Notes on teaching literacy “Sound K. Letter K.” (school preparatory group)

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Summary of a literacy lesson for the preparatory group “Consonant sound K(K). Letter K. Sentence. Integrated educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Physical education”, “Artistic creativity”. Goal: Learn to listen carefully to the story. Determine which sound is most often heard in this story through listening using logical pauses and emotional coloring. Reinforce the concept of “vowel” and “consonant” sounds, learn to distinguish between them. Introduce the sound “K” as a voiced and voiceless consonant. Practice making syllables and words from letters. We develop coherent speech and phonemic awareness. We develop interest in speech activity, independence, and initiative in solving cognitive problems. Organizing time. — Guys, Dunno came to us today. He got ready to go to school, and Znayka decided to check whether Dunno was ready for school, and gave him a number of tasks. Dunno is very afraid of making a mistake and asks you for help. Let's help Dunno complete all the tasks without errors? (Help me). Main part. — Dunno asks you to find the sound that occurs most often in the story. The story is called “How to cook compote? “- A cat, a goat, a chicken and a rabbit lived in the same yard. One day a cat came into the yard and shouted: “Listen, everyone!” I read in an old book how to cook compote! - Well, how should we cook it? - Everyone bring everything delicious, the rest is up to me. The whole company went to look for the most delicious things, and meanwhile the cat lit a fire and hung a pot of water over it. The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk. Then the hen came and brought five grains of corn. The cow brought watermelon rinds, the rabbit brought clover, and the cat himself took a piece of sausage out of his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw the stalk, peels, corn, sausage, and clover into the cauldron and closed it with a lid. After a while he rang the bell. - Ready! Eat for your health. Friends tried it and spit: “It’s called compote!” Eat it yourself! - Why did it turn out so tasteless? – the cat thought gloomily. 1. Answers to the cat's question. 2. Words with the sound “K” Well done! We completed the task. Guys, Dunno asks you to tell me where the sound “K” lives in the word cat, window, wheel, juice, skating rink, onion, perch, goat, tail. - Guys, let's remind Dunno what sounds there are (vowels and consonants). What sounds do we call vowels? (sounds that are drawn out, sung with a voice, pronounced without obstacles). Name the vowel sounds. What consonants do you already know? Why are these sounds called consonants? (sounds are pronounced with an obstacle). - Now, be careful. I will name the sounds, and if you hear a vowel sound, clap your hands, and if you hear a consonant sound, stomp your feet. Well done! The guys need to explain to Dunno that the sound “K” can be hard and it can be soft. Name the picture whose title contains the first sound “K” (to from). Name the picture whose title contains the first sound “Кь” (whale). Are the first sounds in these words pronounced the same way? (No, in the word cat there is the sound “K”, and in the word whale there is the sound “K”. Find more pictures in which the sound “K” is heard softly, and in which it is heard hard. In which cases are the consonants pronounced as hard, and in which - like soft? (If the vowels A, O, U, Y, E are written after them, then they are pronounced as hard consonants, and if the vowels I, Yu, E, E, I are written, then they are pronounced as soft consonants.) Fizminutka - " "Grasshoppers game" Raise your shoulders, Jump grasshoppers, Jump - hop, jump - hop, Sit down, eat some grass, Listen to the silence. Hush, hush, high, Jump on your toes easily. And now we need to help Dunno determine the number of words in the names of the pictures and resettle them into their own houses. Pictures with one syllable in the name will live in a house with one window, pictures with two syllables in the name will live in a house with two windows, and pictures with three syllables in the name will live in a house with three windows. Znayka also asked the guys to explain I don't know how you can make a sentence with the word Nikita. Your suggestions. 88265488950 Well done! Now let’s analyze the sentence (Nikita is a very good boy) and write it in the form of a diagram (four rectangles). 6069965114935004679315673103107690673101669415673108826567310- How many words are in a sentence? - What is the first word, what is the second, what is the third, what is the fourth? - Write the word “Nikita” on the table. 69215278765123126427876506978652787658826512065- What is the first syllable in the word “Nikita”. Which is the second, which is the third? Well, we helped Dunno complete all the tasks. What task caused you difficulty? Which task did you complete easily?

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