Speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before the vowels Y – I” in 1st grade.

Publications on speech therapy

Goals and objectives:
1. To strengthen students’ ability to distinguish between vowels Y-I in oral and written speech.
2. Strengthen the ability to differentiate consonant sounds before the vowels Y-I. 3. Enrich your vocabulary with words formed by changing numbers. 4. Develop and improve the grammatical structure of speech. 5. Develop phonemic perception, sound-letter analysis of words. 6. Develop visual perception. 7. Develop gross and fine motor skills. 8. Form positive motivation for students through the use of playful and entertaining exercises. Equipment:
computer, envelopes with individual cards, sticks, three-dimensional letters.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment
The long-awaited bell has been given, the lesson begins...
How to call it in one word:
sparrow, swallow, magpie, crow (birds)

boletus, russula, chanterelle (mushrooms)

Which vowels will we emphasize in these words:


As you guessed, the topic of today's lesson: distinguishing the vowel sounds ы, и. 1. Game “Identify by touch.”

Children approach the table on which there are three-dimensional letters and, with their eyes closed, find one of the letters being studied among the letters P, N, B, M, L, Y, I. Listen to the syllables.
Tell me what vowel you hear. Listen to the syllables: we, you, would, you, dy, ly. What vowel sound did you hear? Which letter should we choose? And now other syllables: bi, vi, di, li, mi, ti. What vowel sound did you hear? Which letter should we choose? What does this depend on? Conclusion: after hard consonants there is a sound [s] (letter s), after soft consonants there is a sound [i] (letter i). Differentiation s-i in phrases. 2. Game “On the contrary”
py - pi ky-ki

you - ty now-ni we - mi dy-di 3. Task on the computer.
Fill in the missing letters in the words. R...S, M...R, S...R, K...T, R...S, M...LO, K...NO, S...RO, S...LA, R...BA, L...DA, R...TA, V... L..., M...L..., L...S... . 4. Game “One-many” with throwing the ball. For example: garden - gardens.
Goat - goats owl - owls game - games rose - roses boots - boots glass - glasses

– What sounds appeared when we changed words?

Differentiation Y-I in phrases.
5. Correct mistakes in word combinations. WHITE FLUSHES fragrant lilies of the valley SPICY CLICKS LIGHT SNOWFLAKES FRIENDLY MALISH FUN HOLIDAYS 6.
Here's Dunno's exercises.
Do it in order. Get up quickly, smile, Stretch higher, higher. Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them. They turned to the left, to the right, Hands touched with knees. And now let’s sit down again and sit quietly. Differentiation Y-I in sentences. 7. Make up sentences.
Individual work using cards.
I'm on a hike (was - beat). I (was - beat) the drum. I rope (howled - pitched). Wolf in the forest (howled - pitched). The baby was very (nice - soapy). He washed his hands with soap (mil - washed). – After completing the task, perform a peer review. 8. Task with sticks.
Prepare 6 sticks and make a house out of them.
Arrange 2 sticks to form a flag. – Check yourself to see if you completed this task correctly. 9. Make sentences from words.
Assignments in envelopes. Write down the sentences in your notebook.

1. TANYA HAS A TEETH HURT. 2. SMOKE IS COMING FROM THE PIPE. 3. PLUMS GROW IN THE GARDEN. 4. THE CAR HAS NEW TIRES. 5. THE FOREST IS DAMP. Lesson summary. – Were you interested in the lesson? – What did you find most difficult? Homework. - Thank you for the lesson. Mazanova

Correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Lesson notes for speech therapists / E.V. Mazanova. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007. Chistyakova
M.I. Psychogymnastics / Ed. M.I. Buyanova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education: VLADOS, 1995.

— 05/11/2013 (22:41) Author Torbochkina Ekaterina Evgenievna


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