Logorhythmics. Methodological development “Types of ratiometric exercises”

Goals and objectives

Since speech therapy rhythms promote the development of general motor skills and speech, by developing motor activity, logorhythms for children help overcome speech barriers. There are correctional, educational, educational tasks.

Corrective tasks include solving the main problem - speech pathologies in preschool children. Educational tasks introduce children to the concepts of rhythm, register, and tempo. Educational tasks form in preschoolers the ability to move correctly to musical accompaniment and to be critical of their movements and speech.

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

A program for the adaptation of children 2–4 years old to the conditions of a preschool educational institution using elements of logorhythmics and acting out fairy tales. Preschool education from top to bottom should be permeated with concern for the child’s physical health and mental well-being. SLIDE 2 RELEVANCE. A child is included in a kindergarten group. He intensely peers at everything that is around him, timidly, almost silently...

Game-situation “Terem-Teremok” for children 3–4 years old with elements of musical logorhythmics Game-situation “Terem-Teremok”

for children 3-4 years old with elements of musical
logorhythmics Purpose : To introduce children to a play situation; induce motor activity; develop a sense of rhythm; encourage dancing; strengthen children’s ability to walk energetically and run easily to the music….

Role and significance

To answer the question of what logorhythmics is, you need to evaluate the role of the method in the speech development of children. It performs a very important task for the teacher - it distracts them from the main problem with speech and allows them to solve it with the help of a logarithmic game. The child is open to communication during classes and can express himself creatively. Fun logorhythmics as a means of speech development for preschoolers has a positive effect on the health of children, their cardiovascular, respiratory, and speech motor systems.

Why logorhythmics is useful and how to do it

author: Abuzharova Valentina Vyacheslaovna

teacher-speech therapist Kindergarten No. 146, Cheboksary

Why logorhythmics is useful and how to do it

Why logorhythmics is useful and how to do it.

In the middle of the last century, biologists and doctors proved that regularly performing certain movements in a given rhythm helps with a variety of diseases and not only improves well-being, but also raises the “morale” of patients. This is how first a general - therapeutic, and then a highly specialized - speech therapy rhythm appeared. A cocktail of movements, speech and music helps children learn to speak beautifully and smoothly, and in some cases even get rid of stuttering.

What is logorhythmics and why is it needed?


is a set of exercises that combine movements, music and short poems. Classes are held in a playful way, which brings a lot of pleasure to children.

Logorhythmics classes are very useful and produce a lot of positive effects:

  • the child develops a sense of rhythm;
  • orientation in space improves;
  • the child learns to control his body better;
  • auditory attention and hearing in general develops;
  • vocabulary is expanding;
  • the child is accustomed to physical activity and, as a result, to a healthy lifestyle;
  • facial expressions improve.

Who will it be useful for?

Logorhythmics is primarily recommended for children:

  • with stuttering or a hereditary predisposition to it;
  • with excessively fast/slow or intermittent speech;
  • with insufficiently developed motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • with dysarthria, delayed speech development, impaired pronunciation of certain sounds;
  • often sick and weakened;
  • who are in a period of intensive speech formation (on average, the age is from 2.5 to 4 years).

At home or in a group?

Logorhythmics can be practiced in groups working at children's clinics or medical centers. Of course, in the company of peers the child will have more fun, and there are much more opportunities for outdoor games. But even the most wonderful teacher will not adapt to your specific little one. At home, you yourself determine what, when and how you will do - and this is a very important advantage. But another danger awaits you within your own walls: a relaxed baby can easily refuse to complete tasks. Well, he doesn’t perceive his mother as a “boss”! However, it is better to start practicing logorhythmics at home: give your child the opportunity to calmly master the basic movements and learn to listen to music, and then, if he becomes stubborn, transfer him to specialists.

Get ready to exercise!

A distinctive feature of rhythmics, including speech therapy, is its absolute simplicity: all existing tasks can be performed without problems by a person who does not have any special training.

  1. All exercises are based on imitation: the adult shows and the child repeats. There is no need to specifically memorize speech material: let everything happen gradually - from lesson to lesson. At first, only the adult reads the text, encouraging the child to repeat. Gradually, the child also gets involved in reading: when the little one is able to repeat all the phrases in the correct rhythm and without mistakes, you can give the reins of power into his hands.
  2. You only need to do logorhythmics a couple of times a week and it is better to do it in the 2nd half of the day. Don’t expect a quick effect: the results will be judged in at least six months (or even a year).

Important! Children who stutter need to study 3-4 times a week.

  1. The child should be interested and have fun. During classes, you can and should use pictures, toys, bright clothes or carnival costumes (if they do not interfere with movement) - in short, any objects that bring joy to the baby!
  2. Exercises must be repeated many times (from lesson to lesson) until they are performed perfectly. If you fail to master a particular task, give it up for a while, but then be sure to come back.
  3. Without music - nowhere. Select soundtracks for each stage of the lesson. For the slow part, waltzes (for example, from “The Nutcracker”) are suitable, for a more active part – a march, and for the “violent” part you can use the classic “Flight of the Bumblebee”. It also makes sense to stock up on children's songs and recordings of nature sounds.
  4. Lessons need to be tailored to the child: if something doesn’t work out, simplify the task or break the lesson into several very short parts. If you notice that your baby has difficulties with fine motor skills and sounds, feel free to increase the number of appropriate exercises. Don’t be afraid to experiment: the main thing is to maintain the unity of music, movement and speech, but otherwise the scope of imagination is not limited.
  5. Don't be upset or angry if your baby doesn't succeed. Feeling your dissatisfaction, he may withdraw and refuse the exercise. Be patient and don’t give up what you’ve started, even if you yourself have given up hope that your child will ever cope with it.

