Lesson notes for the senior group “Sound [Zh] and letter Zh”

Speech therapy lesson in 1st grade on the topic: “The sound “Zh”, the letter “zh”.

Speech therapy lesson in 1st grade on the topic:

“The sound “Zh”, the letter zh.”

(As part of a school event

"Week of Good")

Goal: To develop the ability to differentiate sound in isolation, in words and in speech,

distinguish the letter z from other letters.



1. Develop the ability to isolate sound in a stream of sounds;

2. To develop the skill of differentiating the sound w from other sounds;

3. Teach to distinguish the letter z from other letters;

Corrective and developmental:

1. Develop phonetic hearing and phonemic perception;

2. Enrich and clarify students’ vocabulary;

3. Develop verbal and visual memory, voluntary attention;


Show students the need to purposefully cultivate kindness in themselves.

Encourage them to do this; give a moral assessment of good deeds;

To develop self-esteem, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance in children. Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.

2. Articulation gymnastics. Working with a mirror.

“Frog”, “Elephant”, “Spatula”, “Cup”, “Pea”, “Mushroom”, “Horse”.

3. Statement of the topic and goals of the lesson.

Work on the sound of J.

1. Working with mirrors. Pronunciation of the sound, what does this sound sound like?

-Who can buzz? (students’ oral responses)

- Repeat the words after the speech therapist: a beetle is buzzing. (together and one at a time). Characteristics of sound.

2. Repetition of pure sayings after the speech therapist (with clapping):

Zha, zha, zha - we saw a hedgehog.

I chew, I chew, I go outside.

Zhi, zhi, zhi - walruses swam in the sea.

Jo, jo, jo - how fresh it is outside.

3. Game “Clap your hands.”

R, l, a, c, g, s, m, n, w, h, sch, g, g, h, h, f, g. Skis, castle, puddles, crane, floors, soot, Sasha, beetle, winter, beaches.

Add only ZHI Eta..., gara..., chi..., line..., mor..., but..., ly...

What words do you remember?

4.Game “Say the Word.” (students work orally, raise their hand).

I will read a poem, and your task is to complete the word that has the appropriate meaning.

— A block of ice will melt from a kind word… (“Thank you”) — When people scold us for pranks, we say:… (“Forgive me, please”) — If we can’t eat anymore, we will tell our mother… (“Thank you”) — And in France and Denmark they say goodbye when saying goodbye... Goodbye! - Sit with me, sister, read to me, be... kind. “You helped me!” I say, my friend, you……….. Thank you. - I forgot to bring the book! For this you me……. Sorry. — We sadly said to Uncle Nikita: For breaking our cup………..sorry. - Don’t complain to your father about me, I ask you......... please. - Repeat in the morning: Thank you, excuse me, Allow me, allow me, I...thank you.

4. Letter Zh

5. Recognition of the letter Ж,ж

6. A trip to the zoo.


Goal: Acquaintance with the sound and letter “F” .

  1. Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in words.
  2. Practice sound-letter analysis of the words BEETLE, TOAD;
  3. Develop thinking, imagination, phonemic perception, fine motor skills;
  4. Develop the ability to listen to comrades and respect their opinions.

Equipment: letter card “F” , counting sticks, toys (ball, beetle, toad), “dry pool” with vowels, easel with subject pictures (banana, orange, pear, crane, chamomile, dandelion, giraffe,

beetle, heron, stork, swallow), puzzles, handouts (diagrams, letter Z), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time. The children stand in a semicircle. Speech therapist: - Guys, I suggest you play the game “Transformations” . I will turn you into something or someone, and you try to portray it with gestures, facial expressions or movements (beetle, toad, greedy). Who is called "greedy" ? How the “greedy person” say about the pictures located on the easel?

(my) banana, (my) orange, (my) pear, (my) crane.

(my) chamomile, (my) dandelion, (my) giraffe.

(my) beetle, (my) heron, (my) stork, (my) swallow.

Game “Name the odd one out” . Speech therapist: - Look at the rows of pictures, name the extra picture in them: (crane, giraffe, beetle). Think and tell me how the names of the pictures are similar? (in the names of the pictures you can hear the sound “Zh” at the beginning of the word).

ΙΙ. Main part.

1. Game exercise “How does a beetle buzz?”

Speech therapist: - Who buzzes like that: w-w-w-w? (showing a beetle toy). Buzz like bugs. (Clarification of the pronunciation of the sound “F” ).

- Describe the sound “F” (consonant, hard, voiced). Does he have a soft brother? (No).

2. Game “The first sound is gone” (with a ball).

Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to play a game with you. Try to guess the words from which the first sound “Zh” (*ara, *alo, *uk, *aba, *adina, *avoronok). Whoever I throw the ball to is the one who answers.

ΙΙΙ. Dynamic pause. The speech therapist pronounces the tongue twister “Bug” :

The beetle fell and could not get up,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Kinesiological exercise “Cross movements” .

