Corrective work includes the following areas:

Features of the organization of correctional and speech therapy work at school

The organization of speech therapy and correctional programs in special schools and regular educational institutions has its own specific features:

  1. The work is organized differentially, i.e. Based on the diagnosis of a specific speech disorder, the child is sent to the school of the type that is most suitable for him. In each school, priority areas of work are selected based on the specifics of speech development disorders. In addition, in general educational institutions, special training programs are used for children with speech disorders. In some cases, they are assigned separate classes. It all depends on the degree of manifestation of the speech defect.
  2. Conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of children’s speech development based on drawing up speech cards and determining directions for correctional work.
  3. Corrective work is carefully planned and forecasts of its outcome are made.
  4. Taking into account the characteristics of various speech deviations, the degree of their severity, and the presence of minor deviations affects the methods and techniques of speech therapy correction in a school of one type or another.
  5. Creating conditions for normal learning and development of children with speech disorders in secondary schools.
  6. Taking into account the needs and developmental characteristics of students with hearing impairments, vision impairments and musculoskeletal problems.
  7. The basis of correctional work is the principle of accessibility and consistency of training, its comprehensive organization. Corrective therapy should create conditions so that learning is accessible to the perception of a child with specific speech defects, and goes from simple to complex using a variety of techniques and methods.
  8. The importance of carrying out preventive measures to prevent the development of speech defects and related deviations.
  9. Correctional work in primary school has immediate and promising results. It creates conditions for the formation of key competencies of students, adapting them to social life and building communicative connections, regardless of the presence of a speech defect.
  10. The use of modern ICT technologies in correctional classes. They contribute to the activation of thinking, develop the mental processes necessary for full speech development and mastery of the educational program.

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Methodology for correcting sound pronunciation

Education and training in general and speech in particular are carried out through classes. Their organization, structure, and use of methodological techniques depend on the diagnosis established by specialists, on the level of impaired psychomotor functions of the child, and largely on the professional level of the speech therapist.

The main principle of work on developing pronunciation skills in children, used by a speech therapist , is the principle of an individual approach. At the same time, a subgroup form of organizing classes is not excluded, especially at the stage of preparing the articulatory apparatus and automating sound in coherent speech.

The second important principle is the use of the child’s compensatory capabilities, relying on intact links (connection of visual, auditory and tactile analyzers).

The third principle is the rational selection of material used in correctional classes. Each lesson should be emotional, developmental and, if possible, educational in nature, and be optimally intense. Not only speech, but also intelligence should develop.

The effectiveness of correctional work depends on the use of various forms and methods of work. The main methods of correctional work of a speech therapist are:

1. Specific (motor-kinesthetic, auditory-visual-kinesthetic) methods. The motor-kinesthetic method involves establishing a connection between the movement of articulatory muscles and their sensation. For example, if a child cannot expose his upper teeth on his own, the speech therapist lifts the child’s upper lip with his index finger. This creates a new sensation - raising the upper lip.

The use of the auditory-visual-kinesthetic method consists in establishing connections between the perception of sound by ear, the visual image of the articulatory pattern and the motor sensation during its pronunciation. To form an auditory-visual image of a sound, the speech therapist demonstrates to the child an articulatory pattern, shows the position of the articulatory structure with the help of his hands, while simultaneously pronouncing the sound. For example, when making the sound [sh], the child is asked to cup his palm and tongue, pronounce the sound and at the same time hold the palm of his hand in the shape of a cup.

2. Didactic methods: - visual; - verbal methods based on visualization; — verbal methods without relying on visualization; - practical methods that should be playful in nature.

Methods and techniques of correctional education should not only correspond to the interests of children and their needs in play, but also ensure the intellectual development of the child, training his thoughts and mind.

Visual techniques - showing toys, pictures, illustrations in books, actions - contribute to the formation of elementary concepts, expanding knowledge about the world around us and developing the ability to generalize.

In correctional work, the principle of multiple presentation of the same subject and speech material in variations should be observed. These could be toys, large pictures, printed board games, illustrations in books. The variety of material will contribute to the formation of generalized ideas about objects. The same visual and verbal material can be used to automate sound in words, then in sentences, phrases, riddles, to compose a descriptive story, etc.