From 0 to 2.5 years

You can start practicing logorhythmics right from the cradle, however, until 2 years of age, the exercises will be passive in nature. Just read a rhyme or nursery rhyme to your baby while clapping the rhythm with your palms. Then help your child perform the necessary movements: raise and lower his hands when he hears certain words, clap his hands to the beat of poetry or music. The same can be done with songs.

From 2.5 to 4 years

At this age, children improve motor skills, learn to speak and communicate - this is exactly what needs to be done in logarithmics lessons.

Important! If the child does not yet speak in sentences, allow him to repeat only the last words of a phrase or just the endings of words.

  1. Game “Walk” (
    development of general motor skills) Along a narrow path
    (walking in place)
    Our legs walk
    (raising our legs high)
    Over pebbles, over pebbles
    (shuffle from foot to foot at a slow pace)
    And into the hole... bang!
    (sit on the floor on the last word)
  2. Game “Big and Small Drops”
    (developing a sense of tempo and rhythm) An adult tells the child that it is raining. For clarity, you can turn on the corresponding audio recording and listen to it with your eyes closed for 10-15 seconds. How do large drops knock? That's right, they knock slowly - drip, drip, drip, drip... What about small droplets? Of course, quickly! Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip-drip... The child’s task is to pronounce the text, clapping his hands on his knees in given rhythms.
  3. Game “Orchestra”
    (development of auditory attention) When an adult says “Rain!” - the child says: “Sh-sh-sh...” in response to “Lightning!” - rings the bell, and hearing “Thunder!” - he stomps his feet loudly. At the word “Silence” - everything falls silent.
  4. Finger game “House”
    (development of fine motor skills) There is a house in a clearing
    (the fingers of both hands are widely spaced at an angle to each other, only the fingertips are touching)
    Well, the path to the house is closed.
    (the thumbs of both hands are raised up, the remaining fingers are in a horizontal position together, the tips of the middle fingers are touching)
    We open the gates, we invite you into this house.
    (palms turn parallel to each other, arms spread to the sides with palms up)
  5. Singing
    (breathing, voice and fluency training) Choose any song and sing it with your child, even if you think that a bear has stepped on both of your ears.
  6. Game “Wind”
    (normalization of muscle tone, relaxation) The wind blows in our faces and shakes the tree.
    (swing your arms up, tilting your body left and right)
    The wind is getting quieter and quieter.
    (slowly shake hands)
    The trees are getting higher and higher.
    (stretch up on your toes, arms raised up)
  7. Exercise “Blizzard”
    (development of speech breathing) Adult: How does a strong wind blow? Oooh... Who will depict the longest wind? After vigorously inhaling through the nose, the baby makes the sound “oo-oo-oo...” as he exhales.
  8. Game “Walk and Rain”
    (development of a sense of tempo and rhythm, general motor skills) Walk calmly with your child around the room to slow music, then turn on the melody at a medium tempo and dance to it, adding movements familiar to the baby to the dance. And finally, with fast and rhythmic music you need to “run away from the rain” and hide under mom or dad’s large open umbrella.

From 4 to 6 years

At this age, the child’s speech ceases to be “childish” and the number of “funny” mistakes gradually disappears. Therefore, to familiar activities you need to add speech therapy gymnastics and pure speech to practice sounds.

  1. Exercise “Turtle”
    (self-massage) A turtle went for a swim
    (the child performs light pinching with his fingers, chest, legs)
    And bit everyone out of fear: “Bite!” Kus! Kus! Kus! I'm not afraid of anyone!
  2. Exercise “Rocket”
    (development of speech breathing and voice)
    The adult speaks, the child answers.
    We check the fuel.
    A long “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh...”
    We open the hatches.
    The sound “aaaaa” (quiet, turning into loud), hands rise.
    Close the hatches.
    The sound “Aaaaa” (loud, turning into quiet), hands drop.
    Check the radio.
    A short sound “U” is either loud or quiet.
    Turn on the engine.
    Long “r-r-r-r...”, hands in fists
  3. Finger game “Building a house”
    (development of fine motor skills) Knock-tok, knock-tok
    (hit your fists against each other)
    The hammer knocked. We will build a new house With a high porch,
    (raise your hands up)
    With large windows,
    (bend your elbows, put one palm on the other, depicting a window)
    Carved shutters.
    (raise your hands up - “open the shutters”)
    Knock-tok, knock-tok
    (hit your fists against each other)
    The hammer fell silent.
    (put your hands down freely)
    The new house is ready,
    (raise your hands up)
    We will live in it.
    (rub palms together)
  4. Speech therapy gymnastics “Bake pies”
    1. “Knead the dough” -
    actively move the tongue, resting on one or the other cheek
    2. “Roll out the dough” -
    forcefully push the tongue between the lips and pull it back into the mouth
    3. “Pancake” -
    stick out your tongue and hold it with a wide spatula
    4. “Put in the filling” -
    fold the edges of the tongue so that a hole is formed in the middle
    5. “Bake pies” -
    puff out your cheeks and slowly release the air with the sound “puff-h-h-h...” ( lips are relaxed)
    6. “Delicious pie” -
    lick your lips with your tongue.
    Exercises can also be done to music, changing the tempo depending on the melody.
  5. Pure saying for the sound T
    (development of sound pronunciation) Tsy-tsy-tsy - there are cucumbers in the garden.
    (clap your hands)
    Itza-itsa-itsa - a tit flew to us.
    (make light waves with your hands, imitating wings)
    Retz-retz-retz - she pecked at a cucumber.
    (knock your index finger on your knees)
    Tsu-tsu-tsu - I’ll give everyone a cucumber.
    (rhythmically stretch your arms forward and then press them to your chest)
  6. Rea
    , music Y. Chichkov, words by M. Plyatskovsky (development of a sense of tempo and rhythm, coordination of speech and movement) There is no need to repeat the text in this exercise.

