What is included in the working hours of a school speech therapist teacher?

Children with disabilities require additional training and special attention from the teacher. Now we are not talking about correctional institutions, but about general education institutions. Teachers have many questions. Does the number of people in a group or class change if there are children with disabilities? Are the number of working hours reduced? What compensation can you receive?

To answer these questions, we studied the HIA standards for teachers. First, let’s define the concept of “children with disabilities.” The Federal Law “On Education” states that students with disabilities are persons with special needs in physical and (or) psychological development, for whose education additional conditions are required.

How many children with disabilities should there be in a kindergarten group?

The focus group should consist of no more than 6 people (group up to 3 years old) and 10 (group over 3 years old) if children are diagnosed with one of the following diagnoses: severe speech impairment, mental retardation, mild mental retardation, visual impairment. The number of children in groups varies depending on the diagnosis; the norms for each are prescribed in.

According to combined groups containing healthy children and children with disabilities, there should be no more than 10 people, including no more than 3 with disabilities (group up to 3 years). In groups with children over 3 years old, the number varies from 10 to 17 people, including no more than 3-5 children with disabilities, depending on the disease.

What subjects are studied

Speech therapy combines several aspects of personality. You have partially familiarized yourself with the characteristics necessary to master the profession in the block “What qualities are needed.” But the defectology department offers an extensive program to develop these skills in order to successfully master this profession.

Future speech therapists become familiar with the following disciplines:

  • the basics of pedagogical education - because a speech therapist must be able to communicate with children;
  • the basics of psychology, not only for children, but also for adults;
  • anatomy and medicine.

A more detailed training program can be found on the website of a specific university. Some items may vary.

How many children with disabilities should there be in primary school?

The laws do not contain separate information for elementary, middle and high schools; it is presented in general form for general education grades 1-11. This also applies to subject teachers: they have the same standards.

The maximum number of students in classes is 20 people. This is recorded in .

Appendix 1 to SanPiN presents the rules for filling classes for students with disabilities. For example, the total class size with 1 deaf person is no more than 20 people, with 2 deaf people - no more than 15. Violation of norms leads to serious administrative penalties.

Where to study

Thinking about how to become a speech therapist, many decide to take regular courses. However, they will not give you the right to officially engage in this type of activity. It is best to enroll in some famous university at the faculty of defectology, graduate, and then have a prestigious medical institution as a place of work.

You can consider the course if you already have a teaching education. You will simply complete the necessary disciplines in courses (it is best to choose courses from the best universities in the country)

Pay attention to faculties involved in retraining specialists. There are courses that last only 1000 hours (if you don't want to waste several years on distance learning)

In Moscow, there are defectology departments on the basis of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Moscow State Humanitarian University. Sholokhov, in St. Petersburg - on the basis of the faculties of the University. Herzen, Wallenberg Institute, Leningrad State University. Pushkin.

Please note that you cannot earn a degree in speech therapy through college. If you decide to leave after 9th grade, then go to a regular pedagogical college, after which you will be able to enroll in your chosen university specialty and become a speech therapist.

How many hours should a teacher work in a school classroom with children with disabilities?

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 2075 “On the duration of working hours of teaching staff” for teachers of grades 1-11 of educational institutions working with students with disabilities sets a standard of 18 hours a week.

According to the norms, in compensatory education classes, lessons last no more than 40 minutes. Primary grades (except the first) can have no more than 5 lessons per day, and no more than 6 lessons for grades 5-11. Studying of the first, fifth, final ninth and eleventh grades should be in the first shift.

Correctional and developmental classes do not go beyond the weekly workload of students, but within its limits. To avoid overwork, compensatory classes have a light day (Thursday or Friday).

Answers to questions from participants of the Club of Young Professionals of the Psychological and Pedagogical Support Service

1Name the recommended programs (classical) by type of program for psychologists.Prevention programs
-programs aimed at preventing difficulties in socialization, at preventing deviations in human development and behavior (including for persons with disabilities)

For example: A program for coping prevention of drug use and other psychoactive substances for teenage schoolchildren. N. A. Sirota, V. M. Yaltonsky

Correction and development programs

-programs of psychological work with people experiencing difficulties in communication, self-realization, learning and development.