In speech therapy practice, the technique of simultaneous pronunciation of a sound and writing the letter denoting this sound is used (writing and speaking). Children who cannot write are encouraged to pronounce sounds and perform simple actions. For example, pronounce the sound [zh] and move your fingers (“a bug flies, buzzes and flaps its wings”), pronounce the sound [r] and quickly drum your fingers on the table (this is how our tongue hits the “tubercles”), combine the pronunciation of the sound [w] with the movement of a bent palm (“a snake crawls and hisses”).

The following verbal techniques can be distinguished: - verbal sample; - simultaneous pronunciation of sounds by the child and the speech therapist; - repetition; — explanation; - indication; - verbal exercises; - a question as a stimulus for a child’s speech activity; — assessment of children's speech .

Gaming techniques are implemented in the use of various characters, fairy-tale plots, theatricalization, staging (uttering phrases on behalf of characters or animals), inverted words, intentional mistakes, and in the emotional presentation of the material. Children love to correct “mistakes” made by the teacher or character present in the lesson, teach fairy tale guests, and act in some role.

Classes should contain a maximum of information that helps enrich children's memory with images and ideas. A variety of tasks and a fast pace of classes prevent fatigue, develop switching attention and allow children to maintain interest throughout the entire lesson. Structure of individual and subgroup lessons

Individual and subgroup lessons for correcting sound pronunciation at all stages of work may have one general structure, but depending on the stage of work on sound, changes are made to it.

In the preparatory period and at the stage of sound production, more attention is paid to the development of articulatory motor skills, speech-auditory attention, the formation of speech breathing, voice correction, and the development of cognitive processes, while at the stage of sound automation the main thing is the development of the child’s speech activity and the formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

The proposed structure of classes is based on specific and didactic principles adopted in speech therapy. The structure of individual classes is determined by each speech therapist, based on the individual characteristics of the child, the level of development of articulatory motor skills, speech skills and cognitive processes. For example, articulatory gymnastics and exercises for the development of breathing and voice at the stage of automating sounds in coherent speech are not necessary and are carried out only with those children who need them.

It should be understood that the proposed structure of classes is advisory in nature. It all depends on the situation, and even the mood of the child. For example, when working on a word, it is possible to supplement a sentence with words, jointly compose sentences or a short dialogue, or compose pure proverbs. A speech therapy session is aimed at developing speech and psychomotor functions and consists of several interrelated parts. The sequence of these parts or the structure of classes contributes to the gradual involvement of all brain structures in the work and is the most effective. Let us reveal the essence of each part of the lesson and the variability of the tasks used.

Lesson structure 1. Organizational moment. Relaxation exercises. Plastic studies. Formation of spatial representations. Development of auditory perception. 2. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Coordination of movements with speech. 3. Massage or self-massage. 4. Mimic exercises. 5. Articulation gymnastics. Development of fine articulatory movements. Formation of correct articulatory patterns of the lips and tongue. Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. 6. Exercises to develop speech breathing and voice. Coordination of speech with movement. Overcoming violations of syllable structure. 7. Sound production. Development of phonemic awareness. Formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills. Development of attention and memory. 8. Automation of sound in syllables. 9. Automation of sound in words. 10. Automation of sound in phrases. 11. Automation of sound in sentences. 12. Automation of sound in pure tongues. 13. Automation of sound in riddles and poems. 14. Automation of sound in independent speech. 15. Teaching storytelling. Development of imagination. 16. Development of cognitive processes (thinking and imagination). 17. Preparing for literacy . Working with letters.

Each part of the lesson provides variability in the tasks used.

Corrective speech therapy work with children 5–6 years old with general speech underdevelopment

Olga Zakharova

Corrective speech therapy work with children 5–6 years old with general speech underdevelopment

By the age of 5, a child must master all the means of his native language: speak coherently, fully express his thoughts, construct detailed common sentences; easily retell stories and fairy tales. Such a child must pronounce all sounds correctly and easily reproduce polysyllabic words.

Children with speech are characterized by errors in phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure. They have a limited vocabulary, impaired phonemic hearing, and impaired syllable structure of words . They sufficiently formed coherent speech.

Such children with speech disabilities are characterized by insufficiency of formed processes closely related to speech activity, namely:

- impaired attention and memory;

- violation of fine and articulatory motor skills;

visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking is insufficiently

Speech components such as phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure speech serve as a serious obstacle to his mastering the general developmental kindergarten program, and subsequently the general education school program. Thus, for children with general speech underdevelopment and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment , specially designed correctional speech therapy work .