There is a scarlet-scarlet flower in the world, (walk in a circle, raising your knees high)

Bright, fiery, like the dawn, The sunniest and unprecedented, It is not called a dream for nothing.
(stop at the end of the verse) Chorus:
Maybe there, beyond the seventh pass,
(walk in place, putting your hand to your eyes, “look into the distance”)
A breath as fresh as the wind, The most fabulous and unprecedented, The most magical flower will flare up.
(spin on your toes, arms raised, palms open like “arrows”)
In life, we all, perhaps, want to Move at a side gallop in a circle (stop at the end of the verse)

No matter how steep and far the path may be, On earth you will find an unprecedented, the most beautiful flower.
(Chorus: the movements are the same)
Remembering the joyful miracle, (run in a circle, raising your knees)

Walking into the distance through the wet dew, Many people are looking for that flower, But, of course, not everyone finds it.
(stop at the end of the verse) (Chorus: same movements)

  1. Exercise “Stork”
    (developing a sense of balance, normalizing muscle tone) The stork raises his leg - He doesn’t understand anything.
    (stand first on one leg, then on the other, trying to maintain balance)
    And all day among the willow trees
    (arms spread to the sides)
    Stands on one leg.
  2. Game “Hedgehog”
    (development of reaction, speech hearing) The child runs to the music. When it stops sounding, the baby should sit down and hug himself with his arms (“hedgehog”), as soon as the melody starts playing again, he needs to run.

From 6 to 8 years

At this age, the child is capable of almost all movements, and he himself is full of energy and strength - this is what we will take advantage of!

  1. Exercise “Freeze”
    (development of reaction speed, creative abilities) The child runs to fast music, imitating the movements of some animal. As soon as the music stops, the little one should freeze, taking a pose that conveys the image of this animal. The adult tries to guess what kind of animal the child has depicted.
  2. Exercise “Warming your palms”
    (development of fine motor skills, self-massage) If your hands are cold
    (slowly, slowly rub one palm against the other)
    We begin to rub them, Quickly we will be able to warm up our hands, like on a stove. First, our palms
    (rub our palms faster and faster)
    Just like ice, Then like frogs, Then like pillows. But little by little, your palms warmed up, They really burn,
    (stretch your open hot palms forward)
    And not for fun.
  3. Pure saying R-R
    (development of sound pronunciation and fine motor skills) Or-or-or - don’t argue with your mother.
    (shakes a finger)
    Or-or-or - here, take the axe.
    (clasp your fingers, raise and lower your hands, hit your knees with your palms)
    Ra-ra-ra - it’s time to go to the forest. Re-re-re - go out at dawn.
    (raise your arms straight, turn your hands from side to side)
  4. Ri (development of a sense of rhythm of movements and speech)
    Knock, knock, knock-knock.
    (clap the rhythm, pronouncing the words)
    Knock-knock-knock-knock. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock, knock.
  5. Singing
    (training breathing, voice and fluency of speech) Any (even adult) song that the child likes is suitable.
  6. Game “Scouts”
    (developing a sense of tempo and rhythm) An adult claps a simple rhythm (for example, 2 slow and 2 fast claps) and invites the child to repeat this “secret code.” When the task begins to be completed without errors, the rhythm is no longer slammed, but played on a musical instrument. Tambourine, drum, xylophone - anything that can produce rhythmic beats is suitable. Aerobatics: an adult claps the rhythm with his hands, and the child repeats it on the instrument.
  7. Game “Mirror”
    (development of the ability to navigate in space)
    Part 1.
    An adult shows the child an image of a man and asks him to stand in the same way as in the picture, that is, to become a “mirror image.”
    Part 2.
    To the accompaniment of fast (or medium tempo) music, the child makes voluntary movements (you can run, spin, jump - the main thing is to keep in time with the music). As soon as the melody stops, the baby should take the pose of the little man drawn in the picture and freeze.
  8. Musical and rhythmic composition “Merry Travellers”
    , music by M. Starokadomsky, lyrics.
    S. Marshak (development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of speech and movement). Verse 1:
    We are going, going, going to distant lands,
    (walking in place, raising our knees high)
    Good neighbors, happy friends! We live a happy life, we sing a song, And the song tells about how we live!
    (3 rhythmic claps to the right of the head)
    (3 rhythmic claps to the left of the head)
    we are taking with us a cat,
    lean forward)
    (sit down slightly, hands in front of you)
    Petka the bully,
    (swings with arms bent at the elbows)
    (tilt to the right)
    parrot -
    (tilt to the left)
    (clap your hands)
    what company!
    (spread your arms to the sides)

Why logorhythmics is useful and how to do it

What kids can't do without logorhythmics?

Speech is a rather complex process. It involves different mechanisms: breathing, the work of the oral cavity, and the nervous system. The failure of one component causes problems in the entire speech process.

Logorhythmics classes are most needed for children with complex speech disorders. For example, children with a history of aphasia. Aphasia is a violation of already formed speech. With this disease, the perception of speech itself is also impaired. The task of the teacher in this case is to teach the preschooler to recognize speech addressed to him and to respond to it.

Classes are important for children with speech underdevelopment (OND and FFND), in which phonetics and the semantic side of speech suffer. Children with this disease get tired quickly and have difficulty learning material. With the help of logorhythmics, teachers help children overcome psychological barriers and adapt socially.

Speech therapy rhythms have a positive effect on children with stuttering and dysarthria - exercises, including breathing ones, create the necessary psychological mood and motivation.

Logorhythmics: why is it needed?