For example: Correctional and developmental work for mental disorders in primary school age. Khaziakhmedova L.R. , “Correction of cognitive impairment

functions in older preschoolers"

Vaskova O.V.

Developmental programs

— programs aimed at the development and/or formation of any mental functions, personality traits, social skills, etc.

For example: N.P. Lokalova “Lessons of psychological development in elementary school”, T. Arzhakaeva, I. Vachkov, A. Popova “Psychological ABC”

Diagnostic programs

-programs for psychological, socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics of intellectual, personal, communicative, behavioral, social characteristics of a person.

For example: Neuropsychological examination of children of primary school age

Akhutina T.V., Maksimenko M.Yu. , Polonskaya N.N., Pylaeva N.M., Yablokova L.V.,

Educational (training, training) programs

-programs aimed at developing psychological knowledge, increasing the level of psychological culture and psychological competence.

For example: S.I. Konovalenko “How to learn to think faster and remember better”, V.I. Dubrovina Psychology: Textbook for elementary school

2What kind of documentation should a speech-language pathologist keep?The documentation of specialists in the psychological and pedagogical support service (educational psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist) is determined and established by the local regulatory act of the educational organization (Order and Regulations). The Regulations usually contain a list of necessary documentation accepted in an educational organization and may indicate sample forms (samples) of documentation. A young specialist can contact the deputy director in the relevant area or the head of the psychological and pedagogical service (if available) to obtain clarification on this issue.
3Is it necessary for a teacher - psychologist, speech therapist, teacher-speech pathologist - to draw up a work plan for each week?The documentation of specialists in the psychological and pedagogical support service (educational psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist) is determined and established by the local regulatory act of the educational organization (Order and Regulations). If these documents indicate a specialist’s work plan for the week, then it must be filled out in a timely manner. For a beginning specialist, it is advisable to maintain a weekly work plan.
4Is it necessary for a child to undergo PPK in order for a specialist (speech therapist or psychologist) to take him on individual work, or is PPK necessary in individual, complex cases?Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students/pupils in need of it should be provided in two cases:
1. The student is a child with disabilities (has a corresponding conclusion from the Moscow Central Medical Inspectorate)

2. The student is a child experiencing difficulties in mastering the basic general education program, development and social adaptation (recommendations from the institution’s curriculum and parental consent are required)

5There are 3 speech therapy groups in the kindergarten. Is it necessary to put each child with special needs through PPC and create an individual development path? Training of pupils in programs for children with severe speech impairments is carried out according to the conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training. Children can be organized both in combined (inclusive) groups and in compensatory groups. The PPC of an educational organization specifies and details those areas of correctional and developmental work that are recommended by the CPMPK for a particular child. If the conclusion of the Center for Medical Education and Training for children with special needs does not recommend additional classes of a teacher-psychologist and a teacher-defectologist, then it is possible to conduct a training program for these children in absentia.
6I am an educational psychologist at a school for children with hearing impairments. There are very few tests for our children. Can I adapt and validate tests for children with hearing impairments for grades 5-11? You cannot, since test adaptation is a multi-stage set of measures that ensure the adequacy of the test in new conditions of use: analysis of the initial theoretical provisions of the test author; for foreign methods – translation of the test and its instructions into the user’s language (with mandatory expert assessment of compliance with the original); checking reliability and validity in accordance with psychometric requirements; standardization on appropriate samples.
Test validation – checking the accuracy of measurement of the property under study; assessment of the adequacy of the test to the problem under study. All these procedures are impossible in the context of quantitative sample characteristics; they require special competencies and require quite a long time of work.

In your case, in order to avoid insufficient understanding of the instructions for completing the test task or difficulties in reproducing answers, it would be more appropriate to select methods that require minimal verbal instructions from the psychologist and minimal verbal responses from the subjects.

