Lesson notes on literacy and writing “The letters Ш,ш and sound [ш]”

Lesson summary “Introducing the sound [Ш]”

Lyudmila Polyukhova

Lesson summary “Introducing the sound [Ш]”

Introducing the sound [Ш] (open literacy lesson

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “Ш”

getting to know the letter "SH"


Educational: - teach children to give an acoustic-articulatory characteristic of the sound [w] ; — exercise children in the formation of relative adjectives.

Developmental: - develop the skills of sound analysis of a word , exercise in determining the position of a sound in a word ; strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables; make sentences with a given word and “write it down”

it graphically; - develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

Educational: - to cultivate in children self-control over speech, determination, and the ability to listen to each other.

Equipment: a piggy bank of bonuses, a ball, puzzles (snake, Masha, semolina, pictures: scarf, hat, fur coat - clothes; firecracker, tumbler, cannon - toys; lily of the valley, reeds - plants; multimedia equipment.

I. Organizational point:

(To the music, children enter the hall and randomly sit next to the teacher, greet the guests).

- Stand in a circle quickly, hold hands tightly (children stand in a circle)


All the children have gathered in a circle. I am your friend, and you are my friend. Let’s hold hands tightly and smile at each other. And we play and sing, We live together in a group (installation on GCD)

Game "Magic Sounds "

— Guys, do you know that singing certain sounds helps improve your health? If you have a runny nose, turn into an airplane - take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound [B] . If you have a sore throat, turn into a mosquito and pronounce the sound [З] . When coughing, turning into a beetle and pronouncing the sound [Zh] .

(Children perform exercises while standing, eyes closed and body relaxed).

- Remember these exercises and do them, and magical sounds will always come to your aid. Guys who remember the articulation fairy tale “At Grandma and Grandpa’s”


Articulation gymnastics

Fat grandchildren came to visit (the children puffed out their cheeks)

With them the thin ones are just skin and guests
(they sucked in their cheeks without opening their mouths)
Grandma and grandpa smiled at everyone
(wide smile)
They reached out to kiss everyone
(imitation of a kiss)
In the morning we woke up with a smile on our lips
(wide smile)
We brushed our upper teeth
(tongue moves between the upper lip and teeth)
Right and left, inside and outside
(corresponding movements of the tongue)
We are also friends with the lower teeth
(corresponding movements of the tongue)
- Look what a beautiful box I found! There's also a letter!

"Hello guys. I know that you will go to school soon. I think you've already learned a lot. This is what I want to check. I give you a piggy bank of bonuses. If you complete all the tasks correctly and collect 6 bonuses, then you will find out who I am.”

— Guys, do you want to know who this letter is from? Then the first task. We will pass the ball, and I will ask a question, and you must answer the questions with words starting with the same sound .

- They are inflated for the holiday (balloons)

— It is made from meat and fried on coals (kebab)
— Headdress (hat)
— Children study there (school)
— They store clothes in it (closet)
— A box in which rings, bracelets, and beads are stored (casket)
— In winter it is tied around the neck (scarf)
— They are tied on shoes (laces)
- What great fellows you are! Here is your bonus (piece of the puzzle)
(Guessing pictures appear on the screen)

II. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson :

- Let's repeat the guesses again. What sound we will talk about today? (about the sound “SH”

How did you guess? Who do you think sings this song? Fold the puzzles (snake)
Draw with your hand the movements of a snake. The snake crawls and hisses: “shhhhhhh.” (We make wave-like movements with our hands to the sides and forward. First with our right hand, then with our left hand and with both hands at once and hiss: “shhhhhhhhh”). And now the snakes crawled into their holes. (Children sit on chairs)

III. Characteristics of the sound "Ш"


- Sing the snake song again. - How are the lips positioned when we pronounce this sound ? (lips are rounded and slightly extended forward)

-What does the tongue look like? (the wide tongue forms a “cup”)
- Where it is located? (behind the upper teeth)
- Let's pronounce the sound “sh” . What is it - vowel or consonant? (consonant)
(our tongue interfered with our pronunciation)
— A warm air stream flows through the center of the tongue. Feel it. — Is the voice sleeping or ringing? ( "asleep"
So is he voiced or deaf? (deaf)
- Is this sound hard or soft ? (solid)
- Remember, the sound “sh”
is always hard!
( Sound “Ш”

