Group speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of letters I-U in syllables, words and sentences”

Differentiation in the economy

Each aspect of the economy has its own nuances in the division of certain elements. For example, to achieve specific goals, you can differentiate products, services, services, etc.

In general, economic differentiation is possible on a territorial (or interregional) basis, as well as on a sectoral basis.

Both on a global scale and within a single country, economic division can be either in a specific industry or within a certain territory, which is determined by the characteristics of the development of a particular state as a whole and its economy.

In the world, for example, we mention some Asian countries (Japan, Korea, China) as centers for the production of electronic and high-tech products, the Middle East region is associated with oil production, and some countries in South America are associated with coffee production.

In large states, a similar picture is often observed. In this sense, the clearest example is the vast territory of the Russian Federation, where the main areas of agricultural development are the Krasnodar Territory, the Volga region and the Central Black Earth Region; oil is supplied mostly from the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as Tatarstan; Well, Yakutia is a recognized leader in the extraction of minerals, including diamonds.

At the same time, there are fundamental objective and subjective factors on the basis of which the scenario for the development of the economy of a particular region is formed.

Objective factors that cannot be influenced in the formation of interregional differentiation include the following:

  • geographical position;
  • climatic conditions;
  • resource potential.

In terms of influencing differentiation in order to increase economic efficiency, subjective factors . Here are some of them:

  • level of production development;
  • the degree of implementation of advanced technologies and scientific research;
  • target direction of production enterprises;
  • degree of interaction with other business entities;
  • budget financing;
  • investment climate.

What does a differentiated approach to teaching mean?

This is the implementation by teachers of teaching tasks divided into groups of people, including school-age children, based on their skills, natural talent, health and other factors. As a result, this approach allows you to achieve the most effective results.

There are external and internal levels of pedagogical differentiation:

It is necessary to explain the scheme a little using the example of teaching children:

External differentiation involves separating educational facilities for students with different levels of development. Lyceums and gymnasiums are intended for especially gifted children, but correctional schools are for those who, for one reason or another, find it difficult to study in the standard version. At the same time, in regular schools, along with specialized ones, pedagogical support classes are created with the possibility of in-depth study of a particular subject.

Internal differentiation involves dividing groups (classes), the recruitment of which was carried out without taking into account individual characteristics, into subgroups taking into account the mental characteristics of children, their level of receptivity to learning and other important factors. Here, among others, an individual approach to each child is actively used.

What can be differentiated in science

As everyone knows, science is the engine of progress, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of scientific differentiation, which consists in the narrow specialization of disciplines, which allows us to study events and phenomena in more depth.

In practice, this process looks like this: in the course of accumulating new data, a new direction is isolated from basic science, which is rapidly developing. Information is collected in a narrower area, after which this newly created discipline gives birth to several more branches. Such a chain can grow constantly adding new links.

A simple example: from such a science as biology, several directions were differentiated, including botany and zoology, which study the flora and fauna, respectively, and then the development of each of them provoked the emergence of a whole mass of scientific subsections, studying, for example, separately different species of animals and plants :

The diagram provided above shows only two scientific disciplines of the second level, differentiated from biology, and several branches of the third level. In fact, there are many more of them, and as biological sciences develop, their number may well grow.

Of course, differentiation in reasonable doses brings tangible benefits. But the endless and uncontrolled creation of highly specialized scientific disciplines is an extreme, which, upon reaching a certain limit, will at one point begin to impede the systematic and harmonious perception of the picture of the world.

Such trends have always caused concern among scientists and progressive figures, who, in order to restore harmony, from time to time resort to the reverse process, which is integration (you will find a link to material about this concept at the beginning of the article), which allows you to combine, if necessary, scientific disciplines according to one or another other criteria.

Social differentiation

This is nothing more than the division of society into groups (layers) occupying different positions. Depending on what stage of development a society is at and on what plane stratification occurs, differences between layers can be determined by different characteristics.

There are three main aspects of social differentiation :

  • economic - stratification into the rich, middle class and poor. The smaller the difference in income levels between the richest and poorest strata, the more balanced and stable the society is;
  • political - its essence is in the division of society into managers and governed, as well as into leaders in politics and the rest of the population;
  • professional - identifying different groups according to the type of their activity.

Do you remember the unforgettable film masterpiece by Georgy Danelia “Kin-dza-dza!”, which described the division of society on the planet Plyuk?

There this was reflected in the form of color differentiation of trousers , the essence of which was that representatives of different social groups (essentially castes) wore trousers of different colors (blue - the elite, including rulers, who had the highest capital and privileges, crimson - wealthy residents with a little less wealth, etc.). In my opinion, this is a striking example of social division in several directions at once.

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