Differentiation h - sh in words Training exercises

Differentiation h - sh in words Training exercises

Task 1. Listen to the words, find the sounds ch, sh and write down the corresponding letters:

a) from the beginning of the word.

Worm, hat, suitcase, box, tea, ball, teapot, school, stockings, pants, watch, joke, reading, hairpin, sleepers, chi-, hundred, clean, stamp, sneeze;

b) from the middle of the word.

Accounting, decide, sieve, respect, target, shout, mistake, pay, absence, mouse, pea, fist, junior, newcomer, pod, good, kids, bitch.

a) at the end of a word.

Doctor, baby, rook, galosh, kalach, ours, crying, yours, hoop, shower, brick, hut, owl.

Task 2. Complete the word by adding syllables:

a) cha, sha

(remember how the syllable
cha is always written):
Ka..., tu..., Ma..., ku..., kry..., meet.... Mi..., paw..., yes..., on..., back.... Pa..., pereda..., fresh..., poro..., otda..., food..., uda...;

b) Chi, shi

(remember how the syllable
shi is always written).
but..;., on..., we..., yes..., u..., tu..., halo..., kala...,, back..., small..., wind..., lands..., gra..., they say..., pi..., dy ..., nor... .

Task 3. Compare the sound and meaning of pairs of words. With each word, verbally come up with a sentence. —

Dasha - dacha; cat - hummock;

cloud—carcass; I twist and crush.

Task 4. Change the words according to the example. Write down:

Illustration: cat - kitty.

frog - ..., coil - ..., edge - ..., shell - ..., cuckoo - ..., baby - ..., hat - .... midge - ..., pillow - ... .

Task 5. Listen to the words. Determine the presence and place of the sounds sh, ch in words. Make diagrams of words. Write the letters sh, h above the corresponding syllable. Under the diagram, write the word syllable by syllable.

Tiny, pad, line, cup, scales, crumb, frog, frog, cat, spiders, midges, toy, tiny, wheat, buckwheat, night.

Task 6. Listen and write down a series of words.

Frog - frog - little frog - frog; cat - cat - feline; tiny - tiny - tiny.

Task 7. Write the words in three lines: in the first - with the letter h, in the second - with the letter - w, in the third - with the letters h, sh.

Stocking, cannon, teapot, scales, fur coat, tire, seagull, car, kidney, stove, midge, mast, tiny, mail, roll, baby, strongman, itchy, crying, chocolate; cat, cup, suitcase.

Task 8. Insert the missing letters sh or ch into the word.

Lap...a, cru...a, ...ahta, st...it, ...ervyak, ...to stomp, ...ugun, ...izh, ko...ka, o...ki, peck..., sweat...i, lu..., brick.,., ...ere-nok, pe...enye, ...tu...ka, ...a...ki, to..e...ka, ...emodan...ik, ...ep...ik, ...a...e...ka, beech...e...ka, ... aini...ek,...ulo...ki, ba...ma...ki,...u...u,...e...ya.

Task 9.

Vocabulary dictations

a) based on the diagram, highlighted letters, h;

b) dividing words into syllables;

c) without relying on the diagram and highlighted letters. (Material from previous assignments is used.)

Differentiation h - sh in sentences Training exercises

Task 1. For the words in the first column, select words from the second column that are suitable in meaning. Write down the resulting phrases. Underline the letters w, h with different pencils.

a) juicy chocolate b) buckwheat handle tiny speck clean pate black pear big man creamy mouse school palms sharpened porridge wide porridge hot cheesecake liver cup milk pencil sensitive stream. Brown hat

Task 2. Complete the sentences with appropriate word combinations. (Previously worked out phrases are used.)

Grandma cooked... (what?). Ripened on the pear tree... (what?). The white cat had one thing... (what?). The baby always has... (what?). Natasha loves... (what?). There is a rustling sound in the corner... (who am I? who?). Fell off the table and broke... (how am I? What?). Flows under the mountain...(what?). Misha put it on his head... (what?).

Task 3. Come up with and write down sentences with phrases.

Milk noodles, liver pate, night rustle, ceramic pot, school pen.

Task 4. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letters h, w.

Ma...has a new...a...ka. Dad drinks...ah from the pain...oh measles...neva...ah...ki. Babu...ka pe...et vatra...ki. Mi...a loves grief...ie vatra...ki. Grandfather... you... gave your grandfather... a gift.


This is ko...ka Ma...ka. She caught us...ku in...ulan. The owner gave her milk to drink. Ma...ka sits on the pillow...e...ka and purrs...et songs. And her kitten plays with himself.

Differentiation h - shchv

syllables Training exercises

Exercise 1.

cha - schasha - cha ach - ashch - ach acha - ashcha

cho - sch sch - cho och - sch sch - och cho - och chu - sch chu - chu uch - sch sch - uch uch - uch - uchi - sch ich - seek sch - ich seek - ich che - more - che ech - still che - che che - yet.

