Speech of a new manager upon taking office example


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How good are you at drawing an effective line? Is your motivational final speech able to “ignite” people or is it just a “speech about nothing”? This article was written at the request of the federal magazine “General Director”.

It is created for leaders who want to learn how to write bright, lively, psychologically powerful final speeches. If you are one of these people, be sure to read this material.

The real power of a final motivational speech is enormous. Unfortunately, many managers still have not accepted this as a fact and have not realized how much opportunity they are missing. There are several reasons for such a cool attitude

These include: errors in preparing speeches, lack of a clear structure, bias toward emotions, and so on. All of them together weaken the overall potential of speech. It loses its power, and therefore is not perceived by the leader as something really important.

As a rule, congratulatory final speeches look like either a stream of compliments and emotions, or a boring report, or an assortment of information and jokes. Hence the attitude: the leader sometimes treats such speech only as a “point on the program.”

And completely in vain!

If you approach it correctly, your speech will become a bright indicator of the path along which employees will check their direction for a long time. This is extremely valuable and worth it to learn how to competently persuade and inspire.

Let's learn how to write great congratulatory speeches!

How to introduce yourself to colleagues. 8 useful tips with examples

September 09, 2021.
Proper introduction to new employees helps them adapt smoothly to the new work environment. This allows you to build positive, friendly relationships at work with people who can offer you help and assistance during your first days in your new job.

By following a few key strategies, you can quickly make yourself memorable to your new team on your first day on the job. In this article, we'll look at how to properly introduce yourself to your colleagues and make a great first impression on them and your management.

8 Helpful Tips for Introducing Yourself to Colleagues

Some companies introduce new employees during orientation. After introducing newcomers to the company's culture and rules, the leader of each team takes his new employees and introduces them to his team. But there are also companies where no instruction is provided, and newcomers are forced to make acquaintances on their own.

Regardless of how your new company integrates you into the team, finding opportunities to introduce yourself properly to the team will create a strong foundation for a collaborative and relaxed work environment in the early days.

We present you with some tips that will help you introduce yourself to your colleagues and quickly settle into your new team.

1. Self-image should be based on the environment

Pay attention to the environment of your new company and determine whether you should introduce yourself in a casual or formal manner. Make sure your approach fits the style and culture of the organization. Whether the work environment is casual or formal, you should introduce yourself, starting with your name and title.

Example: “Hi, my name is Alexander. I'm a new financial analyst."

In a more relaxed environment, your colleagues may expect you to provide more information about your career, interests, or hobbies.

Example: “Hello everyone! My name is Victoria. I'm a new graphic designer. I worked for the last two years before joining your company. Outside of work, I like to do yoga and go to the pool."

In addition, the way you provide information may depend on your role in the company and the people you are speaking to. As a new leader, properly introducing yourself to your new team can help you gain the respect of your team members and establish yourself as a leader. In some cases, it may be appropriate to make a longer introduction.

Example: “Hello everyone, my name is Irina (Alexandrovna) and I am your new head of the marketing department. I have 10 years of experience in market analytics. I am able to not only successfully identify market demand, but also manage projects and team meetings.

However, I will not be able to achieve excellent results in our department without your dedication and cooperation. Together, we can use our talents to achieve success in markets that are important to our company. It's an honor to work with you."

2. Take advantage of your company's orientation period.

Orientation is one of the best opportunities to introduce yourself to new colleagues. If your new employer has an induction program, e.g. briefing, take the opportunity to introduce yourself to as many colleagues as possible. Having a senior employee or the manager himself will allow you to get to know the team more easily.

A boss or colleague who introduces you to the company environment will likely introduce you to the new team, so you may not have to approach anyone yourself.

Typically, they introduce you to your team members, colleagues in the same department, and other people with whom you will interact frequently.

Whenever you meet a new employee during orientation, use the same speech you prepared to introduce yourself to your colleagues.

3. Ask to be introduced to your colleagues

Your team members are the people you should get to know first because you will be working with them. If the person conducting the orientation does not introduce you to your colleagues, take the initiative and ask for an opportunity to meet with your team. Make it clear that you want to introduce yourself to the entire team.

Example: “We've already met a few people from my team this morning, but I'd like to meet all the people I'll be working closely with. Do we have enough time for this?

