Writing words with the letter "SH". Combination “SHI” methodological development in the Russian language (grade 1)

Collocations (161)

  • punched in the nose
  • hits you in the nose
  • hit me in the nose
  • very bad
  • sewn in less quantity than necessary
  • sewed the case
  • sewn in a different style
  • chic shine, beauty
  • chic who gave
  • amazing woman
  • gorgeous dress
  • luxury house
  • chic suit
  • pain in the ass
  • you can't hide an awl in a sack
  • awl in one place
  • pain in the butt
  • fiddle with soap
  • shaved with an awl
  • wider step
  • fly full of wool
  • Shirley Temple
  • wide alley
  • wide audience
  • wide beard
  • wide range
  • wide chest
  • wide road
  • wide path
  • broad soul
  • wide fame
  • big picture
  • wide highway
  • broad nature
  • wide range
  • general public
  • wide panorama
  • wide area
  • broad support
  • wide band
  • wide clearing
  • wide popularity
  • general public
  • wide plain
  • wide river
  • wide network
  • wide path
  • a wide street
  • Broad smile
  • wide grin
  • wide part of a blast furnace
  • wide skirt
  • broad-minded
  • ample opportunities
  • broad horizons
  • wide roads
  • broad masses
  • broad masses
  • wide windows
  • broad prospects
  • broad shoulders
  • broad knowledge
  • broad powers
  • broad rights
  • wide open spaces
  • wide plains
  • wide sizes
  • wide layers
  • general population
  • wide steps
  • a wide range of
  • wide view
  • wide view
  • wide choose
  • wide range
  • wide access
  • wide complex
  • wide circle
  • broad-minded
  • wide meadow
  • wide scale
  • wide world
  • wide range
  • wide view
  • wide public response
  • wide response
  • wide coverage
  • wide range
  • wide chin
  • wide stream
  • wide opening
  • wide open space
  • wide profile
  • wide passage
  • wide scope
  • wide resonance
  • wide range
  • broad meaning
  • wide range
  • wide table
  • wide tract
  • long stride
  • wide, ill-fitting
  • broad front
  • with long strides
  • widely known
  • widely known
  • widely known
  • widely used
  • widely used
  • widely used
  • widely used
  • widely represented
  • widely used
  • widely used
  • apply widely
  • widely used
  • widely spread in opposite directions
  • widely spread
  • widespread
  • widespread
  • widespread
  • widespread
  • striding
  • wide range
  • generalist
  • wide range
  • wide range
  • widespread implementation
  • widespread introduction of electrical energy
  • broad meaning
  • wide use
  • wide discussion
  • wide window
  • wide field
  • broad understanding
  • broad concept
  • widespread consumption
  • widespread recognition
  • wide application
  • wide space
  • widespread development
  • wide use
  • wide highway
  • with a wide hand
  • in a broad sense
  • breadth of soul
  • breadth of interests
  • breadth of use
  • widest spectrum
  • big smile
  • broad shoulders
  • consumer goods black
  • sewn with white threads
  • sewn and covered
  • embroidered with white threads
  • shish on shish
  • shish with butter
  • shish with trailer
  • lump out of the blue
  • grinding a bump

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "shi" (at the beginning of the word - SHI). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing SHI.

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Dictations: combinations zhi, shi


Write down and read the words.

Runs, hedgehog, live, life, skis, kids, ears, hedgehogs, dinner, puddles, car, fluff, jug, sew, knives, pencils, breathe, (17 words)


Picture dictation.

Skis, hedgehogs, pencils, jug, lilies of the valley, water lilies, awl, pine cone, rose hips, vest, giraffe, mice. (12 words.)

Selective dictation .

Write down words with combinations zhi, shi, qi.

Grisha, cones, awl, cranes, hot, puddles, compasses, heron, hedgehog, ears, live, greedy, walk, make noise, hiss, fox, hat, balls, beetle, be friends.

Creative dictations.

Write the words in the plural.

Hedgehog - hedgehogs, grass snake, swift, siskin, pencil, ski, hut, lily of the valley, ear, roof, baby, pear, mouse.

Write down the text. Underline words with combinations zhi, shi.


Alyosha had a hedgehog. He lived in the room. Alyosha got up one morning, and the hedgehog was missing. Alyosha began to put on his boot and pricked his leg. He began to shake his boot, and the hedgehog fell out of it. Well, the hedgehog has taken a fancy to the house! (39 words)

Write down the text. Underline words with combinations zhi, shi.


