INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN Speech Therapy PRACTICE Nokhrina Anna Olegovna MBDOU kindergarten 20 “Rosinka” Berezovsky, 2013 - presentation

Kindergarten "Kalinka", Volgodonsk

Starting from an early age, any child with mental and physical disabilities can attend a general education preschool organization. A child can receive qualified assistance from specialists in various forms and volumes, based on his individual characteristics. An inclusive approach to preschool education involves changing pedagogical methods so that the educational organization can fully meet the diverse needs of all students attending it.

One of the rules of inclusive education is that all teachers and employees of educational organizations involved in the learning process must be trained in various strategies and new pedagogical technologies. In modern conditions of social development, pedagogical science and practice are faced with the task of finding the most optimal systems for teaching and raising children with speech disorders. The main problem for preschool educational institutions is the increase in the number of children who have difficulties mastering general education programs and children with severe speech impairments. As part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the priority task is to solve these problems with the help of innovative models.

Innovative processes - at the present stage of development of society, primarily affects the preschool education system, as the initial stage of revealing the potential abilities of the child. Innovation determines new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities. Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance, and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard work. Therefore, we have to search, find and skillfully use in practice more innovative methods and forms of influence, since they become the most promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. Today, correctional teachers have extensive practical material in their arsenal, the use of which contributes to the effective speech development of the child. But we are faced with difficulties in correctional work due to the increased number of speech pathologies. Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance , and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard work. Therefore, we have to search, find and skillfully use in practice more innovative methods and forms of influence , since they become the most promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders.

Practical methods ( game exercises and simulations).

Visual methods are forms of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching.

Verbal methods are determined by the age characteristics of the children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, and the stage of correctional intervention.

In my work I use innovative technologies when working with children with disabilities.

Innovative experience, in my understanding, is “keeping your finger on the pulse” of modern pedagogy . What do we mean by the term “ innovative technologies ”?

Innovative technologies are introduced , new, highly effective methods and tools , techniques that are the end result of a teacher’s intellectual activity.

The main criterion for the “ innovativeness of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through its application.

innovative ones in speech therapy practice serves as an effective addition to the generally accepted most popular classical technologies and techniques developed at the end of the 20th century . And it refers to the so-called “ micro-innovations ”, since its use does not change the basic organization of speech therapy assistance, but only locally modifies its methodological component and serves to create a favorable emotional background.

By creatively varying the compatibility of different teaching technologies , systematically and purposefully using them in practice, in accordance with the individual capabilities of each child, the correctional and developmental process becomes more effective and efficient.

In recent years, there has been a steady trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children, an increase in the number of children with mental and speech development disorders, and therefore, the use of innovative health-saving technologies in the activities of preschool educational institutions becomes very relevant.

The innovative technologies I use in speech therapy practice are based on the priority areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Having studied in detail the latest in methodological literature , I have chosen, in my opinion, the most relevant and practical innovative methods that will help make correctional work with children with speech disorders effective and efficient.

Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are just an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies (diagnostic technology, sound production technology, technology for the formation of speech breathing, development of fine motor skills of the hands, etc.)

Non-standard approaches and new innovative technologies are needed to:

  • make learning conscious;
  • interesting;
  • optimize the learning process;

promote the health of children.

Types of innovative technologies used in speech therapy :

  1. Information and communication technologies;
  2. Innovative psychocorrective technologies: fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, etc.;
  3. Educational technologies (TRIZ, syncwine, smart map, cluster);
  4. Health-saving technologies:

- articulation, breathing, finger gymnastics,

-Su-Jok therapy,

-kinesiological exercises);

5. Mixed technologies - traditional speech therapy technologies using innovations (sensorimotor education of children, the use of reading skills in the formation of speech activity,

6. Organizational innovative technologies: identifying new forms of speech therapy assistance for children with speech disorders ( quest technology is a modern form of working with children with speech disorders)

The advantage of using innovative models in speech therapy practice (see slide) Directions of correctional work using innovative models (see slide.

