others do not;

3. Speech is slurred; 4. There is no phrasal speech or it is very poor;

5. STUTTERING – go straight to a speech therapist!!! – regardless of age;

6. Voice is impaired (very quiet, hoarse, hoarse);

7. The syllabic structure of the word is broken (instead of dog it turns out to be baka);

8. There are at least some grammatical errors.

There are many speech disorders, it is impossible to describe them all briefly. And, unfortunately, many of them can only be corrected up to a certain age. So it’s better to contact a speech therapist early and hear that everything is fine, than to be so late that the situation will be irreparable.

Speech therapist Sedik A.V.

Parenting Advice No. 2:

“How and why to do articulatory gymnastics”

Why is articulation gymnastics needed?

Performing articulation exercises is useful at any age, since clear articulation is the basis of good diction . Articulation exercises for children with sound pronunciation disorders are a necessity. They prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus to produce sounds.

We correctly pronounce various sounds thanks to good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, vocal cords. Thus, producing speech sounds is a complex motor skill. Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of diverse articulatory and facial movements with his tongue, lips, and jaw. Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child’s speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the speech organs in natural conditions of life. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of the organs involved in the speech process.

How to perform articulation gymnastics?

1. Articulation gymnastics must be carried out systematically, otherwise the new skill will not be consolidated. It is advisable to exercise daily 2 times a day for 3-5 minutes (it is better that at least 1 hour has passed since the last meal). Children should not be offered more than 2-3 tasks at a time, each completed 5-6 times. Static exercises are performed for 5-7 seconds (holding an articulatory pose in one position).

2. During the execution process, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the movements; a decrease in quality is a sign of overwork, it is better to avoid this.

3. Articulation exercises must be performed in front of a mirror. The size of the mirror should be such that the child can see himself and the adult in it.

4. At the beginning of classes, exercises should be performed at a slow pace.

5. Before starting classes, it is better to introduce the child to the names of articulatory organs. It is better to conduct such an acquaintance in the form of a fairy tale. As a result, the child must learn the names of organs: teeth, lower and upper lips, palate, tongue.

6. All exercises must be performed accurately and smoothly, otherwise articulation gymnastics makes no sense.

7. Perform articulatory gymnastics slowly, counting, monitoring the accuracy, coordination of movement, and the completeness of the volume.

Speech therapist Sedik A.V.

Parenting Advice No. 3:

“Pure tongues - to increase the effectiveness of the speech therapist’s work”

Pure talk is no joke! Speech development occurs differently in all children: some quickly expand their vocabulary, the sound design of words improves, phrases become more developed, while others cannot do without additional outside help. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to pronounce clearly and correctly, as well as to hear and distinguish sounds in words.

Pure talk is a playful rhythmic speech material containing complex combinations of sounds, syllables, and words that are difficult to pronounce. Pure twisters are also called speech therapy riddles; they help children master the intonation of a question and develop their sense of rhythm.

The rhymes and rhythm of these jokes make it easier to pronounce and remember the sounds. The syllabic component of a joke - a pure talk - contributes to the formation of correct sound pronunciation and stimulates the development of auditory perception of speech. For children of primary and middle preschool age, small jokes are most suitable - pure sayings using toys and pictures.

It is important to remember that in speech play the child is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections and circumstances, and it is you who can help him in this: parents, grandparents - his very first and closest mentors and educators.

For example, when automating the sound [s], a pure phrase is used:

“Sa-sa-sa - a sly fox is coming” - “a wasp is sitting on the nose...”

1. Automation of sound, work on expressiveness and diction. -pronounced with different intonations (interrogative, exclamatory, sad...) -pronounced in a voice of different timbre (like a bear, like a mouse); - say it quietly or loudly; -pronounce at different tempos (slow or fast); -we pronounce it, changing the place of logical stress (we hit different words with a hammer).

2. Development of phonemic perception, sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Pure sayings help to attract children's attention to the sounding word, its sound and syllabic composition.

