Notebook of speech therapy games and exercises for children from 5 to 7 years old. Lexical topic: “My family”

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle and take turns naming their family . For example: “I live with my mother Natasha, father Sasha, brother Vladik. I have grandmother Lida, grandmother Vera, grandfather Grisha and grandfather Pavel.”

"Little Helpers"

Goal: To bring children to understand that they need to help their loved ones and give them their love; teach children to talk about their help in their family ; develop coherent speech and thinking.

Material: box, bear.

Progress of the game:

The image of the heroes is put on the middle and index fingers using holes. Children can dramatize different stories with these characters. These could also be fairy tales. While playing, children learn to build dialogues, answer questions, etc.

"What are we doing?"

Goal: Formation in children of concepts about family .

Material: cards with relatives and objects.

2-4 people play.

Large cards with relatives are distributed between players, 2 pieces each. small cards with objects are shuffled and laid out face down . Players take turns taking 1 small card and say what the relative with whom he has card “Grandma will play hockey with me today!”

If this has never happened in your life, the card is returned to the pile; if it has happened, it is placed on a card with a picture of a grandmother. the next player takes a small , etc. d. during the second round of the game, players place a small card on the second large card . The game ends if there are no more small cards or one of the players has 3 small cards on one large card .
He is the winner! "Kinship"

Goal: Continue to form children’s understanding of close relatives and family .

Material: cards

The presenter takes turns asking the players questions, for example: “Who is the granddaughter?”

, if the one who must answer gives the wrong answer, the next player answers, the one who answered correctly receives a small
card . The game ends when one of the players has 6 cards .
He's a winner. "I and my family "

Goal: Continue to form children’s ideas about family , understand the role of adults and children in the family . Make the child happy and proud that he has a family .

Material: pictures depicting children, adults, elderly people.

Progress of the game:

P1 - morning. In the morning, everyone wakes up, washes their face, and gets ready for work, school, or kindergarten.

P2 - day. During the day, adults work, children study at school, and in kindergarten children walk, study, play and sleep.

P3 - evening. In the evening, the whole family gathers at home , has dinner, children study homework, adults watch TV, and very young children play.

P4 - night. They sleep at night. The night is needed so that adults and children can rest and gain strength for the next day.

Q: Now imagine that at night the whole family wakes up and begins to get ready for work and so on.


Goal: Formation in children of concepts about family .

Grammar exercises on the topic FAMILY

Exercise 1 . Complete the text about family with the correct form of the verb (PRESENT SIMPLE).

Hi! My name is Kate. I (1)___________ (live/lives) with my parents in Sydney, Australia. My mother's name is Nancy and my father's name is Patrick. I (2) __________ (have/haves/has) two brothers and one sister.

My brothers, Landon and Shamus, (3) ____________ (live/lives) with us. Landon (4)___________ (study/studies) at school. He (5) _____________ ( take/takes) the train to school. He (6) ____________ (get up/gets up/get ups ) at 6 am. That's very early! But Shamus (7) ________________ (get up/gets up/get ups) late. He (8) ______________ (walk/walks ) to work. Landon (9) ________________ (do/dos/does) his homework every day at 5pm.

My sister, Alice, (10) _____________ (live/lives) downtown with her husband, Tod. He (11) ______________ (work/works) in the suburbs. Tod is a doctor, but he (12) ______________ (don't work/doesn't work/doesn't works) in a hospital, he (13) _____________ (work/works/workes) in an office. They (14) ______________ ( visit/visits/visites) us every Sunday.

I really (15) __________________ (love/loves) my family!

Exercise 2. Complete the text about family with the correct form of the verb (PRESENT CONTINUOUS).

It's a rainy Saturday. It's raining a lot and Jane and her family are spending the afternoon at home. Her uncles are visiting them.

Jane and her father are in the living room. Jane (1) ______ (draw) and her father, Mr. Green, (2) ______ (surf) surf the net. They are also talking.

