Modern theories and methods of speech development of children

Theories and methods of speech development in preschool children

Studying speech is an important part of the educational process and the mental education of a child. Language proficiency is considered an important criterion for readiness for the school curriculum.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool methods of speech development should be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • formation of free communication of children with each other;
  • vocabulary development;
  • hearing development;
  • studying literature.

Development methods in preschool educational institutions

Methods for teaching speech development should be aimed at achieving the child’s ability to freely express his thoughts and desires, maintain a conversation with both peers and adults, and develop creative skills and abilities.

Types of modern techniques

There are a large number of modern methods of speech development. Most often, work in kindergarten is based on methodological textbooks by V. I. Yashina, M. M. Alekseeva and L. P. Fedorenko.

The theory and methodology of speech development in preschool children by the authors Yashina and Alekseeva are popular due to the clear phasing of tasks. The program includes the following:

  • vocabulary replenishment;
  • formation of competent perception of sounds;
  • development of skills to construct sentences;
  • teaching connected storytelling.

Modern methods involve the active use of visual techniques, showing paintings, photographs, and conducting conversations. Theatrical skits and drawing lessons play a big role in the development of speech in preschoolers. In older groups, the focus is on identifying violations and correcting them.

Forms of training

Stages of speech development

Knowledge of the world around us begins from birth. It is during this period that the foundations of speech are laid. A child's first conscious words can be heard at the age of one year. The accumulation of vocabulary begins and pronunciation improves. Every day the baby will reveal something new.

At the age of three years, the baby pronounces simple sentences, he is able to talk about what he saw and express his desires. By the age of five, the vocabulary is actively expanding, children sing songs and recite poems.

Stages of development

Speech development methods

The method of speech development in pedagogy is understood as a method of activity of a teacher aimed at developing speech skills.

Methods and techniques are classified depending on the materials used in the work and the nature of cognitive activity.

Do-it-yourself didactic material for kindergarten

There are three main methods:

  • visual;
  • verbal;
  • practical.

Many teachers consider this division to be conditional, since there is no clear boundary between them. All three methods should work interconnected.

In kindergarten, visual methods are most often used. They are divided into indirect and direct. The second group includes excursions and inspections of premises. Activities are aimed at accumulating vocabulary.

Verbal methods include reading fiction, memorizing poetry, and retelling. This should be accompanied by visual techniques, since preschool age necessarily requires visualization.

Practical methods consist of the use of didactic materials, games, and performances of skits.

Basic methods

Ways for teachers to teach children competent speech

Teachers play a major role in the development of speech in preschool children. In this regard, special requirements are placed on teachers’ speech culture. Communication between educators and children occurs both at the everyday level and in terms of the curriculum. The potential of the speech environment of preschool children depends directly on the quality of the teacher’s speech.

Goals and objectives of speech formation in preschoolers

The goal of speech development in preschool age is the formation of correct and competent speech, taking into account age-related characteristics. In the theory of pedagogy, there are three aspects of speech development tasks:

  • structural - based on the formation of the phonetic, grammatical and lexical language level;
  • communicative - development of language skills, communicative functions, the ability to connect sentences into a coherent story, knowledge of forms of communication;
  • cognitive or cognitive - this aspect forms the ability to understand the phenomena of speech and language.

Important! The main work on speech development should be carried out in the direction of developing oral communication skills. The level of speech education is closely related to the development of thinking, the formation of the foundations of morality and aesthetics.

Speech therapy classes in the garden

Creating conditions for children to develop correct sound pronunciation skills

Parents and educators must be aware of the responsibility for instilling purity of speech in children from the early days of life. All age-related deviations in pronunciation disappear in children by the age of five. But the process cannot happen on its own. Coherent and competent speech is formed by the example of adults.

Teachers and parents are obliged to create conditions in which the child will hear only literate speech. The environment is also very important. You can’t babysit with your baby in the family. This method of communication will lead to the development of incorrect sound pronunciation.

Important! Parents often make a big mistake. In order to educate the child, they force him to memorize complex and long poems. This leads to overload. Such a remedy can only worsen pronunciation problems. Any activity should be appropriate for the child’s age and be interesting to him.

Mnemonic diagrams for speech development for senior and preparatory groups

Kindergarten teachers must monitor the process of children developing competent pronunciation from an early age. Observations must be made during the learning project, both in class and on outings. In the general system of work, games, reading fairy tales, poems, and holding conversations occupy an important place.

Creating a natural environment in the garden

Principles for identifying violations and correcting them

In the process of observing children and analyzing their pronunciations, teachers use a diagnostic method to identify violations.