Types of tasks: - Add a syllable with a certain sound: Sy-so-sa - there is a line on paper... (sa). Su-sa-sy - the girl has two ears... (sy). Sy-su-so - the cola rolled... (so). Sa-so-su - I don’t give flowers to my mother... (su), etc. - Let's walk through the syllables: La-la-la - ost-ra-ya p-la. Cha-cha-cha - na-sha ka-sha hot-rya-cha. Sh-sche-sche-shche - in the rain we wear a raincoat, etc. - Let’s finish the pure speech (choose a word with the appropriate syllable): Sa-sa-sa - ... (porridge, goat, braid)? Sa-sa-sa - braid. Ro-ro-ro – (bucket, paddle, right)? Ro-ro-ro - bucket. Cha-cha-cha - (thickness, heap, dry land)? Cha-cha-cha - a bunch, etc. - We repeat without errors: Su-shu, sushu - I’m writing a letter. Za-zha, za-zha - the hedgehog has needles. Sha-cha, sha-cha - Tanyusha has two balls, etc. - Let’s change the sounds: “l” to “r”: Al-al-al - ball. Ar-ar-ar - bar. “sh” on “s”: Sha-sha-sha – roof. Sa-sa-sa is a rat.

3. Improving lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Based on pure proverbs, you can teach children to change the form of a word, form words, coordinate them with each other, use prepositions, make sentences and short stories.

Types of tasks: - We change the form of the word: Sa-sa-sa - here comes again... (fox). Sy-sy-sy - two ... (foxes) came running. Su-su-su - the children saw... (a fox). Soy-soy-soy - the wolf chased ... (fox). Se-se-se - there are many tales about ... (fox). Is-is-is - there are a lot of... (foxes) in the forest, etc. - We answer the question (signs, actions) in plain language: Ra-ra-ra - what kind of kids? Ra-ra-ra - cheerful, noisy, friendly kids, etc. Ra-ra-ra - what are the kids doing? Ra-ra-ra - children play, sing, dance, etc. — We select a word with a given sound (based on words-signs): Sa-sa-sa - cunning, red-haired, fluffy? Sa-sa-sa is a fox. — We answer the question in plain language (you can use diagrams, pictures): La-la-la - where is the top? La-la-la - there is a top in the table, a top on the table, a top under the table, etc. - We name words that have opposite meanings: Ra-ra-ra - high mountain. Ra-ra-ra is a low mountain. Ro-ro-ro - a full bucket. Ro-ro-ro - empty bucket, etc. - We call the words “affectionately”: Lu-lu-lu - a chair in the corner. Lu-lu-lu - a chair in the corner. Re-re-re is a spark in the fire. Re-re-re - a spark in the fire, etc.

4. We come up with a story based on the picture or questions:

Sa-sa-sa - who is this? Sa-sa-sa is a fox. Sa-sa-sa - what fox? Sa-sa-sa is a red fox. Sa-sa-sa - what is the fox doing? Sa-sa-sa - a fox walks through the forest. Sa-sa-sa - who did the fox meet? Sa-sa-sa - the wolf was met by a fox, etc.

“Family help in the correctional work of a speech therapist”

PLAY Speech Pathologist AT HOME!!!

Consultation with a speech therapist

INTERACTION between Speech Therapist and Family on SPEECH DEVELOPMENT

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is one of the main conditions for the normal development of a child and his subsequent successful education at school. Any delay or disturbance in the development of a child’s speech affects his behavior in life.

Parents ask: why does the child write illiterately? misses letters when reading and writing; cannot put into practice the learned spelling rules, etc. But they took care of their child, took him to clubs, development centers, and it seemed like the child could read and write. Only the interaction of kindergarten teachers, educators, speech therapists and families is a necessary condition for the full speech development of preschool children, since the best results are obtained where teachers and parents act in concert.

Family participation in speech development begins from the moment the child comes to a speech therapist; all efforts of specialists without the help of parents are ineffective. Help the speech therapist by doing homework with your child.

Remember, for home speech therapy sessions to be successful, you must:

  • Determine clear and daily study times, not occasionally. This is the time of child development. Self-organization of parents is very important, because There are always “1000 urgent things to do.” Remember: correcting what was missed in correcting children’s speech later takes many times more time and effort.
  • Determine the duration of classes. For each age, classes should be regulated: 10-15 minutes - for children 3-4 years old; 15-20 minutes – for children 4-5 years old; 20-30 minutes – for children of senior preschool age.
  • Pre-study the assignment before class (do not do this in front of your child). Complete part of the task in a playful way (on the road, in the kitchen, etc.), but you need to work on something in front of a mirror, at the table at a set time. Anticipating a refusal, use alternative questions like: “What should we do first - learn a tongue twister or compose a story?” Adults' speech should be clear and precise.
  • Conduct classes in the form of a game or during a game. With young and middle-aged children, try not to use direct instructions “Say!”, “Repeat!”.
  • During the lesson, talk to the child gently and not authoritarianly.
  • Introduce variety and surprises into classes. You can try to complete the task “for company” with a peer, brother, sister, or “teach” your favorite toy (doll), teddy bear.
  • Reinforce your child's achievements with praise and cheers. Emphasize that you enjoy working with him.
  • Parents must have patience, endurance, and a desire to help their child succeed. If a child finds it difficult, never complete a task for him. It’s better to offer him several options, let him choose the correct answer or correct your mistake. Children love to be in the role of “teacher”. Therefore, when performing some tasks, it is useful to change roles with the child.

