Self-presentation in poetry. Methodological development on the topic

How to make a self-presentation correctly

Making a presentation in verse, and they are often used for the competition of the year for a student or teacher, is a difficult process for many, since not everyone can do lyric poetry, especially a physical education teacher. All poems are different, but when composing them, it is taken into account that it is difficult to understand by ear what the author wanted to say. Therefore, the selection and composition of such a speech should be approached carefully; for some, it takes years to completely improve the poems.

When preparing a self-presentation, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Initially, you should make a complete list of information and thoughts that will be required, then transform it into poetry. When drafting, it is important to take into account the specifics of the event and the audience where you will speak. A physical education teacher and a preschool teacher will have different texts.
  • At the next stage, it is worth deciding whether the poems will be written independently, or whether it is better to ask a person who specializes in this to write them. If you have to write it yourself, then you need to show the result to friends or relatives and make changes according to their criticism.
  • If poems by other authors are used as the basis for the competition, then a large number of works will need to be revised, since it is difficult to change someone else’s work so that it conveys the state of mind.
  • Then you need to decide what your self-presentation will consist of. You can successfully present information in one work, and sometimes it is advisable to create a “collage” of quatrains that comprehensively characterize a person.
  • Humor plays a role in a speech; it helps to perceive information. But here it is very important not to overdo it. Otherwise, the interlocutor will perceive the author not as an original, witty person, but as a loser with a flat sense of humor.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in modern society there is a tendency to increase demands on the individual.
For this reason, it is important to present yourself and present yourself correctly, both for competition and when applying for a job, in order to take a place in life and realize your desires and ambitions. And for this you will need to make an effort, consider all the options and examples. Today it is not so important just to be an expert in your industry, it is important to be able to “present yourself” correctly and competently. Previous articlePreviousNext articleNext

Paraphrases about different things

A selection of poems in different genres about teachers and the teaching profession. For reading, creating skits and scripts for various school holidays and events.

Being a teacher is not an easy job...

Being a teacher is not an easy job. You need to know a lot, be able to, and create. Day and night there are worries, worries - How to manage everything and not forget!

Don't forget an extra ruler, pen, eraser, chalk and pencil. For Alenka, Sveta and Andreyka, Whoever forgot theirs, you will give them back.

Don't forget to praise Marinka for an A (weak so far). Place the noisy newbie boy closer, in the middle.

Don't forget to check the schedule and write about skiing in your diary. Scold slightly for being late, Those who are used to being so late.

Don’t forget to check all your notebooks and read your notes for tomorrow. Bring a new atlas for the kids, get my daughter ready for kindergarten in the evening.

The darkness falls outside the windows, forcing everyone to close their eyes. But our teacher can’t sleep enough: How to manage everything and not forget!

And in the morning with a kind smile, you will enter your favorite class and read in your eyes without error, How much all the children love you!

Irina Senchukova

Being a teacher is a feat and an honor...

To be a teacher is a feat and an honor, but now, in a world that has forgotten how to learn, there seem to be those who teach, but the road is a grabby and a weasel.

The Russian school has support and meaning, the Sukhomlinskys and Likhachevs, why is your thought dead, in the new century it has nothing to do with you?

Where are those who carried your fire - the guardians of truth and harmony - was there really no hand found that saved the flame of the lamp?

There is both truth and light in the world, only somewhere while you are silent. What should we do? Give good advice. Teach us to live, teach us!

Yuri Mikhailovich Ageev

At the moment of the birth of the earthly...

At the moment of the birth of the earthly Time Calls us to a lesson, And therefore more important than anything else For our lives - a teacher.

How to convey in an ordinary word, How to tell and explain, What is the Thin, airy thread of Life in noisy and troubled children?

The one who teaches his descendants to create, to accomplish and create, often replaces both father and mother for the children.

Teachers of the teachings of many, Arts, crafts and sciences - May the gods bless you With wisdom of mind and hand.

Oleg Karelin

Great happiness when a person...

Great happiness when a person, at all times, even in our troubled age, among many affairs and activities, undertakings, finds his own among the roads and paths!

A teacher is not just a profession - a title! Always in the very center of goodness and creation! Hope for the best here on the planet, We are responsible for future prosperity!

He teaches children that there is good in the world, He opened his heart like a window, towards the trusting children's eyes, dedicated his life to them, dissolved himself in them!

