Journalistic style of speech - signs, functions and genres

The journalistic style of speech is a unique way of influencing huge masses of people. It is texts of this type that can be traced in various newspaper articles, magazines, and other sources that express the main social problems.

Substyles of journalistic style:

  • newspaper and journalistic;
  • television journalist;
  • radio journalistic;
  • direct contact with the audience.

Signs of journalistic style

You can understand that this is the style of speech in question by the following features:

  1. The validity and validity of statements that are used in speech. That is, the author of the text does not intend to distort reality in any way, but, on the contrary, strives to show the real sides of social life.
  2. Sentences in the text must be logically connected. People to whom the text is addressed in a journalistic style must clearly understand the problem of the text, its meaning and main idea in order to draw the right conclusions for themselves.
  3. Using a large number of questions and exclamations to decorate speech during a speech. Such articles are the most motivating and attract society.
  4. The text is filled with emotions and the author’s evaluative suggestions regarding the problem of speech. Speech is capable of influencing a huge class of people, therefore the text must be for the people. This is what distinguishes the journalistic style of speech from such styles as scientific, business or artistic. It uses colloquial language tools that are understandable to everyone.
  5. The presence of a socio-political set of words (citizens, democracy).
  6. Various slangs and short but expressive sentences are used here.
  7. Frequent use of proper names.

What it is

What is journalism? These are works of literature and journalism that reflect topical issues in the life of society.
The adjective “journalistic” is translated from Latin as “public.” Publicists and journalists write about what interests the majority of society. Therefore, the main task of the authors is to influence the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the addressee through information, to encourage action, to influence the formation of public opinion, moral choice, and spiritual development of readers. There is no place for fiction or convention in journalism; it orients the readership towards a specific fact and reflection on it.

Important! The journalistic style is used mainly for pressing issues of political, social, everyday, economic, sports, and cultural life of society.

Signs of journalistic style

of use
Media: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, Internet, meetings, rallies, congresses
Functions· communicative (transmission of information about events in the country, world),
· educational,

· incentive (motivation for action, reflection, empathy),

· evaluative.

SubstylesNewspaper, artistic and journalistic, oratorical
Form of speechOral, written
Types of speechMonologue, dialogue, polylogue
Type of speechReasoning with elements of narrative, description

Characteristics of journalistic style and text:

  • problems of today,
  • addressed to the general reader,
  • transfer of information,
  • variety of topics,
  • emotionality,
  • call to action,
  • open author's position,
  • logic,
  • accuracy of facts,
  • imagery.


This style of speech performs the following functions:

  1. Notification

    — this function is aimed at transmitting information to a huge audience and, moreover, in a fairly quick period of time.

  2. Influential

    — this function solves the problem of people’s interest in solving the problem being described, that is, the journalistic style of speech is aimed at attracting an audience.

  3. Conscription

    — people should not only be interested in the problem, but should be eager to solve it and take some action.

Genre originality of journalism

Journalistic works raise quite a lot of topics. Among them are everyday life, philosophy, economics, society, politics, culture, pedagogy and much more. All these questions are addressed in completely different genres, namely:

  • informational The works are more reminiscent of documents (notes, reports, reports), and in design they are similar to the official business style;
  • analytical. This group of journalistic style includes articles, comments, reviews and reviews. They analyze certain problems. Close to scientific style;
  • artistic and journalistic - these are essays, feuilletons, sketches and pamphlets. There are tropes and figures of speech.

Scope of application

If the goal of this style of speech is to convey a public problem to the audience, then it is used where there will be the most readers/listeners/subscribers:

  • newspapers magazines;
  • radio journalism, television journalism;
  • speeches by political parties, rallies, calls for strikes, etc.

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Dmitry Pustovalov



“Mitya, Mitya, let me write it off,” I hear this phrase very often. Hearing this phrase, I remember what I went through to do my homework, after finishing remembering, I want to take a tablespoon and hit the spelt. My fists clenched, and... I let them write it off. This cannot be done, because my classmates will not learn something and they may have problems in the future. When they come home, they will, of course, be praised, but for what? Having received a bad grade and coming home, my classmates will be punished or... I don’t know what they will do to them, but they will definitely have to learn something. And after passing the next paper, they will receive a decent or excellent grade. Hooray! The plan is brilliant. But why can’t this be done, why the hell are you trying to copy it?

