Summary of speech therapy entertainment “Celebration of correct speech”

Autumn holiday in kindergarten in the senior speech therapy group. Scenario

Scenario of an autumn holiday for children of a speech therapy group 5-6 years old “How the bees greeted Autumn”
The development is intended for music directors and teachers working with children with special needs of preschool age 5-6 years. Goal: To create conditions for emotional, rich, meaningful communication between adults and children, children with each other. Tasks: 1. Continue to consolidate the material, activate the dictionary on the lexical topics “Autumn drops gold”, “Fruits and vegetables”. 2. Promote the development of intonation expressiveness 3. Foster interest in participating in entertainment 4. Encourage cooperation and co-creativity in collective musical activities. Attributes: • autumn leaves (2 pieces for each child) • hats of vegetables and a truck • beehive house decoration, table, chairs • musical instruments for orchestra • barrel, buckets, flowers of different colors Characters: Adults :
Presenter , Autumn.
4 bees, a hare, a hedgehog, a bear
Venue: music hall The music hall is decorated with autumn leaves. Near the central wall there is a beehive house, a table festively decorated with the gifts of autumn. PROGRESS OF THE EVENT (Children enter the hall to the song “Falling Magician”, perform a dance composition) DANCE COMPOSITION “LEAVES ARE FLYING” Presenter: You cannot live in the world without miracles, They meet us everywhere... The magical autumn and fairytale forest surprises with its nature. For us, you create a miracle, a forest, and invite us to visit a fairy tale. We respect autumn very much, we will sing songs and read poems. Children: 1. Autumn colors painted the leaves so beautifully! Autumn in the garden paths are softly covered with leaves! 2. Autumn walks and wanders along the forest paths. How many fresh cones the green pines have! 3. And a birch leaf, like a golden bee, curls and flies over the green tree! SONG “LEAVES ARE FALLING” (Papatenko) (Music sounds. Autumn enters the hall) Autumn: I come to you as a sorceress And delight you with my beauty. I, like a good Fairy, give nature a crimson-gold outfit! Host: It's autumn, it's autumn, friends have come to us again. We, Autumn, will ask you: “Do you want to play with us?” Autumn: I have a lot of worries and I love to work, But at the holiday with my friends I’ll dance and sing! ROUND DRIVING GAME “HELLO, AUTUMN!” (Vitlina) Autumn: Thank you for the warm welcome, friends! I have a gift for you. Do you love fairy tales? I love them too! I have a magic twig. I wave to her: “1,2,3 - fairy tale, fairy tale come!” (Arrange flowers - chairs) At the edge of the tree near the tree, the bees lived and lived. We flew to the meadow to collect forest honey! (The bees come out with buckets and spoons) All the flowers loved the bees - The striped girls shook their heads and invited them to dance. “DANCE OF THE BEES” Presenter: Summer flew by quickly, The whole clearing was empty. There is not a flower left, Only yellow foliage. Autumn: Cold weather has arrived. No work, no problem! It's time to rest. The whole family is here! (The bees stand near the house.) Bees: 1. We flew here all summer, We collected a lot of honey. 2. Let's invite the forest animals, Let's treat them as soon as possible! 3. Here, read the announcement: “We are waiting for everyone to visit us on Sunday!” 4. Let's treat you to forest honey. Come to Bee's house! (They hang up a notice and sit around the tea table) Autumn: I hear the leaves rustling, Who’s in a hurry to visit the bees? (Bunny jumps with a red flower) Hare: Knock-knock-knock! I am visiting you! Bees: We are very glad to have guests! Hare: I read the advertisement, I came to you by invitation! I would like some honey for the winter, in case I catch a cold! 1 Bee: Our forest honey is healthy, drives away all diseases. Let's treat you. Take it, don’t get sick in winter! (they give you a bucket of honey) Hare: I’ll give you a flower for your kindness. Let your house decorate and remind you of Summer! (gives the flower) 2 Bee: Wonderful flower! Like a red light! Bright, gentle and beautiful... We thank you! Presenter: But the hare was not lazy in the summer, He kept working in the garden. A glorious harvest has grown, come and gather! SONG-DRAG “HARVEST” Autumn: The garden has become empty, There is only cabbage on the ridge. The bees are waiting for guests again... Who's jumping among the branches? (Squirrel comes out with a yellow flower) Little Squirrel: Knock-knock-knock! I'm visiting you! Bees: We are very glad to have guests! Little Squirrel: Mother Squirrel sent it to you, conveyed it in words. Bees, you are a wonderful people, Your honey is very sweet! The whole world knows this! Honey is a medicine, there is no better way! 1 Bee: Our forest honey is healthy, drives away all diseases. Let's treat you. Take it, don’t get sick in winter! (they give you a bucket of honey) Little Squirrel: I’ll give you a flower for your kindness. Let your house decorate and remind you of Summer! (gives the flower) 3 Bee: Wonderful flower! Like a yellow light! Bright, gentle and beautiful... We thank you! Presenter: The little squirrel was not lazy either, he worked hard in the summer. He kept jumping through the trees and collecting nuts. Autumn: And the nuts are not simple, They are not empty in the middle. If you knock correctly, you can play music! “NUT ORCHESTRA” Presenter: How the orchestra played rhythmically On unusual instruments! Autumn: The bees are at the table again, Who will come to their house? (A hedgehog runs with an orange flower) HEDGEHOG SONG (solo) Hedgehog: Knock-knock-knock! I'm visiting you! Bees: We are very glad to have guests! Hedgehog: I would like some honey for the winter! I love drinking tea with honey! And if something hurts, Honey will quickly heal everything! 1 Bee: Our forest honey is healthy, drives away all diseases. Let's treat you. Take it, don’t get sick in winter! (they give you a bucket of honey) Hedgehog: I’ll give you a flower for your kindness. Let your house decorate and remind you of Summer! (gives a flower) 4 Bee: Wonderful flower, Orange, like a light! Bright, gentle and beautiful..... We thank you! Presenter: It’s nice in the forest in autumn, the leaves are falling. The hedgehog invites us all to collect mushrooms. (The hedgehog arranges mushrooms) Autumn: Where is the edible one, Where is the false one? It's not at all difficult to find. Moms will help check the mushrooms in the basket. ATTRACTION “MUSHROOM PREPARATIONS” Presenter: The forest fungus smells delicious. Autumn: Suddenly the branches crackled loudly, We were not expecting such a guest. (Bear comes out with a blue flower) Bear: Bees, stop buzzing. Fly out to play! GAME “BEAR AND BEES” 3 Bee: Even though we are small bees, we won’t let you offend. And we can sting painfully, We will stand up for our friends. Bear: I can’t get close to the honey, I’ll try to knock. (knocks) Knock-knock-knock! I'm visiting you! Bees: We are very glad to have guests! Bear: I would like honey for the winter, I’ll suck my paw with honey! After all, of all the forest animals, I love Honey the most! Give me more honey! I'll eat the whole deck! And I will be treated with it; Delicious, sweet and thick! 1 Bee: Our forest honey is healthy, drives away all diseases. Let's treat you. Take it, don’t get sick in winter! (they give you a bucket of honey) Bear: I’ll give you a flower for your kindness. Let your house decorate and remind you of Summer! (gives the flower) 2 Bee: Wonderful flower! Like a blue light! Bright, gentle and beautiful... We thank you! Bees: 1. We worked, we tried, Everyone was happy. 2. Winter is not scary for us, we have stocked up on honey. 3. And now, rather, into the house, Autumn, autumn outside the window SONG “AUTUMN” Presenter: Songs, dances, jokes and cheerful laughter have ended. And our bees are so pleased that they managed to make friends with everyone! Autumn: This concludes the fairy tale, We invite everyone to the dance. DANCE “INVITATION” (ukr.n.m) Presenter: Autumn walks through the fields, through forests and meadows. Autumn gives gifts to everyone, Will there be a treat for us? Autumn: I love all the kids, I’ll go up to the hive again. There is a large supply of honey here, and there is just enough for children. (Brings out a barrel with the inscription “Honey”) And the barrel, surprisingly, is full of delicious treats. (Autumn hands over the treat to the presenters) Autumn: I say goodbye to you, friends, and I cordially promise that next year I will come to visit you again, I will bring you a new fairy tale.

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