Group speech therapy lesson on the lexical topic “Family”

MADOOU general developmental kindergarten No. 422 “Lorik”, Yekaterinburg

Parents are recommended:

  • Invite the child to say his last name, first name and patronymic. State the names and patronymics of each family member, your home address;
  • Talk with children about the structure of the human body, the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Learn the names of the fingers on your hand, learn to distinguish between the right and left sides.

On the topic, children should know : the name of the parts of the person, the name and number of fingers on the hand, the rules of personal hygiene, the composition of their family, name the names and patronymics of their parents, their professions.

Play with children:

  1. Listen to the instructions, follow them and tell us what you did:
  • Sniff your nose, knock your fist, raise your shoulders.
  • Raise your hands, clap your hands, squat down.
  • Wink your right eye, stamp your foot, sit down, etc.
  1. Learning finger gymnastics:


  1. Let's guess the riddles:

It’s given to you, and people use it. (Name)

Red doors in my cave, White animals sit at the doors. I gladly give both meat and bread - all my spoils - to the white beasts. (mouth, teeth, lips)

My brother lives over the mountain and cannot see me. (eyes, nose)

They don’t sow, they don’t plant, but they grow themselves. (hair)

Speech development tasks:

  1. Choose action words : what are we doing with our heads? – we think, nod, turn, etc.

With ears - we..., with eyes - we..., with nose - we..., with mouth - we..., with legs - we..., with hands - we...

  1. “One - many”: formation of plural nouns: forehead - foreheads, mouth - mouths, elbow - elbows

Change this way: nose, eye, ear, cheek, eyebrow, side, nostril, finger.

  1. "He and I". Converting the 3rd person singular form of verbs to the 1st person form:

he eats—I eat; he sniffs - I sniff, he draws - ………………., he goes – …………… he writes – ………………., he draws – ………… he goes – ………… ……….., He is jumping - ………..

  1. Name everything big: nose - nose, hand - hand, leg - ..., eye - ..., lips - ..., fists - ..., elbows - ..., nails - ...
  1. Formation of simple participles and adjectives “Name which one?” Live - living, grow - growing, love - loving, respect - respecting, stroke - ironed, try - trying, care - caring, rest - resting.
  1. “Complicated words” : Mom has blond hair, which means she is fair-haired. Make up complex words from phrases: blue eyes, gray eyes, brown eyes, dark hair, red hair, light skin, dark skin.
  1. Solve a logical problem: grandma came home from work earlier than dad, and dad came home earlier than mom. Who came home from work earlier than everyone else, and who came later than everyone else?
  1. Explain the proverbs : The whole family is together, so is the soul in the same place. It's warm in a friendly family even in the cold. Think of situations where you can say these proverbs.
  2. Write a story about the family according to plan:

Tell us about yourself and your family according to plan

  1. Who is holding which ball?

Progress of the game:

to the children

He “quarreled with his mother”
“he didn’t want to put his toys away
. And now he doesn’t know how to make peace with his mother.

Educator. Guys, do you get offended by your family when they scold you? Relatives need to be loved and helped. How do you help your family at home? I have my grandmother’s box, you will put all your help in it, and we will give the box itself to the bear so that he also learns to help his mother and does not forget about it.

Children take turns talking about how they help their mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, and grandfather at home, and put their stories in a chest. The little bear “thanks”

children for
the “magic box”
and returns to the forest to make peace with his mother and help her.

"Sweet Nothing"

Goal: To promote children’s ability to affectionately and lovingly address their family; develop coherent speech and thinking; cultivate love for your family .

Material: ball.

Progress of the game:

Q: Helping mom is good. Why?

Q: Arguing with your brother is bad. Why?

That is, questions are asked according to the principle: “something is good - why?”, “something is bad - why?”

"Let's switch"

Goal: To form ideas about family .

Game rule: The game is played by a subgroup. Each child thinks of his own object and says that he (she)

knows how to do. Then there is an exchange of functions between the children who have guessed the object.

Progress of the game:

Rules: “There is a family album in every house.

Like in a mirror we are reflected in it.

Even if we are not always beautiful -

But these photos are true.

The album is kept in our house,

Family photos are stored in an album.

Option 1: Children are offered pictures depicting children, adults, and elderly people. Make a family . How can you call these people in one word? Who lives in this family ?

Option 2: Do you think the family takes care of each other? It is necessary to identify who owns these items and explain why they decided so.

"Our friendly family "

Goal: Name family , understand and use the generalizing word family


Material: beautifully decorated box; finger theater, cut out to show finger performances.

Progress of the game:

P1 - morning. In the morning, everyone wakes up, washes their face, and gets ready for work, school, or kindergarten.

P2 - day. During the day, adults work, children study at school, and in kindergarten children walk, study, play and sleep.

P3 - evening. In the evening, the whole family gathers at home , has dinner, children study homework, adults watch TV, and very young children play.

P4 - night. They sleep at night. The night is needed so that adults and children can rest and gain strength for the next day.

Q: Now imagine that at night the whole family wakes up and begins to get ready for work and so on.


Goal: Formation in children of concepts about family .

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle and take turns naming their family . For example: “I live with my mother Natasha, father Sasha, brother Vladik. I have grandmother Lida, grandmother Vera, grandfather Grisha and grandfather Pavel.”

"Little Helpers"

Goal: To bring children to understand that they need to help their loved ones and give them their love; teach children to talk about their help in their family ; develop coherent speech and thinking.

