While pronouncing tongue twisters, I broke my tongue, broke it... Tongue twisters for children starting with the letter “l”

How fun it is for children to pronounce tongue twisters! And it’s funny to the point of tears, and speech develops, and incorrect sounds in words begin to be pronounced correctly. Today for you is a selection of tongue twisters starting with the letter “l” for the development of speech and articulation for our children.

The sound “l” is very often pronounced incorrectly by children or not pronounced at all, and is often replaced by other sounds. It will be very useful to practice tongue twisters with your child.

Complex tongue twisters for the letters “r” and “l”

To move on to more complex tongue twisters with the letters “r” and “l”, you need to learn how to pronounce easier ones, in one or two lines.


Valery painted the cavalry with watercolors. The quarry cavalry gallops at Valery.


Valya was knitting mittens. Varya was knitting felt boots. We bought Valerika and Varenka mittens and felt boots.


Valerka took the plate, Valerka took the tray. Valerka brought me a plate on a tray.


The fidgety wind tore out the gates like pinwheels, the grumpy raven stole the evening cheesecakes.


The crab made a rake for the crab. He handed the rake the crab to the crab. Crab rakes hay.


Lara planted cucumbers, and then watered them, and then collected them, washed them and pickled them.


Larisa prepared rice soup for Boris. And Boris treated Larisa to Iris.


Praskovya traded the crucian carp for three pairs of striped piglets. The piglets ran through the dew, The piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.


The pig's snout was blunt. I dug up half the yard with my snout, I dug, I dug, I didn’t get all the way to the fence. That's why the sow hare snouts, so that she can dig.


The magpie argued with the crow, chattered, chattered, out-argued the crow.


Forty forty stole peas, Forty crows drove away forty, Forty eagles scared away the crows, Forty cows drove away the eagles.


Avdey was dragging a bag of nails, Proud was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms. Avdey gave nails to Gordey, Gordey gave milk mushrooms to Avdey.


The lop-eared burdock came out into the meadow in the rain, and gathered the wet and chilled passers-by under the leaf into a circle.


The children played together in the orchestra: Karl played the black clarinet, Kirill played the horn, Alla played the harp, and Lara played the piano.

Complex tongue twisters with the letter “l”


Klava deftly chopped onions, Lola washed the floor and shelves, Volodya knocked out the dust, Valya hammered nails, Kolya merrily sawed, Anatoly washed the forks, and little Sveta ate sweet candies.


A white wolf lived in the world, washed his paws clean with soap, was very clean, and howled for a long time without soap.


For some reason there was a blanket on our floor. Alla didn’t even see how it got there: she was sculpting, she was knitting, she was walking on the street. The blanket got bored


Striped rugs Vlas's daughter rinsed. I rinsed and rinsed - the river became striped.


Mila bought a doll and wore it all day. Mila dressed the doll, kissed it, and loved it. She gave the doll a name - she called the doll Galochka. Mila rocked the doll. She sang nicely and nicely: Gala-Gala-Galochka, Here's a jump rope for you, Here's a little box for you, Chocolate and a bun.


Lions wandered in cages, Gazelles galloped, Snails crawled, and foxes ran. And only the animals sighed sleepily, sniffled sweetly, and moaned softly.


Old talkative women live in a hut at the edge of the forest. Every old lady has a basket, There is a cat in every basket, Cats in baskets sew boots for old ladies.


An avalanche of snow slid down from half, slid down from half of a gently sloping mountain. Another half of the snow avalanche lies on the flat mountain for the time being.

How to correctly use tongue twisters for the sound L in the development of speech in preschool children

First rule. The main rule for using tongue twisters in the development of children's speech: the text of the tongue twister that we offer to the child must contain those sounds that the child already knows how to pronounce correctly. In this case, we reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound l and develop the child’s diction.

If we include in the tongue twister those sounds that the child pronounces incorrectly, then we do not develop the child’s speech, but, on the contrary, we reinforce the incorrect pronunciation of sounds in his speech! Therefore, the correct selection of tongue twisters individually for each child, taking into account the characteristics of his speech development, is so important.