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Gaikova Diana


Grades and lessons. School. When you're in elementary school, grades are everything to you. I remember that when I received a 4, I cried at home and told everything to my mother, she always calmed me down. Now I'm in 7th grade, and when I get a 2nd grade, I just don't have any emotions about it. Closer to 5th grade, you should already realize what you want to become. Will you work as a salesman in a store or as a lawyer... I honestly don’t understand why I need certain items. It would be good if we could only go to those lessons that are in the specialty of your profession, but you can also go to other lessons... And grades are an indicator of your work. Sometimes it seems to me that grades are not given objectively. I prefer the 10 point scale. Because there are more evaluation options here. Let’s say an essay has been written, but it doesn’t deserve a 4 and it’s not very bad enough to give a 3. The teacher, most often, does not give it in favor of the student. And in the end - a bad grade, you naturally get upset, etc...
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Saygusheva Anastasia


By copying homework, you do not consolidate the knowledge acquired in class.

People often ask me: “Let me write it off!” “Give me a history notebook!” “Did you do algebra?” And I give because I don’t know how to refuse. The problem of cheating is a very important and frequently discussed topic. Personally, I think there is no need to write off. By copying homework, you do not consolidate the knowledge acquired in class. Throughout my entire studies, I cheated only once. This is where I count all the sites of the State Duma and the notebooks of my comrades. This was homework on the history of St. Petersburg in the 5th grade. I couldn’t find out what was asked and only found out when I came to school. I copied only two sentences, but my conscience tormented me for a long time. I have long known that studying is the most important thing for me, because I think about my future profession and future destiny. If something doesn’t work out for me, then I ask for help, and don’t close the notebook and say: “Okay, I’ll copy it from someone.” In many cases, the reason for not doing homework is laziness. I don’t even have anything to say about her. If you can't overcome your laziness, then what can you do? It seems to me that there are cases when you can write off. This happens very rarely and for a truly good reason. I was faced with such a request once, but it was only once. My friend’s grandmother, who lives out of town, fell ill. He was the only one who could go there to find out more. But there was one problem that prevented him from traveling calmly. He left at 16:25, and could only return at 5 in the morning. It was impossible to do written homework. He asked me to solve his algebra, at least 3 numbers out of 5. I did all his homework, I did it because he studies at another school. I know that if I have a difficult situation, he will help me in any way he can, but then I didn’t even think about it. To the question “Can I cheat?” I will say that it is possible, but it should not be repeated every time. Life is very complicated and difficult situations can really happen. You can't let laziness get in the way of doing your homework. Fight laziness! She's very scary! I'm often too lazy to do a lot of things, but I'm struggling. Despite the fact that I know that people who copy from me do not do assignments precisely because of laziness, I will continue to let them cheat, because life is a boomerang and when I need help, someone will respond.

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Borodulin Ivan


Journalistic article on the topic

“Are we too old?”

Every person should respect others, including themselves. Each person has his own responsibilities that he must fulfill. Take, for example, the same teacher. The teacher fulfills his duties every day - he teaches. And we, the students, must fulfill our responsibilities - to study. After all, we must study first of all for ourselves and this is an axiom. We shouldn't stop anyone from doing their job. When we disturb someone, he will do something wrong. This means he will do his job poorly. Let's take the teacher as an example again. If we understand the topic, and the end of the lesson is not yet close, there is no need to start chatting and getting distracted, much less distracting others. You need to continue to listen to the teacher and not disrupt the lesson. We don't have to love everyone. But we must respect others. Therefore, by disrupting lessons, we not only disrespect the teacher, but also ourselves. Apparently some people don't understand this. Or their parents did not explain to them how to behave in class. We must value teachers. After all, thanks to them, we gain knowledge. Thus building your future. Without learning to behave with dignity during our school years, we don’t know how much trouble we’ll get in the future. Our behavior will not be influenced by our age; we will simply no longer be respected.