Mastery of speech contributes to awareness, planning and regulation of behavior. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. A child’s slurred speech complicates his relationships with children and often leaves an imprint on his character. In the works of famous researchers (R. E. Levina, L. F. Spirova, T. B. Filicheva, etc.)

The underdevelopment of vocabulary , phonetics, grammatical structure and coherent speech in the structure of general underdevelopment of speech is considered in sufficient detail . Children with general speech underdevelopment have specific developmental characteristics.
With normal speech development, children by the age of 5 freely use expanded phrasal speech and various constructions of complex sentences. They have a sufficient vocabulary and master the skills of word formation and inflection. By this time, the correct sound pronunciation is finally formed. And in children with general speech underdevelopment, there is always a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, and a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

Mastering correct pronunciation includes the use of a variety of exercises to develop articulation, naming sounds, and distinguishing phonemes by ear.

Such children currently make up the main contingent of special preschool institutions. At the age of 5, they are enrolled in the senior group of a kindergarten for education and training, and from the age of 6-7 they enter the preparatory group for children with severe speech .

The main objectives of correctional education for this category of children are:

• Practical acquisition of lexical and grammatical means of the language;

• Formation of a full-fledged sound side of speech (education of articulatory skills, correct sound pronunciation, syllabic structure and phonemic perception);

• Preparation for literacy, mastering the elements of literacy;

• Further development of coherent speech .

The formation of speech practice as the basis for mastering the elementary laws of language is carried out on the basis of developing phonemic perception, correct pronunciation of sounds and correct perception of word structure; practical ability to distinguish, highlight and generalize significant parts of a word; based on observations of the connections between words in a sentence.

Through the systematic accumulation of observations on the semantic, sound, morphological, syntactic aspects of speech , children develop a sense of language and master speech means, on the basis of which a transition to independent development and enrichment of speech in the process of free communication is possible.

At the same time, children are prepared for successful mastery of academic subjects.

The fulfillment of these tasks is closely connected with the development of children’s cognitive activity, with their development

Successful correction of speech underdevelopment is carried out as a result of a multi-aspect impact aimed at speech and non-speech processes and at enhancing the cognitive activity of preschool children.

In a special institution, the entire complex of these tasks is solved by the clear organization of children’s lives and the correct distribution of correctional and educational activities. The main work on correcting speech underdevelopment is carried out by a speech therapist in classes . Speech therapy classes are divided into two types: classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language, teaching literacy and the development of coherent speech . They include: the formation of vocabulary, grammatical correctness of speech and the development of coherent speech .

Classes on developing the sound aspect of speech are most effective in subgroups. The distribution of children into subgroups is carried out by a speech therapist , taking into account the severity of the speech defect.

Since the manifestation of speech underdevelopment in children is highly variable, individual work to overcome persistent speech deficiencies that impede the successful assimilation of material in frontal classes. Individual lessons are systematically conducted with one child or with 2-4 children with homogeneous forms of speech pathology.

When working to develop understanding of speech , children are taught to listen attentively to spoken speech, identify the names of objects, actions, signs, understand the generalized meaning of a word, and choose from two words the most appropriate one for a given situation. At this time, they are taught to understand a text with a complicated, conflict situation.

The ability to identify parts of an object is developed. Subject lexical material is associated with the study of objects surrounding children. Based on an understanding of the characteristics of objects, they learn to group them in practical activities. The meaning of nouns with diminutive suffixes is clarified.

Based on the refined passive speech reserve, oral speech practice is organized, in which lexical and grammatical knowledge is consistently consolidated.

In the process of mastering subject vocabulary, children continue to become familiar with various methods of word formation. It is necessary to clarify children’s knowledge about various materials and their properties, food products, and plants. Children's attention is drawn to the formation of words with the help of suffixes, while the sound and semantic differences between them are emphasized.

At the same time, children develop the ability to form adjectives from adverbs , from nouns, as well as their different degrees.

By developing the ability to correctly convey the nuances of words in speech , children learn to form diminutive names for the qualities of objects.

Considering that children with general speech underdevelopment have difficulty recognizing the similarities and differences between words that are similar in sound and meaning, special attention is paid to this distinction. First you need to listen carefully to these words. For example, showing a pinch of tea, they ask: “What is this?”

- Tea.
It is explained that it is brewed in a teapot, and the container from which tea is drunk is called a teapot. The significant part of the word is highlighted intonationally. In the following lessons, related words are distinguished when showing other objects (salt - salt shaker)

Particular attention is paid to the formation of a sign from the name of an object, action or state (soap - soap dish - soap - soapy)


It is important that children do not develop a formal accumulation of related words, but prepare for their conscious use in independent speech .