Jane's elder brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer fanatic and he spends much time playing the computer. His little brother, Jim is also in the living room. He (3) ______ (play) with his dinosaurs' collection. Sometimes he teases Jane, he is a really naughty boy.

Jane's mother, Mrs. Green, is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all of them. She (4) ________ (make) some tea.

Fluffy, the family cat, (5) __________ (sleep) on the kitchen's sofa.

Progress of the game:

Option 1: Children are offered pictures depicting children, adults, and elderly people. Make a family . How can you call these people in one word? Who lives in this family ?

Option 2: Do you think the family takes care of each other? It is necessary to identify who owns these items and explain why they decided so.


Goal: Continue to introduce children to household responsibilities, help children feel like part of the family , and consolidate the names of their closest relatives.

Material: playing field, pictures with objects .

Quest game “My friendly family”

2) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

3) supporting children’s initiative in various activities;

4) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

5) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

Principles of education:

formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and teachers; creating a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift; education through interaction.

Principles of training:

principle of accessibility; principle of visibility; the principle of systematicity and consistency; scientific principle; principle of consciousness; principle of activity.

Education methods:

game, emotional stimulation, creating a situation of success, a situation of free choice.

Teaching methods:

verbal (conversation, explanation, encouragement); visual (demonstration); practical (exercise).


  • Demo:

    a ball of thread.

  • Dispensing:

    letters, pictures-situations, words-pictures.

  • Bibliography:

1. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.


Approximate basic educational program for preschool education “Paths”

Stages Methods Activities of the teacher Children's activities Planned result
1. Motivation for joint activities.


Motivate children for upcoming activities. Cultivate interest in gaming activities.

Emotional stimulation, conversation, encouragement, demonstration, artistic expression. The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle on the mat

— You and I are growing up in a family circle!

The basis of the foundations is the parental home!

All your roots are in the family circle!

And you leave your family in life!

- Guys, hello, I’m glad to inform you that our project is coming to an end and today we will hold a final event, but it will be unusual, we are starting our quest game “My Friendly Family”.

Children's answers

-Guys, do you know what a quest game is?

-Quest is an adventure, a team game. For

I'll start by asking you to break into teams. We will do this next

way. Each child comes up and draws a card of a certain

colors. Thus, we will split into 2 teams. Is everyone ready?

Children's answers

The draw is underway.

-Now we unite into teams based on the color of the cards. Has everyone found each other? Well done! Choose a team name associated with

family, and the captain, who will receive a quest completion sheet.

-To successfully move the team forward and overcome obstacles at individual stations, act step by step and follow the rules of the game.

-For each correct answer, your team will be given letters, there will be five in total. When you go through all the stages of the quest, we will all gather together to go through the final stage and sum up the results. Good luck!

Children actively enter into dialogue with the teacher.

They agree to go through a quest game and split into two teams.

Children show interest, curiosity, and initiative.

Show interest in gaming activities.

Progress of the game:

Q: Helping mom is good. Why?

Q: Arguing with your brother is bad. Why?

That is, questions are asked according to the principle: “something is good - why?”, “something is bad - why?”

"Let's switch"

Goal: To form ideas about family .

Game rule: The game is played by a subgroup. Each child thinks of his own object and says that he (she)

knows how to do. Then there is an exchange of functions between the children who have guessed the object.

Progress of the game:

Rules: “There is a family album in every house.

Like in a mirror we are reflected in it.

Even if we are not always beautiful -

But these photos are true.

The album is kept in our house,

Family photos are stored in an album.

Option 1: Children are offered pictures depicting children, adults, and elderly people. Make a family . How can you call these people in one word? Who lives in this family ?

Option 2: Do you think the family takes care of each other? It is necessary to identify who owns these items and explain why they decided so.

"Our friendly family "

Goal: Name family , understand and use the generalizing word family


Material: beautifully decorated box; finger theater, cut out to show finger performances.

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