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Stafurin Alexander


School uniform I really don’t like school standards, it’s like they make us into one stupid system. School uniforms make us a herd. Also, the uniform is not comfortable for me personally, especially the school shoes that I’m supposed to wear are very expensive, or there are cheap ones, but this is an option for people who don’t care about their feet, since cheap shoes use poor materials that don’t fit comfortably. leg. The jacket is also not comfortable, but only under the jacket.
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Alexey Dobryansky


The length of the article is 1 page. This is not an article, but an unsubscribe. S.E.
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Skaskevich Ulyana


School uniform?

Not mine!!

It is a well-known fact that schoolchildren love loose school uniforms. If you ask schoolchildren what they want to wear to school, the majority will be in favor of a loose uniform. I believe that students' performance does not depend on what they wear. Academic performance depends on how he approaches his studies, whether he listens carefully to the teacher and whether he does his homework correctly. I think that any problem can be solved. Give schoolchildren more freedom in clothing! For example, wear jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts (hoodies), etc. Of course, we need to introduce a ban on provocative clothing! You have to buy a school uniform every year. We are growing, and they are expensive! Already today, many students do not comply with the school uniform, no matter how many comments teachers make. It is better then to introduce a free school uniform and not waste time on bickering between teachers and students, and not irritate each other because of the uniform. I agree, with regard to hairstyles, hair should be removed, it is hygienic and does not spoil vision, manicure and makeup should not attract attention. Decorations should not be massive or bright.

Please pay attention to our request!

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Kasatkin Mikhail


Is cheating a bad habit or a useful skill? I am sure that each of you has ever cheated, or let one of your friends and acquaintances, or just classmates, cheat. And a huge number of schoolchildren cheating has already become a habit, and sometimes even understanding the material and having time to do everything, people still cheat - that’s what the power of habit means. With this text I do not want to justify people who cheat, but I am trying to show you that cheating is not as terrible and wrong as we are told. Man is a very cunning creature who will always find how to do everything easier, faster and with minimal expenditure of energy and mental strength, and cheating is an excellent confirmation of this. Personally, I divide cheating into three types: 1) You don’t understand the material, but you’re afraid of getting a bad grade, so you have to cheat. 2) You simply don’t have enough time to decide for yourself, and that’s why you cheat in order to get somewhere in time, and not spend a lot of time on the solution. 3) And the third type - you’re just too lazy, yes, yes, many people write it off precisely because they are too lazy to decide for themselves. They have time, and in principle they can understand the material, but they are just lazy. Of these three types, the first and third are the most incorrect, and only the second type can be somehow justified. I agree that cheating is wrong, because by cheating you practically do not acquire knowledge and do not consolidate the knowledge that you have. You just put a false mark that you supposedly did it yourself and supposedly understood this material. But there are still two advantages to cheating that will really help in life. (But that still doesn't justify cheating) 1) Cheating improves and creates camaraderie. By cheating and letting him cheat, you create mutually beneficial situations - today you let him write off, and tomorrow or in a week, he will help you in return. 2) When you need to write off, you immediately analyze a large amount of information: who did it, who will allow it to be written off, who did it correctly, etc. This develops in you the ability to quickly get out of difficult situations, and this, in turn, is a very useful skill in life. Of course, it’s not good to write off, but it also has its advantages. Therefore, copy wisely, and don’t get too carried away.)
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Kochkareva Liza


The issue of school uniforms always comes up. Why wear it? I don't understand. Why this useless flash mob? For the sake of discipline? Ha, that won't stop you from starting fights. For the sake of unanimity and a sense of belonging? No, it's not even funny. The uniform is not for a country that values ​​individuality. After all, we are not industrial goods to be released from one assembly line. Moreover, school uniforms are sometimes simply ignored. Why force her to wear it if you know in advance how it will end? All the same, many will walk as they want. They put on business jackets over T-shirts with bright prints, buy black jeans and, no matter what, girls will walk around with their hair down. Everyone sees this, but they are simply tired of fighting. What is this for? Will your intelligence increase? Attentiveness? Perseverance? Hardly. So what is the meaning of this form? I can not understand. But maybe others know, since this flash mob is still going on
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Azarova Lera


