Certification of teachers in 2021 - latest news

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According to Part 2 of Article 49 of Federal Law No. 273, teaching staff must undergo certification at least once every 5 years to confirm compliance with the position held. Also, teachers, educators and instructors can be tested in order to receive a category. New teacher certification rules for 2021 are set to come into effect soon. We will tell you further what changes may occur and what to prepare for.

On the postponement of teacher certification in 2021

In 2021, due to the coronavirus, teaching staff were allowed not to undergo mandatory testing. Two orders of the Ministry of Education came into force:

  • No. 193 - on the extension of the qualification category (QC), the validity period of which expired from April 1 to September 1, 2021, until December 31, 2020;
  • No. 713 - on the extension of the CC for another year - until December 31, 2021.

If teaching staff have not passed certification in 2021, then there is no need to worry - there is still time. The salary level for such specialists remains the same, in accordance with the QC.

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Even if the validity period of the category is extended, the teacher has the right to be certified according to the previously approved procedure - indicated in the letter of the Ministry of Education No. VB-90/08/27 dated January 27, 2021. Therefore, the procedure will take place the same as before (it differs in each region).

Who may not pass the certification?

Part 22 of Order No. 276 exempts a number of persons from the procedure:

  • have worked in one place for less than two years;
  • having a qualification category;
  • pregnant women and women on maternity leave;
  • absent due to illness for more than four months.

All others do not have the right to refuse certification. This will be a violation of labor discipline and will entail consequences in the form of disciplinary action under Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sample order for certification

Sample presentation

Sample extract from the protocol

New teacher certification system in 2021 - what is already known?

The principles of the development system for teaching staff are reflected in Government Order No. 3273-r dated December 31, 2019. The new model of the certification procedure was tested in schools in 19 regions of Russia. According to the latest data, the model is planned to be launched from September 1, 2021.

New categories

Now, in addition to the first and highest, a teacher will be able to receive the following qualification categories:

  1. Senior teacher (methodologist) - is involved in the implementation of innovative educational technologies, conducts examinations of competitive works of excellence, supervises projects, and organizes seminars. To obtain a category, you must work in an institution for 5 years.
  2. Leading teacher (mentor) - builds a plan for career growth of teachers, helps colleagues in matters of professional excellence. For this qualification category you need to work in an educational institution for 10 years.

If you receive 2 qualification categories at once, the salary increase will go to both at once.

Teacher certification in 2021 - how are teachers assessed according to the latest data?

Now teaching staff will be assessed using the EFOM - unified federal assessment materials, which include 4 types of competencies:

  • subject;
  • methodological;
  • communicative;
  • psychological and pedagogical.

Teachers will undergo 3 types of knowledge assessment: primary, for compliance with the position held and in order to obtain a category. Let's look at each one.

Introduction of the Primary Exam

The entrance exam is taken by specialists who are just applying for a job in an educational organization. The teacher is tested on the 4 competencies listed above. Such an exam allows you to identify “gaps” in knowledge and skills for further development.

The procedure is also carried out for specialists who:

  • have not worked in their profession for 5 years;
  • have no experience as a teacher;
  • graduated from college or university.

How will certification of teachers be carried out in 2021 for compliance with the position held?

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Almost all teaching staff undergo such a knowledge test once every 5 years - according to Article 49 of Federal Law No. 273. The assessment includes a professional exam in the ETF. The employer’s motivated submission is also assessed, which includes:

  • business qualities of a teacher;
  • results of professional activity.

So, how can a teacher pass certification in 2021 to confirm compliance with the position held? The order is:

  1. An educational organization assembles a commission of teachers, management, and trade union members - at the discretion of the institution.
  2. The certified employee prepares documents. The list includes: an application, copies of educational documents, confirmation of category (if available), reference and cover letter from work.
  3. Within 30 days, the teacher’s documents are reviewed and a date is set for the procedure.
During the exam, the teacher can be asked not only questions about the item being sold, but also about their knowledge of psychology, teaching methods, laws, and so on. The commission assigns scores based on certification procedures. If the teacher collects the required number of points, he is issued a certificate for a period of 5 years. Teachers who fail the test receive a certificate.

Changes in the certification of teachers in 2021 in order to obtain a category

The teacher voluntarily decides to undergo a certification test to confirm qualifications and receive the first or highest category. The procedure is carried out according to the old rules - the process differs in each region. To do this, you must submit the appropriate application and documents (possibly in electronic form). Depending on the location of the educational organization, the procedure is carried out by the Ministry of Education or the Department of Education.

The certification commission reviews the teacher’s portfolio, which includes commendations and awards. You also need to provide a reference from work. The assigned category is valid for 5 years, then it will need to be confirmed again.

Route for certification for the highest qualification category of speech therapist teacher


: speech therapy

Job title

: teacher speech therapist


: highest qualification category

Work experience:

6 years

General teaching experience

: 19 years


Republic of Bashkortostan


City Ufa

Latest certification:


In 2021, she passed certification to determine whether the level of qualification of a teaching worker meets the requirements for the highest qualification category.


The following documents must be provided to the certification commission of the Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan (IRO RB):

  1. statement
  2. employer representation
  3. certification sheet
  4. copies of diplomas
  5. copies of documents on completion of the CPC and professional retraining,
  6. copies of documents on awards and academic degrees
  7. copies of documents confirming appointment to the position for which the employee is certified
  8. results of the previous certification
  9. consent to the processing of personal data
  10. teacher's portfolio (paper version).

We hand over the documents to the methodologist responsible for certification at the school. The application was considered within 1-1.5 months. There were no problems during the collection of documents.

