Long-term planning of work with children 3-4 years old with general speech underdevelopment of levels 1 and 2


The diagnosis of OHP is made no earlier than 3 years of age.
The violation is divided into 4 levels, depending on the severity. Children with group 2 OHP have a very poor vocabulary, it is difficult for them to pronounce sounds and words, they speak with errors. To ensure that the disorder does not worsen and lead to serious complications in the future, painstaking corrective work with a speech therapist is necessary. In the article we will talk about the signs of general underdevelopment of level 2 speech in a child, its causes, diagnosis and prevention.

Characteristics of OHP 2nd degree

The main feature is that children already speak common speech, but far from fully: they speak with errors, sound pronunciation suffers, but a grammatical connection between words begins to form.

Although the dictionary contains more words than at the first level of speech underdevelopment, it still remains meager. Children do not operate with such concepts as properties, shape, and fragments of objects.

At OHP level 2 of speech development, children always say certain words incorrectly and cannot combine objects into groups (dishes, animals, professions, seasons, clothes). Here are examples of grade 2 OHP: instead of the word “apple,” the baby always says “lyabako,” regardless of the context. And he names objects that are similar in characteristics in one word.

Another characteristic of a child with level 2 SEN is problems with sound pronunciation. The child pronounces many sounds incorrectly and replaces them with others.

However, it periodically changes simple words grammatically depending on their number. For example, he copes with words in which the emphasis is on the ending: “go” - “go.”

But he still does not coordinate the words with each other, does not use pronouns and prepositions: “mama pitya” - “mom came”, “ava bibi” - “the dog is riding”, “guay gokam” - “walked on the hill”.

If you ask a child with degree II ODD to compose a story based on a picture, he will already have a more or less coherent story. But the story will be primitive, with sentences consisting of two words, inconsistent with each other and pronounced with errors. For example: “Guai gokam. Videy seg. Or segik" (“Walked on a hill. Saw snow. Made a snowman”).

Another characteristic of group 2 OHP is a violation of the structure of syllables in words. The baby pronounces them incorrectly, replaces them, swaps them, or omits them. For example, instead of “boots” he says “bokiti”, “man” - “tevek”.

OHP level 2: speech characteristics

Children begin to speak late - by the age of 3-4 years, or even later. Due to a limited vocabulary, they speak in short, simple sentences of a maximum of 4 words. Speech skills allow the baby to express his desire, identify household items and their actions.

In communication, he still uses non-verbal tools - facial expressions, gestures, amorphous words. Conjunctions, prepositions, cases - they throw it all out.

But children understand words addressed to them much better than in the first group of underdevelopment. Although they still don’t know the shapes, colors, names of body parts.

Phonemic hearing suffers: the baby cannot isolate an isolated sound, determine its position in a word, or select words with this sound. Confuses and speaks incorrectly almost all groups of sounds.

Outwardly, children with grade 2 ODD are clumsy, they have poor coordination of movements, underdeveloped fine motor skills, and often have neurological problems. They have worse memory and thought processes than their peers, they get tired quickly, get distracted, and cannot concentrate.

How to recognize stage 2 OHP

General underdevelopment of level 2 speech in a child can only be determined by a speech therapist.
But parents need to know its signs in order to contact a specialist in a timely manner. This diagnosis is made at the age of 3–4 years. Stage 2 of OHP is a serious enough violation for parents to notice it themselves. Children with this diagnosis have only recently developed phrasal speech. They construct simple phrases of 2–3 words. Conjunctions, prepositions and adjectives are rarely used. Many mistakes are made in speech. For example, they do not know how to change words by cases and tenses, that is, use grammar.

As a rule, there are multiple defects in the pronunciation of sounds, the replacement of complex sounds, and sometimes syllables, with simpler ones. In simpler cases, the child confuses sounds and syllables only within a word, and if you ask him to pronounce the sound separately, he copes with the task.

Causes of stage II AHP

Various factors can lead to a violation. They can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Biological. These include: difficult pregnancy, bad habits of the mother during pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, Rh conflict between the fetus and the mother. This group also includes difficult births: traumatic, rapid or protracted, asphyxia. The listed factors can cause damage to the central nervous system and lead to delayed mental development, speech disorders and other problems;
  2. Social. In families where parents lead an antisocial lifestyle, children suffer greatly. An unfavorable environment, indifferent or cruel treatment, beatings, improper upbringing or lack thereof, aggression from adults, lack of communication and developmental activities with parents - all this entails a whole range of mental and neurological disorders.