Not for a day or an hour - for good, without a trace! Even if it is difficult, offensive and often unsweetened... Not just this profession of service: Love and patience to the point of exhaustion...

Valentina Karpova

You come to school every morning...

You come to school every morning and enter the classroom with a smile. And many eyes: mischievous and cheerful, looking at you carefully.

You teach them. With them, learn to create, learn and be friends yourself. The boys are growing up. The ship called “Life” makes noise with its sails.

September, January and April are flying by. Farewell, last call. And again it's September. Silvery trills are calling you to a new lesson.

The eyes are young, and the strands are gray And the wise smile is warm. Children give you living bouquets for your love and kindness.

Lyubov Panasyuk

Ten teachers (parody)

Ten teachers went to check the dictation. One did not submit reports on time, and there were nine of them left.

Nine teachers started talking about the Federal State Educational Standard. One said “I am against it,” and there were eight of them left.

One of them gives deuces to everyone in a quarter. A call to RONO, and lo and behold, there are seven left.

News about inclusion and disabilities rushed to school. The teachers thought, and there were six of them left.

Those six were preparing to perform at the concert. One performed the “dance of the bees” - there were five of them left.

Five teachers dreamed of an apartment. One took out a mortgage, and there were four of them.

Four held open lessons. One voiced the topic himself, and there were three left.

Three were destined to get to the GIA. One sneezed on camera - there were two left.

One of the two, having forgotten himself, hugged the student. Scandal Malakhov sentenced under three articles of the Criminal Code.

There was only one left; they couldn’t intimidate him. If the Standard is introduced in the seventeenth, there will be no one.

The road to school. First steps..

The road to school. First steps... And a long way to the saving light. Save this aspiration, Teacher! A guide to the land of answers. You “why” taught me to dream. And he revealed his planet to everyone. Now he is alone - he wants to become a scientist. And this one, thoughtful, is a poet. And every day, as if from a clean slate, You open the way to a good dream, teacher! And your role, it would seem, is simple: Lead the children to the sacred monastery. Your daily work is illuminated by art, marked by patience and love. You are named Teacher: The more you give, the richer you are!

Vera Shkodina

If there were no teacher...

If there had been no teacher, Then there would probably have been no poet, no thinker, no Shakespeare, no Copernicus. And to this day, probably, If it weren’t for the teacher, the Undiscovered Americas would remain undiscovered. And we would not have been Icari, We would never have soared into the sky, If the wings had not been grown in us through his efforts. Without his kind heart the world would not be so amazing.

That is why the Name of our teacher is very dear to us!

Tatyana Lapshina Sofrino

If you don't get paid... (Bad advice to a teacher)

If you are not paid money, Or the director offended you, Or your grandchildren did not let you sleep peacefully all night, Come to the tenth class, Or even the eleventh, And give the medalists a couple of deuces just like that. Then the director will come to apologize to you, the head teacher will come running right away, and bring a bouquet of flowers. The fighting mood will immediately return to you. And when you return, give your grandchildren cuffs at home.

There is such a profession... (To teachers of Russia)

There is such a profession, Since the time of Archimedes, to sow good, eternal, from victory to victory. Not for fame and honors, Not for big money. I would like to bow to you, Teachers of Russia.

Infinite in time, Immense in difficulty. You can simply envy Their patience and wisdom.

Let him become famous for his songs, in the sonorous rhythms of tam-tam. There is such a profession, the most noble!

Svetlana Asadova

It’s spring outside your window... (To a teacher friend)

It’s spring outside your window, And there’s fatigue in your eyes. She sat up late and drooped... a little. Not with a man, not in a cafe, But with a stack of notebooks. “We write ten, two in our minds,” the beauty whispers out loud. Once again, covered all over with crumbled chalk, you fly around the board like a crazy seagull! And where are you flying above the silent class?! It’s so quiet outside the window, The day is fine and clear! Allow yourself spring! Sun, birds singing! The starry sky, the moon and the rotation of the Earth! And the beautiful thing in yourself, hold on for a moment! This is the most correct decision of all!

Vera Shkodina

Hello, our fun class! (Favorite teacher)

Hello, our fun class! Who will make us all happy? Our favorite teacher, If you have learned your lesson!

How he loves his subject and gives an answer to everything. And you answer him, Don’t make a mistake in class!