ICT technologies:

Electronic learning tools are gradually becoming a tool that can significantly improve the quality of education, making the learning process interesting and multifaceted.


— Formation and development of speech and language means in children: sound pronunciation, prosody, phonemic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;

— Formation and development of skills in educational activities: development of cognitive activity, self-control, development of fine motor skills of the hands, development and coordination of mental processes;

— Tasks of the creative cycle: development of imagination, development of cognitive activity, development of the need for knowledge.

Innovative psychocorrective technologies: fairytale therapy, sand therapy

Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form to integrate personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interactions with the outside world.

The goal of fairy tale therapy is to reduce aggression in children, eliminate anxiety and fears, develop emotional self-regulation and positive relationships with other children. To do this, I use fairy tale techniques and methods of working with children that are accessible to them because of their simplicity and great interest in the fairy tale . Transforming into fairy-tale characters , children complete tasks with much more enthusiasm. Through fairy tales , a child gains knowledge about the world, about relationships between people, about the problems and obstacles that arise in a person’s life, learns to overcome barriers, find a way out of difficult situations, and believe in the power of goodness, love and justice.

The main goal of TRIZ is to develop the systematic thinking of children, to educate a creative personality capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and to teach children to independently solve their small problems. Children with special needs development lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking and, without special training, have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Therefore, in parallel with the task of accumulating, enriching, and clarifying vocabulary, another equally important one must be solved: creating conditions for its activation and actualization of one’s own statement. And here didactic syncwine . This technology does not require special conditions for use and fits organically into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren with SLD.

Among the variety of educational games familiar to us from pedagogical didactics, a very special, creative and kind Technology of intensive development of intellectual abilities in children through games by V.V. Voskobovich.

The principles embedded in the system of these games—interest—cognition—creativity become as effective as possible, since the game directly addresses the child in the kind, original, cheerful language of a fairy tale, the intrigue of a funny character, or an invitation to adventure.

Educational games V.V. Voskobovich is the integration of psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy technologies, which stimulates the development of the cognitive sphere and the development of certain skills and abilities. The features of these games are such that there is no need to rebuild the work of the institution or break the programs being implemented. Technology is organically woven into the already formed process of learning and correction. In the “adult-child” relationship, the position of the adult over the child is not assumed here, only a partnership relationship. The child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual and creative atmosphere. It is woven from a sense of external security, when the child knows that his manifestations will not receive a negative assessment from adults, and a feeling of internal relaxation will grow due to the support of his creative endeavors.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, special requirements are imposed on the developing subject-spatial environment, namely: optimality, integrity, multifunctionality, transformability, variability (in direct educational activities, in joint activities and in the independent activities of the child), and variety of games. Teachers-speech therapists, conducting monitoring every year, are faced daily with difficulties in mastering speech material, poor subject, predicative and attributive vocabulary, disturbances in the development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, immaturity of phonetic-phonemic processes, a lag in the development of coherent speech, violations of semantic and pronunciation aspects of speech, pronounced agrammatism, defects in sound pronunciation, specific violations of the syllabic structure of words in children with speech pathology. Therefore, taking all this into account, the group teachers introduced play space markers into their work.

Smart Card Technology

a unique and simple method of memorizing information, with the help of which both the creative and speech abilities of children develop and thinking is activated;

helps to awaken the child’s ability to depict the world around him.

I am testing the “Cluster” technology in my work

Cluster - (cluster, bunch, bunch), a collection, association of several homogeneous elements or objects.

The Cluster technology makes it possible to visualize the mental processes that occur when immersed in a particular text.

Cluster technology is universal, as it helps to work with a large amount of information that needs to be mastered, highlighted, systematized and presented in a certain way. The essence of a cracker is to highlight a topic, semantic units and graphically design a diagram in a certain order.

The cluster activates the mental activity of preschoolers: the ability to pose questions, highlight the main thing, make comparisons, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

Since not all children can read, you can use illustrated or mixed clusters in your work. To make it easier to memorize, we use pictures, photographs, drawings, and diagrams. In the process of educational activities, options for creating a cluster on lexical topics are possible. The result is a structure that graphically displays children’s thoughts and determines the information field of this topic.