People have long noticed that movement has a healing effect. Tired - take a walk in the park! If your nerves fail you, run! If you have no energy, do some exercises! And if the movement is accompanied by speech or singing, the effect will be enhanced many times over. Doctors have repeatedly spoken about the relationship between movement and health: studies from the middle of the last century have confirmed that regular movements in a certain rhythm improve well-being, elevate mood and can even overcome a variety of diseases. This is how logorhythmics appeared - a specialized speech therapy technique that helps the speech development of children.

As you know, speech is a complex process in which several “elements” are involved: breathing, the work of the oral cavity, the interaction of the nervous system and sensory organs. And the failure of at least one of these components, as a rule, causes problems in the operation of the entire mechanism. Thanks to logorhythmics, it is possible to restore the integrity of the system and make its operation more stable.

Among the advantages that logarithmics provides, it is worth noting that it trains memory, attention and perception (especially auditory) and has an extremely positive effect on the physical condition of the child, helping him to learn correct motor skills.

As a result of logorhythmic exercises, the following tasks are realized:

  • clarification of articulation;
  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • development of auditory attention and motor memory;
  • improving gross and fine motor skills;
  • development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;
  • development of melodic-intonation and prosodic components;
  • creativity and imagination.

Logorhythmics classes also develop motor skills (gross and fine), speech breathing and normalize muscle tone. In addition, it is an excellent “regulator” of the psycho-emotional state of children: it calms easily excitable children, and, on the contrary, activates slow ones.

Classes include finger games or finger massage, eye gymnastics, various types of walking and running to music, poems accompanied by movements, speech therapy gymnastics, facial exercises, and there may also be relaxation exercises to music, speaking, speech and musical games.

When is logarithmics needed?

There are several situations where logorhythmics will be especially effective. These include cases when:

  • the child has a stutter or a hereditary predisposition to it;
  • the child has excessively fast/slow or intermittent speech;
  • the baby has insufficiently developed motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • The little one gets sick often;
  • The child is characterized by dysarthria, delayed speech development, and impaired pronunciation of certain sounds;
  • for children who are in a period of intensive speech formation (usually between the ages of 2.5 and 4 years).

If a 2-year-old child does not speak or speaks poorly, it makes sense to try logarithmics. At this age, it is very difficult to carry out speech therapy - the child gets tired quickly, cannot perform articulatory gymnastics, etc. For older children who are already working with a speech therapist, logorhythmics can also help in terms of reinforcing sounds, practicing fluency of speech, improving motor coordination, and teaching communication skills.

Intensive development of speech occurs in children starting from the age of three. Logorhythmics for children not only helps their development, but also strengthens the muscular system and forms proper breathing. By synchronizing movements with text, this technique allows you to form the basics of phonemic hearing and speech tempo. It also plays an important role in the development of correct posture and the development of motor coordination.

Early development of a child’s speech is now a rarity. If twenty years ago most children at the age of one and a half to two years old recited short poems with expression, today there are very few such children. The majority of children begin to speak more or less coherently only by the age of three. There are no explanations why this happens. Perhaps because it has become fashionable to develop children from the cradle, to brag that already at the age of 4 a son or daughter can perform simple mathematical operations and read fluently. In the preschool period, the child’s right hemisphere of the brain develops, and the left hemisphere is responsible for connections between letters. Therefore, by intensively developing the wrong thing, parents ensure that the child may have problems in the future: he will read perfectly, but will not be able to perform sound-letter analysis or find cause-and-effect relationships.

Logorhythmics for kids helps the expressiveness of facial movements, teaches children to recognize and show emotional states, synchronizing them with music. It is both a preventive and corrective method.

Types of tasks in logorhythmics

Logorhythmics exercises include various movements, words, songs, and sounds. Combining this results in useful, interesting tasks. Classic types of speech therapy rhythm classes consist of walking, marching, breathing, and dancing exercises.

Walking is a mandatory exercise in every lesson. Rhythmic movements with the pronunciation of words help cope with speech development anomalies in preschoolers. The teacher needs to regularly complicate it: children must learn to march in a circle, in pairs, in threes, and learn a counter step. Walking teaches kids to navigate in space and develops correct posture. Performed to musical accompaniment.

Exercises to strengthen muscle tone help preschoolers cope with their movements and teach them to control muscle tone.

Logorhythmic exercises for the breathing apparatus also strengthen the cardiovascular system. Completing these tasks helps strengthen diaphragmatic breathing and trains the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

Voice development tasks involve pronouncing vowels and consonants while exhaling. Thus, children develop the strength and expressiveness of their voice.

Dance elements in the tasks allow you to develop motor skills and feel the beats. The movements are selected from classical and folk dance, where the baby’s arms and legs can be used.

A variety of speech tasks can be accompanied by music, then the baby must learn to pronounce lines in accordance with the musical beat. This trains memory well and develops expressiveness of speech.


Riddles are motivating when working with little ones, as they allow them to be as interested as possible and motivated to complete the task. It is better to choose riddles with a saying. So, based on the content and rhyme, the baby immediately understands what is being said.


Using poems, you can create a task with the addition of dance elements. During the performance, children pronounce what they show with their movements. After this, you can talk with the children about the content of the poem. This also includes logarithmic songs.

Short stories

By playing out small stories (fairy tales), children get ready to perform logorhythmic exercises.

Group of visual techniques

The teacher should prepare in advance for conducting classes, select pictures, videos with exercises, as well as toys, on behalf of which the procedure for completing tasks will be explained.

Practical techniques

Similar techniques are used to summarize the results of speech therapy classes. Such techniques include drawings, crafts, and projects. Projects can be completed at home, together with parents of preschoolers.

Gaming techniques

Almost all tasks in logorhythmics are based on the game. Where complex interaction is not provided, you can use games for the little ones that will help them get ready for work.

How to personalize tasks

In order for a preschooler to accurately remember material based on speech therapy rhythms, he must hear, see, and move during classes. By combining several techniques you can get attention from the most restless children.