Task 2. Listen to the syllables. Write the first letter of each syllable. Cha, schcha, schu, chu, chi, cabbage soup, che, schuh.

Task 3. Listen to the syllables. Write down the last letter of each syllable.

Ach, asch, och, uch, ushch, yet, ech, och.

Task 4. Listen to sound combinations. Write down only the consonants:

Ascha, acha, I feel, I teach, yet, echo, echi, look for, ocho, teach, ushche.

Task 5. Listen, remember, repeat and write down the rows of syllables in. the same sequence. Remember how to write cha, sha.

cha - sch - cha che - sch - che ach - sch - ach sch - cho - sch sch - che - sch - sch - och chu - sch - chu chi - cabbage soup - chi uch - ush - uch

cha - schuh - cha - schuh chu - schuh - chu - schuh cho - schuh - cho - schuh chi - cabbage soup - cabbage soup - chi


Task 6. Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter h, in the second - with the letter sh. (Material from previous assignments is used.)

Differentiation h - sch

in words . Training exercises.

Task 1. Listen to the words, find the sounds h, u, write down the corresponding letters:

a) at the beginning of a word.

Brush, clearly, shuttle, cabbage soup, sorrel, purity, sliver, clean, charm, lye, cheeks, reading;

b) at the end of a word.

Cartilage, sword, borscht, ball, cry, gallop, horsetail, owl, tick;

c) in the middle of a word.

Candle, crack, wrinkles, swing, rope, duffel, cart, drag, defender, beginning, pitching, strike, cave.

Task 2. Find and write down syllables with the letters ch, sh.a) at the beginning of the word:

couple, puppy, man, 'pinch, shields, siskin, miracle, cheeks, case, puppies, sneeze;

b) in the middle of a word.

Protection, cob, mercy, shouted, broadcast, wrinkles, sorrows, protected, bloodhound, mending, stuffing, gloves, wrinkles;

c) at the end of a word.

Things, keys, meetings, ivy, looking, shouting, knocking, dragging, grasshopper, chirping, squeaking.

Task 3. Complete the words by adding syllables.

a) cha

Ro..., pi..., sve..., wind..., cha..., back..., ku...;

b) chu

Ta..., then..., pi..., kri..., ugo..., wind..., nave... gta..., izve..., kru..., zachi....

Task 4. Insert the missing letters h or sh into the words.

Pi...a, fresh...a, tu...a, mo...ny, p...ad, ass...a, by...ada, ...it, ...natural, ...etky, ...a...a, ...y...ka, ...eno... ek, ve...i...ka, ru...i...a, then...il...ik, vol...i...e, uro...i...e, I...i...ek, ...eto...ka,kri...a...ii.

Explain the word: tract.

Task 5. Listen to a series of words, remember, write down in the same sequence.

I write - I scream - I go around the box - the ball - I keep things quiet - I drag - I spin the food - a pile - a forest

Task 6. Answer the questions in one word, write down the answer.



Where did primitive people live? What device shows time? How do you clean clothes? What is pig skin covered with?

What is another name for cucumbers, cabbage, beets, and onions? What is another name for wild animals?

Words for reference: cave, clock, brush, bristles, vegetables, predators.

Task 7.

Vocabulary dictations:

a) based on the word diagram and the highlighted letters h, sch;

b) divided into syllables;

c) without relying on the word diagram and highlighted letters.

Crack, clean, shield, raincoat, wood chips, stove, ball, river, brush, tea, washcloth, food, puppy, dacha, thicket, meeting steep, cleaner, plank, comrade, cast iron, chirping, screaming, boys, puppy, grinder, sliver, pinch, scale, river, flying, pike, box, scorching, fishing rod, fan, predator, suitcase, line, bloodhound, look, bream, handkerchiefs.

Differentiation h - shch in sentences

Task 1. Write down the phrases. Words denoting signs. write syllable by syllable. Underline the letters h, sch:

Mailbox; medical assistance; singing siskins; nocturnal predator; hot cabbage soup; clear steps; peeled vegetables; burning rays;

Task 2. Using phrases from task 1, make up and write down sentences. Underline the letters h and u with different pencils.

Task 3. Copy the sentences, insert the missing words.

Letters are placed in the post office... For rainy weather, my mother bought a beautiful... We have to give someone else’s…. We collected succulent...

Very tasty smoked...

Bird sounds were heard in the forest...

Tourists entered a wonderful...

Words for reference:

box, raincoat, thing, vegetables, bream, twitter, gorge.

Task 4. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letters into the words.