7How is the salary of a preschool educational psychologist calculated?Salaries for employees of an educational organization are calculated on the basis of the Regulations on remuneration of wages of an educational organization and the Regulations on incentive payments.
The wage regulation is an official document that describes the procedure for calculating wages or bonuses. The regulation must contain an indication of the categories of workers, type of activity, criteria for assessing their work, tariff rates and principles for calculating earnings (bonuses). The regulation is approved by the Order of the director of the educational organization and has the status of a local regulatory act.
8How to correctly formulate a psychologist’s recommendations on PPC? What is the design algorithm? The psychologist’s recommendations for CPD should include clearly defined areas of correctional work of the teacher-psychologist with the child, preferably with a designated time frame for monitoring the effectiveness of the work, recommendations for parents/legal representatives and teachers on creating the conditions necessary for the development of the child in the family and educational organization, taking into account the identified characteristics development and health opportunities.
The recommendation form and registration form are presented in the mailing list following the results of the second meeting of the club.
9Documents of a teacher-defectologist.
-List all types of work that are included in the standard hours of teaching work (20 hours).

-Which document contains this list? Where can I see the classification of what belongs to pedagogical work and what to methodological work?

-If a speech therapist works for 1 rate (20 hours), and charges the number of children for 1.5 times the rate (38 people), how should the work be paid? - How about 1 rate (by the hour) or 1.5 (by the number of children)?

The types of work of a speech pathologist teacher are regulated by the specialist’s job description. Job descriptions are drawn up on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (detailed extract at the bottom of the table).
Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 15, 2015 N 08-PG-MON-37849 “On the duration of working hours and features associated with the working hours of teaching and other employees of educational organizations»

An indication of the employee’s teaching load (working time) is an integral part of the employment contract.

The total number of hours of training must not exceed the number of hours the employee works. Work is paid according to the number of astronomical hours worked. An increase in children served may be rewarded with an incentive payment. If this is provided for by the local regulations of the institution.

10Is it possible to create a psychological and pedagogical council if there is no special education teacher in the public organization?The composition of the psychological and pedagogical council is determined by a local regulatory act, which is developed by the educational organization independently and takes into account all the features of the organization of the psychological and pedagogical service of the educational institution. If there is no special education teacher in an educational institution, then he is not included in the teaching staff.
11Should speech-language pathologists fill out a preschooler’s diary? Is it necessary (and where) to describe methodological work? At the beginning of the school year, teachers-defectologists formulate a long-term work plan. One of the sections of this plan may be the “organizational and methodological work” block, where the specialist will reflect on planned speeches at the methodological/pedagogical council, participation in methodological associations, the topic of self-education, etc. All work of teachers within an educational institution is regulated by the rules of this institution, enshrined in local regulations.
12How is an individual route created for children with disabilities?
-Is there a norm for hours of individual work per child with mild speech impairments (FFN, dyslalia) attending a preschool educational institution?

-Is additional funding allocated for children with disabilities (CHD)?

-Can a child attending a preschool educational institution seek speech therapy help at the center, because... while he is not attending speech therapy classes (in line)?

A student with disabilities is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions. That is, the status of a disabled child is assigned only by the Center for Medical Education, which determines both that a child with a disability should be educated according to an adapted basic educational program, and what special conditions should be created for the child’s education. At the same time, special conditions for obtaining education are the conditions of training (upbringing), including special educational programs and teaching methods, individual technical means of education and the living environment, as well as pedagogical, medical, social and other services, without which it is impossible (difficult) to master general education programs persons with disabilities. All the nuances are special. conditions in an educational organization are regulated and approved by the PPK of this organization.
Children with mild speech impairments (FFN of speech, FF of speech) are students who experience difficulties in mastering the basic general education program, development and social adaptation (they do not belong to children with disabilities). Help for such children can be provided both on the basis of a psychological and pedagogical center and on the basis of educational organizations. Corrective and developmental classes for such children are recommended by the educational organization’s teaching staff with the consent of parents/legal representatives and on the basis of the Director’s Order. The number of hours of correctional and speech therapy work is planned based on the current status of the child’s psychophysical development and in accordance with SanPiN. That is, the number of hours of individual work per child with mild speech impairments (FFN, dyslalia) determines the educational program of the educational organization the child attends.