Breakdown into clusters in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

  • is an effective method in the formation of generalizing concepts and teaching classification
  • develops variability of thinking, the ability to establish connections and relationships of the concept being studied (phenomenon, event)
  • helps the student to think freely and openly about a topic
  • evokes fresh associations, gives access to existing knowledge, involves new ideas on a certain topic into the thought process
  • develops such personality quality as communication skills
  • It is known that the level of speech development of children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers .
  • If the development of finger corresponds to age, then speech development is within normal limits; if the development of finger lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. Scientists studying the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children note the great stimulating significance of hand functions.
  • Physiological scientists have proven that training fingers through certain zones in the cerebral cortex has a positive effect on the mobility of the articulation organs, which makes the child’s pronunciation clearer and more correct.
  • As M. M. Koltsova notes, there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of ​​the hand can be considered another speech area of ​​the brain .

One of the non-traditional speech therapy technologies is Su-Jok therapy (“Su” - hand, “Jock” - foot). In correctional and speech therapy work, I actively use Su-Jock therapy techniques as a massage for dysarthric disorders, for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as for the purpose of general strengthening of the body. The ribbed needle-shaped surface of the ball affects nerve endings, improves blood flow and activates blood circulation. The massage ball accelerates capillary blood flow, reduces venous congestion and increases skin and muscle tone. Massage spikes on the surface of the ball affect the biologically active zones of the cerebral cortex and help improve the condition of the entire body. The massage ball has a positive effect on the development of children.

Thus, Su-Jok therapy is one of the effective techniques that ensures the development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the child.

One of the new approaches related to health-saving technologies is kinesiology or “brain gymnastics”. Improving intellectual and thinking processes must begin with the development of finger and body movements. Developmental work should be directed from movements to thinking, and not vice versa. kinesiological exercises, or as they are also called “brain gymnastics,” come to our aid Finger kinesiological exercises can be used to develop hand muscles and develop interhemispheric interaction of the child’s cerebral cortex. Exercises must be done daily. From an early age, children are taught to perform finger games from simple to complex.

Practice confirms that the use of innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist can significantly increase the efficiency of speech therapy work , intensify the dynamics of the development of correct speech skills and the entire correctional educational process as a whole.
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Speech therapy massage technologies

Oksana Strizhevskaya

Speech therapy massage technologies

Modern Speech Therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with special health needs.

Modern speech therapy practice has in its arsenal technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and the maximum possible correction of speech disorders. These include well-known to specialists:

Speech therapy examination technology.

• Sound pronunciation correction technology

Technology for the formation of speech breathing for various disorders of the pronunciation side of speech.

technology for various pronunciation disorders of speech.

Technology for developing the intonation side of speech.

Technology for correcting the tempo-rhythmic side of speech.

Technology for the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

Speech therapy massage technology.

Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapy uses in its practice, adapting to its needs the most effective, non-traditional methods and techniques of related sciences that help optimize the work of a speech therapist .


Massage is a method of treatment and prevention, which is a set of techniques of mechanical influence on various areas of the surface of the human body. The mechanical effect changes the condition of the muscles, creates positive kinesthesia necessary for normalizing the pronunciation aspect of speech.

Speech therapy massage is a method of active mechanical influence that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Numerous studies show that massage increases the elasticity of muscle fibers, volume, strength and contractile function, and muscle performance.


Speech therapy massage is used in cases where there are disturbances in the tone of the articulatory muscles. By changing the state of the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus, massage ultimately indirectly helps to improve the pronunciation side of speech.


Massage can be carried out at all stages of correctional speech therapy , but its use is especially important in the initial stages of work, when the child does not yet have the opportunity to perform certain articulatory movements.

Differentiated speech therapy massage can be carried out by a speech therapist , defectologist, exercise therapy instructor who has undergone special training.