What happened to the baby in the first year of life is also important. Psycho-emotional and physical injuries, neuroinfections, frequent diseases of early childhood, traumatic brain injuries that occur in the pre-speech period can cause delayed speech development in the future.

Diagnosis of OHP group 2

Diagnosis is approached in a comprehensive manner. It is attended by a pediatrician and specialized specialists - an otolaryngologist, a psychiatrist, a neurologist, and a speech therapist.

The pediatrician’s task is to collect anamnesis, assess the patient’s general health, and give referrals to other doctors.

The task of the otolaryngologist is to assess hearing acuity, identify or exclude deafness and other hearing disorders.

The psychiatrist’s task is to assess the patient’s mental health and rule out mental disorders and diseases that are accompanied by speech disorders. These include, for example, autism, mental retardation.

The neurologist’s task is to assess the baby’s neurological status, since most often speech development disorders are associated precisely with damage to the central nervous system and speech centers of the brain. Therefore, the neurologist refers the patient to hardware diagnostics and only after that makes a diagnosis.

The task of a speech pathologist-defectologist is to determine the form and level of speech underdevelopment and draw up a correction program.

If necessary, drug therapy, massage, physiotherapy and speech therapy massage are included. The role of parents is also important - they should also work with their child at home.

In some cases (for example, with rhinolalia), consultation with a maxillofacial surgeon is necessary. Surgery may be required to correct the defect that prevents the baby from speaking.

Diagnosis by a speech therapist

A speech pathologist examines the medical history obtained as a result of examinations by other specialists. Asks parents to provide information about the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the baby’s speech activity, when he began to coo, said the first word - these data are very important for identifying the causes of underdevelopment.

The speech therapist evaluates the baby’s motor skills, especially fine motor skills, since there is a connection between motor and speech development.

Next, he evaluates the little patient’s oral speech - each of its components. This is necessary to determine speech underdevelopment and the degree of understanding of the baby’s native language. He evaluates this according to 4 criteria:

  1. Connectivity. The speech therapist evaluates how coherently and competently the child speaks, the order of words in sentences, the consistency and logic of presentation. With general underdevelopment of second-level speech, children cannot consistently express their thoughts or tell something. To assess this characteristic of speech, the speech therapist gives the baby a picture that he must describe, or an audio recording that he must retell. Or simply asks questions that the baby must answer;
  2. Lexico-grammatical processes. It is assessed how much the child understands the plural and singular numbers, cases, synonyms, antonyms, agreements, as well as generalizing categories, shapes, colors, properties. Children with general underdevelopment of speech at the second level have difficulty selecting the right words, use one word to denote several words that are close in meaning, and generally construct phrases with gross errors;
  3. Syllable structure. Children with speech development group 2 simplify complex words, reduce them to 1 - 2 syllables, and also change syllables in places and skip them;
  4. Sound pronunciation. In case of II degree OHP, it suffers. Kids can pronounce up to 20 sounds incorrectly - this is almost all groups. They cannot conduct a sound analysis due to phonemic hearing impairments.

Based on the data obtained, the specialist determines the form of speech pathology, the degree of its severity and draws up an individual correction program.

Let's learn to speak like big people!

The key to effective correction is a correct diagnosis. Doctors and speech therapists must make sure that the child has a general underdevelopment of speech of the second level, or find other, at first glance, similar conditions. For example, hearing loss, mental retardation, autism. It is also important to determine the specific speech pathology - alalia, aphasia, dysarthria or other conditions. This knowledge will help determine the methods and forms of correctional work.

During the examination, the speech therapist will ask the parents about how the baby was developing and will pay attention to his general skills. Then the child is tested: they are given a short text to listen to and asked to retell it, or asked to compose a story using pictures. This helps to evaluate:

  1. understanding the text or meaning of pictures;
  2. the ability to present information logically and consistently;
  3. the ability to correctly construct a sentence;
  4. lexicon;
  5. knowledge of colors, geometric shapes, body parts;
  6. pronunciation of sounds.