If possible, introduce yourself to your colleagues one by one. This will make it easier for you to communicate with them and give you the opportunity to practice introducing yourself to your colleagues. Here it is better to express your delight for the opportunity to work with the team.

Example: “I’m Victor, the new project manager. I’m glad to meet you and it’s a great honor to work on your team.”

4. Introduce yourself to other teams

Introducing yourself not only to your colleagues, but also to other departments, will help create a positive atmosphere for more effective work. Quite often you will be working with other teams in the company, so you should try to establish good relationships with them as early as possible.

Find out who you will be interacting with frequently and introduce yourself to them. You can ask your manager or someone in HR to formally introduce you to all the teams involved in your role, or you can do it yourself.

Example: “Good morning, my name is Elena, I am a new engineer in the IT department. I look forward to working with you in the future."

5. Find more opportunities to introduce yourself.

Finding networking opportunities allows you to make more acquaintances and friends in your group. Even if you don't get the chance to meet others during orientation, there are many other ways you can introduce yourself to your colleagues.

During your first meeting, your manager can formally introduce you to the participants. If not, then ask your boss to give you the opportunity to introduce yourself at the beginning of the team meeting. You can also casually introduce yourself to people around you before or after the meeting.

If you have the opportunity to introduce yourself during a meeting, first determine what your greeting will be. If the meeting is in a formal format, then make the greeting as short as possible so that it does not interfere with the meeting.

Example: “Hi, my name is Christina. I'm the new account manager."

You can tell your colleagues more about yourself by casually introducing yourself before or after a meeting. It is also helpful to ask questions about the meeting.

Example: “Nice to meet you, my name is Alexey, a new sales agent. Can you clarify for me what will be discussed at the meeting?”

6. Ask questions

By asking questions of your colleagues after introducing yourself, you can create a two-way conversation and build a connection with them, which can lead to positive relationships in the future.

Since this is your first time talking to your new colleagues, it's usually more appropriate to ask work-related questions. Examples include their roles in the company, how long they've been there, and whether your roles require you to work closely with each other. You can ask more specific questions after you introduce yourself.

Example: “Nice to meet you Valentin. Will we work together in the future?

7. Get the company's organizational structure

Getting a copy of your new company's organizational structure will help you determine which employees you should get to know first. Many companies have welcome literature that includes an organizational chart or seating chart. If you do not receive it, you can request a copy from Human Resources.

By studying the structure or seating chart, you can easily identify your colleagues and find out where each team is located within the office walls. This information is especially useful for integration into the walls of a large company. Find out which colleagues you'll be interacting with and approach them to introduce yourself.

Example: “Hello, is your name Elizaveta? I’m Natalia from the marketing department, and we can collaborate on some projects in the future.”

8. Send an email

Sending emails to colleagues you meet is a great way to strengthen your relationship with them. It is especially important to send these letters to people with whom you will work closely.

Keep your emails short. Thank the recipient for providing you with information about the company and offer your help if they need it.

Example: “Hi Alexey, I am very glad that I met you on my first day in the office. I want to thank you for the useful information you provided. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Best regards, Sergei".


Learning how to introduce yourself to new colleagues will help you achieve a long and successful tenure at your new company. After getting to know your colleagues, make sure you maintain relationships with them. Having good relationships at work can benefit you in many ways, such as making your work life easier and increasing your productivity.

If you are interested in achieving leadership positions in your team in the future, then we advise you to read our article “How to become a leader in a team. Practical actions."

Source: //www.your-mentor.ru/samorazvitie/81-kak-predstavitsya-kollegam

Examples of texts of speeches and performances, image interviews

Sample text of a solemn speech by the head of a plant at a New Year's party. Text of a corporate speech congratulating employees. View the text of the speech
An example of the text of the anniversary speech of the head of the company at a corporate event. Text of the speech-performance at the anniversary of the company of the deputy director. View speech text

An example of the text of an opening speech for the head of a plant at the opening ceremony. Text of the director's speech. View speech text

The text of the opening speech at a corporate anniversary on behalf of the hero of the day. The speech was made in front of distinguished guests and colleagues from the regions. View speech text

The text of the congratulation speech for the 50th anniversary is intended to be delivered in front of distinguished guests of the hero of the day. Speech on behalf of a relative. View speech text

Speech of a new manager upon taking office example

If there are regular traffic jams, then leave early so as not to be late and present yourself as an unpunctual person.