The importance of logorhythmics in the system of work to overcome speech disorders in preschool children

The importance of logorhythmics in the system of work to overcome speech disorders in preschool children

Touching upon any issue related to childhood problems today, we all, without exception, want to see our children healthy, happy, smiling, and able to communicate with people around them. It is especially difficult for children with speech disorders, the number of which has increased significantly nowadays.

Without delving into the causes of the problem, it should be noted that speech disorders, to varying degrees, affect the formation of the personality of children and affect their physical and mental development.

When working with children with speech impairments, I use various methods and techniques. In addition to GCD (traditional speech therapy classes) for correcting sound pronunciation and correcting violations in the lexical and grammatical design of speech utterances, I use such an effective method of overcoming speech disorders as speech therapy rhythm.

Since everything that surrounds us lives according to the laws of rhythm, any rhythmic movements activate the activity of the human brain. Indeed, the intense connections underlying the sense of rhythm contribute to the development of the motor sphere, perceptual and cognitive processes, emotional reactions, and speech activity.

The very education of rhythm causes a variety of kinesthetic sensations - rhythm has an organizing influence on the formation of movements, improves the spatio-temporal organization of motor acts, including articulation (speech motor).

The most important task, which determines the special significance of speech therapy rhythms as one of the links in speech therapy correction, is the formation and development of sensory and motor abilities in children with speech pathology as the basis for the education of speech and the elimination of speech disorders.

Speech therapy rhythms contribute to all correctional, educational and speech rehabilitation work with children suffering from speech disorders. Therefore, from early childhood it is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

Logorhythmic exercises are a technique based on the connection between words, music and movement. The relationships between these components can be varied, with one of them predominant.

The goal of logorhythmic influence is to overcome speech disorders through development, education and correction of the motor sphere in children with speech pathology in combination with words and music and, ultimately, adaptation to environmental conditions.

Often, correctional work carried out in speech therapy groups covers only the speech side of the child’s development, and such important areas as emotional development, the development of motor skills, and the cognitive sphere remain aside.

The use of elements and methods of logorhythmics helps to develop general speech skills in an accessible and interesting way, to practice articulation, facial expressions, and voice exercises, and to gradually form coordination of movement and a concentration reflex.

Our activities are based on the position of psychophysiology on speech processes as a complex system of sensorimotor coordination (I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlov, A.R. Luria, A.N. Leontiev, N.A. Bernstein); position of L.S. Vygotsky about the leading role of teaching and upbringing in the mental development of a child; author's methods on logorhythmics O.A. Novikovskaya, G.A. Volkova, M.Yu. Kartushina, N.V. Miklyaeva, V.T. Taran, A.E. Voronova and others.

Work in this direction is presented in pedagogical technology for correcting the speech of preschoolers using logorhythmics. It includes three stages:

  1. Preparatory stage.
  2. The stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills.
  3. Stage of formation of communication skills.

At the preparatory stage we usually use development exercises:

  • general speech skills, breathing, voice;
  • exercises to develop a sense of tempo and rhythm;
  • articulation and facial exercises;
  • games to develop all types of attention and memory;
  • exercises that promote the formation of phonemic awareness;
  • outdoor games with a variety of didactic tasks.

All these types of tasks are combined with exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation, coordination of movements and regulation of muscle tone.

At the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills in the main part of logorhythmic classes, we conduct the following exercises:

  • exercises to develop long, directed exhalation;
  • exercises in pronouncing newly introduced sounds;
  • exercises for coordination of movements with speech;
  • exercises for the development of auditory attention, and on its basis, phonemic hearing.

At the stage of developing communication skills, work is underway to automate sound in sentences and introduce it into free speech. Various creative tasks are very useful at this stage: staging poems, songs, role-playing.

During logorhythmic exercises the following tools can be used:

  • walking and marching in different directions;
  • exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation;
  • exercises that regulate muscle tone;
  • exercises that activate attention;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment;
  • rhythmic exercises;
  • singing;
  • improvisation on children's musical instruments;
  • play activities;
  • development of creative initiative;
  • final relaxation exercises (relaxation).

We do not always include all of the listed elements in the lesson structure. The sequence of correctional work varies in accordance with the nature of speech disorders, individual and age characteristics of the children.

Music is of great importance in logorhythmic classes. Children perform movements to musical accompaniment with a clearly defined rhythm, and on our part we constantly monitor the accuracy of their execution.

Speech therapy gymnastics exercises are recommended to be performed while sitting: this position ensures straight posture and general relaxation of the body muscles. Articulation gymnastics includes static and dynamic exercises for the tongue and lips.

When working on breathing, we pay special attention to the development of long, uniform exhalation in children.

Singing develops well the duration of exhalation and the melodic-intonation side of speech. The music director selects emotionally expressive, imaginative songs with accessible lyrics, the phrases of which should be short.

During logorhythmics classes, we also conduct finger games and speech motor exercises with musical accompaniment. The main task of these games is the rhythmic performance of the poetic text, coordinated with the movements.

We definitely include communicative games and dancing in logorhythmic classes. Most of them are built on gestures and movements expressing friendliness, an open attitude towards each other, which gives children positive and joyful emotions. Tactile contact carried out in dance further contributes to the development of friendly relationships between children and thereby the normalization of the social climate in the children's group. Games with the choice of a participant or an invitation allow you to involve inactive children. In communicative dances and games, the quality of the movements is not assessed, which allows the child to relax and gives meaning to the very process of his participation in the dance-game.

Relaxation exercises relieve emotional and physical stress. The purpose of these exercises is to maintain the resulting positive charge and state of internal comfort.