After all, our Palych is a great guy! And besides, he’s a cunning man. Checks every day: Maybe laziness has eaten you up!

You teach him the subject, but don’t be silent at the blackboard. One is in the diary, Heaviness is in the school backpack!

If you learn it again, You will definitely get a “five”. Palych was at his best: Everyone loved physics!

Evgenia Zikh

And again - in gilded poplar...

And again - in the gilding of the poplar, And the school is like a ship at the pier, Where teachers are waiting for students, To begin a new life.

There are no richer and more generous people in the world than these people, forever young. We remember all our teachers, Although we ourselves have all been gray for a long time.

They are in the destiny of each of us, They pass through it like a red thread. We proudly say three simple words every time: “This is my teacher”

We are all in his most reliable hands: Scientist, doctor, politician and builder. And he lives in his students and is very happy that he is a Teacher.

Svetlana Komogortseva

Ponytail, tousled bangs... (Teacher)

A ponytail, tousled bangs and a look that betrays your excitement - As a trainee, a young girl, you entered the class forty years ago...

The ponytail gave way to a strict style, The look over the glasses became more serious - Eternal scribbles in the notebooks of your dear mischief-makers...

Gray strands shine on the temples, And the pressure sometimes jumps... But the eyes shine - everything is in order! And again you hurry to class.

Nadezhda Radchenko

The teacher's mission is difficult...

The teacher's mission is difficult! The teacher's mission is important! The teacher's mission is recognition! Mission - mutual understanding! It is important to find the path to knowledge, acquire experience, acquire skills,

Rock, lesson, destiny, create yourself! Do everything in life simply by loving! To bring spiritual light to children, you have been creating for many, many years!

Mission. Teacher. Understanding. Children's souls, young hearts recognition! You creators! Schoolhouse creators! Being a teacher is fundamental!

He is a teacher, mentor and actor, plays a special role in life. Creator, teacher, professional! You are a special ideal for children!

Teacher of the Year is a skill! Warmth of hearts. Talents are magic! You are creators of great things! And this is your credo! Your destiny!

The competition is over! The result is in! Good luck, success, new roads for you! Each of you has your own path in life! You can't get off it and you can't turn around!

Teacher is a title forever! A teacher with a capital T MAN!

Tatiana Makarova

My beloved, my school Teacher...

My beloved, my school Teacher, gray-haired - young at heart, how many important and necessary discoveries we have made together with you!

A series of laces of wise letter patterns and mysterious formulas, how many victories and accomplishments have there been?! You were no less happy about them than I was!

From the simplest “az” and “buki” to the motto: “lead” and “good” - your heart, your mind, your hands continue to create it.

How many plans have been drawn up, (Is it possible to plan a life?) The main thing is important: without flaws, you are a Teacher, you were born one!

But your dream was multiplied by your glorious students, and they fulfilled your motto: “Helping, do no harm!”

My beloved, my school Teacher! Let me bow before You, always remain a Teacher! Strong, kind, yourself!

Valentina Mentuz

We are teachers!

We are teachers! We are teachers! They are merciless and strict towards students! Is it difficult for them? Is it hard? Serves them right! There is no mercy for them! There is no mercy for them!!!

We are always on guard at the universal education department! We will teach them! We'll show them! We'll give them an education! This is our duty! And our calling!

Let them moan! Let them cry! We give them work! We are their task! They won't find the right path without us! We are teachers! We are teachers!!!

L. Sirota

Looking at the world with enthusiasm... (Mathematician)

Looking at the world with enthusiasm, Along the noisy school floors, As if along the good paths of heaven, the teacher walks slowly.

He is illuminated with sacred light. And people sometimes see the chiseled profile of Archimedes and the Pythagorean full face.

Walks along a long corridor, Keeps a pleasant score in his mind. The old textbook, like the Torah, is solemnly carried in his hands.

Dressed modestly, inconspicuously in wide-sleeved dreams, He communicates with arrogant mathematics for a long time.

She, like a faithful good neighbor, like a dear deity, is the only one in life who did not deceive him.

Elena Tyutina

The light in her window does not go out... (School notebook)

The light in her window does not go out, The sunset has long cooled down, And in the sky the moonlit path silently descended into the garden,

The curtain is open, the wind is fluttering its drooping thin edge, and in the narrow gap you can see an abandoned shawl on a chair,

Notebooks folded in a stack, And a multi-colored row of pens, A large briefcase with an open button, Where the school books are...