  • Rest and get enough sleep before your first day of work. Since the first day of work is difficult and involves a lot of your strength, you need to rest. Go to bed early to get enough sleep.
  • Collect all necessary documents. You should have everything ready for the work ahead.
  • Update your knowledge of the company's activities and, if possible, make inquiries about employees. If you become familiar with the professional skills of the team and their personal characteristics, it will be easier for you to be in the new team, as if you were already familiar with the new employees!

With such careful preparation, your first day at work will leave only pleasant memories in your heart! The attitude of the new team towards you depends on your behavior, appearance and skills.

Typical mistakes of a novice manager according to Tarasov

This can be done in several ways: firstly, ask your superior manager clarifying questions about your resources, and secondly, try to immediately put into practice the management threads that have been delegated to you.

Mark your territory, secure the use of available resources.

By checking the performance of your levers, you immediately create a precedent that you have the right to use them. This recommendation also follows from practice, which says that resources that you do not use will be gradually taken away from you, since departments and specific people are always fighting for free resources.

If you can't spend it wisely, others will. Introduce yourself to the team. The ideal option is a short speech in which you share facts about yourself, occupying a position that is assigned to the team. It is necessary to make certain physical changes in the environment without asking others about it.

Speech at the inauguration of the director

The new manager is also slow because his department is connected to others and sudden changes in the forms and methods of work can disrupt their functioning. Thus, a problem arises for the new leader.

On the one hand, it’s more likely to prove yourself and gain authority, and on the other hand, to avoid mistakes. What to do in this situation?

Many who are promoted are able to prove their ability to successfully lead more important departments.

Apparently, they manage to intuitively, through trial and error, find a strategy for adapting to new responsibilities. On the topic "" we have collected examples of documents that may interest you.


But still, usually the previously proposed sequence of microtopics is the most optimal.

Important Here is an example of the main part of the presentation: I graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the VF MUPK with a degree in Marketing in 1999 and am qualified as a marketer.

She specialized in marketing research, studied in depth market relations and management of marketing communications: advertising in the media, sales promotion methods, public relations, organizing personal sales, etc.

d. Info After graduating from university, she worked for two years as an advertising manager in the newspaper “New Business News”. My responsibilities included working with various organizations that ordered advertising publications from us.

Therefore, if his thesis was written on a similar topic and received a high mark at the defense, he should say so, because this (topic and grade) is written down in the diploma, a copy of which will still have to be attached to the application.

Business Guide

And, mind you, everyone survives!

In order to understand how to adapt to a new team, in the first days you just need to carefully observe the employees and try to determine what type of relationship prevails.

And only after that, “armed with knowledge,” adjust your behavior.

The most successful and stable companies have a strict hierarchy.

Formal relations have been established between employees. In this case, you need to accept everything as it is and try not to discuss your colleagues at your new job and, in particular, management.

Relations between employees are friendly and familiar, regardless of position and age.

The technology for solving this problem is simple. You need to consider which of your subordinates does this and gradually complicate his life so that he feels that he does not need to do this.

If implemented correctly, the situation will gradually come to the point where the subordinate will ask the superior manager to no longer delegate any tasks to him over your head. The arrival of a new leader is also a certain challenge for subordinates.

Important In this regard, the new general director takes office on the date specified in the decision/minutes of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the company.

After the election of the general director and the conclusion of an employment contract with him, the new director issues an order on his appointment to the position and, according to the law, must notify the registration authority within three days about the changes that have occurred in the company.

The main nuance in the process of changing the general

Speech upon appointment. You are the boss. How to put yourself in front of your subordinates

In addition to your personal comfort and your reputation, which is important for your further career advancement.

Therefore, you need to work a little on your image as a leader. First, think about your image.

You probably already know the people you have to manage - analyze each one: what approach to them is needed in order to motivate them to work effectively, but not appear in front of them as a cruel boss, how you can help them and meet them halfway, without being too soft and condescending. How would you like to be treated?

Add these considerations as well.

Psychological communication in tourism

Almost every representative of the working-age population will sooner or later find themselves (or have already found themselves) in a similar situation. However, he has practically nowhere to get recommendations on how to structure his speech in this case.