The speech therapist will ask the child leading and additional questions. Our Center’s specialists first establish contact with the baby and only then begin tests. Like the speech therapy classes that will follow the test, all tasks are presented in a playful form and will definitely interest the child.

During the classes, the child will expand his vocabulary, learn to construct sentences, use prepositions, pronouns and adjectives. The child will learn to construct and answer questions correctly, and then compose stories independently. When correcting speech underdevelopment of the second level, work is also being done on sound pronunciation. Sometimes this takes a lot of time, because with such a diagnosis the child can pronounce 15–20 sounds incorrectly, and they need to be put in a certain sequence.

After speech impairments are corrected, the child needs the supervision of a speech therapist for several years: if he has difficulties with reading and writing, a specialist will be able to help in time. Timely correction of speech therapy problems will help maintain interest in studying and avoid unnecessary problems in relationships with classmates.

Correctional program for level 2 OPD

Children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment type 2 at the age of 3–4 years are enrolled in a speech therapy group in a kindergarten. They will spend 3 years there—that’s exactly how long it will take to bring the students’ verbal skills closer to the age norm.

The correction program has several goals:

  1. Enrich your vocabulary and activate it. For this purpose, the speech therapist offers lexical topics in classes (for example, “Seasons”, “Clothing”, “Dishes”, “Pets”, “Wild Animals”, “Birds”, “Professions”). For each topic, they offer a list of words that children should learn. Then they do exercises: name objects, their properties, describe pictures;
  2. Develop vocabulary and grammar. Young students develop the skills of forming words, teach numbers, cases, and genders. In three years, they will learn to use ordinal numbers and words in three cases (genitive, instrumental and dative) without errors, answer the questions “how many?”, “whose?”, “where?” and where?";
  3. Form coherent and phrasal speech. Pupils are taught to correctly construct simple sentences, and then short stories. They offer the following exercises: compose a story based on a picture, memorize a couplet or nursery rhyme, give a detailed answer to a question, and also formulate questions independently and conduct dialogues;
  4. Improve sound pronunciation. First, the speech therapist develops articulation and then practices isolated sounds. Then they make up syllables, and then words.

Classes with students with general speech underdevelopment type 2 are conducted in groups in the form of a game.

Forecast TNR ONR level 2

If you start correction at the age of 3-4 years, then the prognosis is very good. Children who study in a speech therapy group gradually increase their vocabulary and become more active verbally. All this leads to a gradual improvement in their speech skills.

In general, by the first grade, most of them manage to overcome all difficulties, although they are still somewhat behind their peers without level 2 OHP. Therefore, it is necessary to continue classes with the school speech therapist.

Parents need to understand that there is still a risk. Such students have more difficulty with writing and reading skills, and therefore may have difficulties with learning. That is why it is necessary to continue studying until they fully meet the age norm of their daughter or son.

If you don’t take care of your child at all or don’t complete the correction to the bitter end, this can lead to serious complications: it will be difficult for the little person to establish contact with other people and make friends. It will be difficult for him to remember and concentrate on educational and other processes. It will be difficult to study in a regular school, so such students are enrolled in special schools.

Speech disorders also provoke mental retardation. Therefore, such a child will feel inferior and self-esteem will decrease. As a result, this will lead to behavioral disorders, isolation, aggression, and apathy.

Prevention of speech underdevelopment

Here are some recommendations for preventing pathology.

Firstly, regularly show your child to a pediatrician, regularly to a neurologist, and at 3 years old to a speech therapist. It’s better to “keep your finger on the pulse” than to miss the moment and waste time. Especially if your child has neurological problems, your pregnancy or childbirth was difficult, there was fetal hypoxia and other provoking factors.

Secondly, protect your child from injury and illness, especially in the first year of life. If your daughter or son hit his head hard during a fall, for example, it is better to show him to a neurologist and do an ultrasound as indicated.

Thirdly, work with your child and develop him. Talk, show, explain, read books and fairy tales, learn rhymes, develop fine motor skills, play - all this is necessary to master speech.