IV. Acquaintance with the letter : - And in writing this sound is indicated by the letter “Ш”


Letter Ш with three spikes - Don’t grab it with your hands (we draw it in the air)


-What does this letter look like? (Excavator bucket, comb, forks, letter E)

Let's draw the letter "SH" (children come to the table and draw on semolina)
– Now let’s draw it on our palm. Well, now let’s get into pairs and “draw”
this letter on each other’s back
(then the children change places)
— How can this letter be depicted using your fingers or your body? (children's guesses)
- Guys, look, there are pictures on the table. You need to put them into groups: the first group - the sound “Ш”
lives at the beginning of the word, the second group -
the sound “Ш”
in the middle of the word and the third group -
the sound “Ш”
at the end of the word .
(Children arrange the pictures into groups.)
- Say what is in the first group of pictures, the general name (clothes, in the second - (toys, in the third -
. - Well done! You deserve a bonus!

V. Physical Minute: We walked, walked, walked. The hedgehog was found. They bent down, picked it up, and moved on. (Repeating the words after the teacher, children perform the movements mentioned in the poem + gymnastics for the eyes, and then sit on chairs).

VI. “Divide the word into syllables”

- Look, guys, what interesting pictures! Name what is shown on the screen. (Children call it chocolate, car, checkers, mouse)

- Guys, what does our speech consist of? (from proposals)
- What about suggestions? (from words)
- Guys, what are words made of?
(from syllables)
- How to find out how many syllables are in a word?
(using claps or as many vowels as there are in a word, as many syllables)
That's right, now, using clapping, determine how many * syllables are in the word “chocolate”
(3, how many vowel
sounds ? (3)

syllables are
in the word
“car” sounds ? (also 3)
* how many are there in the word
syllables (2, how many vowel
sounds ? (also 2)
* how many syllables are in the word
(1, how many vowel
sounds ? (also 1)
- Well done! You deserve a bonus! - And now I suggest you post with using rectangles, a diagram of the word
. And make
a sound analysis of this word , but first let's put emphasis on this word.
Checkers - 2 syllables, 5 letters, 5 sounds . [w] - consonant, hard, voiceless [a] - vowel, stressed [w] - consonant, hard, deaf [k] - consonant, soft, deaf [i] - vowel, unstressed Well done! - Please make up different sentences with this word. Write down the diagram of your sentence on the board. Who wants? - Well done You deserve a bonus!

VII. Exercise in correct pronunciation of sounds (showing a picture of a baby)


- What a beautiful baby! Sha - sha - sha - shall we take the baby for a ride? Answer me. (Sha - sha - sha - let's take the baby for a ride)

Now you ask me, and I will answer. - How can I pronounce this pure phrase joyfully? (Sha - sha - sha - let's take the baby for a ride)
Shu-shu-shu - gifts for the baby
(pronounce with different intonation)
- Well done!
- Want to earn another bonus?
Let's play the game "Tell me which one"
— What kind of wool socks? (Children answer with a complete sentence “Wool socks”
) - What kind of silk dress?
— What kind of plush robe? — What kind of pear juice? — What kind of cherry jam? — What kind of chocolate candies? - Smart guys! (bonus)
VII. Summary:

- Now can we find out who wrote us the letter? Let's put the puzzles together (post a picture of Masha)

Guys, was it Masha who sent us this letter? What did you enjoy doing today? Which task was the most interesting? Difficult? What new have you learned? What's your mood? “And I liked playing with you and completing tasks.” You are so smart! - Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you (opens a beautiful box)
look - emoticons, they are different joyful, thoughtful, sad.
If it was easy for you in class and you completed all the tasks, take a happy emoticon; if you encountered difficulties, but you tried to overcome them, take a thoughtful emoticon, and if it’s really difficult, take a sad one. - And for the guests there is another box in it, too, with emoticons, if you were interested - happy emoticons, if you are bored, not interested - sad.

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