Welcome speech at the opening of an event

Many of us have to speak in public at least once. This could be a greeting for a home holiday or a welcoming speech at an official event.

Someone is naturally eloquent and has no difficulty speaking in front of an audience.

Others, on the contrary, need to prepare so that the speech is emotionally charged and expressive. The purpose of this article is to highlight some issues when writing a welcome speech.

Good morning!

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Basic principles

Good welcoming words for welcoming guests should immediately win over the audience and set the mood for everyone. Professional speakers have developed simple rules that the presenter must take into account:

  • hospitality;
  • brevity;
  • performance;
  • information content.

To show true hospitality in a greeting, it is imperative to control not only words, but also intonation, as well as non-verbal communication. The text can be beautiful, but if there is no suitable image and sincerity, it will fly into the void.

Regarding the length of the speech, it is very important to remember how tired the director was at the meeting when he read out reports tediously and boringly. This applies to absolutely any place of work and even school. Eyeliner should not take more than a few minutes. Real professionals fit into just 10.

In the allotted time, it is necessary to introduce the main people at this event and convey all the important information. Depending on the theme of the event, it may be different. The main thing is not to forget anything.

It is the beginning that can make all guests approach the event with joy or, with boredom in their eyes, count the minutes when they can leave the room. On some holidays, people are afraid to go away to smoke, so as not to miss something interesting. This is largely due to the person who gave the welcoming speech.

Use of humor and jokes

In order for the event to be easy and interesting, a warm, friendly atmosphere should arise between the speaker and the audience.

Then people become more open and receptive to new information. One of the means to achieve this goal is humor. It's difficult because jokes should be simple, casual.

A bad joke can ruin all the goodwill that has been built up throughout the welcome speech, so you need to be very careful with humor. If you don’t have the skill to communicate using jokes, then you need to think through your speech to the smallest detail in advance.

Jokes can concern both the topic of the event and abstract subjects. It is important to target your humor at a specific audience (to avoid misunderstandings and awkward situations). For example, remember that you are talking with young or older people.

In addition to jokes and humor, you can sometimes saturate your speech with interesting facts or stories, both related and unrelated to the main topic of the speech.

But in any case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the audience, trying to “read” their mood.

Example of a welcome speech

Whether it’s a concert or a competition, when composing the initial word, you definitely need to focus on professionals. Steve Jobs acceptance speech examples are the best option. This man always knew how to attract attention and competently present his product. Nevertheless, it is better to pay attention not to the story about the next gadget, but to the word before Stanford graduates.

He managed to show courtesy to those gathered and made everyone feel valued. Thanks to stories from his life, a person shared something personal and immediately gained attention. It was very easy to convey the basic principles using examples. One of the important thoughts was that even getting fired and losing can only become a springboard to success. This helps motivate people and give them confidence in themselves.

At the end of his speech, he wished everyone present what he would like to wish for himself. This is the sincerity that is immediately visible in any story.

This is a sample welcome speech to participants of a conference or any other event. All that remains is to draw up your own plan for the opening speech and think through every moment, but you don’t need to prepare it verbatim, you need to give a chance to improvise.

Tips for establishing contact with the audience

Make a link to the previous speaker

If the previous speaker spoke powerfully, cheerfully, and received a standing ovation, your excitement intensifies. I want to hold the bar, the tension inside is growing. What to do? Join a colleague's success:

  • Stand in the same place.
  • Start by continuing his last sentence.
  • Agree with his key points.
  • Smoothly transition into your topic as you move around the stage.

Did the previous speaker fail? Pretend that nothing happened, don’t “drown” your colleague even more.

Tap into the overall experience of listeners

“You and I all love sweets..”, “And remember how we were in childhood... Who had this? Raise a hand". In the first seconds, people make a decision - you are one of them or someone else. Do you vibrate at the same level or at different levels, whether your values ​​suit them. Worst beginning: “You and I are on opposite sides of the barricades,” “It will be difficult for someone to understand.” Make a gesture by drawing a ball in the air - the sign of unification will enhance the effect of community.