There are the following types of speech therapy massage :

• Manual, called classic, is performed next to the problem area or directly on it using stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. When performing a manual massage, the speech therapist uses a spatula , pacifier, and toothbrush.

• Hardware massage is performed using devices designed for this purpose (vibration, vacuum and more)


Acupressure has a stimulating and relaxing effect on the child, separately affecting biologically active points that have the largest number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

• Probe massage is a type of massage , the principle of which was developed by E. V. Novikova. It is recommended for use in children with speech motor impairment. Using probes , areas of the oral cavity such as the soft palate, tongue and lips are massaged

Self-massage . The name of this species speaks for itself. These are actions that the child does independently. It consists of exercises in which it is necessary to perform hand movements and massage the tongue with the help of teeth.

It is necessary to take into account that when using one type of massage , its course will be longer than when using a complex one. In addition, speech therapy massage together with other types of treatment: fairytale therapy, sound production, aromatherapy.


Contraindications for massage are any somatic disease or infectious disease in the acute period, conjunctivitis, acute and chronic skin diseases, gingivitis, stomatitis, the presence of herpes on the lips or other infections of the oral cavity, the presence of enlarged lymph glands, pronounced pulsation of the carotid arteries. Before conducting a course of massage, a conclusion from a neurologist and pediatrician is required about the absence of contraindications.


without therapy massage , especially those for whom correction by pedagogical methods does not bring significant results. There are the following indications for such a procedure:

• unclear pronunciation of speech sounds;

• stuttering, which has a neurotic origin;

• violation of the tone of the muscles involved in articulation;

• unclear origin of speech development delay up to 3 years;

• alalia (complete absence or insufficient development of speech without deviations in mental development);

• acceleration of the effectiveness of classes with a speech therapist ;

• involuntary salivation;

• tension when pronouncing sounds;

• rhinolalia (sound pronunciation defect, which is characterized by excessive or insufficient resonance in the nasal cavity);

• dyslalia (impaired pronunciation in the absence of hearing impairment, resulting from a short hyoid frenulum.


In no case can speech therapy massage It is carried out only after a thorough examination of the muscles of the speech apparatus. During this procedure, the speech therapist makes a preliminary assessment of the work of all muscles necessary for the correct functioning of articulation. The results of such a study help to establish the nature of the pronunciation disorder.


Ideally, speech therapy massage is prescribed by a medical specialist. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit it, so light exercises can be done at home on your own. First, you need to create favorable conditions - peace and quiet so that the child is not distracted. The room should be bright and ventilated. hands are warm and clean .

massage cycle consists of 10-20 sessions. They need to be carried out 2-3 times during the week. The first lesson is no more than five minutes; the child should get used to the procedure, which is unusual for him. At first, the massage should be no more than 10 minutes, after a week the time can be increased to 25-30 minutes. The time varies depending on age: the smallest children can only withstand 10 minutes, preschoolers up to 15-20, but schoolchildren can fully endure 25 - 30 minutes.


The choice of massage depends on the state of muscle tone, motor capabilities and pathological symptoms.

The main methods of traditional massage are stroking, rubbing, moving the damaged areas or near it. To relax the muscles involved in articulation, light stroking movements are used. To acquire active muscle tone and strengthen it, you need to use fast and energetic movements.


Massage for low muscle tone

The emphasis in the work concerns those muscles that do not allow the child to make certain articulatory movements. For example, movement disorders can be localized in the area of ​​the masticatory muscle, zygomatic muscles, and buccal muscles. It is necessary to carry out movements quite actively in these areas.

The direction of massage movements is from the center to the periphery. The force of pressure should increase gradually. The pressure should not cause pain in children.


Relaxing speech therapy massage is prescribed for children with increased tone of articulatory muscles. When performing this, the child chooses a position in which tonic reflexes would manifest themselves to a lesser extent.

Muscle relaxation is achieved by light massage movements from the periphery to the center with a slight pressure force. All movements are sliding. Lightly pressing. Repeat each 8 times. Slow movements reduce tissue excitability.