Speech therapy work with children of the second level of speech development

Speech therapy work

with children of the second
level of speech development
Characteristics of children with the second level of speech development

Second level

Speech development is defined as the beginnings of common speech.
A characteristic feature of this category of children is higher speech activity. A distinctive feature is the appearance in the speech of children of two or three, and sometimes even a four-word phrase. (“Yes tena niku” -
“Give me the yellow book”,
“Children are mowing isya asom” -
“Children are coloring the leaves with a pencil”,
“Mom, buy an asaka like this” -
“Mom, buy a mosaic like this”1, etc.). In addition to gestures and babbling words, although distorted, but quite constant commonly used words appear (“Alyazai. The children of the alyazai kill. Kaputn, lidome, lyabaka. Litya give the land” - Harvest. Children harvest the harvest. Cabbages, tomatoes, apples. Leaves fall on land).

At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this occurs only in relation to words with stressed endings (table - tables; whines - sing) and relating only to some grammatical categories. This process is still quite unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced.

Children's statements are usually poor; the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

The story based on the picture and the questions is built primitively, on short, although grammatically more correct, phrases than for children of the first level. At the same time, insufficient development of the grammatical structure of speech is easily detected when the speech material becomes more complex or when the need arises to use words and phrases that the child rarely uses in everyday life.

The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. The word change is random in nature, and therefore many different errors are made when using it (“I’m playing mint” - I’m playing with a ball).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, the level of verbal generalization is very low. The same word can be used to name many objects that are similar in shape, purpose or other characteristics (ant, fly, spider, beetle - in one situation - one of these words, in another - another; a cup, a glass is denoted by any of these words). The limited vocabulary is confirmed by ignorance of many words denoting parts of an object (branches, trunk, roots of a tree), dishes (dish, tray, mug), vehicles (helicopter, motor boat), baby animals (baby squirrel, hedgehog, little fox), etc.

There is a lag in the use of words-attributes of objects denoting shape, color, material. Substitutions of word names often appear due to the commonality of situations (cuts - tears, sharpens - cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

1) replacement of case endings (“rolled-gokam” - rides on a slide);

2) errors in the use of number forms and gender of verbs (“Kolya pityala” - Kolya wrote); when changing nouns by numbers (“da pamidka” - two pyramids, “dv kafi” - two cabinets);

3) lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns (“asin adas” - red pencil, “asin eta” - red ribbon, “asin aso” - red wheel, “pat kuka” - five dolls, “tinya pato” - blue coat, “tinya cube” - blue cube, “tinya cat” - blue jacket).

Children make many mistakes when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“Kadas ladyt aepka” - The pencil lies in the box), prepositions can also be replaced (“The notebook has fallen and thawed” - The notebook fell from the table ).

Conjunctions and particles are rarely used in speech.

The pronunciation capabilities of children lag significantly behind the age norm: there is a violation in the pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, sonorant, voiced and voiceless (“tupans” - tulips, “Sina” - Zina, “tyava” - owl, etc. ); gross violations in the transmission of words of different syllabic composition. The most typical reduction in the number of syllables (“teviki” - snowmen).

When reproducing words, the sound content is grossly violated: rearrangements of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, abbreviations of sounds when consonants coincide (“rotnik” - collar, “tena” - wall, “vimet” - bear) are noted.

An in-depth examination of children makes it easy to identify insufficient phonemic hearing, their unpreparedness to master the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (it is difficult for a child to correctly select a picture with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, etc.).

Speech therapy work with children of the second level of speech development

Development of speech understanding

The child first learns to understand the speech of others, associate the names of objects and actions with specific sound combinations and words, and only then begins to speak. Therefore, the initial, “starting” period is the development of children’s understanding of speech. Moreover, when determining the content of verbal communication with children, situational speech is the earliest, and, therefore, the simplest and most accessible for them (S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin, A.M. Leushina). During the period of development of understanding of speech in a visual situation, it is useful to use many routine and play moments for classes: getting ready for a walk, preparing for classes, cleaning the doll's corner, being on duty in a group, preparing for lunch, bed, etc. You need to start by learning to understand some addresses in the imperative form. Using the words show, put, bring, give, carry, take, etc.,

You can teach a child to understand the names of many objects around him.

Gradually, the speech therapist’s phrases should expand: “Show me where the red pencil is, show me
where the big rubber ball is, etc.”
It is very important to repeat the exercises several times in various visual situations so that the child can quite accurately understand the meaning of words * and the conditions for their use.

