Speech therapy lesson notes - Differentiation of sounds [K] - [X]

Didactic game for preschoolers to differentiate the sounds K, X

Didactic game: “Read - find”
Author: Lyanguzova Olga Zhanovna Brief description of the resource: a game for differentiating sounds K//X at the level of words and sentences. Goal: developing speed reading. Objectives: 1. Differentiate the sounds K//X in words and sentences. 2. Develop phonemic processes, consolidate practical skills, develop attention and speed reading. 3. Develop a sense of language. Relevance and significance of the resource: the game can be used by speech therapists, educators, defectologists, and parents in correctional work with children to differentiate sounds in words. Practical application: subgroup (2,3,4,6 children) and individual correctional classes. Material: 12 chips with pictures (3 pieces on each), 12 chips (with words) Method of work: 1. Chips with words are equally divided between the children: 2 each if there are 6 children, 3 each if there are 4 children, 4 each if there are 3 children, 6 each, if there are 2 children. Chips with pictures lie in a stack, face down, only the top chip with pictures remains open. The one who quickly finds the name of any of the pictures among his words and closes the chip takes it for himself. The one who collects the most pictures wins. 2. Game with complication. The task of children is to find and read only a word with a certain letter. 3. In this version of the game, only tiles with words can be used. The child is offered several chips, after reading the words he needs to combine them into one coherent sentence, such as “A spider caught a fly”, “The artist drew a kolobok near the hut” 4. The child must divide all 12 chips with words into 3 groups: K Kolobok, cone, bear , reed, spider X Ear, shepherd, trunk, fly, hut K, X Hunter, artist 5. This game may also be appropriate if children do not yet know how to read. In this case, only chips with pictures are taken for the game. The one who finds a word with a certain sound faster than others takes it for himself. The winner is the one who, accordingly, collects more chips than others. 6. Another version of the game can be the famous game: “Double”, where children must find a common picture between their chip and another one that has the same image. In this case, it will be better for several players to play, because in this case, the number of matches between chips will increase. The one who finds a match faster takes the chip for himself (as in option 1)

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“Differentiation of sounds [K] [X]”

Teacher speech therapist

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Goal: to develop the skill of drawing up diagrams of syllables and words


  • Circuit for characterizing sounds
  • Subject pictures: cat, hamster, bank, letters, loaf, bull, broom, wreath, hammock, sponge, deuce, turkey, wild boar, cabin, stone, book, books, chest of drawers, skate, horses, horse, groom, coffee, coffee pot , cube, kitchen, T-shirt, poppy, lighthouse, windows, window, perch, hake, hamster, skirt, lamb, fur, moss, fly, sea buckthorn, butt, hunter, rooster, fluff, ear, hut, huts, bread, trunk , yacht
  • Word Diagram Kits
  • Notebooks, counting sticks
  • Reading table

Progress of the lesson.

  • Organizing time.
  • repetition of what has been learned.

Name the last sound: moss, current, fluff, poppy, tank, gunpowder, juice, peas, light, whistle, shepherd...

  • game "Guess the word"

ma(k), fur(x), pu(x), peso(k), veni(k), air(x), nose(k), petu(x), veno(k), mo(x), gama(k), vdo(x), okhotni(k), vydo(x), (x)ata, ku(x)nya, (k)ot, ya(x)ta, mu(x)a.

  • consolidation of what has been learned. Characteristics of sounds [k], [x].
  • speech warm-up.

