Automation of sound [Ш]card file for speech therapy (senior group)
Lesson 3 Exercise for developing a long exhalation Close the wide tongue on the upper lip, bring it
Sensory (impressive alalia). Symptoms and classification by severity.
Currently, there are three main types of pathology: Motor or expressive alalia. it's a failure
ABSTRACT ON THE TOPIC: “Modern approaches to the problem of the occurrence, elimination and prevention of stuttering”
What is stuttering? First, let's figure out what it is and what provokes it.
Automation of sound Card file for speech therapy on the topic
Phrases (101) step forward step by step step back step march step nowhere to step
What to do if a child is diagnosed with dysarthria: advice from a speech therapist
General information Localization of the pathological process leading to dysarthria in children can develop at different
Sounds [F]. Letters Zh, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Today we are with the letter... or rather, the letter Z is with us. What do we know about the letter
Means of artistic representation in Russian language and literature
Types of figurative and expressive means Paths (words with a figurative meaning): allegory, hyperbole, litotes, metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron,
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