True, this situation is developed in foreign manuals, therefore on the pages of newspapers (Capital, Komersant, etc.)

etc.) and magazines (“Cosmopolitan”, “Reader’s Digest”, etc.)

etc.) you can find articles that tell you how to behave during an interview (interview).

Of course, the ethical, behavioral, and psychological aspects of the recommendations are very useful. Thus, the applicant absolutely needs to know that he must not be late for an interview, that he must be dressed in a businesslike manner, follow the rules of etiquette, do not smoke or chew gum, listen carefully, look the interlocutor in the eyes, do not be nervous, act calm, confident and friendly, and T.

d. When it comes to

Opening speech when taking on the position of a manager example

Therefore, the first phrases may not relate to the topic of the speech at all. For example, “Good afternoon, I hope everyone has already gathered, if not, we are not waiting for those who are late.

Let's begin". Attention can be attracted even silently, for example, while preparing.

Source: //snd51.ru/rech-novogo-rukovoditelja-pri-vstuplenii-v-dolzhnost-primer-85274/

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Opening speech when taking on the position of a manager example

And if you use an interactive style (ask questions to listeners, ask their opinion), then it will be 1.5 - 2 times more.

  • In the printed text of your speech, separate the logical parts with paragraphs and an empty line (as in our first example), this will also allow you to separate your speech intonationally and avoid getting confused. Even better, start each new sentence on a new line. This also allows you to control the length of sentences. In oral speech, sentences should not be more than two lines; it is even better to limit yourself to one.
  • The first phrases should not carry a serious semantic load. Their main task is to attract the attention of the audience, to get everyone to tune in and start listening. It is known that this period (settings) lasts 10 - 30 seconds, depending on the audience and its initial mood (which largely depends on the topic of the speech). Therefore, the first phrases may not relate to the topic of the speech at all. For example, “Good afternoon, I hope everyone has already gathered, if not, we are not waiting for those who are late. Let's begin". Attention can be attracted even silently, for example, while preparing.


Attention You can consider that you have a fairly adequate picture of the world when you have already understood in practice what resources you can manage and who on your team is capable of what.

  • Bring closer those subordinates who show initiative. When building your picture of the world, at first it is important to keep your distance from your subordinates. By immediately approaching the most proactive, you risk receiving well-deserved condemnation from more productive, but less flattering team members. The desire to show their readiness to be useful to the new manager in non-work matters is often expressed by those people who perform their duties poorly.

The subordinate thinks that having earned the favor of the leader, he will receive an indulgence for the possibility of not completing certain tasks. And by encouraging this behavior, you destroy the motivation of your most valuable employees.

  • At first, drink coffee with your subordinates.
  • well the names of each employee - if you can’t remember them, write them down.
  • If someone's name is accidentally forgotten, they must be asked again immediately.
  • the company have its own social media group or do they chat? Keep an eye out for being added to this community.
  • If there are department regulations, you should inquire about the list of work policies.
  • Ask your colleagues where the canteen is located or where is the best place to have lunch.

It is easier for men to join a female team, because women always treat the opposite sex kindly at work.

To make your first friendships, you need to communicate more often with colleagues and show interest in them, talking not only about work.

Basic Rules

To become a “friend among strangers”, you need to pay attention to a number of effective rules of conduct in a new team.

They will help you adapt faster and make a number of useful and long-lasting acquaintances:

  1. Find a common language with colleagues.

Response speech upon appointment to the position of head of the tax inspectorate

Speech at the inauguration of the director

Taking on the position of manager

Practice shows that a novice manager often goes on the defensive in the first weeks of his work, waiting, observing, and evaluating.

At the same time, as a rule, such behavior finds full understanding among others, who, apparently, consider adaptation to be completely natural.

When acclimatization is completed and the new manager actually takes up the job, its success is often lower than what he demonstrated in his previous position.

Although, it would seem, he should have kept her in the new post.

What makes a leader take a defensive position?

The main reason can be considered the contradictory expectations that surround the new leader. Management expects him to breathe new life into his department and change the way his subordinates work. His subordinates more or less clearly make it clear to him that he should not start with radical reforms, but rather get involved in the work, “grow into the local soil.”

And so the director introduces me and ends his speech with the words: “I ask you to love and favor me.” The first thing that came to mind, looking at the tense faces, was to say: “You don’t need to love me, there’s not enough for everyone, but favor and respect are desirable.