“Classes conducted by a speech therapist at various scheduled moments turn out to be very productive. For example, when getting ready for a walk, a speech therapist comes with the children to the locker room and, addressing them with instructional phrases, regulates the entire dressing process. For example: “First take off your slippers, now put on
your boots, then you need to put on your coat, now you can put on a hat, tie a scarf, and now take out your mittens, etc.”
Gradually, the speech therapist’s questions and requests become more diverse and more complex. But children still respond only with actions. For example: “Raise your hands, who has already put on boots”
or “Show me, who has already put on a fur coat?” or “tied a scarf”, “Come to me if you are already fully dressed” , etc.
Children should be taught to distinguish:

- actions that are close to the situation (knitting - sewing, bathing - washing, sleeping - lying, buying - selling, carrying - lucky, jumping - running, sewing - embroidering, etc.). At first, children respond by showing the corresponding picture, but gradually begin to try to independently name the desired word, and any, even the most distorted, reproduction of it is allowed. The speech therapist correctly repeats this word after the child;

- actions and signs that are opposite in meaning (put on a coat - take off, pour - pour out, tie a bow - untie, open the door - close; big - small, thick - thin, wide - narrow, high - low);

- actions expressed by personal and reflexive verbs (bathes - bathes, washes - washes, dresses - gets dressed, rolls - rolls, combs - combs his hair).

Using paired story pictures, children learn to distinguish: .

- actions expressed by singular and plural verbs (swims - swim, sings - sing, drinks - drink, walks - go, sleeps - sleep, eats - eat, hangs - hang);

- actions expressed by verbs of the past tense singular, masculine and feminine: Valya sang - Valya sang; Valya soap - Valya soap; Valya drank juice - Valya drank juice; Valya ate soup - Valya ate soup.

- case forms (where a baby puts on a fur coat, where a baby puts on a fur coat; where a wolf catches a hare; where a hare catches a wolf; where a mother feeds her daughter; where a daughter feeds her mother);

- possessive pronouns (give mom a pencil, give mom’s pencil):

- spatial relationships of objects, expressed by prepositions (in, on, under, from, about).

Development of phonemic hearing

In play correction classes, children are first taught to distinguish between non-speech sounds and their direction: tapping; pat; rustling paper; door creaking; tambourine sounds; sounds of a metallophone; piano sounds; sounds of an accordion, etc.

Then the children distinguish:

- nouns whose names differ in one sound. They show pictures named by the speech therapist: mouse - bowl; Masha - mask; daughter - dot; barrel - kidney; pussy - bowl; roof - rat;

- nouns that differ in sound by several sounds: donkey - goat; donkey - goat; lawn-car; snake - earth; cart - nose;

- verbs that sound similar: who rolls - who bathes; who bathes - who buys; who they graze - who they carry; who stands - who builds; who carries - who carries.

Further, using the game situations “Modification of a doll (a-a-a-a)”, “Sore ear (o-o-o-o)”, “Echo” (lost in the forest - ouch), “Crying baby” (wa -ua), teach children to distinguish these sound complexes from other combinations by ear.

Formation of vocabulary

Refinement and expansion of vocabulary is carried out based on thematic cycles. Mastering the initial skills of word formation involves distinguishing by ear, and then independently using in speech words with a diminutive meaning that are well known to the child (with the suffix “-ik” - house, forehead; with the suffix “k” - arm, leg). In classes to develop understanding and consolidate skills in the practical use of diminutive nouns, a doll and a child, portraits of a mother and baby are used.

Using special didactic games, children can be taught to distinguish between actions that are similar in appearance. For this purpose, first of all, you should select those actions that are easily demonstrated: came - left; brings - carries; pours - pours out; opens - closes, etc..

In this case, it is necessary to clearly show how the meaning of a word denoting an action changes in connection with a change in the sound of its initial part (jump - jump - jump over - jumps, etc.).

Formation of the grammatical structure of the language

Exercises to develop an understanding of grammatical categories create the basis for using these forms in independent speech. First of all, it is necessary to teach children to establish connections between an object and its action. Therefore, first they consolidate the skills of using imperative verbs and converting them into 3rd person singular present tense verbs. Then the skills of practical use in speech are formed:

- categories of number of nouns;

- categories of verbs;

- case categories.