The most important thing is the coordinated work of all these components. Only then will speech be beautiful, sonorous and expressive. Therefore, in logorhythmics classes we practice not only the techniques of breathing, voice, tempo, but also their interrelation and coherence. During classes, the connection of speech with music and movement, in addition to the development of the child’s muscular system and vocal abilities, allows for the development of children’s emotions and increases the child’s interest in classes, awakens his thoughts and imagination. Another advantage of logorhythmics classes is that they are group classes. This helps the child learn to work in a group of children, find a common language and learn to actively interact.

A fascinating plot device, a playful form, combined with the extensive use of visual material, stimulate the need for communication, develop speech imitation, motor skills, and generate an emotional and aesthetic response. As a rule, games of various types are combined in one lesson; frequent changes in types of activities help maintain children’s interest in what is happening and help them establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena of reality.

As you know, deviations in the development of children cannot be overcome spontaneously; specially organized systematic work is required. Of course, the best way to organize work is collaboration.

In our kindergarten, work on logorhythmics is carried out in a comprehensive manner by a creative group of teachers (which includes a speech therapist teacher, educators, and music director) and parents. All specialists actively interact with each other, coordinate their actions: they plan joint activities to solve certain problems, discuss plans, and develop a unified strategy and tactics.

Each specialist has his own type of activity, but everyone has a common goal - the development and upbringing of the child. The speech therapist teacher draws up a lesson summary, sets a lexical topic, organizes the rest of the specialists, and conducts the lesson. The music director selects musical accompaniment, recommends musical and didactic games, exercises, dances, songs, and participates in conducting classes. Teachers carry out preparatory work on the instructions of the speech therapist, learn poems and movements, and provide assistance in conducting classes.

An integrated approach to overcoming a speech defect involves the active participation of parents, who take part in logorhythmic entertainment and help in the manufacture of attributes and costumes.

We have noted that children are noticeably transformed under the influence of musical games and exercises. Games develop not only the motor skills of preschoolers, but also their cognitive abilities, provide an opportunity to use the whole body and express themselves creatively. Exercises improve visual and auditory perception, mental processes, develop a sense of space and a sense of rhythm. And what is especially important is that they distract the child from a speech defect, encourage him to communicate, free him from immobility in the classroom, and help diversify the types of activities in all sections of the program.

Speech therapy rhythms are very important for children with speech negativism, since classes create a positive emotional mood for speech and motivation to perform speech therapy exercises.

As a result of the use of logorhythmics, by the end of the school year, children can see positive dynamics in their speech development. Preschoolers increase their vocabulary, develop grammatically correct speech, develop phonetic perception and coherent speech.

Thus, we can say that speech therapy rhythms are useful for all children who have problems developing speech function. Practice shows that regular logorhythmics classes contribute to the normalization of children’s speech, regardless of the type of speech disorder, form a positive emotional mood, and teach communication with peers.

Therefore, logorhythmics becomes a holiday of beautiful speech for children!


5. M. Yu. Kartushina. Notes on logorhythmic classes with children - M.: TC Sfera, 2010.

6. A.E. Voronova. Logorhythmics in speech groups of preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old. Methodological manual - M.: TC Sfera, 2010.

7. Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten: Methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2003.

8. Babushkina R.L., Kislyakova O.M. Speech therapy rhythm: Methodology for working with preschool children suffering from general speech underdevelopment.: St. Petersburg: KARO, 2005. M.Yu. Gogolev. Logorhythmics in kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2006.

9. Gavrisheva L.B., Nishcheva N.V. Speech therapy chants, musical finger gymnastics and outdoor games: To help preschool teachers for children with speech disorders. - SPb.: “DETSVO-PRESS”, 2009.

15. Boromyklva O. S. Correction of speech and movement with musical accompaniment. St. Petersburg, 1999.

16. Burenina A.I. Rhythmic mosaic. St. Petersburg, 2000.

17. N. Shcherbakova. Musical education of children with speech disorders//Musical director 2-2005, 3-2005, 4-2005, 3-2006, 1-2007, 2-2008.

18. G. Pogorelova. Musical and play gymnastics // Musical director 3-2009, 2-2009, 1-2009, 1-2008, 2-2008, 3-2008, 4-2008, 5-2008, 6-2008, 8-2008.

What do such activities give to children?

Logorhythmics allows you to overcome speech pathologies with the help of aesthetic education, correction of motor skills, while combining music and words. Logorhythmics forms and develops:

Choose a feedback specialist, study individually or in a group.

Speech therapist help online

Speech therapists, speech pathologists, preparation for school. Distance learning online.

Speech therapist via Skype

Specialized education to help children and adults with speech disorders.

Retraining to become a speech therapist

  • auditory attention;
  • musical, timbre, dynamic hearing;
  • movement in space;
  • fine, gross motor skills, facial expressions;
  • kinesthetic sensations;
  • the skill of correctly using sounds in different forms;
  • coordination of the type of music with movements, understanding of rhythm.

The goal and objectives of logorhythmics combine work on the correction of speech disorders, motor skills and psychological methods of development. The method is aimed at results at an age when it is impossible to carry out complex correctional classes. Positive influence allows preschoolers to better master speech, motor skills, understand the task, and express themselves creatively.

Logorhythmics as a way of fruitful cooperation between preschool specialists.

Logorhythmics as a way of fruitful cooperation between preschool specialists.

Logarithmics is the way of fruitful cooperation of specialists of preschool institutions.

Author of the article - Gavrish Victoria Valerievna

Author of the article — Gavrysh Viktoriya Valerievna

Municipal preschool institution nursery-garden No. 137

Municipal pre-school establishments nursery-garden No. 137

Annotation. The article discusses the issue of interaction between specialists of a preschool educational organization in correctional work with children with speech disorders in inclusive groups. The essence of the types of logorhythmic activities and the importance of their use in educational work in various areas and types of activities are revealed. As well as the effectiveness of this technology in developing creativity, attention and intelligence of preschool children, improving their abilities and skills.