It's nice in the forest in spring! The sky turns blue in the puddles. Fragrant lilies of the valley are blooming.

The forest lives happily in summer. Birds sing in the dense foliage. Hedgehogs and squirrels scurry about carefully.

In autumn, the forest gives us rose hips and full baskets of saffron milk caps. (37 words.)

Selective dictations.

Write down words with combinations zhi, shi.


Man creates good living conditions for animals. In winter, he arranges feeders for moose and wild boars. Hangs nesting boxes and birdhouses. Fences anthills. Without human help, many animals cannot survive.

Write down sentences that contain words with zhi, shi.


Have you been to a collective farm? Have you seen how animals are fed? Feed is prepared for them in factories. This includes ground grain, grass meal, and salt. And sugar is mixed into the food for little piglets. My dad works as an electrician at such a plant. Cars cannot do without electricity.

Letter from memory.


The turtle makes everyone laugh because he is in no hurry. But where should he rush, Who is always in his home? (17 words.)

(S. Marshak.)


Skis, puddles, be friends, cars, floors, awl, sew, pencils, bug, cones, pears, kids, knives, write, ours, tires, circus, station. (18 words.)

Misha, our kids, has good pears, a sharp awl, hissing snakes, a sharp knife, fragrant lilies of the valley, being friends with his brother, ruffs on the ear, drying pears, cones hanging, number three, put down the compass. (28 words.)

BABIES. The kindergarten is quiet. The kids are sleeping. Wide windows are covered with curtains. There are pencils in glasses. The albums feature ruddy pears and prickly hedgehogs. The kids did a good job. Now they are resting. (26 words.)

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Vocabulary dictations on the topic: “-zhi-, -shi-, -cha-, -sha-, -chu-, -schu-“

Assignment for dictations: write down the words, dividing them into syllables, underline the letter combinations - zhi-, -shi-, -cha-, -sha-, -chu-, -schu-. Dictation 1.
Rosehip, hissing, thorn, squad, awl, code, overcoat, honeysuckle, belly, animal, siskin, saffron milk cap, garages, screen, width, chic, resident.

Dictation 2.

Fluffy, wide, fragrant, machine-made, liquid, fatty, animal, mousey, denim, vest, lively, effervescent, erroneous.

Dictation 3.

Thicket, grove, task, prey, luck, change, hour, happiness, beginning, food, area, tea, bunnies, girls, jackdaws, rooks, cup, teapot, enchantment, charm.

Dictation 4.

They knock, shout, are silent, growl, squeal, crackle, squeak, help out, protect, meet, forgive, clean, distinguish, instruct, promise. Wide, task, ruffs, wonderful, mouse, teapot, luck, squad, eccentric, pike, tire, private, plot, honeysuckle.

Dictation 5.

Fat content, breadth, private, sizzle, jeans, food, cup, in the cup, belly, jackdaws, vest, sew up, booty, red, cones, sorrel.


How to correctly apply words to the “zhi-shi” rule? The example sentences given below will help children learn to find words with a given spelling in a general array of text. These sentences can be used for dictations or for making cards.

  1. A tall oak tree grew in the clearing.
  2. The shoemaker worked as an awl.
  3. Tell me this rule.
  4. Name the hissing sounds.
  5. The passengers got out of the carriage.
  6. The doctor prescribed fish oil to the patient.
  7. The student wrote with strong pressure.
  8. My native country is wide!
  9. Masha ended up in the bears' home.
  10. Giraffes live in Africa.
  11. Chimpanzee is a funny monkey.
  12. Wild rose is the ancestor of the rose.
  13. The boy is wearing a smart vest.
  14. Pets need care.
  15. Once upon a time there was a king.
  16. Put the book back!
  17. It's very cold this winter.
  18. The kids went for a walk.
  19. Write the words correctly!
  20. The car's tires rustle on the asphalt.

Vocabulary dictations on the topic “-CHK-“

Dictation task: underline the letter combination -chk-.
Dictation 1.

Bird, water, hooks, leaves, place, barrel, Christmas tree, needle, knives, stockings, socks, pants, little thing, couple, mommy.

Dictation 2.

Worms, spiders, butterflies, bugs, titmice, birds, kitty, goat, bump, T-shirt, shirt, hat, blouse, skirt.