Consolidating practical skills in using the category of number of nouns.

Didactic game 1

The speech therapist suggests listening carefully to the words he says. If one object is named, the children are silent, if several, they clap their hands. You need to remember these words, and then find the corresponding toys in the group (butterfly - butterflies, pyramid - pyramids, cabinet - cabinets, table - tables, vase - vases).

Didactic game 2

The leader places objects in one or more quantities in different places of the group. The speech therapist names them, and the children must quickly find, name them and place them on the table (drum, tambourines, metallophone, pipes, telephones, pencils, pens, etc.)

Game "Successful Fishing".

Children come to a makeshift lake. An angler is selected. He casts a fishing rod with a magnet and takes out a picture. If one object is drawn on it, puts the picture in the first basket, if there are many objects

- in the second. Children take turns approaching the baskets, take out one picture from each of them, show it to everyone and say: I have a table and lamps.
I have cats and a bag, I have a pen and mushrooms,

"Getting ready for a walk"

Children put clothes and shoes on the bench that they will wear for a walk, calling them: these are hats (boots, fur coats, etc.) The presenter, addressing the children, tells what they are wearing: I am putting on a hat, fur coat, etc. . children, performing the same actions, talk about themselves: We
put on hats, fur coats, mittens, boots, etc.
"The Fourth Wheel"

Children choose a picture that does not fit and explain why.

For example: dolls, parsleys, clowns, doll (there is an extra doll - there is only one)

Plates, plate, saucers, dishes; (one plate);

Mittens, scarf, mitten, scarf (several mittens)

To develop auditory perception, plot pictures are used depicting identical actions performed by one or several persons (a bird flies, birds fly; a girl sings, children sing).

The sequence of use of case constructions is focused on the patterns of their assimilation during normal speech development (accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional). At this stage of training, you can gradually move on to developing the skills to hear, recognize and name prepositions in phrases, using the technique of grammatical comparison (the ball is on the table -

the ball is on the table;
the cat is sitting at the table -
the cat is sitting under the table). It is important to give the child the same words in various combinations as much as possible, to reinforce the general meaning of the words (What else can the ball lie on?).

The main content of speech therapy classes on the development of coherent speech includes exercises in the use of various sentence structures. Forming the skills of composing 2 and then 3 word sentences becomes possible with a certain amount of speech understanding: “Who? What is he doing? Who? What is he doing? What?"

Using demonstrations of actions, plot pictures, and a flannelgraph, children learn to listen to questions, correlate them with the endings of verbs, and compose sentences. Dolls, favorite characters, or children themselves can act as characters. First of all, sentences include actions that are familiar and often encountered in everyday situations. At the initial stages of training, the active assistance of a speech therapist plays an important role. It is expressed in the joint pronunciation of sentences, in the child’s completion of sentences begun by the speech therapist.

Children independently make sentences on the questions: Who? What is he doing? What?

(Grandma drinks milk. Grandfather eats bread.)

Making proposals on the following questions: Ktr? What is he doing? What? (Olya is sewing a skirt). Speech therapist in

puts the proposal diagram on the board.

Making proposals on the following questions: Ktr? What is he doing? What? To whom?

(Tanya cooks fish for Olya. (for dad, mom). Tanya cooks soup for Olya. (for grandma, grandpa).

Making proposals on the questions: Who? What is he doing? What? How? (The fox cuts the meat (with what?)

with a knife.) Answers are spoken out in chorus and individually.
Come up with suggestions for 2 cards: a girl and a pencil ( The girl draws a ball with a pencil).
The next task is to expand the scope of proposals. You should offer object pictures as a visual support, using which the child completes the sentence: “The boy draws a house, a mushroom, an airplane.”

Formation of coherent speech

The ability to make sentences based on a picture and demonstrate actions allows you to move on to writing short stories. Teaching children storytelling includes several areas.

Compiling stories based on plot pictures.

First, children look at the picture and answer questions about its content. Next, the speech therapist gives a sample of his story, which the children repeat. Then you are asked to listen carefully to the questions, which are a plan for an independent story about the picture.