Ka - ha ah - ak

Ko - ho oh - ok

Ku-hoo uh-uk

Meshcheryakova L.V., teacher-speech therapist, preschool educational institution No. 112, Lipetsk Sounds [f], [v] and their soft variants normally appear in children, usually by 2-3 years. Children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) level III usually pronounce them correctly. But sometimes these sounds are absent from speech or are replaced, respectively, by [x], [x'], [g], [g']. This indicates the incompleteness of the process of formation of phonemic hearing and perception. After all, pronouncing the sounds [f], [f'], [v], [v'] requires simple articulation, and their production does not cause difficulties. But their automation requires more time, and to differentiate the sounds [f], [f'], [v], [v'] [x], [x'], [g], [g'] requires not only a long term, but also specific speech material that is not found in the literature on sound pronunciation correction. It is precisely this material for automation and differentiation of these sounds in words, sentences and texts that is given in the article. We hope you find it useful in correcting atypical disorders. Automation of sounds [f], [f'] In the words Fa - at the beginning of the word Fakir, pheasant, beans, veil, apron, torch, bassoon, headlights, pharaoh, candy wrapper, factory, surname, plywood, minced meat, fantasy, fantasy, porcelain . Fo - at the beginning of the word Focus, magician, form, lantern, fountain, photo, trout, foxtrot, piano, phosphorus. Fu - at the beginning of the word Wine glass, jointer, case, cap, hazelnut, sweatshirt. Fa - in the middle and end of the word Mullet, harp, sundress, sofa, safari, efa, stencil, cellophane. Fo - in the middle of the word Telephone, xylophone, burner. Fu is in the middle of the word Typhoon. Af, of, if, uf, etc. - in the middle and end of the word Scarf, giraffe, fine, caftan, wardrobe, mothball, jacket, peat, figure, typhoid, shoes, elf, safe. Fe - at the beginning of the word Fairy, hairdryer, farm. Phi - at the beginning of the word Chip, eagle owl, date, violet, fillet, ficus, filter, physics, physical education, Philip. Fe - in the middle and end of the word Coffee, coffee pot, cafe, candy, buffet, tile, briefcase, driver, truffle, infection, napkin. Fi, fu - in the middle of the word Office, marshmallow, kefir, dolphin, officer, waiter, refined sugar, perfume. Fl, fr - at the beginning of the word Fleet, bottle, flute, phlox, flux, flannel, felt-tip pen, fresco, tailcoat, front, fruit. In the sentences, Faina and Fedya drank coffee with sweets. There are marshmallows and dates on the buffet. Phlox grew near the fountain. Giraffes live in Africa. Frosya bought a case for glasses. Mom put mothballs in the jacket. The factory makes porcelain dishes. There is a scarf on the sofa, and shoes under the sofa. We watched a cartoon about a fairy and elves. Philemon went to football. Timofey drinks kefir. Philip eats meatballs. We ate mullet fillet. Automation of sounds [v], [v'] In the words Va - at the beginning of the words Valya, vase, Vanya, Vasya, cotton wool, bathroom, felt boots, mittens, jam, dumplings, cornflower, Vaseline, cheesecake, dead wood, waltz, monitor lizard. In - at the beginning of the word Water, waterfall, pond, diver, algae, watering hole, water, water pipe, wax, roach, sparrow, crow, wolf, hair, waves, war, warrior, fight, army, gate, governor, east, ox , eight, collar, drive, volleyball, question, grumble, Sunday, teacher, sorceress. Woo, you - at the beginning of the word Vulcan, throw away, lay out, pattern, paint, cure, pour out, hardy, perform, grow, height, exhibition, shot, perform, pull out, howl, invent, wash, cut, exit, exhale, otter , beater, tower, embroider. Va - in the middle and end of the word Sideboard, sole, quince, owl, willow, halva, plum, sofa, ditch, cow, cook, letter, firewood, tops, pumpkin, frame, poison, head, nettle, chew, cranberry, mane , grass, roach, call, tear, give, kvass, brew, bed, draw, respect, dandelion, blanket, aquarium, curdled milk. Wow, woo - in the middle and end of the word Word, tin, plant, vegetables, tree, lace, pillowcase, wire, starling, janitor, childhood, medicine, frying pan, sound, girl. Vya - at the beginning and middle of the word Knit, wither, worm. Ve - at the beginning of the word Giant, witch, spindle, veranda, hanger, wreath, bucket, evening, wind, fan, bicycle, willow, rope, spring, branch, oar, ham, things, camel, eyelids, polite, helicopter, broom , vermicelli, fun, top, hang, vernissage, freckle, heather, Vera. Vi - at the beginning of the word Vika, Vitya, see, screw, hang, temple, vitamin, showcase, cherry, fork, stained glass, knight. Ve - in the middle of the word Man, ant, nightingale, bear, hello, roar, animals, doors, bride, answer, star, light, candle, shine, lamp, candlestick. V - in the middle of the word Blade of grass, jam, aviation, pig, whistle, fierce, boletus. In combination with vowels, v Diary, rose hips, cranes, health, carrots, blood. In combination with the consonants Grandchildren, take off, liner, explode, turn on, at random, tasty, moist, inside, doctor, let in, rotate, harmful, rider, boil, get up, Tuesday, time. In sentences [B] Nettles grew near the ditch. Vadim cleans the aquarium. Valya bought a new, beautiful lace collar. Grandma Valya made dumplings for her grandchildren. Cows and oxen chewed grass. We made quince jam. Vanya learned all the letters. Near the waterfall. [Q'] We saw a camel and a bear at the zoo. Vitya was repairing his bicycle in the evening. In spring there are fluffy buds on the branches of willow. There are boxes of vitamins on the pharmacy window. Cherry tree branches were visible from the veranda. The pig is chewing a blade of grass. There is a rope hanging on a branch. [В] - [в'] Vasya leads his horse to water. A nightingale sits on a branch and sings a song loudly. The sloth girl threw the spindle into the well. Vika answered a difficult question correctly. Varya wove a wreath of cornflowers and dandelions. On the table are noodles with ham and cheesecake with jam. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Vitya caught a roach. The sweater has long sleeves. Knights are brave warriors. There is an anthill under the willow. Valya gave Vika some yogurt. Vanya is bathing in the bath. The carpet is beaten out with a beater. Vera put willow branches in the vase. The wind blows on the water and raises waves. Volodya has blond hair. Klava has new knitted mittens. The otter lives near water. * * * Near the river, at the cliff, the willow is crying, the willow is crying. Maybe she feels sorry for someone? Maybe she's hot in the sun? Maybe a playful wind pulled the willow by its pigtails? Maybe the willow is thirsty? Maybe we should go ask? I. Tokmakova Differentiation of sounds [f], [f'] - [x], [x'] In pairs of words Robe - apron, hut - veil, perfume - buffet, nuts - marshmallows, turtles - dolphin, peas - closet, monk - giraffe, bird cherry - sundress, trunk - fountain, hamster - lantern, refrigerator - magician, fly agaric - telephone, pedestrian - traffic light, artist - cap, crunch - fruit, hop - flag, clap - fleet, predator - violets, frail - eagle owl , sunflowers - refined sugar, persimmon - uniform, kitchen - shoes, sugar - cellophane, crystal - front, bread - flute, robe - headlights, alder - sofa, cracker - asphalt, spinner - harp, ferret - beans, ear - mullet. In sentences There are beautiful tiles in the kitchen. The bottle contains good perfume. The artist painted a giraffe. There is a scarf and a T-shirt on the ottoman. An eagle owl sat on an alder tree and hooted. Pharaoh was fanned. There are beans and trout in the refrigerator. It's cool near the fountain. The officer was riding. Faina put the flashlight in the case. The hairdryer worked quietly. Rusks and bread in a plastic bag. The shepherd walked around in a sweatshirt. Hazelnuts are nuts. Kefir can be drunk with sugar. Differentiation of sounds [v], [v'] - [g[, [g'] In pairs of words, Rook is a doctor, paper is a ditch, a gnome is a grandson, a guitar is a vitamin, a geranium is a willow, a newspaper is dumplings, a leg is an owl, cart - nettle, voice - hair, needles - wolves, peas - crow, deli - pond, dove - sparrow, galosh - cheesecake, city - army, book - pumpkin, riddle - dandelion, road - sole, begonia - pillowcase, dahlia - giant, Hercules - vermicelli, sleeve - showcase, garland - stained glass, sad - delicious, hammock - bath, dumbbells - mittens, viper - cornflower, mountains - warrior, guests - wax, pot - east, slide - gate, blue - water, dried apricots - quince, luggage - sideboard, taiga - firewood, blizzard - tops, hurricane - bed, garden - vegetables, fire - plant, sore throat - jam, bullfinch - pig, hippopotamus - bear. In sentences There is a branchy beautiful willow near the road. Caterpillars and ants crawl among the grass. We bought a new aquarium from the store. In winter, crows, sparrows, and jackdaws are hungry. Fierce lions roam the savannah. In spring, storks return from the south. Yegor brought a bucket of water. Galya ate yogurt with sugar. The bear sleeps in a den all winter. A blizzard howls, sweeps the bear's den, and he sees berries in a dream. Vera and Gena baked cheesecakes with cottage cheese. In the fall, the tops were removed from the garden. The sorceress bewitched the girl into a frog. Mom gave Varya a thermometer. The potter sculpted a beautiful vase from clay. Dove chicks poked their heads out of the nest and squealed. The girl combed her hair with a comb. Olga put dahlias in a vase and poured water. The seller put eight hundred grams of buckwheat on the scales. Volcano Vesuvius erupted many years ago, and its lava destroyed an entire city. There is snow on the top of the mountain. * * * Angry as a she-wolf, Burns like mustard. What kind of miracle is this? It's nettle! Differentiation of sounds [v], [v'] - [g], [g'] - [f], [f] - [x], [x'] In the words Halva, mane, transom, flamingo, stable, tail, August, pine needles, brushwood, praise, braggart, horsetail, air, down jacket, bassoon, van, ill, decanter, vulture, count, waffles, graphite, snowman, head, talk, nails, carriage, after, weather vane, geography, scuba diver, moisture, blizzard, flask, foil, wave, sigh, veil-tail, farm, drive out, peep out, unload, pull out, win, top, grapes, vinaigrette, Vikings, plow, in a hurry, quietly, block, shake off, lair, wigwam, feijoa. In sentences, the Guardsmen fought bravely at the front. There are four burners on the gas stove. In August, grapes, persimmons and other fruits ripen. Horned cows moo in the barn. The seller weighs the halva on the scales. Brushwood is dry branches. Varya embroidered chrysanthemums on a napkin. We collected bird cherry berries in a plastic bag to add them to pies. We saw a gorilla, a tiger, a wolf, and a flamingo at the zoo. Caterpillars crawled along the alder branches. Ancient warriors were saved from wounds by chain mail. The fakir played the flute to charm the viper. Varya doesn’t want to be a slob: she washed her robe and apron. In the fairy tale “Moidodyr,” a blanket, boots, irons, and pies ran away from the dirty boy. In the fairy tale “Fedorino's Grief,” a poker, a coffee pot, forks, and porcelain saucers ran away from Fedora. On a rainy day the air is humid. You need to cross the road only when the traffic light is green. Refined sugar is a rectangular sugar that dissolves easily in water. Philip and Faina are playing chess. In February the wind blows and a snowstorm blows. There are flakes of snow on the trees. Fir is a coniferous tree. On New Year's Day there is a round dance around the tree. Toys, lanterns and flags are hung on the Christmas tree. Firecrackers clap and confetti flies out of them. In the poems * * * The owl is gray, the owl is old, And the eyes burn like headlights. Owl - jump, eagle owl - hop, Filinenka gave a flag. Little Owl is glad, glad - Two lanterns are burning. G. Sapgir