Ask the audience to move closer

At live events, people usually sit wherever they want. By asking your audience to move seats, you will take them a little out of their comfort zone, and this will include even the most inactive. In this way you will influence the subconscious level of people, because they will do what you say. Show them the benefit - what will they get by reseeding closer - can they see and hear better? Or will you distribute manuals or demonstration material to the first rows? I hope you get the idea.

Start with a pause

Why is this necessary? Imagine: you are sitting in the hall. The stage is empty. Everyone is waiting for the speaker. There are about 300 people in the hall and there is a slight hum: someone is talking to a neighbor, someone is talking on the phone, someone is laughing out loud. How to start a public speaking at a conference or any other event in such a situation?

The speaker comes out and immediately begins his speech. Some listen, others continue the conversation without having time to come to their senses. What is the speaker broadcasting? “I can speak when they don’t listen to me”, “I don’t respect myself” - a complete waste.

Another variant. The speaker comes out, takes center stage on the stage, and pauses. He looks around the hall, smiles at someone, nods. The hall slowly falls silent. In complete silence, in a confident voice, the speaker begins: “Friends, good evening, everyone.” He testified: “Until they listen to me, I will not speak.” It looks strong.

Personal greeting

The manager's welcoming speech should begin with an introduction. You can introduce yourself and say hello. The words can be anything, you can even include a little joke.

In this part you can add a bit of individuality. You should abandon the usual addresses and call the guests not spectators, but friends.

Even if all the people around you know each other, it is better to introduce yourself and address them not too familiarly, although a touch of irony can be added.

In general, it is best to rely on your intuition in this part. A person can feel for himself which words will be appropriate depending on the audience and the event itself.

Speech at the opening of a liquefied natural gas plant

It is of strategic importance both for our country and for a number of other states, primarily our foreign partners.

Russia is a leading producer of natural gas, and I am confident that the new production will strengthen all of our gas supply capabilities and generally strengthen Russia's position as a global supplier, a global producer of energy resources in the world. In turn, the creation of this enterprise will have a positive impact on international cooperation in the energy sector, which is especially important for us today.

When the enterprise reaches its full capacity, it will be possible to produce almost 10 million tons of liquefied gas, which means providing up to 5 percent of the world supply of this type of hydrocarbons. Russia is a leading producer of natural gas, and I am confident that the new production will strengthen all of our gas supply capabilities and generally strengthen Russia's position as a global supplier, a global producer of energy resources in the world.

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Story about the place of performance

You need to pay attention to the location of the performance. If there is a celebration in the house, you should definitely praise the owners and note the individual features of the home: good repair, style, beautiful garden.

A ceremonial event in honor of the opening of a center, store or salon must begin with a speech about it. You can add some numbers about statistics or a poem and song on the topic of development. Here we need information content so that everyone begins to imagine the place correctly.

It will be especially interesting to highlight the changes. Each site is unique in its own way. Thanks to the story about the place, you can pay attention to what new things have been brought in and what development paths are planned. This is especially true for opening shops and shopping and entertainment centers.

Free legal consultation

The cinema hall is a corner of culture in our city, where it will be possible to hold extracurricular activities, show program films on the history of our native land, social studies, geography, biology, and literature. Show classical music concerts and sports competitions with the participation of the national team. Special words of gratitude to Magna-Tech LLC - professional solution and software development, its commercial director Karpov S.A.

The material includes all the necessary parts, the action, details, technical conditions and protocol are described.

The art of public speaking Leshutina Irina • Use respectful address: respected, respected, dear, dear; deeply respected - with official congratulations, when addressing an elder, a boss, a manager.

Story about the event Explain why this event is exciting and useful, emphasize its significance and importance. For example: “Gifted children will build the future. Therefore, it is very important that we can transfer our knowledge and skills to them. The opening of the Center is the first step on our road to the future.”