Destroyers of nature. Planet Earth is our home. But for some reason most people clog it and treat it with disrespect. At this rate, we are rapidly destroying our home. And no one is to blame for this except each of us. Most people get sick and even die due to environmental pollution: water, soil and atmosphere. Water pollution leads to the proliferation of malarial mosquitoes, due to which the disease malaria develops, and everyone knows that it is very dangerous and leads to death. Leaving a bag of garbage in the forest or on a lake, a person does not even think about the consequences. There is such a thing as groundwater. Rotting, the remains of waste penetrate into underground waters, which carry streams of water into the same lakes, where the same person will then swim or fish. Air pollution from emissions of exhaust gases or other industrial waste into the atmosphere is a different story. People's immune systems are destroyed, and children are born with congenital pathologies and various diseases. People! Let's try to save our planet from destruction. Start with yourself and there will already be a chance of salvation. Is it really so difficult when leaving the lake to take garbage and throw it in the trash? No need to make a landfill out of nature! You yourself suffer from a damaged environment. Think about it and try to do at least something for the future of our beautiful planet.
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Lexical features

Some lexical features of the style can be noted:

  • the predominance of colloquial and socio-political vocabulary;
  • use of particles and interjections;
  • words are colored emotionally, expressively;
  • the use of excessive exaggeration - hyperbole.

Analytical genres of journalism: article

An article is a genre of journalism that expresses the author’s reasoned point of view on social processes, on various current events or phenomena.

After reading the analytical article, the reader receives the information he needs and then independently reflects on the questions that interest him.

The subject of the article is not the event, processes or phenomena itself, but the consequences that they cause.

Example: a general research article on the political development of the country, a practical-analytical article on rising food prices, a polemical article (dispute) on teaching the fundamentals of Orthodox culture.

Morphological features

Morphological features include:

  • frequent use of synecdoche - the plural is replaced by the singular or vice versa (fathers, grandfathers, Russian, French


  • frequent use of imperative verbs (look, think


  • use of all forms of adjectives (regular, comparative and superlative).

Tasks of analytical genres of journalism

The main objectives of analytical genres of journalism are:

  • communication of information;
  • its analysis and research;
  • justification and commentary on current events, phenomena and facts.

The texts of the analytical genres of journalism contain the author’s reasoning, argumentation, analysis of the event, personal conclusions and assessment of what is happening.

As in the information genres of journalism, the starting point and main element of any analytical genre is a certain fact or event. Events mean those processes that occur in society every day and even every second, and cause certain changes and changes.

Syntactic features

The following apply:

  1. The use of various figurative and expressive means of language, expressive sentences and tropes to decorate speech (for example: epithets, rhetorical questions, appeals, parcellation, exclamation, gradation, etc.).
  2. Attractive text title.
  3. Expressiveness of short sentences.
  4. Direct speech.
  5. Separate structures.

Linguistic means of journalistic style

Among them:

  • epithets

    , expressed by evaluative and emotional feelings;

  • comparison

    using the words
    “as”, “as if”

  • metaphor

    – transfer of characteristics and properties from one object to another;

  • metonymy

    - replacing one concept with another.
    For example: “Russia is rejoicing”
    (that is, the population of the country, Russians);

  • hyperbola


  • irony


  • paraphrase

    – avoiding repetition.
    For example: “our little brothers”

Analytical report

A report is a chronologically sequential, detailed account of an event. The central element in this case is the description or analysis of people's activities.

Examples: a report on military operations, a report on the results of a meeting, a conference, a government or judicial meeting, a communiqué report on international negotiations.

The report can include not only people’s opinions and judgments on a particular issue, but also their discussions, disputes, remarks, as well as comments from the author himself.

The report relates to both informational and analytical genres of journalism. It all depends on what task the journalist faces. If it is necessary to conduct an author’s analysis of some event, for example, with comments and personal opinion, then we are dealing with an analytical report.

But, if a journalist needs to inform the public about an event, briefly report what happened, and describe the development of the action in strict sequence, then the author is faced with the task of writing an information report.

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