And tomorrow morning at dawn She will begin her new day, Her children will meet her at school, And everything will be the same,

Well, for now we won’t interfere, Let’s leave silently, like the moon. After all, the life of a teacher from everyday life is numbered with a school notebook.

Natalya Isaeva Goretskaya

He will teach you how to draw...

He will teach you to draw, to combine letters with letters; He will teach ethics and arithmetic. How the earth is structured, How many masts the ship has. What is the treble clef for? Why is the Hedgehog barbed? How many planets are there in space? About museums, about ballet, About rains and wind, the teacher will tell you about rain and wind - COME TO SCHOOL! Being a teacher is not an easy job

Igor Ilkh

The school opened the door to the big world...

The school opened the door to the big world. Teachers, you have grown older with us, You generously shared your fiery souls And forgave innocent pranks.

You carried knowledge to us for years and patiently repeated it again, so that the unshakable foundations of time would remain in memory forever.

We are leaving our beloved class and choosing a new path. You will forever remain for us Mentors sent by God.

Thank you, we say from the bottom of our hearts. Forgive our childhood fun, But the years that have disappeared are good And will rightfully remain in memory.

Now we will just come to visit you, Mastering the twists and turns of life And you, when you get sad in the rain, Involuntarily remember someone in your thoughts.

We are grateful and sad now, We part, closing the doors And only the warmth of familiar smart eyes will warm the heart in winter snowstorms.

And you will look at your dear students in the photo: “This one was once stupid...” And tears will suddenly flow from something.

Don’t cry, putting us on the “wing”. We wish you excellent health. And we are incredibly lucky to have you, and we admit this with love.

Elena Atkina

Under reforms-changes (Teacher's dreams)

Making distortions under the reforms and changes, Everyone started to become businessmen... Only I am timid.

There are many different things to do in the world for any resident. God once sent me the modest work of a teacher!

Having carried me through the heat and cold for four years, I gave all my friends a husband, and I received a diploma with a methodology.

I can’t close my eyes with them, but things are still urgent, And I make lesson plans until midnight.

And why, tell me, are dreams filled with them? I wish I could exchange a pack of notebooks for... dollars!

Life would immediately become more cheerful for the playing fate, And things would begin to spiral upward.

Nobody would be a threat to me, sadness like heaven would be unknown. And I wouldn’t look my boss in the eyes faithfully.

I wouldn’t grieve, I wouldn’t wait for a subsidy, I wouldn’t give a damn about... certification.

Outside the window is the light of the moon over the white fields. But then the racing thoughts stopped.

And the chaos that grew for a moment was interrupted - You can’t just throw Sash and Mash out of your soul!

Thoughts rush hastily to class, as if they were storytellers. A teacher cannot live without children's souls and eyes.

No calls and no ideas, thoughts and inspiration. School is a world of children, naughty people and geniuses.

This world calls me non-idle everyday life. In them my soul sings to different tunes.

Is there anything you can do about the truth of the times? Those who are born as teachers cannot be changed!

Z. Baeva

Days pass. The years fly by...

Days pass. The years are flying by... The autumn of life is already coming, But... sometimes it’s like hunting to walk through the school corridors! Enter a familiar old classroom. Sit back in your original place. And remember the Teachers who raised us. Worthy. Honest. Capable of putting their big soul into little people, the energy of great deeds, the fire of the best impulses, honor, conscience, bright minds... It was difficult for them. After all, I won’t hide that sometimes we were naughty. And sometimes they were hooligans. Not everyone gnawed at the “granite of science”... But still, despite this, good covenants were written into our souls, as if into a blank sheet of paper. And they bore fruit, becoming the basis for our destinies... Thanks to them, middle-aged, but forever dear to us people! (We appreciated their wisdom, Having only gained experience over the years, And now we ourselves teach our children the same Testaments). ...The exam of life seems to have been passed. And by age - long over forty. But... sometimes I feel like walking through the school corridors!

Rezanov Alexander

Say thank you to the teacher!

Say thank you to the teacher Openly, from the heart! The kids greet him from the school threshold.

And year after year, as a friendly class, the teacher leads us. He believes that it is not in vain that he will give his Love,

Will light hearts, spread wings to Native students, That knowledge will not be covered with dust, But gold at the feet

Fall humbly with a full cup May it be destined! Say thank you. In our life such a teacher is everything!