I received all the necessary information on the website of the IRO RB https://www.irorb.ru/ - section certification of pedagogical workers - methodological resources (link: https://www.irorb.ru/index.php/deyatelnost/attestatsiya

About the work of the certification commission.

About the work of the certification commission. DOC / 45 KB

Next, I downloaded
Sample application for certification ”:
Application for certification 2021 DOC / 14 Kb

I determined what I already have and what I am missing. And worked on filling in the gaps. Information, organizational, educational and methodological assistance was provided by colleagues and the methodological association of speech therapists. I had the opportunity to consult with the head teacher and the school methodologist responsible for certification.


Attention! No testing was carried out as part of the certification.


The format of the qualification portfolio was a paper version.

Design the portfolio strictly point by point, so that the examiners can freely navigate the provided material. The methodologist clearly and in detail explained that there should be a new folder, new files, font number 14, headings in bold, numbering.

In total, the portfolio (Teacher's Methodological Passport) has 23 sections:

General information about the teacher:

  • Full Name.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Education.
  • Educational institution.
  • Diploma specialty.
  • Qualification.
  • Teaching experience.
  • Work experience in this educational institution.
  • Position held.

Information about professional activities.

  • Achievement by students of positive dynamics in the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring.
  • Implementation of an individual approach to students, including the implementation of training and education according to individual curricula.
  • Participation of students in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions.
  • Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and educational methods.
  • Productive use of new educational technologies.
  • Broadcasting the practical results of their professional activities to teaching teams.
  • Experimental and innovative activities.
  • Active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in the development of programmatic and methodological support for the educational process.
  • Participation in professional skills competitions (“Teacher of the Year”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, “Methodologist of the Year”, “Teacher-Researcher”, “Recognition”, etc.)

Additional indicators.

a) Professional activity (participation in the work of the jury, subject commissions of the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination, expert groups for certification, appeal commissions, management of the School of Education, Regional Education, support of teaching practice of students, etc.).

b) Awards and incentives.

c) Social activities in government agencies and public organizations (deputy activity, work as a freelance expert for Obrnadzor, active trade union activities, participation in the work of TECs, PECs, women’s councils, etc.)

d) Other professional achievements (presence of winners and prize-winners of Olympiads, competitions, positive results of work as a class teacher, etc.)

I collected documents for a month. The registration took no more than five days (for five years since the previous certification, I collected all the certificates, my reports, plans for the regional seminars at which I spoke).

The analytical report is compiled in accordance with the criteria for assessing the professional activity of a teaching worker:

Criterion I. Academic achievements of students when mastering primary general education programs in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Criterion II. Development of intellectual and creative abilities of students in classroom and extracurricular activities.

Criterion III. Creation by the teacher of conditions for the formation of citizenship and the acquisition of positive social experience.

Criterion IV. Creation of conditions by the teacher for targeted work with various categories of students.

Criterion V. Personal contribution of the teacher to improving the quality of education.

Criterion VI. Continuity of teacher professional development.

Criterion VII. Public recognition of a teacher's pedagogical activity.

Each part of the certificate should be headed by the name of the criterion and begin with an analytical text (no more than 3 pages), in which the achievements of the person being tested should be described from a third party in accordance with the indicators of this criterion.

Evaluation of indicators

carried out by an expert group in accordance with certain recommendations.

When assessing indicators according to the system: 0/1/2:

0 points (absent) – assigned if there are no documents confirming the manifestation of this indicator;

1 point (partial compliance) – if there are documents confirming individual manifestations of the indicator;

2 points (full compliance) – if there are documents confirming the system of manifestations of the indicator.

When assessing indicators that take into account the proportion of students (pupils, students) who have shown certain results, a simple correspondence is established between this parameter and the scores.

When assessing indicators that provide for different levels of their manifestation (school, municipal, regional, federal, international), either the corresponding score or the sum of points is assigned.

The expert group is given the right to clarify the fundamental approach to assessing indicators, determine the compliance of supporting documents with individual manifestations of the indicator, and the presence of a system for displaying the indicator.

The portfolio contains additional materials

(certificates, copies of orders, letters, diplomas, certificates and other primary documents) reflecting indicators not listed in the table and their manifestations. Taking into account additional materials, experts have the right to add appropriate wording to the expert opinion and assign additional evaluation points (no more than 5).

The total volume of the portfolio must be no less than 30 and no more than 70 pages in A4 format. Portfolio artwork will not be graded.

I understood, most importantly, that difficulties contribute to the development of additional professional qualities.

Portfolio Nurgalieva L.R. DOC / 2.82 MB


Attention! Those taking tests for the highest category do not give open lessons as part of the certification, as they carry out a lot of methodological work.


The portfolio format, as mentioned above, is paper.

The examination was in person - the experts looked through the portfolio in front of me, noting in the protocol the presence of documents item by item.

All criteria are listed in the portfolio, explanations for them are in the methodological recommendations, they are attached.

The inspection commission did not ask me any questions, although others were asked and asked to redo something and bring it another day. The general atmosphere was friendly. My certification was quite easy, considering that I started preparing for it in advance.


The result of the certification can be found out, in accordance with the individual schedule, in approximately 2 months. The order of the Ministry of Education on the assignment of the highest QC is posted on the website of the IRO RB. The order must be downloaded in electronic format from the website yourself, printed and taken to the personnel department of your institution to create an order for a salary increase (30%).

First, on the website of the Ministry of Education, I found an order for the assignment of the highest category, and soon the order was solemnly presented.

The application was submitted in October. I started collecting documents in September. I handed it over in January. The decision of the expert commission was received in February.

Thank you for your attention! Successful certification!

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