Annotation. The article discusses the issue of interaction between the specialists of preschool educational organizations in correctional work with children with speech disorders in inclusive groups. The essence of types of logarithmic activity, importance of their use in educational work of various directions and kinds of activity is revealed. And also the effectiveness of this technology in the development of creativity, attention and intelligence of preschool children, the improvement of their abilities and actions.

Key words: logorhythmics, complex rehabilitation methodology, effective technology, collaboration method.

Key words: logorhythmics, complex rehabilitation technique, effective technology, method of cooperation.

It's no secret that the development of a child in a preschool institution depends entirely not on an individual specialist, but on the fruitful cooperation of teachers of different profiles. The priority task is to introduce effective educational technologies aimed at speech development. One of such technologies, complex methods of rehabilitation and correctional work with preschoolers is logorhythmics. Logorhythmics is a series of exercises, tasks, games that combine music, movements and words. This combination is aimed at solving correctional, educational, and health-improving problems. As one of the effective comprehensive rehabilitation methods, logorhythmics aims at speech, musical, physical development and the formation of a sense of rhythm. During logorhythmics classes, children learn to pronounce sounds, play musical instruments, sing, and play finger games; strengthen the muscles of the torso and limbs; improve coordination of movements; form correct posture; develop reaction speed, a sense of rhythm, meter, and so on [9].

Logorhythmic games can be used in all age groups. But the full technology of logorhythmics should be more actively introduced at the age of 5-7 years, using it in any direct educational activity as a real assistant in correctional work with children.

To implement educational tasks, the following types of logorhythmic activities are provided:

1) Breathing exercises. The teacher should teach children by imagining and imitating various actions (smelling a flower, inhaling the smell of autumn leaves), taking a long breath in and out, holding and regulating their breathing. Gradually increase the time you hold your breath. Manage your breathing apparatus in a conscious manner. It is advisable to use exercises according to the method of B. Tolkachev (sounded exhalation), S. Lazarev (sound breathing), V. Emelyanov and N. Semyonova, which help normalize breathing in motion;

2) Speech games. This section provides for teaching children, together with the teacher, to pronounce individual syllables in small quatrains and folk sayings to music. At the same time, pay attention to repeated repetition and practice of a certain consonant sound in combination with different vowels. The teacher should activate the children's speech apparatus, asking them to pronounce individual syllables and sounds many times. Encourage children to use precise articulation (position of lips and teeth during pronunciation) and develop phonemic awareness. Using speech games, expand children's vocabulary, develop auditory attention and visual memory. Monitor clear coordination of movements and speech activity, contribute to the improvement of speech motor skills to form an articulatory base of sounds, tempo and rhythm of speech.

3) Musical and rhythmic movements. While playing the piano or listening to an audio recording, together with the teacher, children display the habits of different animals or natural phenomena. The teacher, using songs, poems, dances, elementary music playing on noise instruments, didactic games, cultivates a sense of rhythm in children, teaches them to find rhythmic organization in music and speech. In older preschool age, the teacher promotes the development of spatial organization of movements, facial expressions, teaches children to accompany songs and poems with various complex movements to develop fluency and expressiveness of speech, phonemic hearing and speech memory. Also, with sufficiently long use of musical-rhythmic movements and words, the ability of preschool children to navigate in space is formed. Gross and fine motor skills, creative fantasy, imagination, and creativity in displaying one’s own image and associations in movements are developed and improved [3].

4) Finger games. This section of logorhythmics involves accompanying sequential or simultaneous movements of the fingers with a word, individual syllables or sounds. At the same time, the teacher tries to ensure that children achieve not only independence of movement of each finger, but also greater mobility. It is also necessary to introduce children to basic techniques of self-massage, massage of fingers and hands. This type of activity is a good assistant in health-saving technologies for working with preschoolers;

5) Outdoor games and exercises. The teacher, accompanied by a piece of music of 2 or 3 parts or a song with a game plot, teaches how to change the type of movement in accordance with the change of parts of the musical piece or the development of the plot of the song. Exercises children in matching movements with words and music, in games created on the basis of poetic text. At the same time, games and exercises should be learned by imitation, creating a positive, joyful atmosphere. During the second year of using the full logorhythmics course, the teacher should strive to develop the dynamic aspect of communication using communicative games and dances. A significant role should be given to games that are created on the basis of a poetic text, which not only teaches children to coordinate movements with words and contribute to the speech development of children. They also develop empathy, emotionality and expressiveness in non-verbal communication, a positive sense of self;

6) Songs that are accompanied by movements of the hands and the whole body are an integral part of logorhythmics technology. It would seem that it is not particularly difficult to reproduce the lyrics of a song using movements and coordinate the movements with the music and words. However, song lyrics can be more intense than a child’s immediate creative reaction allows. Therefore, children very often find it difficult to choose the appropriate movement, especially if they need to imagine a whole range of different movements not only of gross motor skills, but also of their fingers. In achieving success in logorhythmic activity, the help of a teacher is invaluable, who not only must be creative enough himself, but also be able to arouse children’s persistent interest in this type of creativity so as to develop their independence. This section of logorhythmics is more capable than others of developing memory, thinking, and creativity in addition to speech and motor skills. In addition to these tasks, this section successfully solves the problems of musical development, helping to improve the purity of intonation, timbre and dynamic hearing.

During the period of practicing logorhythmics, priority should be given to the plot-thematic organization of direct educational activities, which gives each child the opportunity to feel confident and comfortable, as well as to realize their potential to the maximum [3]. Based on a modern personality-oriented approach to the upbringing of preschool children, the teacher must contribute to the formation in children of a holistic perception of space and time, the harmonization of their mental development.