Second rule. An adult carefully observes the child’s pronunciation of the sound L in tongue twisters and corrects the child if necessary.

When a child pronounces a tongue twister, he may make a mistake and begin to pronounce the sound L incorrectly again. In this case, you need to remind him of the correct pronunciation, say the tongue twister more slowly and clearly, syllable by syllable. And then gradually speed up its pace.

Third rule. If ancient words and expressions are found in a tongue twister, then we clarify their meaning in a conversation with the child. For example, in the tongue twister “The ox fell into the wolf’s den,” you need to talk with the child about:

- who is the ox?

- Is he afraid of the wolf and his lair?

- With what intonation is it better to read this tongue twister?

Fourth rule. Tongue twisters are a language game, and a game is always fun and interesting. This is exactly what we do with tongue twisters with the sound L! The list of tasks and games given below will help you.

Tongue Twisters

From near Kostroma, from near the Kostroma region, Senka is bringing Sanka and Sonya on a sled. He’s lucky and he’s spouting tongue twisters: they say, a black grouse was sitting on a tree, from the tree there was a shadow of a black grouse; they say, if you look for a goose’s whiskers, don’t look for them, you won’t find them; they say, such is Savva, such is his glory. He spoke quickly, spoke quickly, and so quickly spoke all the tongue twisters and did not speak too quickly.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about Laria, about Varya, about Lara’s wife, arguing that the wasp did not have a mustache, not a mustache, but antennae, that the cap was not sewn in the Kolpakov style, that the bell was not cast in the Kolokolov style. While the argument was going on, a pig wandered into the yard. The pig snouted, blunt-nosed, white-nosed, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug, dug. To argue about trifles is to miss the point.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field - a woman is traveling from the city, carrying three boxes of news: they say, the fellow ate thirty-three pies with pie, and all with cottage cheese; they say, Prokop came to boil his dill; they say the Potos were playing lotto. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Whoever bears the news will receive two hundred lashes a day.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered that thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack. There are no taxes on language; he babbles whatever he wants. She chatted and chatted, chatted and chatted, but didn’t blurt it all out: lies walk on rotten legs; Those who lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.

I tell him a secret, but he is all over the world, that there is honey cake on the street, I have no time for honey cake, that there is a tar man in the street, I have no time for a tar man, no time for a tar man’s wife and no time for tar man’s children. So he will say to each other, and the friend to the girlfriend, and the girlfriend to the hog, and the hog to the whole city - the tongue does not turn red from a lie, it is already red, but just take care of your honor from a young age - if you lie once, they will not believe it again; After all, if a liar is also a deceiver, and a deceiver is also a rogue, and a rogue is also a swindler, and a swindler is also a thief.

Malanya the chatterbox was chattering that you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk too fast, you can’t say: there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass - one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - the yard can’t contain the firewood - expel the firewood, And you can’t say: thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but did not maneuver. However, tongue twisters jump around on the tongue like crucian carp in a frying pan. This means Malanya the chatterbox was in vain chattering that you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

Take care of your honor from a young age, otherwise Frol had it - Frol lied to Lavra, he will go to Lavra - Lavra will lie to Frol, because a tongue without bones and does not blush from lies, it is already red. Evil Natalya’s people are all scoundrels, and she also says: “Not the one, comrades, is a comrade to a comrade, who with comrades is a comrade to a comrade, but the one, comrades, is a comrade to a comrade, who without comrades is a comrade to a comrade.”

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled, he is lucky, and with a tongue that is like a sieve, he sows: about pikes and about bream, - they say, with their fins fluttering, looking for food for lunch, the pike walks around the bream - that’s how this thing is - he strives in vain pike pinch bream. That's how it is!

He chatted and chatted - you can’t throw a scarf over someone else’s mouth: a sled jump - off Senka’s feet, Sanka’s side, Sonya’s forehead - all into a snowdrift! Every magpie perishes by its own tongue - know more and speak less.