Then he invites the children to depict beetles that lie on their backs, with their paws up, and perform cross movements with them (alternating contact of the knee of the right leg with the elbow of the left hand and the knee of the left leg with the elbow of the right hand).

ΙV. Introducing the letter.

1. Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to introduce you to his favorite letter. (Appearance of the letter “F” ).

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: w-w-w-w. –

— How many elements does a letter consist of?

2. Laying out the letter of the counting sticks.

3. Game "Friendship" . — The vowels that are hidden in the “dry pool” (from beans) like to visit “Zh” Find the vowels and make friends with the letter “Zh” . What happened, tell me? (zha, zho, zhu, zhe, zhe, zhu)

4. Speech therapist: - The beetle has a girlfriend. Who is she? Guess by reading the letters in descending order of letters: from capital letter to small letter. (toad).

5. Speech therapist: - They have prepared puzzles for you.

The first puzzle is “Find a word in a word” . (In the word LARK: heat, raven).

The second rebus “Connect correctly” . Children are invited to work with handouts:

Speech therapist: - Name the sounds in order in the names of the pictures (beetle, toad). Choose a suitable sound scheme and connect it with a line to the picture. Color the sound diagram of the words with colored pencils (according to the sound characteristic).

V. Reflection “Shade the letter.”

Speech therapist: - What letter did we meet? (AND). Friends of the letter “F” give it to you. Shade it with straight horizontal lines.

Farewell to the toad and beetle.

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Lesson summary on the topic “Sound and the letter “F”.

Goal: Acquaintance with the sound and letter “F” .


  1. Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in words.
  2. Practice sound-letter analysis of the words BEETLE, TOAD;
  3. Develop thinking, imagination, phonemic perception, fine motor skills;
  4. Develop the ability to listen to comrades and respect their opinions.

Equipment: letter card “F” , counting sticks, toys (ball, beetle, toad), “dry pool” with vowels, easel with subject pictures (banana, orange, pear, crane, chamomile, dandelion, giraffe,

beetle, heron, stork, swallow), puzzles, handouts (diagrams, letter Z), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time. The children stand in a semicircle. Speech therapist: - Guys, I suggest you play the game “Transformations” . I will turn you into something or someone, and you try to portray it with gestures, facial expressions or movements (beetle, toad, greedy). Who is called "greedy" ? How the “greedy person” say about the pictures located on the easel?

(my) banana, (my) orange, (my) pear, (my) crane.

(my) chamomile, (my) dandelion, (my) giraffe.

(my) beetle, (my) heron, (my) stork, (my) swallow.

Game “Name the odd one out” . Speech therapist: - Look at the rows of pictures, name the extra picture in them: (crane, giraffe, beetle). Think and tell me how the names of the pictures are similar? (in the names of the pictures you can hear the sound “Zh” at the beginning of the word).

ΙΙ. Main part.

1. Game exercise “How does a beetle buzz?”

Speech therapist: - Who buzzes like that: w-w-w-w? (showing a beetle toy). Buzz like bugs. (Clarification of the pronunciation of the sound “F” ).

- Describe the sound “F” (consonant, hard, voiced). Does he have a soft brother? (No).

2. Game “The first sound is gone” (with a ball).

Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to play a game with you. Try to guess the words from which the first sound “Zh” (*ara, *alo, *uk, *aba, *adina, *avoronok). Whoever I throw the ball to is the one who answers.

ΙΙΙ. Dynamic pause. The speech therapist pronounces the tongue twister “Bug” :

The beetle fell and could not get up,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Kinesiological exercise “Cross movements” .

Then he invites the children to depict beetles that lie on their backs, with their paws up, and perform cross movements with them (alternating contact of the knee of the right leg with the elbow of the left hand and the knee of the left leg with the elbow of the right hand).

ΙV. Introducing the letter.

1. Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to introduce you to his favorite letter. (Appearance of the letter “F” ).

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: w-w-w-w. –

— How many elements does a letter consist of?

2. Laying out the letter of the counting sticks.

3. Game "Friendship" . — The vowels that are hidden in the “dry pool” (from beans) like to visit “Zh” Find the vowels and make friends with the letter “Zh” . What happened, tell me? (zha, zho, zhu, zhe, zhe, zhu)

4. Speech therapist: - The beetle has a girlfriend. Who is she? Guess by reading the letters in descending order of letters: from capital letter to small letter. (toad).

5. Speech therapist: - They have prepared puzzles for you.

The first puzzle is “Find a word in a word” . (In the word LARK: heat, raven).

The second rebus “Connect correctly” . Children are invited to work with handouts:

Speech therapist: - Name the sounds in order in the names of the pictures (beetle, toad). Choose a suitable sound scheme and connect it with a line to the picture. Color the sound diagram of the words with colored pencils (according to the sound characteristic).

V. Reflection “Shade the letter.”

Speech therapist: - What letter did we meet? (AND). Friends of the letter “F” give it to you. Shade it with straight horizontal lines.

Farewell to the toad and beetle.

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