Children are introduced to the main types of logorhythmic activities gradually and always in a playful way. Each new task should increasingly improve mental, speech and physical development, develop an ear for music, memory, attention, and plastic expressiveness of movements. Therefore, it is selected with some complication or the introduction of a new technique. Already after the first year of practicing logorhythmics, speech disorders can be overcome, clearer diction can be improved through development and correction through a combination of words and movement. Correct diaphragmatic breathing is formed, stiffness of movements is overcome, and the activity of the whole body is stimulated [6]. For children who have hyperactive characteristics, logorhythmics can become a restraining component, as well as a factor that absorbs excessive fussiness and distraction. The second and third years of logorhythmics classes continue to correct speech disorders, contribute to the normalization of spoken speech, and the development of clear diction; improve the ability to control your body, strengthen the muscles of the whole body. They also contribute to the formation in children of a strong interest in musical and speech activities.

In addition, while performing logorhythmic exercises and tasks, children develop the ability to work in a team and adhere to the general rhythm and tempo of activity.

Logorhythmics, as a modern effective technology for the development of children, makes it possible to combine the work of multidisciplinary specialists. Thus, a music director, teacher, speech therapist and practical psychologist, with the help of logorhythmics, can each solve their own, and in general, common tasks in the upbringing and development of children. Such cooperation is typical when organizing the educational process not only in speech therapy, but also in a general education group, which gives teachers the opportunity to: - overcome problems with the speech development of some children;

- to achieve their psychological relaxation;

— improve their physical and emotional development.

It is clear that the interaction of teachers requires clear coordination of actions. Therefore, at the beginning of the school year, after diagnostics, each specialist develops individual programs for the development of children and accordingly plans the work of the group as a whole. After this, the music director, teacher and speech therapist, as well as the practical psychologist plan what activities, entertainment or holidays they will spend together in order to achieve the expected results as much as possible. And the teacher-methodologist coordinates all the work on planning and organizing the interaction of specialists from the preschool institution.

Considering the problematic issues that need to be addressed throughout the school year, specialists must jointly develop a topic and select a special repertoire for each topic, which usually ends with a final integrated, complex or combined lesson or entertainment.

Working through each topic, the teacher participates in learning the repertoire both in a group during individual work with children, and in the music room during the direct educational musical activity of children. The creative approach of the teacher in each event is undeniable, because he actively helps to adapt and learn speech material and prepares the necessary attributes.

The music director, if necessary, can come to a lesson with a teacher or speech therapist and reinforce with the children the thematic material that the teachers’ work is aimed at mastering at that time. For this, it is desirable that the necessary conditions are created in the children's institution, in particular, there should be a piano in all groups.

Corrective work in speech development classes is one of the main tasks of logorhythmics. Thus, this method is also the basis for fruitful collaboration between a speech therapist and a music director. During the group lessons of the speech therapist, the music director uses the material that the children have mastered during direct musical activities, which include finger games to music or songs to practice a certain sound. In turn, the speech therapist teacher participates in music classes and entertainment, offering children special exercises for the tongue and fingers [8].

A practical psychologist not only records for himself the result that each child achieves. But it also helps children with speech problems, because children who require correctional work are so in need of psychological support!

Logorhythmic exercises and games are also very appropriate in the complex solution of problems of intellectual development.

The physical development of pupils is inextricably linked with logorhythmics. Musical-logorhythmic exercises, games, dance compositions can be actively used during physical activity, morning exercises, sports events and entertainment. After all, logorhythmics is an effective method for developing facial expressions, fine and gross motor skills of children, during which the necessary conditions are created to ensure the physical and psychological relaxation of children. This means that logorhythmics can be actively included in the development plan of a physical education instructor.

In a preschool institution, logarithmics is one of the components of educational games to improve the intellectual abilities of children. The movements that a child masters with melody and words, and interesting stories make it possible to remember a fairly large amount of information. The child does not even notice how quickly he remembers this or that song, exercise or musical fairy tale.

Logorhythmic exercises can be used not only during music classes or classes of other specialists, as a warm-up or a “minute of rest,” but also immediately before a music lesson in order to concentrate the attention of children, invite them to a lesson, or set them in the appropriate mood in a group. And finger games, which are an integral part of logorhythmics, are advisable to carry out even before matinees for emotional support and creating a joyful mood for children.

Thus, logorhythmics is the technology that ensures the interaction of specialists. And the logorhythmic exercises and games themselves are an effective tool not only for correctional work with children, but also for the development of creativity of each child, which is very important, because the development of individuality and original thinking is one of the main tasks of modern preschool education.

Beginning of the form


1. Alyabyeva E.A. Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment / - M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 64 p.

2. Babushkina R.L., Kislyakova O.M. Speech therapy rhythm./ Ed. G.A. Volkova - St. Petersburg, 2010. - 103 p.

3. Gogoleva M. Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups./ Gogoleva M.Yu. - Academy of Development, 2006. - 107 p.

4. Kartushina M.Yu. Notes of logorhythmic classes with children 5-6 years old./ - Creative Center, - 2008, - 85 p.

5. Kartushina M.Yu. Summaries of logorhythmic classes with children 6-7 years old./ - TC Sfera, 2007. - 192 pp.

6. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten./ - SPHERE, 2004. - 192 p.

7. Novikovskaya O.A. Logorhythmics. Games and exercises for preschoolers./ - Corona-print, 2008. - 128 p.

8. Slyusar K.N. Logorhythmic classes with children 3-5 years old./ - Gnome and D, 2007. - 80 p.

9. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Speech development in children aged 6-7 years. Program. Guidelines. Lesson notes. Games and exercises/ - Ventana-Graf, 2008. - 288 p.

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