A necessary condition for clarifying and expanding children's vocabulary is the practical mastery of the most common cases of polysemy of words. It is advisable to start with nouns in which the transfer is based on specific, visual features (girl’s hat, nail head, mushroom cap)


When showing objects, children's attention is drawn to what they have in common. After a series of similar exercises, children independently select polysemantic words (child’s leg - the leg of a table, chair, armchair)

and make sentences with them.

Also familiarizing children with antonym words is checking and clarifying words known to children - names of signs of objects and actions. Pairs of objects with pronounced characteristics are selected and compared by taste, color, size. Their qualitative contrast is emphasized intonationally.

Simultaneously with the enrichment of vocabulary, its grammatical development occurs. Specially created situations and the use of routine moments help in practical terms to assimilate the meanings of objects, distinguish the endings of case forms, and correctly coordinate adjectives and numerals with nouns. All work on the formation of grammatically correct speech is necessarily based on the child’s real ideas and constantly improving auditory perception. The new grammatical form is consolidated in exercises on inflection and word formation, on composing phrases and sentences.

Mastering lexical meanings and grammatical ways of expressing various relations makes it possible to make wider use of children’s independent statements. For this purpose, special classes are conducted on the formation of colloquial and descriptive speech . The basis for organizing children’s speech practice is practical actions with objects, participation in various activities, and active observations of life events.

By making sentences to describe various actions and the content of pictures, children are prepared to be able to talk coherently about what they saw. A variety of teaching techniques and methods are detailed in accordance with the structure of the defect. Children learn to talk about sequentially reproduced actions, to compose simple stories based on a series of actions performed. In the process of teaching various types of stories - descriptions, exercises are carried out in comparing objects.

The assimilation of grammatical categories is combined with the ability to compose common sentences, compare and contrast words according to their semantic meaning and grammatical features. Children are taught that the same thought can be expressed in different language means. This encourages them to use complex sentences.

It is necessary to teach children to daily use acquired speech skills in independent coherent statements. For this purpose, a number of special tasks are used to attract their attention to the composition of the sentence and the connection of words in the sentence.

Teaching storytelling occupies a large place in the general system of speech therapy classes . At this time, attention is paid to consolidating the skill of fluent use of spoken sounds in speech , as well as their differentiation, both by ear and in pronunciation. Throughout the entire correctional training, this work is combined with the development of speech and the elimination of difficulties in reproducing words that are complex in syllabic composition and sound filling. Special exercises are included aimed at developing speech . Work continues to teach children to read and write.

Following sound analysis and synthesis, children add syllables, words, and simple sentences. They must be able to transform a word, divide a sentence into words, and master the skill of conscious syllabic reading . All this prepares the necessary basis for their successful learning at school, and also prevents the possibility of specific errors in writing and reading.

Purpose of correctional and speech therapy work at school

Correctional and speech therapy work at school is aimed at eliminating social and educational maladjustment through the development of key educational competencies and eliminating speech defects through corrective measures introduced into the training program and aimed at eliminating speech defects and correcting the motor, motor, and sensory systems of the student’s body.

Figure 1. Main directions of speech therapy work. Author24 - online exchange of student work

To begin correctional therapy, it is necessary to identify a speech defect. The choice of direction of correctional work depends on its specifics and degree of development. Children are divided into groups based on their defect and the dynamics of its development. For each group, a correctional work plan is drawn up, which includes strategies and tactics for eliminating speech disorders and forecasts for overcoming them.

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Work to eliminate speech disorders in schoolchildren is carried out by a speech therapist. He can be a teacher and implement comprehensive correctional training, or he can be an outside speech therapist who is invited to draw up and implement correctional speech therapy classes with students with speech disorders.

The correctional work of a speech therapist, based on its intended purpose, is implemented in the following areas:

  1. Correction of oral speech defects. Here work is carried out on the development of motor functions, speech motor skills and prosodic components, the elimination of incorrect pronunciation of sounds and work on the development of correct auditory perception of speech, as well as the expansion of vocabulary and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.
  2. Prevention of writing disorders. Here special exercises are conducted that take into account the characteristics of the student’s physiological and mental development, his speech defect and the degree of its severity, as well as existing deviations in written speech.
  3. Elimination of defects in students' written speech. Schoolchildren are taught the grammatical features of language construction, develop speech functions that are necessary for full mastery of literacy, develop phonemic awareness, activate the work of thinking, in particular logical thinking, and also pay attention to the formation of analysis and synthesis skills.

