Summary of a subgroup correctional lesson for children of the preparatory group with STD
Speech therapy lesson “Sounds [F]-[F`]” Topic: Sounds [F]-[F`]. Letter F. Purpose: creating conditions for familiarization
Consultation “Speech therapy massage and its application in practice”
Home — About speech therapy — Speech therapy massage Elena Anatolyevna Kiseleva, speech therapist of the highest category, experience
Echolalia, stuttering, stumbling, writer's cramp, logorrhea
Stuttering. Examples Author: Olga Eletskaya Speech spasms Spasms of the muscles of the speech apparatus in the process of speaking
Card file of speech games for senior speech therapy group.
Collaboration between a speech therapist and a teacher to overcome speech disorders in children
Long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher with preschool teachers Tatyana Ibraeva Long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher with
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Golden Autumn” lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic
Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on speech development on the topic “Autumn” • improving skills
Didactic games for enriching vocabulary with modeling elements
Summary of speech therapy entertainment “Celebration of correct speech”
Autumn holiday in kindergarten in the senior speech therapy group. Scenario Scenario of the autumn holiday for
Lesson notes on literacy and writing “The letters Ш,ш and sound [ш]”
Lesson notes "Introducing the sound [Ш]" Lyudmila Polyukhova Lesson notes "Introducing the sound [Ш]"
Summary of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language in the senior group [Transport]
Summary of a speech therapy lesson with TRIZ elements on the topic “Transport” in the preparatory group. Summary of a speech therapy lesson
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