Probe massage requires the use of special devices developed by the author of the technique. Moreover, each probe from the kit is unique and performs its own function. Using these devices in a certain order, a speech therapist can effectively influence only those areas and areas that need correction.

Also, during a speech therapy massage for stuttering or other reasons for delayed speech development, the specialist varies the strength of pressure in the area of ​​the tongue, cheeks, soft palate, lips, facial and masticatory muscles. All this creates optimal conditions for the child’s speech development. Novikova's method also helps to cope with more serious speech defects that are caused by dysarthria or cerebral palsy.


It is worth noting that probe massage is almost painless. Only a child with increased muscle tone may experience some discomfort. That is why it is very important that the baby takes the most comfortable position before the session, which will allow him to relax as much as possible.


Hardware speech therapy massage is characterized by the use of special devices, including vacuum and vibration massagers .


Typically, a vibration massager consists of a handle in which a battery is placed, and three attachments that can be used to perform the vibration

speech therapy massage .

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself (a teenager or an adult suffering from speech pathology.

Self-massage is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage , which is performed by a speech therapist .

The purpose of speech therapy self-massage is primarily to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, to normalize the muscle tone of these muscles.


In the practice of speech self-massage techniques is very useful for several reasons. Unlike speech therapy massage performed by a speech therapist , self-massage can be performed not only individually, but also frontally with a group of children at the same time.

In addition, self-massage can be used repeatedly throughout the day, including it at various scheduled times in a preschool setting. Thus, self-massage can be performed by children after morning exercises, relaxation classes (autogenic training, daytime sleep. Self-massage can also be included in a speech therapy session , while self-massage can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

self-massage session for preschool children can be 5–10 minutes. Each movement is performed on average 4 – 6 times. Only a few techniques can be included self-massage session Moreover, they can vary throughout the day.


Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a speech therapist . Before performing self-massage , children should take a calm, relaxed position. They may sit on chairs or be in a lying position (for example, in a crib after a nap)

When teaching children self-massage , the speech therapist demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it.
Children perform massage techniques on their own, first with visual control (a mirror, and then without it. When self-massage are mastered by children, it is possible to carry out movements accompanied by a poetic text or specially selected quiet music in a slow rhythm. This method is especially useful because it provides tactile - proprioceptive stimulation in a certain rhythm, which generally contributes to the formation of a sense of rhythm, which is basically motor in nature.

procedure is carried out , as a rule, in a playful way according to the scheme recommended by the teacher: massage of the head , facial muscles, lips, tongue.

While performing the movements, the child should not feel any discomfort; on the contrary, all self-massage should bring pleasure to the child.


Spoons are an effective, interesting and affordable assistant for speech therapy self-massage

So, why are spoons an effective, interesting and affordable assistant for speech therapy self-massage ? Let's start answering this question with history.

Metal spoons began to be used for other purposes than for their intended purpose by Rene Koch in cosmetology as a cosmetic massage with spoons . Then, the massage using spoons began to be used in speech therapy .

In the use of spoons in speech therapy , the following areas of work are distinguished:

Exercises with spoons.

The goal is to memorize the parts of a spoon; securing various positions of the spoon in the hand; mastering massage ; development of fine motor skills, synchronization of hand work.

Self-massage with spoons.

The goal is to learn how to independently perform massage movements of the face , tongue, palate, and cheeks.

Resistance exercises (isotonic)


The goal is to strengthen the muscles of the lips, cheeks, tongue, and lower jaw; development of more accurate movements.


Let's take a closer look at using spoons for self-massage . It will require two spoons plus 1-2 more in case of a fall. Spoons should be made of stainless steel with a minimum of decoration on the handle and a round, non-sharp tip.

Depending on age and size, the following types of spoons are used: for adults – dessert spoon, teaspoon. For older preschoolers and large children – a teaspoon. For younger preschoolers and small children - a coffee spoon.


A teaspoon is used for the face. To perform movements in the mouth, on the tongue, behind the cheek, etc. - a coffee spoon.