And here is how the governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev opens the exhibition. This is an exhibition of products from Penza small and medium-sized businesses. Bochkarev talks about its importance. You will need to do the same at your event. Look how enthusiastically Bochkarev speaks.

Have a nice holiday!

  • There is a tour conducted by the head of the settlement.
  • At the end of the excursion, in any form, acting. The head of the region is invited to write a wish in the “Book of Reviews” of the KFOR.
  • The guests of honor enter the auditorium.

For example: “And now I am pleased to introduce you to our teachers. After this, the first students will cut the red ribbon, and a small festive concert will take place.”

But speech is not only the process of speaking itself, but also various speeches on a wide variety of topics in front of certain audiences.

Event information

Whether it’s a corporate party, concert or other event, it is necessary to introduce guests to the celebration plan . This could be a review of competitions, an interesting performance, a presentation by a distinguished jury, or congratulations on an event. In addition, there is probably a plan for where to take guests at each time period. It is better to tell in detail about the movements so that there is no confusion. Even in a situation where it is a small seminar, a little time should be devoted to information.

The organizer must be able not only to plan a birthday or other holiday, but also to briefly present it. At the same time, you should keep some surprise, leave some zest.

Often part of the opening speech is printed directly on the invitation. The prose tells the main events and recommendations that allow you to spend the holiday with positive emotions. Even if this is a huge concert hall, it is necessary to follow some order , which is recommended to be announced so that all guests are familiar with it.


To organize a classic red ribbon cutting ceremony, you will need a red ribbon and scissors with a tray. In this case, you need to take into account who will stand and where. Diagram 1 shows the opening ceremony with the cutting of the red ribbon with optimal organization of space.

Red satin ribbon

The ribbon can be of any color, including with an inscription on it. The most popular, of course, is a red ribbon 5 cm wide. The length of the ribbon is calculated based on the number of people who will cut it. If several people are involved in cutting, then you need to allocate 1 meter for each. If one person cuts the ribbon, 1.5 meters of ribbon is taken.


The elegance of a red satin ribbon can be lost if you cut it with kitchen or office scissors. For the red ribbon cutting ceremony, get yourself some golden scissors. At the same time, prepare as many pieces as there are people who will participate in the opening ceremony.

You can add gloss and solemnity to the ongoing event by carrying golden scissors not just in your hands, but on an elegant tray with a red pillow, on which a cut piece of satin ribbon will then lie (after cutting it should not fall to the ground).

Words of gratitude

The final part should begin with gratitude. It is important to present it sincerely and try to ensure that the words come from the heart. There are many things worth saying “thank you” for:

  • guests for appearing at the party;
  • organizers for the opportunity to host the event;
  • the hero of the occasion or the director of the store, center.

It is important to make it clear that every detail matters. It is not necessary to list the work of everyone; the main thing is to note not only managers, but also employees, as well as guests. They all contributed their time and effort to this event. Only with the presence of every person in this mechanism was it possible to hold an event at the highest level.


Often the start of construction of an enterprise or building is marked by a symbolic laying of the first stone ceremony.

Traditionally, participants in such events are:

• management of the enterprise;

• government representatives (local/federal);

• representatives of the media;

• business partners.

In addition to resolving general issues, the organizer of an event of this format will need to ensure the participation of each of the listed groups. To do this, you need to prepare and send appropriate letters to relevant committees, invitations to business partners and journalists from publications of interest. In this way, information about the status of the participants can be collected, based on which the ceremony will need to be planned.

If investors are interested in the participation of the head of the region or other high-ranking speakers in the ceremony, the date of the event will depend on the schedule of officials.

Providing equipment and machinery

Laying the first stone is a ceremony that is usually held at the construction site of a future facility. For the organizer of a special event, this means that, with a high degree of probability, there will be no conditions on site for a comfortable ceremony: sheltered from bad weather and a presentable place for gathering and staying of participants, stationary toilet rooms, electricity, etc.

