Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for the academic year

Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for the academic year

Ekaterina Igorevna

Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for the academic year

Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for the academic year


Organizational and correctional work

1. Diagnostics of speech development of middle, senior and preparatory groups.

2. Preparation of documentation for the logistics center .

3. Formation of subgroups and (draw up)
planning of individual and subgroup work .
4. Organization of TOPPK GKOU SKOSH 118 in MADO No. 133 for children with speech impairments.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Meeting the ped. team with the results of a speech examination.

2. Conversation with the team on the topic “Normal speech development and age-related characteristics”


3. Clarification of the specifics of working with children with various speech disorders.

4. Speech therapy corner in a group , recommendations for equipping it.

5. Planning speech therapy work in accordance with the preschool educational institution plan for the current year.

6. The work of the psychological-medical-pedagogical

consultation. PMPK No. 1

Working with parents

1. Familiarization of parents with the results of diagnostics of children’s speech and the features of the speech center’s work .

2. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic: “The role of parents in raising children to speak correctly.
The speech of adults is an example to follow” and “Normal speech development and age-related characteristics”

3. Visual information consultation for parents using a stand and the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic: “Everything about the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission
”, also personal counseling for parents.


Organizational and correctional work

1. Design of speech therapy corners for parents.

2. Production of games and aids for the development of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Production of games and aids for the development of phonemic hearing.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Teachers’ council on the topic “Speech development”

Familiarization of educators with the order of speech development in junior and middle groups in folklore and educators of senior and preparatory groups with the methodology of teaching literacy .
2. Conducting an open literacy lesson for senior and preparatory groups.

3. Individual counseling at the request of educators.

Working with parents

1 Visually - informational consultation of parents using the heading Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“Why do we need home
speech therapy assignments ?

2 Individual counseling for parents on the topic: “The importance of articulatory gymnastics in producing sounds and the correct execution of exercises” and “On exercises with the tongue”


3 Recommendations for parents on the specifics of working with their child in person.


Organizational and correctional work

1. Production of games and aids for the development of phonemic awareness.

2. Making games and aids for the development of fine motor skills.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Consultations - workshops on working on fine motor skills.

2. Consultation-workshop on working on expressive intonation-colored speech through plot-role-playing games, memorizing poems.

Working with parents

1. Individual consultation about the requirements for performing exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

2. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“To speak clearly, you need to be friends with your fingers!” (about the connection between fine motor skills and speech)


Organizational and correctional work

1. Production of text-stories on lexical topics.

2. Participation in the preparation of matinees for the New Year.

3. Diagnosis of the state of phonemic hearing and perception in children of older and preparatory groups.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Consultation for educators on the topic: “Development of phonemic hearing and perception in children. Formation of sound-letter analysis."

2. Consultation-workshop for educators on the topic: “We teach how to perform breathing exercises correctly”


3. Organization of joint work on lexical topics ( teacher-speech therapist , educator)


Working with parents

1. Individual counseling about the importance of phonemic awareness and perception.

2. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“It’s fun to breathe together!” (we teach how to perform breathing exercises correctly)

3. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the heading Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic: “How
to teach a child to hear and pronounce sounds correctly” (we develop phonemic processes)


Organizational and correctional work

1. Examination of the speech of children in the younger and middle groups.

2. Correction of individual work plans .

3. Making diagrams for composing stories on lexical topics.

4. System for regulating material for the development of coherent speech.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Consultation-workshop on working on sound pronunciation in younger groups.

2. Consultation on the topic: “How to replenish children’s vocabulary”;
work on the lexical side of speech; “We play and develop the grammatical structure of speech” - work on the grammatical side of speech.
3. PMPC meeting, analysis of current work .

Working with parents

1. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the heading Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“How to replenish children’s vocabulary”
2. Individual counseling on the topic “What is the grammatical structure of speech?”

“We play and develop the grammatical structure of speech”
3. Individual consultation on the topic: “Why is PMPK needed, what documents are needed to submit to PMPK for preschool children.”


Organizational and correctional work

1. Production of manuals to enrich children's vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, development of phrasal speech.

2. Participation in the preparation of matinees for March 8th.

Organizational and methodological work

(team and methodological work )

1. Consultation for teachers of older groups on the topic: “Preparing the hand for writing”


2. Consultation for educators on the topic: “Entertaining walks”
(games for the development of coherent speech, and not only)
3. Attending classes with educators to assist in monitoring correct sound pronunciation.