If you have muscle hypertonicity, you should periodically dip the spoon into a glass of warm water. And for muscle hypotonicity, place it in a glass of cold water.

Self-massage place in several stages. At the initial stage, an adult helps the child perform massage movements while sitting in front of a mirror, which helps the child control the movements. In self-massage with spoons, the classic scheme of speech therapy massage : the same sequence of zones, the same directions of movements.

Further movements are made independently. The child performs movements with a pleasant effort and will never hurt himself. Spoon movements are quite simple and quickly learned. It should be noted that the area of ​​influence of a spoon is much larger than the area of ​​influence of a finger, which means this effect is more productive.


Children's reaction to spoons is usually positive; self-massage arouses the child's interest and involvement, thereby increasing the effectiveness of classes. Summarize. Benefits of speech therapy self-massage with spoons :

• The spoons are easy to use and safe, they do not require sterilization - just wash them.

• Pleasant sensations and associations are associated with a spoon, which causes a positive attitude in children.

• There are spoons in every home, which means that parents can be taught how to perform such a massage .


In conclusion, I would like to note the positive dynamics after even one session of logomassage , as a result of which blood flow to the affected area increases, and the muscles become active, elastic, capable of stretching and contracting in the desired direction. In addition, children like massage , it tickles pleasantly, relaxes muscles and brings positive emotions.

The use of innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher

In the activities of a speech therapist teacher aimed at correctional and developmental work with children, innovative methods are becoming increasingly important. These methods, along with traditional ones, help achieve the greatest possible success in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children. Consequently, the search for new techniques and methods in speech therapy practice for speech correction has not lost its relevance.

Innovative educational technologies correspond to priority areas of science, which are determined by the State. The transition of Russian education to the position of personality-oriented pedagogy, which involves not limiting itself to the formation of program knowledge, abilities, skills, but striving to develop the individual abilities of the child, is due to the desire of teachers to introduce innovations into their activities.

Many articles and developments have appeared devoted to innovative methods of influence in speech therapy. The authors interpret this concept differently in relation to the educational sphere. Some define it as a method or technique, others as a description of the process of achieving a result. Any innovation in speech therapy practice does not change the basic organization of correctional influence, but only locally changes the methodological component. Existing types of innovative technologies:

1. Information and communication technologies;

2. Distance educational technologies;

3. Psycho-correctional technologies (art therapy; bibliotherapy);

4. Technologies using non-traditional techniques (aromatherapy, chromotherapy, etc.);

5. Health-saving technologies;

In our practical activities to correct speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment, we locally use primarily health-saving exercises: breathing exercises, articulation exercises, finger exercises, and eye exercises.