It was...delicious weather. We came out of...a...and the forest. Under the trees there was growing... limp grass. In the ro... e they sing... izhi, kri... at gal...ata, pi...at skvor...ata. Birds are busy at their nests. We visit sick students. Owl - but... he... nick. The patient needs medical help. This...or...and that...it is knives.

Task 5. Complete the sentences answering the questions what does it do? Who?

Glass……. Things … … . Knives……. Boots


Task 6.


Visual dictations

Learn to defend your homeland. There is no greater happiness than serving the people. Help a friend out in trouble. Dedicate your life to truth.

The sun illuminates the earth. Brooks are babbling. The grove turned green. We saw a rook. Welcome spring. The kids hung birdhouses. Rooks are making nests. Birds are chirping everywhere.

Differentiation h-c

Training exercises

Task 1. Name the first sound in the words seagull, heron. Describe these sounds. Compare them by articulation, name the similarities and differences.

Task 2. Read the syllable chains. Repeat them as you remember.

cha-tsa-cha-tsa-cha-tsa cha-tsa-cha-tsa tsa-cha-tsa-cha.

Task 3. Read the letters together. Repeat the resulting sound combinations.

Task 4. Listen to the syllables. Write down:

a) the first letter of each syllable. Cha, cho, tsa, chu, tso, tsy, chi, tse, che


b) the last letter of each syllable.

Ach, ats, uts, uch, ots, yts, och, ich, its, ets, ech.

Task 5. Listen to sound combinations. Write down only the consonants.

Acha, teach, teach, itsa, echo, etso, yutsa, teach, utse, echi.

Task 6. Listen, remember, write down rows of syllables in the same sequence.

tsu-chu - tsu chu-tsu-tsu-chu chu-tsu-chu tsu-chu-chu-tsu

tso - tso - tso - tso tso - tso - tso - tso tsy - chi - chi - tsy chi - tsy - tsy - chi.

Task 7. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter h, in the second - with the letter c.

Cha, tsu, ach, uts, chu. chi. ech, tse, ots, tsa, yach, yats; wow, color member, color, chte, honor, schmuck, acha, atsa, teach, utse, etse, itsa, teach, teach, atse.

The letters "ch" and "sh" before "n" and "t"

In words formed from the stems h, k, c , before suffixes starting with a consonant n (suffixes -н, -nik, -nits), the letter h , which in most cases corresponds to the sound h , for example: stove, stove-maker (from the stove), harvester (cleaning), colorful (paint), source (source), sandbox (sand), poultry house (bird), final (end). However, in some such words, the letter h usually corresponds to the sound sh . These include: bakery, bakery (noun), baker (from bun); viper (viper); mustard, mustard plaster (mustard); bachelorette party (maiden); piece(piece); tray, hawker (tray); milkman, thrush (milk); spectacle, eyeglass case (glasses); pepper shaker (pepper, only in combination damn pepper shaker); night owl, midnight (midnight); trousersless (trousers); laundry, laundry (n.) (laundress); trifling (trifle); candlestick (candle); cordial (heart, only in combination cordial and as a noun cordial in the meaning 'poor thing'); birdhouse, birdhouse (starling); boring, boring (boredom, bored); cap (cap, only in combinations come to a cap analysis, cap acquaintance); scrambled egg (egg); two-student, three-student, four-student, five-student (two, three, four, five). The same is true in the word of course, which is related in origin to the word end, and in the word deliberately.

It is written h , and is usually pronounced sh also: before n - in female patronymics such as Savvichna, Nikitichna, Ilyinichna, Kuzminichna; before t - in the word that, in the derivatives nothing and almost (but something and insignificant are pronounced h ).

In several words derived from the stems on k , before the suffix n not only is pronounced sh , but also the letter sh : gorodoshny, gorodoshnik (from gorodki), foolish (fool), rayoshny, rayoshnik (rayok). The same is true in the words rushnik, dvurushnik, meticulous, where the suffix in modern language is no longer highlighted, and for fun (albeit on purpose). The combination pc is written in the particle neshto 'unless' and in the adverb nishto 'pretty well; rightly so', related in origin to the word that.

Note 1. The combination sh is regularly written: 1) before suffixes starting with n , in words formed from words with a stem on x , for example: scrofulous (from scrofula), hectic (turmoil), oreshnik (nut);
2) in the suffixes -shn (y), -shnik, attached to indeclinable nouns with a vowel, for example: lotoshny, lotoshnik (from loto), kinoshny, kinoshnik, dominoshny, dominoshnik; 3) in adjectives na -shny, formed from adverbs: yesterday, tomorrow, today, always, present, there, present, ancient (see § 56). Note 2. It is written shch , and is usually pronounced sh in the word assistant (from help). The word all-night vigil (from night - the Church Slavonic form of the word night) is also written with the letter ш , although it can be pronounced sh .
  1. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatina // Spelling of consonants, §91
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