Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for a preparatory group on the topic “Autumn”

Summary of educational activities in the senior speech therapy group on the topic “Autumn”


1 municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type “365” of the Samara city district A summary of the educational activity in the senior speech therapy group on the topic “Autumn” was prepared and conducted by a teacher-speech therapist of the MBDOU “Kindergarten 365” g.o. Samara Kalyuzhina E. Yu. Samara, 2015.

2 GCD topic. Autumn. Developer: Elena Yuryevna Kalyuzhina, teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category, MBDOU "Kindergarten 365" Samara Age of children: 5-6 years. Date: November 2015. Goal: - systematization of children’s knowledge about autumn and autumn phenomena; Objectives: - activate the dictionary on this topic; - learn to form relative adjectives; - select adjectives and verbs for the noun; - coordinate nouns with numerals; - develop thinking, visual attention and memory, orientation on a sheet of paper; - consolidate the ability to compose a story using diagrams; - develop cooperation skills. Organization of the educational environment: For motivation for GCD: video recording “The rustling of leaves” For conducting GCD: laptop, projector for viewing the presentation, model diagrams, maple, oak, birch leaves, envelopes, trays, white sheets of A3 format (according to the number of pairs of children). Preliminary work: -teacher: development of notes, production of manuals, selection of speech material on the topic of GCD, preparation of presentation; — with children: studying the signs of autumn. — with parents: consolidation of speech material. Forms of organizing joint activities: game, conversation, independent activity, work in pairs, exercise for the development of hand-eye coordination, orientation on a sheet of paper.

3 Conducting GCD: Motivation: 1. Children enter the hall. There is a blurry image of autumn leaves on the blackboard. - Guys, what is this on the board? I don't understand something. Let's try to figure it out. (turn on the video “Rustling of Leaves”) - What do you see? (Children: - Someone is walking on the leaves) - What do you hear? (Children: - Leaves rustling) - At what time of year can you hear such sounds? Why? - Today we will remember everything we know about autumn. (Slide) (Children sit on chairs) - Name the autumn months (D: - September, October, November) - What month is it now? (D: - November) Implementation of activities. 1. Game “Guess” - Guys, now I’ll tell you some autumn riddles. Listen carefully. (After guessing, a picture appears on the board) - In autumn it is cold, drizzly, shallow. What is this? (Rain) Slide. — In autumn it is cold, strong, gusty. (Wind) Slide. — In autumn they are heavy, gray, dark, rainy, low (Clouds) Slide. — In autumn they are yellow, red, brown, orange (Leaves) Slide. — In autumn it is yellow, sluggish, dry (Grass) Slide. 2. Game “Pick up an action” (Game with a ball, children stand in a semicircle) - I throw you a ball and name a word-object. You must match it with as many actions as possible. Rain in autumn (what does it do?) - drizzles, falls, drips, etc. Leaves in the fall (what do they do?) - turn yellow, fall off, etc. Grass in the fall (what does it do?) - withers, turns yellow, dries up. Animals in the fall (what do they do?) - prepare for winter, change their coats.

4 3. Game “Let’s count” - In the fall, a lot of mushrooms grew in the forest. — What mushrooms do you know? - What kind of mushroom is this? (Fox). - But mushrooms often do not grow one at a time, but in whole groups. Let's count them. (There is a picture of 5 chanterelles on the board) “One chanterelle, two chanterelles, five chanterelles” Similar to the fly agaric. - And these always grow in very large groups, they really like to grow on stumps. What kind of mushrooms are these? (honey mushrooms) - Let's count them (one, two, three) I think that we will not be able to count them. How can you tell how many honey mushrooms there are? (A lot of honey mushrooms) - Guys, which of these mushrooms are edible? (Chanterelles and honey mushrooms are edible. Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom) Slide. 4. Game “Which Leaf” Children choose envelopes containing cut leaves. They are collected on the carpet. — Try to collect leaves from several parts. -What leaf do you have? (oak, maple, birch). What colour is he? - Now say: “I have a yellow birch leaf.” Leaves of four colors: red, yellow, orange, brown. 5. Work in pairs. Children are divided into pairs based on the color of the leaves. - Who had yellow leaves? Red? Orange? Brown? We got pairs. I give each pair a piece of paper and colorful leaves. - Let's put together an autumn pattern. Look at the picture and remember it. (Sample on slide). Children lay out the pattern from memory. - What beautiful patterns you made. Now let's check. (Show a sample, children check and correct mistakes)

5 6. Compiling a story about autumn using diagrams. - How much we remembered about autumn. Now let's write a story about autumn. The diagram will help us. -What do these pictures mean? Question mark about what we will talk about; Cloud what kind of clouds are in autumn; Raindrops, snowflakes, what precipitation occurs in autumn; A leaning tree, what a wind in autumn; Leaves, grass, what leaves and grass are in autumn; Arrow - what else can you say about autumn. Sample story. Autumn has come. Dark, low clouds float across the sky. In autumn there is often a fine, cold rain. Sometimes it may snow. In autumn, a strong, cold wind blows. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and fall off. The grass turns yellow and dries out. Mushrooms grow in the forest in autumn. Children compose their story about autumn using a model diagram. Summarizing. — Today we remembered the wonderful time of year, autumn. (Tag each child). — As a keepsake of our lesson, I give you autumn coloring books. Organization of children who do not participate in educational activities. Consolidation of material during individual GCD. Interaction with parents. Reinforcing speech material with children at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist. References 1. Agranovich Z.E. A collection of homework assignments to help speech therapists and parents overcome lexical and grammatical speech underdevelopment in preschoolers with OSD. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2010.

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