Elena Melnikova-Kravchenko

How much strength and desire is needed... (To teachers)

How much strength and desire is needed How much faith in a bright ideal To give them skills and knowledge So that all your experience is not lost

To give birth to a bright light of learning in a small and pure heart, to infect them with Pushkin and Liszt, to give them the joy of small victories.

To open up to them a big and pure world of tender words, hope and love, to teach them to read other people’s thoughts, and then to express their own.

So that they grow up and become courageous in this difficult, turbulent age, and you proudly recognize that he has grown into a new man

And at every meeting in my life with you, I smiled and gave flowers and the words: “Thank you, Teacher!” He spoke reverently and honestly.

Andrey Rukavishnikov

Thank you, great man... (Dedication to the Teacher)

Thank you, great man, For the fact that you, with talent and fate, in our difficult, such an alarming age, allowed us to feel life with our souls.

For the fact that you, without lowering your eyes, carried love, sometimes screaming in pain. For going to the scaffold for us, And returning prisoners to freedom.

Thank you for never being able to lie and be a hypocrite. For the fact that you could always repay in full. And measure out the same amount.

Thank you for the fact that again and again I drink spring, and am happy as before. Thank you that there is still love, And that hope is still alive.

Svyatoslav Moiseenko

You came to class, you’re worried about things...

You came to class, worried about the order. Having outlined the topic, goal, tasks for the lesson, I planned the “course”, checked the notebooks and prepared questions for future use.

You appear on stage as an actor for the judgment and understanding of children's eyes. It’s up to you to teach them, the younger generation, and you majestically enter the classroom.

Fit, cheerful, lively, No matter what mood you are in, You give them knowledge, playing a little, You bring an example of patience and kindness.

And how much soul strength and sweet flour the Teacher gives, filled with love! Let us warmly shake their hands and bow low to the ground!

Seropova Lyubov

One can only call him a teacher...

You can only call someone a teacher, Who loves the work with heart and soul, For whom, sometimes, it’s even difficult to imagine, To choose a different path for yourself in life.

The teacher is the one to whom children trust their secrets and come for help, who can give good advice, and whose lessons they look forward to.

The teacher is the one who sets as his goal, to give more knowledge to the student, Who fights against negligence and laziness, Always, day and night, on the alert.

A teacher is someone who strives to instill in children a love of learning and work, who clearly teaches by personal example, Love, care, honesty, and kindness.

A teacher is not a profession, but a title, in which there are no boundaries. A teacher is not a job, but a calling. A teacher is the essence of the whole soul.

Aleynikova Olga


Teacher! You enter the classroom with a smile. Teacher! You read the alphabet for us. Teacher! You carefully open your notebook, And teach us to read, write, solve problems.

And we, your beloved pets, become more mature from class to class, and we receive the knowledge gained at school from teachers.

Teacher! What a word! There is no way to forget him! And leaving the school threshold I want to thank the Teacher.

Teacher! Thank you for everything! I remain in your debt. But I firmly believe that I can apply your lessons in my future life.

Lyudmila Gefner Kintzel

A teacher should be like the sun...

A teacher should be like the sun, warm everyone with the warmth of his mind, and infuse a ray into a child’s soul, so that it can shine.

Like heaven, there must be a teacher: His soul is pure and his thoughts are holy, Spirituality is his abode, From where there is no turning back.

The teacher must be an example, So that the spirit does not melt in ashes, He is the embodiment of light, faith, the Likeness of God on earth.

Svetlana Pivovarova

Teacher, what a wonderful word...

Teacher! What a wonderful word. It is our life and the light and foundation. Shines as a guiding star for us and leads us into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word! We repeat it again and again. Our senior comrade, our sincere friend. He is the key that opens the treasure trove of sciences!

You can learn everything in life, implement many new ideas, but you need to be born a teacher in order to live on earth for children.

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

The teacher will not teach you how to live...

The teacher will not teach you how to live by letting you memorize the lesson. Teacher - who can develop the talent that was laid down,

Who could see the soul, Light a fire in it. Teacher - who helped me mature, Having said that the world is wide!

Having left the framework, the student was able to become famous, suddenly, He was not afraid and did not wilt, Having expanded the circle of his gaze.