We began to pay special attention to psycho-correctional technologies, which is due to the specifics of speech disorders and the state of the emotional-volitional sphere of children with speech pathology. These violations, if not corrected in time in childhood, cause difficulties in communicating with others and subsequently lead to certain personality changes that negatively affect the process of further learning and prevent one from fully revealing their natural abilities and intellectual capabilities. The most adapted technique for working with preschool children is one of the types of bibliotherapy - fairy tale therapy. The attractiveness of this genre for teachers is due to the versatility of its application, and the effectiveness of its use is due to the attractiveness of this genre for children, which allows them to fully realize their imagination. The leading activity of preschool age is play, and playing a fairy tale helps to unobtrusively convey the necessary information, accumulate a positive emotional charge for children, strengthening their social immunity and enriching their experience. Fairy tales contribute to the development of imagination, significantly expand horizons, contribute to the education of moral qualities, help in creating a model for managing the emotional-volitional sphere, and also help us in the practical solution of problems of correctional influence. We use fairy tale therapy in all areas of speech therapy work, selecting those plots and techniques that are most effective in the formation and correction of speech activity. The organizational and plot basis of classes can be varied, depending on the capabilities and desires of the speech therapist, his willingness to experiment and the characteristics of the children. Possible options for organizing classes could be the use of fairy tales, elements of folklore, literary characters, well-known and invented games, imaginary journeys. It is not necessary to use well-known plots and themes; you can come up with them yourself and develop them as the lesson progresses. You can build a lesson on the plot of one fairy tale. For example, “Three Bears”, “Turnip”, “The Adventures of Ant”. The structure of such a lesson will include work on general speech skills (voice, breathing, facial exercises), lexical and grammatical structure of speech, phonemic functions, coherent speech, development of auditory and visual attention; simultaneously solving issues of correction of psychophysical functions. Or you can “invite” fairy-tale characters to a comprehensive lesson to solve a specific speech therapy problem, for example, to automate a given sound. At the initial stage of speech therapy, when work is being done on the development of general speech skills, non-speech mental functions and fine motor skills, it is convenient to use characters from familiar fairy tales (“Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cheburashka”, “Teremok”). The development of coherent speech is facilitated by impromptu when constructing the plot of the lesson. Children suggest actions to the characters, come up with dialogues and lines for them. (“Mishka’s Birthday”, “Cat’s House” - children come up with actions for each guest and verbalize them.) Fairy tales help enrich vocabulary, competent and logical presentation of their thoughts, help in mastering the grammatical rules of their native language, and are a good training platform for automation set sounds in independent speech contribute to the ability to restrain unwanted emotions or control the ways of their manifestation. Children easily get involved in everything unusual and funny. Fairytale therapy develops children's imagination, teaches improvisation and gives them the magical ability to turn to the wonderful power of creativity to solve any problems, including speech therapy.

Below we give examples of fairy tales that we use in our work with children.

Fairy tale "The Frog and the Little Fox". In the forest, in a large puddle, there lived a little frog. He loved to sing (children sing vowel sounds or syllables according to a pattern or pattern). He also loved to sculpt with clay. He will jump out of the puddle, pick up clay and sculpt. First flatbreads, then coils, then boats, then nuts (articulation gymnastics). What else? (selection of words for a given sound or with a certain position of a given sound). Animals often came to visit him (a visual memory game). They looked, laughed, were surprised, angry?, were afraid?, were happy (psycho-gymnastics) And affectionately stroked the frog (children stroke their neighbor’s left hand with their right hand - complex motor orientation). Only the little fox came, broke everything and teased the frog (repeat syllable chains). When the little fox grew up, he came to the little frog and said: “I also tried to sculpt, but I couldn’t do it. So I laughed at you” (reading syllables with the letter “X”). And the frog replied: “Don’t be upset, but you can (children’s answers... dig deep holes, run fast, hunt deftly, cover up tracks, etc.). Then the little fox said: “Thank you, little frog, you are very kind. Let’s be friends with you!” (joint finger gymnastics)

Fairy tale "The Apple Tree and the Hedgehog."

How the apple tree grows in our green garden - beauty,

A slender trunk, a thick crown supports the heavens (finger gymnastics). (All parts of the tree are named from the pictures).

A hedgehog lived under an apple tree and was very handsome.

How is this hedgehog similar to both dad and mom? (consider what parts of a hedgehog’s body are called).

The wind blew (breathing exercises) and tore the leaves off the apple tree. Is the apple tree happy? were you surprised? upset? and asked the hedgehog to help her find her leaf among other leaves (form relative adjectives from pictures depicting leaves of different trees). But they didn’t find an apple please the apple tree, they will make it themselves (origami craft). The leaves turned out beautiful! And how wonderfully they rustle in the wind (syllable analysis of the word, automation of “Ш”). The delighted apple tree gave the hedgehog unusual leaves with pictures. Our hedgehog is a big fan of order, so he laid out the leaves on certain shelves (they determine the place of the “Ш” sound in words). The apple tree treated the hedgehog with its apples. One of them turned out to be sour..., the other was sweet..., a worm was sitting inside the third..., the hedgehog was surprised... greeted the worm... (psycho-gymnastics). Carefully placed this apple on the grass... But he wanted to find the same thing (they are looking for two identical apples). The hedgehog collected a couple of apples, said goodbye to the apple tree and hurried to treat them (children's answers).


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