Compiling stories based on a series of paintings.

When teaching how to compose stories based on a series of paintings, it is necessary to select scenes from everyday life that is well known to children. First, teach them to identify cause-and-effect relationships and arrange pictures correctly. For example: children played in the garden; it began to rain heavily; the children ran into the house.

Next, each episode of the plot is played out. The use of a flannelgraph helps to consolidate the skills of writing a story.

Compilation of descriptive stories.

This type of work involves writing stories with the help of a speech therapist. The objects for description are colorful toys, household items, clothing, and furniture surrounding children. use visual diagrams as a visual support, which serve as a kind of plan when composing stories-descriptions of toys, objects, etc.


When teaching retelling, it is important to choose the right text for the story: it should be small in volume, have a clearly defined sequence of actions, an interesting plot for the child, and familiar vocabulary. The story consists of short, simple sentences with direct speech included.

The sequence of work on the retelling involves several stages:

- preliminary conversation

-reading a story about a kitten with the speech therapist laying out individual elements of the plot on a flannelgraph

- conjugate recitation of the story;

- re-reading the story, followed by children arranging the corresponding pictures;

— guessing one of the removed pictures;

— restoration of the broken sequence of pictures;

- reading a story and independent retelling of it by children. The pictures remain as a visual support.

Formation of sound pronunciation and
syllabic structure of words
The content of classes on the formation of sound pronunciation includes:

1. Development of phonemic hearing (the sequence of sound formation depends on their articulatory complexity; auditory perception is the leader in the process of phoneme formation; children are taught to distinguish phonemes that are similar in sound).

2. Clarification of the correct pronunciation of sounds.

3. Staging missing sounds.

4. Automation of supplied sounds.

5. Consolidating the skills of correct, clear reproduction of 3-4 complex words of varying sound content.

In the process of speech therapy work on the development of sound pronunciation. first of all, the consonant sounds of early ontogenesis are practiced - P, B, M, T, D, N, F, K; vowel sounds A-U-O-I.

The formation of the pronunciation aspect of speech is closely related to the formation of the syllabic and rhythmic structure of speech. Exercises are carried out on the basis of only correctly pronounced sounds. One-syllable, two-three, and then four-syllable words with closed and open syllables from correctly pronounced sounds are introduced into children's speech, focusing on classes of syllable structures.

Organization of speech therapy classes

The greatest effectiveness in teaching children with the second level

Speech development can be achieved in classes with 1-2 children (the first two months of training). This is explained by the fact that children perceive tasks and new material much better when it is addressed directly to them. The child is not yet able to distribute his attention to several objects or retain several verbal instructions in memory.

Individual work in the first months of training is more effective if the duration of classes does not exceed 10-15 minutes. After 2 months, children are united in subgroups of 2-3 people, and classes last 15-20 minutes.

In the second half of the year, when children are already accustomed to listening and being heard by a speech therapist and purposefully performing nonverbal and verbal tasks, the composition of the subgroups increases to 4-5 children. When conducting classes, it is important to maintain children’s speech activity at all times.

The more sentences a child composes and speaks about questions, plot pictures and demonstrations of actions, the better he will learn grammatical categories in practical terms and the faster he will advance in his speech development. Each speech therapy session includes exercises to develop attention, memory, and logical thinking.

When determining the content of speech therapy classes, it is important to focus on choosing feasible requirements for the child. Children show great interest in the activity when entertaining game stories are created, in which they themselves are often active participants. Children should develop cognitive interest. To do this, you can use surprise moments and various forms of encouragement. All this together helps to activate children’s speech activity. Incentives may include:

pictures, flags, stars, crosses, various symbols: drawings, chips, medallions; public assessment by a speech therapist, children (applause), verbal praise, handshake of a puppet character);

- distribution of sweets and fruits;

— labor reinforcements (distribution and collection of painting material, toys, monitoring the completion of tasks, etc.).

When conducting classes with children, you should always remember that many of them are physically and somatically weakened, get tired quickly, and cannot withstand prolonged sitting in class. In this regard, it is useful to carry out dynamic pauses in the middle of classes, which help relieve children’s muscle tension and fatigue.

Under the influence of special correctional education, children move to a new - III level of speech development, which allows them to expand their verbal communication with others.

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