Only work that is done with pleasure brings good results. A kind attitude, praise, playful form, a competitive moment - all this will increase the child’s interest in classes, and therefore their effectiveness will increase.

Shoutout to the parents of a non-speaking child

As a result of such conversations, recommendations were drawn up for parents whose children cannot speak for a long time.

Tips for parents

  1. Talk to your child more, voicing all actions (feeding, dressing, bathing), commenting on the environment, not being afraid of repeating the same words, pronounce them clearly, patiently, and kindly.
  2. Develop understanding of speech using simple instructions such as “Give me a pen”, “Where is the leg?” Rely on what is available to the child. Repeat what you have already learned over and over again.
  3. In speech, use their simplified versions along with full words: car - beep, doll - la-la, fell - bang.
  4. Sing to your child before bed. It's better not to change your repertoire often.
  5. Create a desire to imitate an adult. This is possible when emotional interest and accessibility of words that the child pronounces during joint games are combined (Hide and Seek - peek-a-boo, Little Engine - tut-tu). You can be surprised together by what you see: “Wow!” The first words spoken against an emotional background can be interjections: oh, ah, uh. The child is allowed to repeat only vowels: o, a, u.
  6. Tell stories and read children's first fairy tales and poems more often. Encourage the child to complete the words to the best of their ability.
  7. Do not overload your child with television, video and audio information. When reading, reduce the text to understandable phrases.
  8. Do not talk in front of your child about his retardation.
  9. Don't be annoyed or embarrassed by what your child doesn't say. Do not show excessive anxiety: everyone has their own deadlines and their own problems.
  10. Without waiting for the child to speak. Start teaching him to distinguish objects by size (large - small); match colors, shapes (give me the same); quantity (one - many).
  11. Massage your fingers and palms, play games like “Magpie-White-sided”.

General tips for practicing at home.

It is important that homework is not like lessons, but like a game. Come up with different stories to captivate your child. If you conduct classes in the form of games, your child will be more willing to learn to speak correctly, which will certainly help achieve great results in a short time.

Under no circumstances should you be angry if something doesn’t work out for your child! Correcting pronunciation is not easy; you cannot teach your child to pronounce all sounds clearly and clearly in one lesson, as well as to use complex words. In any activity, time plays an important role. Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process.

Be patient, praise your child even for the smallest successes, support him if something doesn’t work out. If you break down and scold your baby, then he will not speak better, but will only withdraw into himself, which can aggravate speech problems.

Classes must be regular. It is better to exercise 5 minutes a day than once a week for 1.5 hours. At the very beginning, you can start exercising with 3-5 minutes a day, gradually increasing them to 15-20 minutes twice a day.

Exercises with special literature.

Currently, the range of teaching aids is huge. When choosing, you need to focus on publications with bright illustrations; they attract attention and maintain the child’s interest.

If your baby pronounces all the sounds, but has difficulty coordinating words and retelling or has a poor vocabulary, then give preference to literature: N.V. Nishcheva “Teaching children storytelling based on pictures”, N.E. Teremkova “I am learning to retell”, N.E. Teremkov “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, O.A. Novikovskaya “Speech Pediatric Grammar”.

Articulation gymnastics.

Articulation exercises play a huge role, because they contribute to the development of the speech apparatus, thanks to which children learn to control it and cope with the pronunciation of even complex sounds.

You need to do articulation gymnastics daily, 1-2 times a day for 3-5 minutes. All exercises should be performed without tension (the child sits quietly, the shoulders do not rise). Each exercise should be performed five times, each approach no longer than 5 seconds (counted by an adult). Add one new exercise per day, and if you find it difficult to perform an exercise, you need to return to a simpler one.