Dictation 3.

Lyubochka, Lenochka, Galochka, Tanechka, Irochka, Svetochka, Zinochka, Anechka, Zhenechka, Senechka, Verochka, Shurochka, Ninochka, Alechka, Yulechka.

Dictation 4.

Handbag, cup, spoon, fork, plate, knives, swallow, strawberry, twig, hole, strawberry, lid, apple.

Dictation 5.

Page, book, line, dot, leaves, candle, chicken, duck, bath, card, basket, shelf, hairpin, button.

Dictation 6.

A hat, a boat, a pin, a buckle, a tub, a piece of paper, a stroller, a sled, a cart, a mug, a tassel, a window, a ruler.

One of the spelling patterns of the Russian language

The main unit of the linguistics section of spelling is the spelling chart. There are as many spelling patterns in the Russian language as there are spelling rules.

This is a spelling that follows the general rule. Also, the spelling can be chosen among several possible ones traditionally.

Depending on whether a letter is selected from different options, or depending on the spelling of the word (separately/together; with a hyphen/without a hyphen; when it comes to the place in which the word can be hyphenated), spellings are divided into:

  • alphabetic,
  • non-literal.

Spelling: “In the combinations “zhi-shi” the vowel and” are always written - alphabetic.

Here are examples of words with “zhi” and “shi”:

  • granary;
  • life;
  • living;
  • liquid;
  • knives;
  • snakes;
  • circle;
  • serve;
  • invested;
  • strangers;
  • lived;
  • burning;
  • folded;
  • guard;
  • cakes;
  • fresh;
  • skin;
  • hedgehog;
  • runs;
  • multiplied;
  • overcoat;
  • effervescent;
  • width;
  • pears;
  • chiffon;
  • slate;
  • pasha;
  • dancing;
  • sew;
  • hurry up;
  • good;
  • fidgeting;
  • sushi;
  • sewn;
  • fragrant;
  • cone;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • Jr;
  • bald;
  • error.

If desired, you can find many more examples of the use of this combination.

Russian syllables


The meaning of the syllable Shi is protruding, elevation, rise, above, on top, protrude repeatedly.

Next, we will present a decoding of the meanings of 8 Russian words containing the syllable shi.

The meaning of letters and syllables in the selected words:

b - protruding, protruding. External. Dominate, prevail, (exalted). To break out, to throw out.

to - approaching, joining, connecting. Attached to something, leading to...(move). Belonging to something. Belonging to something. In the sense of the modern preposition - attached to..., to oneself, a collective particle, to collect, to strive for..., aspiration. Result. Intended (suitable, useful). For (something). Adaptable. To strive for something and the result of it.

ka - moving, galloping, jumping up and down, moving, falling, depression, place, displace. Moved by meaning or by smallness, i.e. small. Movement in the physical sense. Movable (including small). Movable. Placed somehow, somewhere... k-a=result of removal.

o - all, everything. Volume. Unity, integrity. If you stand inside a volume, then the volume surrounds you. Surroundings, surroundings, surrounding volume. (Synonyms: “everything around” = “surrounding”).

p - U-shaped. Rectangular. Period. Surface, on top, upper. Impulsively, sharply, immediately, suddenly, clearly. Very fast. Start, start quickly, act sharply. The beginning of something (if "p" is at the beginning). End, stop abruptly, cut off abruptly (if “p” is at the end of a syllable). Finish abruptly, definitively. To cut off sharply, break sharply, violate.

r - detail, edge, edge, edge, structure. Isolated, torn out, abrupt. Separate, tear off, tear. Essence, (existing, existence), object, thing, phenomenon, substance, object, subject, body. Details inside.

y - direction, coordinate, state. At the address, about. To be, to remain (at the address described below). With the aim of. For. Purpose. Place. In place (together). Near. With (something, someone). Relating to... The preposition "y". Sometimes, as a preposition “in”, inside.

f - a separate, isolated part (sometimes distant), connected with the general, with the whole. Smoothly. Smooth surface? Gradually, gently. End, extended (not sharp) edge, outskirts. Sometimes like "p". Cover, start, finish.

w - prominent, rising, protruding, protruding, towering, outstanding.

Shi - sticking out, elevation, rise, over, on top, protrude repeatedly.

Here is a selection of words containing the syllable “SHI”: Error, zilch, bruise, chic, thorn, cipher, shish, bump.

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