Material: box, bear.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in a senior speech therapy group on the topic: “Family”

Direct educational activities on speech development in a senior speech therapy group on the topic: “Family”

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist of the 1st qualification category Shagivaleeva Lyutsiya Ravilevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Krasnoselsky kindergarten "Turgai" combined type

Vysokogorsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan"


expand children’s knowledge about the family, its composition, and family relationships.

Correctional educational tasks:

generalize and expand the verbal, subject and qualitative vocabulary of children on the topic of the lesson;

consolidate the grammatical structure of speech (work on the skills of forming nouns with diminutives

learn to form the comparative degree of qualitative adjectives;

make different types of sentences;

teach writing a story using a mnemonic table.

Correction and development tasks:

develop general speech skills (pronunciation of sounds, diction, intonation expressiveness);

improve speech and auditory attention, thinking, memory;

stimulate cognitive processes;

Correctional and educational goals:

to cultivate in children goodwill, love, care and attachment of the child to the family.


pictures of the family, a ball, a rag teapot with a cup, heroes of the finger theater “Family”, pictograms, mnemonic table “Family” music center.

Preliminary work:

showing family photo albums, drawing portraits of dad, mom, drawing a picture “My Family”, reading fiction: L. Geraskina “Blue Flower for Mom”, T. Bokova “Mom, Dad, Me”, U. Rajab “Mommy”, E Blagina “Spark”, “Mother’s Day”, “Let’s Sit in Silence”.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Children enter the group to the music “Let there always be sunshine”

The speech therapist welcomes the children. Invites children to sit on pillows.

The speech therapist offers children to perform articulation gymnastics

"At Grandma and Grandpa's"

There lived grandparents.

One day some guests came to visit them.

Some were fat (puff out our cheeks),

others are thin - just skin and bones (we suck in our cheeks).

Grandfather and grandmother smiled at them (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth visible),

They reached out to kiss them (lips move forward).

The morning has come - a smile on the lips (again a wide smile).

Teeth brushed (wide tongue behind upper teeth


right and left, inside and outside (corresponding movements with a wide tongue).

We rinse our mouth and purse our lips (alternately puffing out the cheeks - the lips do not allow air to pass through),

We'll start puffing like a samovar (simultaneously inflating both cheeks and then releasing air through the lips).

Visual information material on the lexical topic “Family”

The speech therapy corner plays an important role in working with families. Visual information material on the lexical topic “Family” can be used to design a speech therapist’s corner in the middle group. This material includes games for the development of fine motor skills, games for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, tips and recommendations for parents on conducting conversations with their child on the topic being studied.

Visual information material on the lexical topic Family

Check if your child knows:

  • What is family (relatives, relatives)?
  • The composition of your family?
  • Names of immediate family (sister, brother, uncle, grandmother, etc.)?
  • Mom and dad's first and middle names, their professions?
  • Who is he to grandparents (grandson, granddaughter), to parents (son, daughter), to brother and sister?

Do the “Family” finger exercise with your child:

This finger is grandpa, (we bend our fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb on one hand) This finger is grandma, This finger is dad, This finger is mom, This finger is me, Together we are a friendly family. (we interlock and squeeze our fingers) These fingers are grandfathers, (we bend the fingers on both hands) These fingers are grandmothers... These fingers are girls and boys.

Together with you we teach children.

Explain to your child what a family (relatives) is. Name all members of your family (mother, father, son, daughter), look at photographs of your closest relatives (grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle).

We call family members affectionately.

Explain to your child that you can call him simply by name (for example, Masha), or you can call him affectionately (Mashenka). And all family members can also be called affectionately: mother - mommy, mommy, grandmother - granny, granny.

Come up with as many kind words as possible.

We name family members in singular and plural.

1. Game “One or several”

Instructions: you have a grandmother, and the guys have... who? (grandmothers) You have a sister, and the other guys have... (sisters)

2. Game "One-many"

Instructions: one daughter, but many... who? (daughters)

We use adjectives in speech.

Invite your child to come up with two or three beautiful words about each member of his family:

  • Mom (which one?) – good, kind, beautiful.
  • Dad (which one?) – tall, strong, etc.

We use verbs in speech.

Invite your child to answer what mom/dad/sister/grandmother, etc. is doing.

  • Mom (what does she do?) – cares, loves, hugs, cooks
  • Dad (what does he do?) – fixes, plays, works, helps, etc.

Pick up lotto pictures or find a picture of a family. Let the child answer by looking at the pictures - this will help him quickly find the correct answer and assimilate the acquired knowledge on the lexical topic “Family”.

Zhurakovskaya Yanina Viktorovna, teacher-speech therapist of the highest category, GBOU kindergarten No. 864, Moscow

  1. Speech therapy exercises on the topic “My Family”
  2. Information block for parents on the lexical topic “Wild Animals”
  3. Visual material on the lexical topic “Wintering birds”
  4. Didactic material on the topic “Our home, our city, our country”
  5. Information for parents of the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Late autumn, Wild animals are preparing for winter”

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Progress of the game:

Option 1: Children are offered pictures depicting children, adults, and elderly people. Make a family . How can you call these people in one word? Who lives in this family ?

Option 2: Do you think the family takes care of each other? It is necessary to identify who owns these items and explain why they decided so.


Goal: Continue to introduce children to household responsibilities, help children feel like part of the family , and consolidate the names of their closest relatives.

Material: playing field, pictures with objects .

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