Didactic games on the topic “Furniture” (preparatory group)

What can be changed

Remake games are interesting because absolutely everything in them, through the efforts of young beauties, can change in the blink of an eye, even beyond recognition. Such games are very interesting and popular, because it is natural for girls to change something all the time and try to introduce some newness into everything. This is where you can easily show your skills in creating an image, because every fashionista should be able to change it.

Hairstyles and makeup, clothes, shoes, interiors of various rooms, everything in online arcades about alterations is subject to change. Among them there are also those where the changes are associated not with the appearance of your favorite characters, but with some objects that surround them. It's hard to believe, but girls, while playing, remake everything from briefcases to ballet slippers. Everything in their hands acquires a special charm after alterations.

It is no secret that among girls there are those who prefer not to play with dolls, but to do more serious things, for example, create interiors or even improve the things around them. Believe it or not, in games like this it doesn’t cost anything to change your car.

By the way, this applies not only to the color of the car, but also to its technical condition. Young lovers of technology can do everything when it comes to modifications: they can replace wheels without difficulty, they can install the necessary glass, and, well, choosing the most beautiful and stylish chairs for the salon is generally a trifle for girls. In general, the imagination would be developed, and there will always be interesting and exciting alterations.

What can you learn from reworking?

This genre of games is very useful. He teaches girls not to be afraid of experiments, to try to create something of their own, bright and unique. They contain a lot of interesting and educational things. You simply won’t be able to learn anything bad by playing makeover games, but you can easily learn anything good. Here you can learn to feel space, select different shapes and combinations, play with colors, light and shadow. And if suddenly any experiment turns out to be not entirely successful, then you can always just start the game again.

They teach how to select clothes and shoes during alterations, and create fashionable hairstyles not only for people, but also for our little brothers. By the way, here you can easily learn to distinguish a practical thing from a dummy. After all, when modeling furniture, for example, a young lady will immediately understand what a comfortable wardrobe should be like. And believe me, the closet that the girls will design will hold quite a lot of stylish and fashionable clothes. And each of the shelves inside will be functional. You can be sure that the closet of a young fashionista will also be equipped with a chic mirror without fail.

Particular attention is paid to detail here. Sometimes a completely tiny object placed in the right place becomes the highlight of the created image. A lot depends on the little things in makeover games for girls. In some projects, before you begin to redo something, you first need to find the necessary items or find pairs with existing ones. This teaches girls to be attentive and notice everything that happens around them.

Believe me, without changes, the world around us would become gray and boring. Not many people have the courage to change their own image in reality, and such games are designed precisely to teach each of us not to be afraid of change, but, on the contrary, to try to benefit from everything that happens.

Summary of GCD on FCCM in the middle group on the topic “Furniture”

Directly – educational activities on FCCM (Familiarization with the subject environment) for children of the middle group on the topic “Furniture” with a presentation
Author: Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Golden Fish” of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district. This material will be useful for educators when conducting conversations and educational activities on the topic: “Furniture” with children in the middle group. Purpose: To summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the topic of furniture. To form an understanding that pieces of furniture are necessary for the convenience of people's lives. To consolidate children's knowledge about parts of furniture Objectives: Educational.
Give children an idea of ​​different pieces of furniture and their purposes.
Develop coherent speech.
Expand your vocabulary, develop imagination, thinking, and curiosity. Educational.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards furniture
Preliminary work: Conversation on the topic, looking at illustrations on the topic: “furniture”, reading poems and fairy tales about furniture, guessing riddles, looking at furniture in a group.

Educator. Let's enjoy the sun and the birds, (children raise their hands up)
And also enjoy the smiling faces
(Smile at each other)
And everyone who lives on this planet,
(raise their hands)
“Good morning!”
We will say together (hold hands)
“Good morning!”
- Mom and Dad “Good morning!” - will stay with us. Educator. Good morning children. I am very glad to welcome you. Today, the children, our favorite doll Nastya came to visit us. And she brought you a box with a riddle, because she knows that you really like to solve riddles. Really, guys? Children. Yes! Educator. Then let's solve the riddle. Mystery. Artemka said to Zina: Our house has become magnificent, Because in the store, We bought a new one... Children. Furniture Educator. Guys, what is furniture? Children. These are items that are needed for sitting, sleeping, relaxing, etc. Educator. Tell me what kind of furniture you know? Children. Table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa, coffee table. Educator. Do you think people need furniture? Children. Yes. Educator. That’s right, all furniture is important and necessary for people to have convenience and comfort in their everyday lives. Educator. Well done! Guys, name the parts of the furniture? Children. Seats, handles, legs, backs, drawers, doors, shelves. Educator. Guys, listen to what furniture I will talk about. It has a soft seat, comfortable back and armrests. What is this? Children. This is a sofa. Educator. That's right, well done. Physical school is being held Here is Kiryushka's crib, (spread his arms to the sides)
So that Kiryushka sleeps sweetly,
(squat down, put folded palms under his left cheek)
So that in his sleep he grows up,
(slowly rise)
So that he becomes big quickly
(stands on his tiptoes, stretches his arms up) Educator. Children, the doll wants to tell you something. Doll Nastya. Guys, help me buy furniture for my new home. Otherwise I don’t know where or what furniture to put. Will you help me? Educator. Of course, the children will help you, they know everything with us. Really, kids? Children. Yes. A didactic game is being held: “Where should we put the furniture?” The teacher names pieces of furniture. And the children distribute them into rooms (according to their intended purpose): Teacher. Children. Where will we put the sofa, armchair, coffee table Children. In the living room there is a teacher. We will put the dining table and chairs in Children. In the dining room. Educator. Kitchen units and wall cabinets are needed, where? Children. They are needed in the kitchen. Educator. Guys, where will we put the bed and wardrobe? Children. In the bedroom. Educator. Guys, do you think it is necessary to take care of furniture? How to care? Children. Wash it, wipe the dust, etc. Educator. You see Nastya, our children know everything. Doll. Well done. You have smart children. Now I understand where I will place my new furniture. Thank you guys. And for the fact that you helped me. I give you doll furniture as a souvenir. Play. It's time for me to go to the furniture store. Goodbye (Leaves) Teacher. Well done, children! We worked very well together. What did we talk about today? What do you remember, children? What is furniture for? Does it need to be protected? (Children's answers) Educator. Furniture in the house is taken care of, It creates comfort, A house without furniture is empty, And as if not inhabited.
Presentation on the topic: Furniture

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