Guess where we were We were today In a young garden. The harvest is good this year. Apples are like sugar, Pears are pure honey. There is a blue coating on purple plums. We were treated wonderfully... That's where we were today! E. Blaginina * * * There is a real garden on my window! Large Fuchsia earrings are hanging.

The narrow date climbs - The leaves are fresh, And the Russian palm tree has leaves like knives.

A modest flame flared up like coals - All under the hairs of a Cactus stump.

Crane The crane has flown to the old places: Grass-ant Thick, thick!

Willow tree over the creek Sad, sad! And the water in the creek is pure and pure!

And the dawn over the willow tree is clear and clear!.. It’s fun for the crane: Spring is spring! E. Blaginina

Dandelion How cool it is in the spruce thicket! I am carrying flowers in an armful... White-headed dandelion, Do you feel good in the forest? E. Blaginina

About trees Birch trees have borders on their sleeves, And fir trees have frills in thorny lace. E. Blaginina Alive, alive All night there was a blizzard. Snow to the waist! There is no paradise for sparrows in a blizzard, - At least lie down and die! The sparrow from under the eaves solidified his poems to a single motive: - Barely alive! Barely alive! - I got to the feeder, I crushed the hump into it. The sparrow helped himself and chirped more cheerfully. T. Volzhina

Autumn The day will warm up - near the house it smells of late grass, spring grass, dry straw and potato tops. A. Tvardovsky

The flag is burning in the sun. The flag is as if I lit a fire. A. Barto

It's getting cold, there's wind on the terrace, it's cold in the stroller! Andreika is wearing padded jackets, Sweatshirts, mittens, A striped scarf was brought to Andreika by the sisters... A. Barto * * * The little hands are hidden in the little mittens. Help me put on my boots... At night the first snow fell. We got dressed before everyone else. I'm pushing a sled - I want to go for a walk. Z. Alexandrova

First snow In the morning the cat brought the first snow on its paws! First snow!

It has the Taste and smell of the First Snow! First snow!

He is spinning, Light, New, Over the guys' heads, He managed to spread a downy handkerchief on the pavement;

He turns white along the fences, takes a nap on the lantern. So soon, very soon, the sled will fly down the hills. So it will be possible to Build a fortress in the yard again! I. Akim * * * Here the north, catching up with clouds, breathed, howled, - and here comes the sorceress-winter! A. Pushkin * * * Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom, Bow-legged and lame, A washbasin runs out and shakes his head... K. Chukovsky * * * Let’s wash, splash, Swim, dive, tumble In a tub, in a trough, in a tub, In a river , in a stream, in the ocean, - And in the bath, and in the bathhouse, Always and everywhere - Eternal glory to the water! K. Chukovsky

Chicken Beautiful chicken lived with me. Oh, what a smart Chicken she was!

She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots, baked sweet, ruddy pies for me.

And when he’s done, he’ll sit at the gate, tell a fairy tale, and sing a song. K. Chukovsky

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