Final lesson in the middle group “Domestic animals, their cubs. Who lives where? How are they useful?” Lesson plan (middle group) on the topic

How to learn the names of animals with your child

1) To begin with, an adult can simply tell the child about the habitats of animals, arrange the pictures correctly and name all the animals.

2) Then select any field and cards only related to it, invite the child to arrange them independently and name them.

3) Further complicate the classes, you can play lotto. The child himself chooses which animals he will collect, you take out the pictures from the bag, the child will name them and lay out the ones he needs on the field.

My son liked this game, he couldn’t even wait quietly for me to make it, he immediately joined the process. Look at the photo for yourself.

Good luck to you and your children in studying animals!

Educational game about animals - Who lives where?

didactic game “Who Lives Where”

Construct of joint educational activities

according to PM 02 Organization of various types of activities and communication of preschool children

specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education of the student group 33 “B” group

Date of:


Kindergarten No. 73

Age group:

second youngest

Head of practice:



Educational area:

cognitive development; artistic and aesthetic development, speech development

Form of organization:



: didactic game “Who lives where?”

Didactic task

: Teach children to group objects into pairs according to a given condition.

Game task

: play his favorite game with the little bear.

Game rules

: distribute the animals to their homes.

Game actions:

looking at pictures, saying words, matching animals.


developing children’s ability to correlate images of animals with their habitat, correctly naming the animal

Planned results:

Children show interest in joint play activities;

Children show interest in nature, respect for nature and animals;

Children are attentive, analyze and compare during play activities, and demonstrate the ability to distinguish colors;

Children recognize the image of the animal in the image;

Children have an idea of ​​the appearance, lifestyle and dwellings of the inhabitants of nature.


educational program

Tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of group students
Educational tasks


Cultivate interest in joint gaming activities.

Develop an interest in animals.

Developmental tasks:

Develop attention and mental operations (analysis and comparison) during gaming activities.

Enrich your vocabulary with the names of domestic and wild animals;

To develop the ability to use generalizing words in speech.

Training tasks:

Expand children's understanding of the appearance of animals;

Teach children to name animals, classify them into subgroups (wild and domestic).

Principles of preschool education (FSES):

building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education;

assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

supporting children's initiative in various activities;

formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);

"Who lives where". Poems for children about animal houses. Illustrated with puzzles and photographs

Who lives where (for children)

Poems for children about animal houses. Illustrated with puzzles and photographs.

The dog lives in a booth

The dog lives in the yard and guards the master's house. He can also live in a booth or guard an apartment.

Cats live in the house

Cats like to live in the house and sometimes go for walks. The cat at the window likes to lie down and sleep a little.

Horses live in a stable

A stable is a house for horses. They hurry home quickly. Here they stand in stalls and eat delicious hay.

Chickens live in a chicken coop

And the chickens and roosters have a house that is completely ready. Grandfather built a chicken coop. Everyone will be warm there.

Pigs live in a barn

The barn is the home for the piglets, where they all sleep and eat. They love to go out into the yard and roll in the mud during the day.

Cows live in a barn

Cows live in barns, always fed and healthy. They go out into the pen only during the day, to eat something in it.

Sheep live in a barn

The sheep all live in a barn, and during the day they graze in the meadow. There may still be some in the pen - You can fence them off there.

Fish live in water

The fish all live in the river, or in the sea in the distance. Both in the pond and in the ocean - They will conquer any distance.

Lions live in the savannah

Jungle or zoo - These are homes for our lion cubs. And they can live in the savannah and find prey there.

Hares dig holes in winter

Hares love to live in the field and pave their nests above the ground. They also live in the forest, where they eat bark.

Bees live in a hive

A beehive - a bee lives in it, but she is not alone there. The whole family lives there with her and makes honey for us.

Swallows live in nests

A bird's home is a nest. There it is on the tree. It might be on the roof. They can fold it on the ground.

Frogs live in a pond

Frogs have different homes: River, swamp or pond. Any convenient body of water is more important to her than everyone else, both there and here.

Poems: Natalya Mazhirina


The whale lives in the ocean

Uncle Keith is the very best: The most important, the most important, The kindest and biggest, And, like the sky, blue. He floats across the ocean, surprising everyone with his fountain. Inna Sudareva

Seals live on ice floes

Far North. Ocean. Now there are blizzards, now there is a blizzard, but in any bad weather He boldly dives into the water. Swims fast and frolics. He is not afraid of cold weather, because subcutaneous fat reliably protects him from it. He is a big fish lover. Its body shape is similar to a block. Be ready to be in the water all day. What's his name? Seal V. Gvozdev

The caterpillar lives in the leaves

...The young lady settled on an apple tree and dressed up in a spacious green suit. And walks from branch to branch, eats it like candy. The suit is bursting at all the seams, HER APPETITE IS “..I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU!” She crawls heavily, her legs are shaking, her stomach is full. This is a CATERPILLAR. Victor Bul


Where do you sleep, little mouse, that you don’t have a house? - “Behind the ravine is my hole, I store grain and carrots there.”

Where does our yard dog sleep? Is it really under the moon? He sleeps and rests in the booth, when there is no barking in the yard.

Where does a bear spend the night in winter, or wander through the forest? Sleeps in a den until spring, Sees rainbow dreams.

There is an oak tree, and there is a hollow in it, guess who lives in it? The red squirrel lives, gnawing on something all day long.

“Oh,” sighed the turtle, “My house and my shirt are my shell, Summer, autumn, winter, I carry my house with me.”

For penguins, ice is their home, and for fish, a pond. Whether in the rain or under the moon, Everyone quickly rushes home.

© Copyright Bakaeva Anna Gennadievna

Mice live in people's houses

And the Mouse lives in our pantry. All year she steals cheese from the pantry.

Author: Istomina Natalya

Eagle nests high in the mountains

The eagle is not a little bird, the eagle is a hero, knows no fear. Its nest is on a steep slope, under the roof of a dark cloud.

Vladimir Stepanov

Camel lives in the desert

Desert. Sand. The jewel is water. There are camels roaming here and there. To camels of the desert, the arid region is a gift from heaven, or, more precisely, just paradise!

Spiders weave their webs

One day a spider wove a web and hung the web on a twig. - Kwa! - exclaimed the Frog. - What a network! It’s just lovely, it’s just expensive to watch!

Yu. Lyubimtseva

Ants build anthills

In the evening, I used to sit down to take a break from important matters, and see if the hill next to me seemed to have turned black. What is an anthill? This is an ant's house. Here a lazy person or a slacker won't last even a day. The ants hurry home along a narrow path. They drag a leaf behind them, a branch, a golden ear. I thought under the old willow tree, taking a break from worries: “How hardworking these little people are.” Tatiana Agibalova

Starlings live in a birdhouse

Starlings live in a birdhouse, Glasses live in an eyeglass case,

Foxes live in holes

The fox lives in his hole, The trees live on the mountain... And I also have a house, It is the best: Mom is in it!

Marina Takhistova

Burrows of forest animals

1 – lair of the hare and hare in the sand dunes; 2 – snow hole of a hare? 3 – summer burrow of the midday gerbil; 4 – burrow of the small gopher; 5 – muskrat burrow; 6 – muskrat hut; 7 – bank vole nests in an oak hollow; 8 – winter nest of the common squirrel

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