From near Kostroma, from near the Kostroma region, four men walked, talking about shopping, about cereals and about reinforcements; They said that they bought half a quarter of a quadrangle of lentils without a wormhole. And all because, wherever the breeze blows, the mind goes there! Giggling and hawing - little money, you can’t get food lying down - but the fellow has only as good as a sheep’s button. It’s good, at least we bought half a quarter of a quadrangle of lentils without a wormhole. Where they work, it is dense, but in a lazy house it is empty.

On Thursday, the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock, three priests, three Procopius priests, three Prokopyevichs were walking - they walked, walked, and suddenly in front of them the river was as wide as the Oka. And on the other side there is a priest on a head, a cap on a priest, a head under a priest, a priest under a cap. The priests saw it, the priests opened their mouths, the priests screamed, the priests ran. Fear has big eyes - a frightened crow is afraid of the bush.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Then the courier overtakes the courier into the quarry. Only the thick-lipped bull was in no hurry, he lay by the road, just shaking his head, the thick-lipped bull, the blunt-lipped bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.

The commander spoke about the colonel, about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the ensign, but he said nothing about the ensign, but said that if you look for a mustache on a goose, you won’t find it, like the scales on a pike, the bristles on a ingot, or the bells around a stake. , that the wasp does not have a mustache, not a whisker, but antennae.

It was evening, there was nothing. The tailor Poto played the lotto, and the dressmaker Poto played the lotto. But tailor Poto did not know that tailor Poto was playing lotto. Prokop came to boil his dill and told him that the dressmaker Poto was playing lotto, but he didn’t listen to Poto. Prokop stands there, boiling his dill, but the dill sizzles and doesn’t boil at all. Prokop left. The dill sizzled, the dill sizzled, and suddenly the dill began to boil! The Potos' spouses heard about it. Forgetting about the lotto, they shouted that Prokop had come to boil the dill. Prokop came - the dill did not boil, but Prokop left - the dill boiled! Prokop came running and asked Poto: “What are you shouting about?” But they don’t hear Poto and only shout about the fact that you came, Prokop, your dill didn’t boil, but you left, Prokop, your dill boiled and your dill ran away. It was evening, there was nothing.

Scaring jackdaws from the cherry trees, I saw a parrot in the garden; Pakhom was riding past on horseback. He saw Pakhom and began to scold the priest: “You, priest, are a jackdaw parrot, don’t scare the parrot.” But to an empty head it’s all rubbish. Don't over-sex our sexton. Every bird has its own habits.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field: they sent Senya with a report. Senya has a head the size of a basket, but not a crumb of brain. Looks like an eagle, looks like a black grouse. He galloped to the end, but he told everything wrong: he said that about three ships tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack, that Prokop didn’t cook his dill, but ate all the whey from Malasha’s yogurt and even a pie with mushrooms, so he could hold his tongue teeth. Prokop held on, and Senya kept chatting and chatting, and took a nap. I didn’t take a nap, I snored and whistled.

As if on a hill, thirty-three Egorkas stand on a hillock. They stand and look at the neighboring yard, and there is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, one firewood, two firewood, three firewood. The yard won't accommodate the firewood - throw the firewood out! Egorki rushed down the hill to carry firewood. Wherever they work together, they will achieve good results.

Shadow, shadow - darkness, above the city there is a fence. Listen, if you are not too lazy, to the fairy tale about the red maiden Malanya the chatterbox, who was chatting and blurting out milk, but didn’t blurt it out, but gave Romasha the whey from the yogurt. But Romasha was on his own: he didn’t eat, but he sat at the table - it flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth! Here's a fairy tale for you, and knitting bagels for us.

Romasha’s mother gave whey from yogurt, just whey from yogurt, and he told everyone that I was a brave fellow, I ate jellied meat, and also thirty-three pies with pie, all with cottage cheese, and one pie with mushrooms, and one with giblets... He chattered and chattered, grinded and grinded, his tongue chatters, but his head doesn’t know.

You can’t tell with your tongue, you can’t stretch out your finger, there’s no point in reasoning with your hands, if God hasn’t given you intelligence, your speech is red-handed, and if your tongue has a lisp, then talk quickly and quickly - thirty-three ships, thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack; The weather in our courtyard was wet; The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style, you need to repack the cap, re-cap it, you need to re-click the bell, re-prick it, you need to re-speak all the tongue twisters, re-speak, and then you will speak as if you were murmuring a river.