In this case, the organizer will have to rent a huge amount of relevant equipment, technology and structures: from tent structures with a floor and heating and low-noise electric generators to chairs and microphones.

Organization of space

The layout of the space organization is one of the most important points in the preparation program for the ceremonial laying of the first stone. Moreover, ideally, it is advisable to prepare two such schemes: a working one and one for guests.

The working diagram shows the “general plan”: the location on the territory of tent structures for the ceremony and service tents for catering[1], guest and technical arrivals, parking spaces for cars and buses, placement of generators and elements of the external design of the site - flagpoles, guy ropes, etc. .P. This diagram is convenient to use in the process of preparing an event (Scheme 2).

The guest diagram displays a “close-up” of the ceremony site - as a rule, this is a large tent or canopy with explicit or symbolic internal zoning: a press zone, a welcome zone, where arriving guests await the start of the event, a ceremony zone with a stage platform and, if the format requires seating arrangement with chairs placed in front of him for spectators. Such a scheme can be sent in advance to guests (or the appropriate protocol services) for review.

Having prepared plans for organizing the space at the site for the ceremonial laying of the first stone, do not forget that the organizer must also think through the movement of guests between objects on the site in advance. The route of movement of key guests is planned from the moment of their arrival at the event until the end of the ceremony.

What kind of stone are we laying?

Today, there are many companies that are ready to manufacture or decorate to order any stone for a symbolic bookmark, as well as a corresponding plaque according to an individual design, taking into account the company’s logo and style. If you are going to organize a special ceremony, then let every little thing be perfect, especially if this little thing is the main “hero” of the event.

Wishes to those gathered

The end of the speech should be on a positive note. In Steve's situation, these were wishes that came from the heart. Feel free to tell a little of your personal experience or introduce the biography of famous people. These should not be just dry wishes of good luck, but success stories that can be realized.

Thanks to such a conclusion to the opening speech, it is possible to motivate people , this will give excellent results immediately after the opening. When it comes to an anniversary, it must be emphasized that the hero of the occasion has everything ahead of him. Phrases that a person has already done everything in life can be extremely offensive. It’s better to imagine even serious achievements as the beginning of a great journey.

When opening a store or public facility, it is important to pay attention to each category. I wish the managers success in development and competent leadership, the employees a good mood, friendship with colleagues and achievement of high results. It is necessary to reach out to customers and clients so that they can find the perfect service and the best products in that location.

There are subtleties in speech that may be appropriate only in a specific case. For example, some people want to dedicate an event to a specific person, while others note facts that should be mentioned. It is important to remember that there is no single rule about the ideal speech; it is better to make it sincere and individual.


Not always, despite the established name, a stone is laid. The action performed by the speakers - participants in the ceremony - is only a symbol of a new beginning, and this is often the installation of some art object or stele illustrating the profile of the future enterprise, the laying of a capsule, etc.

Alternatively, when construction begins, a time capsule is placed with a message for future generations.

The capsule can contain:

• object passport;

• photographs of builders and management;

• a list of people with the help of whom the project was able to be implemented;

• parting words from city authorities;

• parting words for future generations.

Sberbank in Kazan: reformatting continues

The children, who were brought to the celebration by regular clients of the bank, were especially happy with the fruits: after all, the best partnership traditions are passed on from generation to generation. The guests were treated to robots that can carry on small talk, tricks from the All-Russian cycling champion “Velotrial”, and classical music lovers from the performance of an actress from the Florida Violin Theater.

Meanwhile, the presenters announced the beginning of the ceremonial part. A new path in a new format The first to deliver a congratulatory speech was Vyacheslav Vdovin, deputy manager of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610 of Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

“Sberbank today is one of the largest banks in Central and Eastern Europe, it is the undisputed leader of the Russian financial services market,” he said. — And the leadership position obliges the bank to constantly improve and strive for new achievements.

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