4. Individual consultations at the request of educators.

Working with parents

1. Participation in meetings of junior and middle groups “On the results of examination of young children”


2. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“Preparing the hand for writing

3. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the heading Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“Entertaining walks” (games for the development of coherent speech, and not only)
4. Recommendations for parents on the specifics of activities with their child.


Organizational and correctional work

1. Selection and design of material for the development of sound pronunciation.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

2. Consultation for educators on the topic: “How to teach a child to retell


3. Consultation for educators on the topic: “Child’s speech readiness for school”


4.Consultation for educators on the topic: “Development of higher mental functions in the classroom”

5. Conducting an open literacy lesson together with a teacher in the preparatory group.

Working with parents

1. Individual consultations on completing homework using notebooks.

2. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“Child’s speech readiness for school

3. Recommendations for choosing school programs, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

4. Individual consultations at the request of parents.


Organizational and correctional work

1. Identification and examination of children who need to be presented at the PMPK.

2. Preparation of documentation

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Consultation for educators on the topic: “Pedagogical presentation of a child sent to undergo TMPK.”

2. Meeting of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Consilium (PMPC, analysis of current work .

3. Consultation for a teacher-psychologist on the topic: “Psychological presentation of a child sent to undergo TMPK.”

Working with parents

1. Participation in parent meetings of senior and preparatory groups with a speech on the topic “All about the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC)


2. Individual consultations at the request of parents.

3. Visual information consultation for parents of younger groups using the Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:
“Prevention of speech disorders”

Organizational and correctional work

1. Examination of children, preparation of documentation for the removal of children.

2. Participation in the preparation and holding of graduation matinees.

Organizational and methodological work (team and methodological work )

1. Summing up the results for the year - participation in the analytical teachers' council.

2. Analytical report on the work done during the academic year .

3. Discussion and approval summer health plan at the general meeting .

4. Individual consultations at the request of educators.

Working with parents

1. Consultations - recommendations for parents on working on their speech in the summer .

2. Participation in parent meetings with a speech on the topic “Our achievements!”


3. Visually - informational consultation of parents using the heading Logopunkt

on the kindergarten website on the topic:

Plan for summer health work .

Annual plan of a speech therapist teacher for the 2021-2022 school year.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 7"



MBDOU No. "Kindergarten No. 7"

__________Tkachenko A.N.

Annual work plan for a speech therapist teacher

Anishchuk I.V. for the 2021-2022 academic year.

The purpose of the speech therapy group is

: timely identification of problems in speech development and provision of necessary speech therapy assistance to children aged 3 to 7 years.

The main objectives
• formation and development of phonemic hearing in children with speech impairments;

• correction of disorders of sound perception and sound pronunciation;

• timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in speech development;

• instilling communication skills in children;

• development of individual programs for correcting sound pronunciation.

• solving problems of social and speech development.

During the academic year, the speech therapy group carries out work in various areas:





-scientific and methodological;

- relationship with other participants in the correction process.

The main directions of work of a speech therapist teacher in the 2021-2022 academic year.


The content of the work Deadlines
1. Speech therapy and psychological-pedagogical examination of children in the combined and compensatory speech therapy group, determination of the characteristics of speech, psychomotor, and general development of children. September, May
2. Work to identify children with speech disorders through examination at preschool educational institutions, referring children to primary medical education for enrollment in a speech therapy group October
3. Referring children to PMPK May


Content Deadlines Number of children Expected Result
1 Primary diagnosis of children's oral speech 01-


Middle, senior groups Identification of children with speech problems. Preparation of speech cards and individual notebooks for children of speech pathologists.
2 Conducting individual and subgroup classes with children of the speech therapy group in the following areas: Throughout the year according to schedule Formation of all aspects of speech in each child.
– development of phonemic awareness Promoting auditory differentiated perception of speech sounds - phonemes.
- sound pronunciation correction The process of education and correction of deficiencies in the pronunciation of speech sounds
— improving the syllabic structure of words The ability to correctly pronounce words with complex sound-syllable structures
— replenishment of the dictionary Familiarizing children with objects, their qualities and properties.
- improving grammatical structure Understanding the meaning of grammatical changes to words.
- improving coherent speech Ability to convey the content of short stories and fairy tales.
3 Conducting intermediate and final diagnostics of oral speech. January May Update the group's sound profile; recruitment of new subgroups
Organization and conduct of “Logoritmics” for children of the older group. according to plan Development of coordination of movement and speech rate