Basic set of articulation exercises:

  • “Fence” - holding the lips in a smile, the front upper and lower teeth are exposed.
  • “Tube” - stretching the lips forward in a tube (teeth closed).
  • “Tube fence” - alternating the position of the lips in a smile and a tube.
  • “Scapula” – holding a wide tongue on the lower lip in a calm, relaxed state.
  • “Needle” - holding a narrow tongue between cuts.
  • “Needle spatula” – alternating appropriate exercises.
  • “Barrier” - raising the tongue by the upper teeth (the mouth is open, but not too wide).
  • “Swing” - alternating upward and downward movements of the tongue while holding each position for five seconds.
  • “Pancake” - holding the tongue behind the lower teeth in a calm, relaxed state.
  • “Stretch” - stick out your tongue and stretch it to your nose, to your chin, to the right corner of your mouth and to the left.

It is recommended to perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror. Do the exercises with your child. It is better to buy a large mirror in which not only the child, but also you can be seen. In this case, the baby will be able to repeat all the actions. Since the best option is to exercise while sitting, it is better to purchase a tabletop mirror.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills.

The level of development of a child’s speech is directly related to the development of fine motor skills. Even ordinary plasticine will be an effective tool for training it. It is enough for kids to knead this material and sculpt simple one-color shapes. With older children, learn to make more complex multi-colored figures, for example, different animals.

Explore colors and shapes while playing with clay.

You can make several figures and come up with a story for them, in this case the child will develop his imagination and increase his vocabulary. For example, a story about going to a grocery store - you can make fruits and vegetables, put them on the “counter” and play seller and buyer. Thanks to this game, the child will expand his vocabulary, remembering the names of vegetables and fruits, and will be able to repeat colors and shapes.

Here are a few more ideas and techniques on how to develop your baby’s motor skills:

* Buy a su-jok ball, which consists of two parts: a spiky ball and a spring. Place the spring on your fingers one at a time, saying nursery rhymes or simply naming your fingers, and roll the ball over the baby’s palms and fingers.

* Compete in pulling ribbons, strings, pencils, and laces with your fingers.

* Wrap small objects in foil and let your baby unwrap them.

* Let the child in the summer, on the way from the dacha, pick off one petal from a chamomile.

* Let the bubbles press on the bubble wrap.

* Allow your child to fasten and unfasten buttons himself, unscrew and tighten the caps of plastic bottles.

*Give a bowl of mixed peas and beans or smaller grains to make it more challenging - ask your child to sort.

* Give your child small objects and ask them to put them one at a time into a plastic bottle through the neck. A variant of the game at sea is collecting small pebbles in a bottle. This game also teaches the baby to determine the size of objects by eye.

* Let the child wrap the ribbon around a stick or finger.

* Play with clothespins! Let the child hang out the doll's clothes to dry. And if you attach clothespins to a yellow circle cut out of cardboard, you will get a sun!

The game “Who Eats What” should be in the arsenal of both specialists and mothers. This game implements a large number of pedagogical tasks, and most importantly, it is attractive and interesting for children (and adults too). You can practice grammar, vocabulary, and automate naughty sounds. This game is also useful for non-speaking children: using the correct game instructions, an adult can stimulate the child’s speech activity.

* It is very useful to do appliqué. The hand movements that are involved in cutting using scissors are very good not only for fine motor skills, but also for excellent brain development. It will be useful to make an application and come up with a story about it. For example, when making an applique of a dragonfly, invite your child to come up with a story about it. Help your child by asking him guiding questions:

What is your dragonfly's name? What is she like? What does she like doing? Where did she fly? Who did you meet?

Here's an example of a story that might come out:

"Dragonfly Fun"

Once upon a time there lived a dragonfly. Her name was Zabava. She was multi-colored and her wings shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. One day, a dragonfly flew to hunt a pond. She dreamed of catching a fatter mosquito. Above the pond she saw a fat, very fat mosquito flying over the water and cheerfully singing a song: zu-zu-zuuuu, zu-zu-zuuuu, I don’t fight the dragonfly!

The dragonfly, Fun, liked the song so much that she changed her mind about catching a mosquito and decided to make friends with it. She flew up to the mosquito and began to sing along with it: za-za-zaaaa, za-za-zaaaa - I’m a big dragonfly. Thus began the first ever friendship between a dragonfly and a mosquito.

Such an application will contribute not only to the development of motor skills, but also imagination, coherent speech, strengthen good relationships with adults, elevate mood, and will also help to consolidate the sound [Z] in speech if this sound is at the stage of automation.

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