Speech upon assuming the position of director sample

I read an advertisement in the newspaper “Everything for You” that you are looking for a sales manager, and in connection with this I want to offer you my services. I have always wanted to work for an enterprise of the size of yours. In addition, I am a consumer of your products and always buy drinks from your plant.

It seems to me that many people like them because of their original taste.

Therefore, your business is sure to prosper for many years to come.

However, with more and more competitors appearing every day, your company will need new ideas and creativity in its marketing efforts.

Therefore, it seems to me that I can be useful to you as a sales manager. The following must be confirmed.

The first time after meeting a new team will not be easy, but over time the boss will be able to choose the right way to lead effectively.

5 commandments for an intern in any position

How to adapt to a new team at work? There are some rules of conduct that are common for mid-level employees and managers that will help you integrate into the company without stress.

Start with a greeting

It is quite difficult to communicate with strangers. To make it easier to adapt to a society with which you will be working for a long time, you need to think through your welcome speech in advance. Welcoming a new employee to the company should be concise and succinct, presenting the newcomer in a positive light, emphasizing his merits and prospects.

Positive attitude

There is no need to act like a clown, but an approachable appearance and an open smile are the key to success.

Opening speech when taking on the position of a manager examples

The boss should tell a little about himself, mentioning his education, previous work experience (you don’t have to mention previous jobs), and successes. There should be no boasting or arrogance in his words.

  • It is necessary to reassure the close-knit team by saying that no drastic personnel changes are expected.
  • At the very beginning, state your requirements for job duties, responsibility and discipline.
  • Focus on exclusively positive changes that await the company in the future if all its employees work for a common result.

Make your subordinates your employees, not your enemies. The manager's welcoming speech should convince colleagues of his authority, high professionalism and competence.

Opening speech when taking on the position of a manager, ready-made examples

If you tighten the nuts too much, they will already hate you and plot behind your back.

If you don’t wait, you’ll miss it - you’ll quickly lose your authority and your opinion will be taken into account no more than the opinion of the office water cooler.

So how to behave at work so that employees are respected and do not put a spoke in the boss’s wheels? In this article we will talk about how a manager can join a new team without getting into trouble.

First, remember how not to behave

If you shared your concerns with friends, you may have received some harmful advice from home-grown psychologists.

  • Open the door to the department with your foot and immediately show who’s boss
  • Don’t listen to anyone - from now on you are the boss and they must listen to you
  • Get yourself a spy who will report what is going on inside the close-knit old team

Remember - under no circumstances should you start your career in a new place. This is a direct path to quiet hatred on the part of subordinates. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme either. If you demonstrate miracles of democracy and loyalty from day one, do not expect to be taken seriously in the future.

How to introduce yourself to a team

Of course, for this purpose, people turn to those enterprises and firms that, firstly, have communicated their needs for new employees and, secondly, offer a job that is suitable for their specialty, experience, organization, and salary.

Therefore, in the introduction it should be stated, firstly, where the applicant learned about the vacancy: he read it in such and such a newspaper (number, date); NN recommended contacting (full name, especially if this is a person who is authoritative for the interlocutor), etc. It is possible that a person simply goes around all the organizations that are suitable for their profile and asks if there are any vacancies.

But even then you cannot tell the employer about this directly. It is better if the motive for joining this particular organization is the applicant’s ardent desire to work in this particular company.

How to properly plan a speech for a corporate event?

With the word “toast”, many people have a picture in their head of a large, friendly table, at which their closest and dearest guests are sitting. And at the head of this whole feast is the main one, the one who can beautifully and brightly deliver an incredible, memorable speech. Most guests, given the possibility of being assigned to deliver a celebratory speech, go deeper into the “crowd” without showing enthusiasm or desire to speak. This could be due to many reasons:

Gratitude to those who came

Towards the end, the solemn speech at a particular event should move on to a declaration of gratitude to those who gathered and especially to those who contributed to what became the occasion for the celebration.

Words of gratitude should sound appropriate and natural, that is, without a hint of flattery.

You can express your respect using the following clichés:

  • this event was made possible only thanks to...;
  • if not for your help...;
  • we walked this path together;
  • this anniversary speech is dedicated to you, colleagues;
  • I want to thank everyone who has been with me along this journey;
  • thank you, friends;
  • I want to express my gratitude/respect, etc.