On Thursday, the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock, two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutters were talking about Larka, about Varka, about Larina's wife, that they had grass in the yard, and on the grass there was firewood: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - The yard won’t hold enough firewood, it’s high time to remove the firewood, but Varka and Larka are all giggling and giggling, giggling and giggling, like little kids, and are not going to remove the firewood from the yard.

Source: “ART OF SPEECH” - M., “ART”, 1977

Options for tasks and games with tongue twisters using the sound L for children

— Game “From Turtle to Rocket”, “Radio” - for a description of the games, see the article “Automation of sound R: games and tasks for children”

- Find words in the tongue twister with the sound L and with the sound L.

- Find words in a tongue twister in which the sound L (or the sound L) is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word.

- Come up with your own funny sentence with this word (fable - confusion).

- Which word got lost? (The adult replaces the word from the tongue twister with another word that is inappropriate in meaning, the children guess which word got lost and which word needs to be put in the tongue twister).

- Take two words with the sound L from the tongue twister and combine them into one sentence.

- Say a tongue twister cheerfully, sadly, amazed, admiringly, tiredly and with other intonations. You can play “Tell me like me” - the child repeats the intonation, pauses of the host - the adult in pronouncing the tongue twister.

- Guess the intonation with which your playing partner pronounced the tongue twister.

— The correct way to say a tongue twister out loud is first slowly (this is how Tortilla the turtle would say it), then at an average pace (this is how Artemon would say it), then quickly and quickly (this is how Toropyzhka says tongue twisters).

- Catch the ball from the leader and, in response, repeat the tongue twister and throw the ball further either to the leader or to the next child.

Yazykovertkina “l” to help

A speech therapist usually helps. And parents can help consolidate the result with fun and useful tongue twisters or “tongue twisters,” as they were called in the old days. There are many options. This is a practice for the soft “l” sound.

  • Wasn’t it you who begged for love, beckoning me into the fog of the estuaries?
  • Lyalya loves the doll Lelya. Lyalya is cherishing her doll. Lyalya in Lyulya - and Lyalya sleeps.
  • They sawed, they stabbed, they stabbed, they sawed. Lilya with Polina, Polina with Lilya.
  • I caught burbot, caught tench, exchanged tench for burbot, and caught burbot, but didn’t catch it.
  • La-la-la - the boat has sailed. Li-li-li - Lilya was taken away. Lu-lu-lu - I don’t like to be lazy.

This is training a hard “l” when alternating with a soft “l”:

  • Mila loves to wash her with soap, Mila’s mother will give her soap.
  • They poured a spoon out of tin. We made a small mistake. The foundry worker Lilya was lazy. Half of the casting was missing.
  • Thekla has nice beets. They didn't get dry or wet all summer. And they didn’t fade in winter.

Some children make the sound “l” instead of “r”. And here a well-known tongue twister can come to the rescue, which trains two sounds at once - Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

Training the sound “s”

Sometimes instead of the whistling sound “s”, children hear the hissing sound “sh”. More often this occurs due to underdevelopment of the speech apparatus, as well as due to birth injuries. You can correct the position by regular training and honing the “s”. There are a number of useful “tonguage tools” for this:

  • Sasha sewed shorts for Sveta. Sveta sewed boots for Sasha.
  • Senka brought gifts to the family: earrings for his sisters, boots for his brothers.
  • They bought a saber for Sasha. Sasha is sitting with a saber and with his neighbor Sasha. They started playing and broke the checker.
  • Sasha is perfection and is still improving herself.
  • Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. Sasha hit a bump with his hat.
  • I'm tired of asking to mow in the field. Mill all the braids in millet. Posed millet for the piglets. And the piglets ask for more millet.
  • A fidgety neighbor has a stay-at-home neighbor. I was going to sit at home with my fidgety neighbor all day with nothing to do, but the fidgety guy didn’t sit for even a second.

These and similar tongue twisters help to pronounce “s” clearly and in all variations.

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