Students with severe speech impairments who have a corresponding conclusion from the Moscow Center for Medical Education can be applied for by an educational organization to receive 139, which entails additional funding.

If the preschool educational institution received money for these types of services, the child must receive this service at the preschool educational institution.

Extract from the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n

Teacher-speech pathologist, teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist)[1]

Job responsibilities. Carries out work aimed at maximizing the correction of developmental deficiencies in students, pupils with developmental disorders, including those in special (correctional) educational institutions created for students, pupils with disabilities (for the deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened, blind, visually impaired and late-blind children, children with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation, mentally retarded and other children with disabilities). Conducts examinations of students and pupils, determines the structure and severity of their developmental disorders. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students and pupils. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deficiencies and restore impaired functions. Works closely with teachers, educators and other educational staff, attends classes and lessons. Consults teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques to assist children with disabilities. Maintains necessary documentation. Promotes the formation of a general personal culture, socialization, informed choice and mastery of professional programs. Implements educational programs. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students and pupils. Studies the individual characteristics, abilities, interests and inclinations of students and pupils in order to create conditions to ensure their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of educational independence, the formation of competencies, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching, modern educational technologies, including information and digital educational resources, ensuring the level of training of students and pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Respects the rights and freedoms of students and pupils, ensures the protection of the life and health of students and pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; developmental and special pedagogy and psychology; anatomical, physiological and clinical foundations of defectology; methods and techniques for preventing and correcting deviations in the development of students and pupils; normative and methodological documents on issues of professional and practical activity; program and methodological literature on working with students and pupils with developmental disabilities; the latest achievements of defectological and pedagogical sciences; labor protection and fire safety regulations; theory and methods of managing educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental education, implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements . Higher professional education in the field of defectology without any work experience requirements.





dated October 15, 2015 No. 08-PG-MON-37849

The Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Department) reviewed the appeals, including those received from the Ministry of Labor of Russia, and reports, to the extent of its competence.

The fundamental federal legislative and other regulatory legal acts used in regulating the duration of working hours and features associated with the working hours of teachers, lecturers, other pedagogical and other categories of employees of educational organizations are:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273);

Order No. 1601 takes into account all of the above features.

As follows from paragraph 2.1 of Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 1601, and the working hours of 30 hours per week - in paragraph 2.8.1 of Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 1601 for teachers of organizations carrying out educational activities in basic general education programs, and other teaching staff, named in this paragraph, the standard hours of educational (teaching) work are established at 18 hours per week for a wage rate that is:

the standardized part of their teaching work (hereinafter referred to as the standard hours of educational (teaching) work) (clause 3 of the notes to Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 1601).

The definition for teaching workers named in the paragraph is regulated by paragraph 2.3 of the Regulations of Order No. 69, which provides that the job responsibilities of teachers, in addition to fulfilling the teaching load, may be associated with the implementation of work to prepare for classes, with participation in the activities of pedagogical and other councils, methodological associations, in other forms of methodological work, with communication with parents, with holding parent meetings, etc.

In addition, teaching staff, with their consent, can perform additional teaching work on the terms of additional payment (classroom management, management of classrooms, educational and experimental areas, checking written work, etc.).

By its nature, most of the work listed is not carried out on certain working days of the week, but is calculated over longer periods: for a month, an academic quarter, a half-year, an academic year, and therefore such work cannot have specific time standards, but is regulated by the appropriate plans and work schedules, as provided for by Regulation No. 69.

From the above it follows that the days of the week (periods of time during which the educational organization carries out its activities) are free for teaching staff conducting teaching work from conducting scheduled classes, from performing other duties regulated by schedules and work plans, the teaching staff can be used for advanced training, self-education, preparation for classes, etc. (clause 2.4 of the Regulations of Order No. 69).

Based on this, according to paragraph 2.2 of Order No. 69, teachers’ working time can be specified in time (that is, in hours, minutes) only in relation to lessons and other training sessions not exceeding 45 minutes, short breaks (changes), and also in accordance with paragraph 2.3 in terms of periodic short-term duty in an educational organization during the educational process, to which teaching staff are involved on the days they conduct lessons and training sessions no earlier than 20 minutes before the start of training sessions and no later than 20 minutes after the end of their last training session classes.