The basic principles of correction of speech disorders include the following:

  • systematic - when conducting diagnostics, it is necessary to influence all components of speech, including structure;
  • development principle - it is important to identify the main violation and direct all work to it;
  • complexity - work on speech therapy should be carried out in conjunction with medical and psychological influence;
  • the principle of the relationship between speech and psychology - a speech therapist must correct those developmental deviations that interfere with the proper functioning of speech activity.

Practical and verbal methods are used to correct sound pronunciation.

Analysis of children's pronunciation

Exercises to develop diction

So, we've sorted out the tips. I hope you will not neglect them and introduce at least a couple into your daily life. Now let's move on to specific practical exercises. They are suitable for adults and children from 7–8 years old. You can perform them at home.

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are great for training the pronunciation of sounds and clarity of speech. As a rule, each tongue twister is aimed at practicing a specific sound or combination of sounds. Therefore, I recommend that you first work with those sounds that have problems in pronunciation, and then train all the others.

Here are a few short tongue twisters:

  1. The crab made a rake for the crab and gave the rake to the crab. Rake the gravel, crab.
  2. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  3. Advertising for grips has seams with coverage, but potholders without coverage have been snatched up.
  4. The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.

Conversation with obstacles

Squeeze the pencil tightly with your teeth and say 10-15 phrases. Try to speak as clearly as possible.

You can also use unshelled walnuts or champagne corks instead of a pencil. Place one nut on each cheek and try to make a small speech. You can recite your favorite poem or read an excerpt from a book.

After this exercise you will immediately feel the effect. Speaking with a free mouth will become much easier.

Voice acting

Actors who voice characters in films and cartoons have excellent diction. Try yourself in this interesting role. Take a short clip of the film and learn the characters' lines. Then play this passage on silent and voice it. Be sure to record the voiceover on a voice recorder.

It is unlikely that you will be able to voice it properly the first time. Try until you achieve perfect pronunciation and expression.

Pronouncing difficult words

By difficult words I mean words with a combination of letters that is difficult to pronounce. When you encounter them for the first time, it will be very difficult for you to read them without errors right away. But once you have thoroughly practiced the pronunciation, you will no longer have problems with these words. Say them slowly at first, and then as quickly as possible.

Here is a list of words for example:

  • who took advantage
  • P.S,
  • illustrated
  • phantasmagoric,
  • disheveled,
  • reverb,
  • over-anxious,
  • counter-breakthrough

Start with this list. When you can pronounce all the words clearly and beautifully without a single hesitation, make a new list.

Practicing the sounds Ж and Ш

Say the following pairs of words as clearly as possible: “fat - wide”, “heat - ball”, “frog - hat”, “live - sew”, “creepy - joke”. Then read the tongue twister: “The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura. The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura.”

Practicing sounds K and G

Repeat the following pairs of words until you can pronounce them quickly and clearly: “year - cat”, “Gesha - Kesha”, “goal - stake”, “guest - bone”, “bend - whip”, “goal - stake”. Then read the tongue twister: “Klusha Glasha prepared porridge with pear. And Glasha treated Klusha to yogurt.”

Practicing sounds Z and S

Read the following words: “gaze - rubbish”, “tooth - soup”, “zev - sow”, “green - salty”, “Zoyka - jay”. Then say the tongue twister: “The snake snaked, the snake laughed, the snake laughed, the snake laughed.”

Practicing sounds B and P

Read the following pairs of words: “bar - steam”, “ball - fell”, “pain - field”, “bravo - right”, “board - port”, “white - sang”. Read the tongue twister: “The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a white lip and is blunt.”

Practicing the sound C

Repeat the pairs of words: “heron - saber”, “street - fox”, “color - light”, “clack - juice”, “circus - cheese”, “target - mudflow”. Read the tongue twister: “The prices of valuables are priceless for valuables from antiquity.”


Combining prepositions that end with a consonant with words that begin with a consonant is a weak point for many. You need to learn to pronounce them clearly and articulately.

Read the following phrases out loud until your pronunciation is perfect:

  • to Boris, to Makar, to Gordey, to Katya, to Galina, to Trofim, to Glasha;
  • from the road, from the sidewalk, from Broadway, from the platform, from the tree, from the bird market;
  • over the village, over the firewood, over the grass, over the steep, over the brother, over the test tube, over the door;
  • under the block, under Tver, under Torzhok, under the sleepers, under the helmet, under the drill, under the building;
  • in a crow's nest, in a lantern, in troubled times, on sale, in adulthood, in a vase, in physics.


Another common problem among Russian speakers is swallowing endings. Learn to pronounce endings as clearly as the rest of the word. When reading aloud, make a special emphasis on them. You can even raise your voice slightly, since most often we pronounce endings more quietly than necessary.

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