Yes, by developing your horizons, the Teacher will give you more. And the colorful pattern of destinies, having been folded, will be rewarded by the world!

Olga Zimanovskaya

A teacher is not a profession! - Calling!

A teacher is not a profession! - Calling! — The destiny of the few, chosen by fate, to serve Good and spare no efforts, And often even sacrifice themselves;

Giving both mind and heart to children, Walking, sometimes, through a storm of insults, And trusting the bitterness of tears to the pillow, Enduring immeasurable work and modest life!

What are ranks, wealth or awards? “You can’t compare Prometheus’s happiness!” Teachers... They don't need honors! - Don't forget to thank them!

Akimov Alexander Yurievich

Teacher! Your image is so many-sided

Teacher! Your image is so many-sided, your talent is bright and multifaceted. You are an eternal wanderer, an eternal student, a bearer of truth, a seeker of mysteries.

When you leave the schoolyard, There is time - not by chance - to look back, To understand that school is not a game at all, To see the essence, to think and... come back.

And here again on the school floors - the Teacher. You are a friend and prophet, Artist, philosopher, director, writer, Witness of revelations, ups, dramas.

The road to mastery... there is a door behind the door, Step by step, year after year, you are looking for your path among a thousand paths - The one that was outlined long ago by God.

The first victories of your students, Born in the harmony of two aspirations, the Union of intellects, the sum of opinions, the Alliance of inspirations, the rhythm of words and music...

There is no limit to perfection. There is a school, there is a Teacher, there is a calling. And the meaning of life is the secret of the universe. For a teacher, it is not a secret at all.

Tamara Vladimirova

Teacher, he is different from everyone...

Teacher, he is different from everyone else, in content and form; He is more polite and tactful, in a norm acceptable in life.

A living connection from heart to heart, In the crossword puzzle of tender children's destinies: Where there is a need for sweetness, and where there is pepper, He sprinkles it on little people.

With his gut he sees someone else’s misfortune, with his eyes he feels misfortune, he connects the threads of goodness, and with advice he quenches passions.

Teacher, he is different from everyone else, And only in one thing does everything coincide: He doesn’t have health, like everyone else, typically, In his declining years.

Boris Shamraev

Teachers, thank you for everything!... (Ode to teachers)

Teachers, thank you for everything!

I will never tire of loving and praising you. And I firmly believe that teachers should have monuments erected during their lifetime. You taught us to write and read. We remember your kind smiles. They taught us to fight, to win, They taught us to correct our mistakes. You taught us to dream and create, Giving away the warmth of your soul and knowledge, You taught us to love our homeland deeply And to live honestly, without betraying our friends.

Teachers, thank you for everything!

Because until midnight, sometimes they sat over our notebooks. And from our tricks and mischief It happened that your heads turned gray.

Teachers, forgive us for everything!

For the fact that you, like your own children, did not hide your tears, and did not hide your anxiety, like a flock of foolish pigeons, you saw us off on a long journey... Teachers, THANK YOU for everything!

Tatyana Dubovskaya

Teachers, ordinary educators...

Teachers, simple educators, are sometimes invisible and modest. You open the roads for us in life, Forge the country's gold reserves.

You have in your hands the future of the power, its diamond fund, or, more simply, children. You are called teachers by right, And this title is higher than anyone else in the world.

You give of yourself without reserve, bringing grains of knowledge into the world again and again. We wish you happiness and prosperity. From us flowers, smiles and love!

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

What is the main thing in the art of a teacher?

What is the main thing in the art of a teacher? Not a stern look, not a fiery speech. Let him say a little during the lesson, The most important thing is the ability to “ignite”

Having slightly opened the mysterious doors, show the way to the students... And after years, everyone will suddenly believe that he achieved all the success himself!

When you make a discovery, a successful student in science, the gray-haired teacher will step aside: He has achieved the goal of learning.

Strelnikov Sergey

School is not a place for parties... (Monologue of the school principal)

School is not a place for parties, Those who forgot about this by September, For that today, word for word, I will repeat it again!

And I warn everyone at once that for the First Bell holiday there will be no “gothic colors”, cigarettes and T-shirts up to the navel.

Don’t forget to cut your hair and wash your face, Eliminate the word “fuck” from your speech And at 8-30 without being late, After all, you are here - TEACHERS!

Olga Khvorost

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