There are no grounds for rationing by local acts of educational organizations in hours (minutes) the time for performing other duties of teachers, and therefore such actions of employers cannot be recognized as legal. In addition, the employer does not have the right to assign to a teaching worker, without his consent, duties that are not provided for in the qualification characteristics for the position he occupies.

Thus, the regulated part of educational (teaching) work) for teaching workers, provided for in paragraphs 1.5 - Order No. 1601, apply part 6 of Article 47 of Law No. 273, imposing on any teaching worker all the responsibilities listed in this part of Article 47, without taking into account the position he holds , as well as establishing any relationship between the teaching load of teaching staff determined for the academic year and other activities.

It should be noted that according to Section VI of Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 1601, For teachers from among the teaching staff, the establishment of such a ratio is essential, since, unlike teachers, they receive an official salary that does not change depending on the larger or smaller volume of teaching loads.

In cases of violation of the procedure for regulating working hours, teaching staff, for whom norms for the hours of teaching work at the wage rate have been established, have the right, in order to protect their social and labor rights and interests, to apply to the bodies for the consideration of individual labor disputes (labour dispute commission, court) or to the Federal Labor Inspectorate.

Deputy Director

Department P.A.Sergomanov

[1] The job title “Speech therapist” is not used in educational institutions, but is used in health care and social service institutions.

Additional vacation days and bonuses for working with children with disabilities

Teachers working with children with disabilities have the right to take leave for 56 (not 42) calendar days.

The salaries of teachers working in an inclusive environment should definitely be higher than their colleagues with regular groups and classes. However, government authorities shifted this issue to the educational institutions themselves.

Teachers have to negotiate with the employer themselves, proposing changes in the regulations on wages and incentive payments. Most employers agree to increase salaries or additional benefits. payments, since in the regions of the country an increased per capita rate is allocated for children with disabilities.

What factors influence the salary level of a speech therapist?

The following factors influence the salary level of speech therapists:

  • Place of work. The earnings of specialists from government agencies are lower than those of employees of private speech therapist offices.
  • Work experience and qualification category. The salary of young specialists without a category is extremely low, about 12-14 thousand rubles.
  • Availability of private practice. The amount of payment for one speech therapy session is influenced by the specialist’s experience, the characteristics and complexity of speech pathologies, as well as the financial capabilities of the client.
  • The level of the incentive part of the speech therapist's remuneration. The criteria for calculating this part are independently determined by each educational organization.

These criteria most often include:

  • reducing the proportion of students (pupils) with speech disorders;
  • consulting parents of students (pupils);
  • exemplary maintenance of the speech therapy room;
  • generalization and presentation of one’s own methodological experience, etc.

What qualities are needed?

Speech therapist is a rather interesting job that requires perseverance. The process of correcting speech is a long one; it is impossible to achieve significant success in a short period of time. In addition, representatives of this profession often work with very young children, whom they need to be able to keep busy.

A good speech therapist must simultaneously combine several professional characteristics. It should be:

  • an excellent psychologist - each student needs his own approach;
  • a patient teacher - no one will be able to pronounce a problem sound perfectly in the first few lessons;
  • an experienced doctor - in order to solve the problem, you need to recognize what exactly requires adjustment or treatment.

In addition, the profession requires documentation. A good specialist always has many clients and each one applies his own methodology, the progress of which must be carefully monitored and recorded - therefore such a person must have at least basic information about self-organization.

What subjects are required for admission?

How to become a speech therapist? To enroll in one of the medical universities, you need to pass the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • biology (the most important subject is specialized);
  • social studies, mathematics or literature (what to take depends on the specific university, but most students took social studies).

Since biology is considered the main subject for admission, it is the number of points in the exam that decides whether a person can apply for a budget place.

Don't forget about the interview. This is a mandatory stage; it is during this stage that you will demonstrate how interested you are in studying at this particular faculty. Do not neglect preparation: prepare in advance the main points on which you will build a competent oral speech.

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