Types of correctional speech therapy classes at school

Depending on the goals and objectives of correction, specific conditions and specific speech deviations, correctional classes at school are divided into the following types:

  1. Formation of lexical and grammatical structure of speech. During the lessons, exercises are used to expand the active vocabulary and develop skills in constructing correct grammatical structures. During the classes, the emphasis is on developing understanding and conscious perception of speech, enriching vocabulary, expanding concepts, developing word formation and word transformation skills, forming simple and complex sentences.
  2. Development of the sound side of speech. Students develop correct pronunciation of sounds, phonemic hearing and perception, emphasis is placed on the formation of expressive speech, accurate and intelligible pronunciation, as well as the development of sound analysis skills. The development of the sound side of speech requires focusing on exercises for the development of fine motor skills: collecting cubes, constructing, assembling puzzles, drawing with fingers, coloring along the contour. Also, finger and breathing exercises are used in this direction.
  3. Formation of coherent speech. Students must master the skills of independent expression and construction of monologues.

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Corrective work includes the following areas:

  1. Formation of correct sound pronunciation, clarification of sound articulation.
  2. Development of speech breathing.
  3. Development of phonemic hearing, phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, phonemic representations; development of syllabic analysis and synthesis.
  4. Expansion of vocabulary, enrichment of active vocabulary.
  5. Development of cognitive processes (thinking, figurative, working memory, auditory and visual attention, as well as the ability to concentrate, distribute and switch attention
  6. Formation of coherent speech.
  7. Improving spatial-temporal orientations.
  8. Development of fine motor skills.
  9. Expanding the child's visual field.
  10. Development of visual perception, voluntary graphic activity, hand-eye coordination.

The correct pronunciation of various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, is due to good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.
The intelligibility of speech depends on the strength, accuracy, and differentiation of these movements. Articulatory gymnastics helps develop the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Exercises are selected purposefully depending on the defect. Children with hearing loss are slightly inferior to their peers in vital lung capacity and have almost normally developed non-speech breathing. However, there are certain difficulties with speech breathing. Assimilation of a long, economical exhalation, characteristic of normal speech, is difficult for him, which leads to disruption of the normal expenditure of air during speech. Therefore, during the lesson, work is carried out on differentiating nasal and oral exhalation, work on long-term, correct speech breathing.

One of the important tasks of the hearing impaired is to develop students’ oral speech perception skills. Oral speech is one of the types of human communicative activity, a means of communication and a specific tool of thinking. Oral language is speech that is spoken and perceived. It is known that a characteristic feature of oral speech is its sound nature. Oral speech consists of a sequence of speech sounds (vowels and consonants) spoken together, with pauses after individual words or groups of words. Each person has his own way of pronouncing sounds. Therefore, when working on the development of auditory perception, one can expect that the same student, especially at the beginning, will perceive the speech of different people with different success. Speech sounds are not equally informative: vowel sounds contain little semantic information, while voiceless consonant sounds are the most informative. Speech intelligibility is largely determined by the intelligibility of voiceless consonants. This can also have an impact on the process of perception by students and kindergarten children in mastering speech material.

Perception of oral speech is one of the highest mental functions of a person. This is the internal mental side of such a type of speech activity as listening (listening), including the act of understanding and comprehending the received speech message. In verbal communication, one person communicates information, and another perceives it, determining the transmitted thought. The perception of this message involves the analysis and synthesis of the perceived material - sound - means of language: intonation, phrasal stress, rhythmic and sound structure of the word. The perception of spoken speech is closely related to the understanding of its content.

Speech material for auditory training should be the most commonly used and necessary in communication. We use phrases that carry meaning, phrases, words. The selection of speech material is carried out taking into account age characteristics and the material studied in lessons in various disciplines.

Thus, as a result of systematic work, the development of auditory perception and the intensification of the use of students’ residual hearing is observed. Working with students with hearing impairments in a secondary school includes a number of areas that are interconnected: the formation of correct sound pronunciation, clarification of the articulation of sounds, the development of speech breathing, phonemic hearing, phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, phonemic representations; development of syllabic analysis and synthesis, expansion and enrichment of the active vocabulary.

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