The content of the work Deadlines Exit
1. Conducting frontal speech therapy direct educational activities on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and literacy training, on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language in the senior group. IN

during the academic year

Thematic planning, calendar planning
2. Conducting subgroup speech therapy direct educational activities with children of the middle and senior groups. IN

during the academic year

Thematic planning
3. Conducting individual and subgroup speech therapy directly

educational activities


during the academic year

Daily planning of individual, subgroup speech therapy GCD, notes of individual lessons



The content of the work Deadlines Exit
1. Completing the group, approving the group list Up to 1


List of children

speech therapy group

1. Drawing up and approval of a cyclogram of the working hours of a speech therapist teacher, a schedule of frontal and individual-subgroup speech therapy activities for the year. Up to 15


Cyclogram, graph
2. Drawing up a work program, an annual work plan for a speech therapist teacher

Drawing up a long-term and calendar work plan for the academic year

Planning speech therapy frontal, subgroup, individual GCD

Until September 20

Until September 20


throughout the year

Work program, Annual work plan

Weekly and daily work plans, notes


3. Maintaining speech cards and individual home notebooks for children IN

throughout the year

speech cards,

Individual home notebooks for children.

4. Participation in the methodological association of teachers and speech therapists During a year


The content of the work Deadlines Exit
1. Discussion of the results of speech therapy, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children in the middle and senior speech therapy groups. End of September Diagnostic results
2. Advisory interaction with preschool specialists: with a physical education instructor, music director, group teacher, psychologist. IN

throughout the year as needed

Analysis of work for the year
3. Consultations for preschool teachers at seminars and pedagogical councils:

1. The relationship between the work of a teacher-speech therapist and teachers of a speech therapy group in correctional work to eliminate phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.

2. Storytelling as a means of developing children's speech. november
3. Phonemic hearing is the basis of correct speech. December Practical material (presentation, consultation)
4. Breathing exercises training by A.S. Strelnikova for educators and specialists January Practical lesson
5. Development of graphomotor skills in children of senior preschool age. February Practical material (presentation, consultation)
6.Means for developing fine motor skills of the hands March Practical
children with speech disorders material (presentation, consultation)
7. Types of teacher work on the development and improvement of coherent speech of preschool children April Practical material (presentation, consultation)
6. Analysis of the joint work of a speech therapist teacher and a teacher of children in a speech therapy and combined group for the school year:

— discussion of work issues

— recommendations for organizing joint activities

May Annual work report


The content of the work Deadlines Exit
1. Speeches at parent meetings:

A) Goals and objectives of speech therapy work for senior and middle groups.

The role of parents in the development of children's speech.

September Minutes of the meeting

Consultation. presentation

B) storytelling as a means of developing children’s speech February Consultation, presentation
C) Summing up the results of correctional training in the senior speech therapy group. Recommendations from a speech therapist to parents. May Minutes of the meeting, booklets “Advice to parents of future

first graders"

2. Consultations for parents:

1) Individual counseling for parents based on the results of a speech therapy examination




advisory work

2) Consultation for parents:

The need to perform breathing and articulation exercises. Rules for performing breathing and articulation exercises

October Consultation –

training, information sheets at the stand


Using mnemonics for the development of speech in children with speech impairments

November consultation, presentation
4) Recommendations for parents on the development of graphomotor skills December Consultation, presentation
5) How to develop a child’s skills of correct sound pronunciation.

When to seek help from a pediatric speech therapist

January Consultation

Information sheet on the stand for


Development of a child’s coherent speech in the family February Consultation
7) Does your child speak correctly? March Consultation for parents
3. Consulting parents as necessary, conducting open individual lessons at the request of parents IN

throughout the year


advisory work


The content of the work Deadlines Exit
1. Replenishment of the educational and methodological complex:

— new items in methodological literature

— replenishment of existing and creation of new files on correctional work with children — replenishment of consultations for teachers and parents.


throughout the year

Card files, methodological developments, books, consultations, presentations
2. Replenishment of the educational and didactic complex

- new games and toys for working with children - manuals for frontal, subgroup and individual work with children


throughout the year

Didactic games, toys, manuals


The content of the work Deadlines Exit
1. Participation in pedagogical councils, seminars, consultations of preschool educational institutions, municipal organizations of teachers and speech therapists IN

throughout the year

Written materials
2. Viewing, showing open classes, master classes IN

throughout the year

Written materials, analysis of events viewed
4. Monitoring and studying new products in methodological literature, posting information on Internet resources. IN

throughout the year

Written materials, presentations, consultations
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