An example is the speech of the director of the company, delivered at an event in honor of the organization’s anniversary: ​​“The company is like a clockwork. If some seemingly small detail is missing, the watch stops. It’s the same in a company: every employee is important. That is why on this solemn day I want, first of all, to thank each of my colleagues for the work they have done. We came to this milestone together. It is only thanks to all of you that our company thrives. Thanks friends!".

Requirements for the construction of the director’s ceremonial speech

Many people are accustomed to the fact that the official part of a gala event is boring, long and tedious. The principal's speech at a school holiday should not be perceived as a faceless formality.

If you approach writing the text with soul and literacy, the director’s speech will make an impression on all listeners.

Let's name the requirements for congratulatory words for the school anniversary:

  • Brevity Even if a school has many awards and achievements, you should not list them all. Focus on the most significant events that are closest to those present. The director's speech should not take more than 5-7 minutes, otherwise it will tire the audience.
  • Accessibility for everyone Remove long words and sentences from the text - they hurt the ear and create a semantic barrier. This is especially true for students. They must see that the director treats them in the same way as his colleagues.
  • Humor It would seem that at such an important and exciting event there is no place for jokes. However, healthy humor will help defuse a tense and overly formal environment. It’s great if the director knows how to improvise and easily adds an appropriate joke to his prepared speech.
  • Correct behavior of the speaker Warm look, friendly smile, soft voice, moderate gestures - without this it is difficult to achieve the audience's attention and goodwill. The director must be confident, but not arrogant, feel his importance, but not look down on others.

The text of the congratulatory speech must obey a certain logic and content. When preparing text for a public speech, include the following elements:

  • Greeting The success of the entire speech depends on the first phrase. A cheerful greeting, charged with energy, immediately captures the attention of all listeners.
  • Description of the significance of the event Here it should be indicated why the celebration of the school’s anniversary is so important for the teaching and student teams.
  • A look into the past This stage concerns a brief history and main achievements of the educational institution. It is appropriate to note famous personalities who were associated with the school.
  • Looking to the Future Mention what awaits children and teachers in the near future. At such special events, it is appropriate to set near and distant prospects and motivate the team to new victories.
  • Compliments and thanks Here it is important to find a “golden mean” so that compliments do not sound false and do not confuse those present. Warm thanks should be given to those who have made a great contribution to the development of the school, including students with their academic, creative and sporting achievements.
  • Conclusions and wishes The beginning and end of the speech should be the most vivid and expressive. The final phrases can be wishes and a call for joint activities.

The sequence of these stages can be any - it all depends on the event and the allotted time. Only the first and last points must remain in their places.

2. Meet other leaders

Outline projects to eliminate bottlenecks. Here you cannot rely only on your intellect. And that's why. Reform projects must first of all have a good knowledge of the reality of a given unit, and such knowledge cannot be acquired in a few weeks.

In a congratulatory public speech, it makes sense to adhere to the classical rules of public speaking. That is, remember about a clear structure: introduction, main part and conclusion.

Thus, we can conclude that the whole point is not what the leader will say, but how he will say it. Western business people say: “If you are given the word, then immediately make a show out of it.” Of course, the leader delivering congratulations does not need to become a showman and entertain those gathered. But making a performance memorable is a matter of honor.

If you are a boss, this does not automatically mean that you are smarter than everyone else. And not only understand, but also not try to bend technical problems in pursuit of imaginary authority to the detriment of common goals.

Event information

Whether it’s a corporate party, concert or other event, it is necessary to introduce guests to the celebration plan . This could be a review of competitions, an interesting performance, a presentation by a distinguished jury, or congratulations on an event. In addition, there is probably a plan for where to take guests at each time period. It is better to tell in detail about the movements so that there is no confusion. Even in a situation where it is a small seminar, a little time should be devoted to information.

The organizer must be able not only to plan a birthday or other holiday, but also to briefly present it. At the same time, you should keep some surprise, leave some zest.

Often part of the opening speech is printed directly on the invitation. The prose tells the main events and recommendations that allow you to spend the holiday with positive emotions. Even if this is a huge concert hall, it is necessary to follow some order , which is recommended to be announced so that all guests are familiar with it.

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