Speech of a child at 5 years old: Diagnosis and correction of defects

Timely development of speech is an important part of the development of the personality as a whole. It is by communicating with others that the child develops intellectually and mentally. Lagging behind peers can lead to not the best results.
Cute babbling and mangling of words at a year and a half turns into a big problem at an older age. By the age of 4-5, a child should be able to speak his native language correctly - When should a child start speaking? Norms in speech development. Uninformed parents may rely on the widespread belief that before the age of 5 it is too early to contact a speech pathologist. Like, each child develops individually, and yours is about to speak in detailed sentences.

Features of speech development at this age

I would like to start with the fact that if the child was given due attention and interest in his development, then the speech of a five-year-old child is practically no different from that of an adult.

If not, then you have two years before school to correct your mistakes and study with a teacher. Otherwise, by the time it is time to go to school, you will face big problems.

The vocabulary of this age already includes more than 3000 words. The child is well acquainted with generalizing words and uses them correctly. He is able to name not only objects that are found in everyday life, but also talk about fairly abstract things.

By this time, children have already accumulated enough experience and knowledge to discuss adult topics in their own understanding. For example, such as the universe, relationships between people, friendship, etc.

Since the speech apparatus is considered completely formed by the age of 6 years, fewer and fewer errors are made in pronunciation. If you can find them, then, for sure, these will be unfamiliar and polysyllabic words. Now the child is able to notice mistakes not only in those around him, but also in himself.

Sentences in speech are more complex, complete and expanded. Grammatical forms are generally always consistent and correct, but errors may occur, for example, in the formation of words with a diminutive suffix. For example, “kittens” instead of “kittens”.


  • Age characteristics at 5-6 years old Differences between girls and boys
  • What should a five-year-old child know and be able to do?
  • Orientation in space
  • Speech development
  • Intelligence and attention
  • Physical development
  • Motor skills
  • Features of speech
  • Cognitive development
  • Emotions and social skills
  • Psychology of a five-year-old or how to raise a happy preschooler
  • Developmental Level Test for 5 Year Olds
  • Daily regime
  • Warning signs for parents
  • How to help your child develop: ideas and tips
  • Norms of speech development

    By the age of five, the range of development of coherent speech is quite wide. It can begin with the monotonous and monosyllabic speech of a preschooler whose parents did not study with him, and end with the ability to compose fairy tales and speak on a par with adults.

    Still, there are criteria based on which those very norms can be determined.

    1. Almost complete absence of grammatical errors.
    2. Developed articulation system and correct pronunciation.
    3. Correct stress in words, except for unfamiliar ones.
    4. Detailed answers to questions.
    5. The ability to compose a story from pictures, figure out the end of the story on your own, compose a tale, retell a story you have read.
    6. The ability to give a broad description of objects, recalling many of its qualities.
    7. Ability to classify words into groups. For example, strawberries, raspberries, currants, and cherries are berries.
    8. Sentences use all parts of speech, including participial and participial phrases.
    9. Ability to control the pace and volume of speech.

    "I can not hear you"

    Sometimes you have to resort to tricks to get your child to talk. For example, create situations where you don’t seem to understand what your baby wants. Pretend that the gestures and signs that your baby shows you are completely incomprehensible to you, but do it very gently, without sharp refusals, so as not to lead to hysterics. If a child asks for a drink by pointing to a glass, then try not to “understand” his silent request, but say: “Yes, this is a glass. Do you want something?". If the baby continues to express his request without words, do not follow his lead, but voice that you cannot understand anything: “I don’t understand. Do you want to drink?". Say the word “drink” clearly so that your child looks at your mouth and sees the articulation. If the baby is nervous and continues to be silent, do not insist and say the necessary phrase for him. Periodically use this technique in different situations so as not to reinforce the child’s habitual behavior and stimulate speech.

    Symptoms of speech delay at 5 years old

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. The most important thing that parents who suspect any violations need to do is to analyze whether the child’s speech is understandable or not. Let's discuss these signs.

    1. It is difficult for strangers to understand the baby's speech.
    2. His pronunciation is unclear.
    3. There are many errors in grammatical structure.
    4. Active and passive vocabularies are scarce.
    5. Phrases and sentences are very short, consisting of 2-3 words.
    6. Speech mainly uses only nouns and verbs.

    The presence of at least one of these points may indicate that there is a delay in speech development.

    Breathing games

    You can easily perform these speech therapy exercises for children with your baby at home and without special preparation. Engage the respiratory system, which is a direct participant in any speech. The parents' task is to play games with their child that will help the baby develop his lip muscles and teach him to exhale long. Here are some examples of breathing games for children 2-3 years old.

    • "Snowfall"

    Take a napkin and, together with your child, pick up many pieces of “snowflakes” of different sizes. Let them be of different sizes so that the baby has the opportunity to practice different exhalations. Start with something simple: place one “snowflake” on your palm and ask your child to blow it off your hand. Over time, complicate the task: put all the “snowflakes” on the table and start blowing them away together.

    • "Bubble"

    Soap bubbles are a great tool for developing breathing. Organize a competition: who will blow the biggest or smallest bubble, whose bubble will not burst the longest and will fly as far as possible?

    • “Ships”

    Launch paper boats in a basin or bathtub. Show your child how a boat can accelerate if you blow very hard on it. The young sailor will try very hard to follow you and make his ship sail quickly.

    • "Birthday"

    Throw a birthday party for your favorite toy. Decorate the toy shelf with garlands and flags, sing a song together, dance in a circle. But what would a birthday be without a cake with candles? For a cake, take a bun or pastry and place candles on it. Your baby will be happy to help blow them out and make a cherished wish.

    Diagnosis of speech development of a five-year-old child

    There are methods that will help you independently analyze your child’s speech at home and determine whether he has any defects. Let's look at these tasks in more detail.

    1. Check if the child can describe an object, mentioning its qualities: shape, color, size, material, etc.
    2. Is he able to control the pace and volume of speech?
    3. Consider how the child answers your questions: in detail, emotionally, or quite the opposite. Is he interested in conversation?
    4. Whether he can compose a story from pictures or not.
    5. Analyze what errors occur in your child’s speech: grammar, pronunciation, stress, etc. This will give you direction for your next steps.

    If you notice any shortcomings on one point or another, do not rush to immediately panic and run to the doctor. Of course, speech development at this age is not fully formed. Therefore, mistakes are acceptable everywhere. But, if you understand that the condition is very sad, contact a trusted specialist first. The main thing is to do it on time. Then you can avoid problems in the future.


    Some parents may find it strange to advise them to indulge children’s whims, let things go, turn a blind eye to tantrums and try to talk when it’s easier to calm the child down by shouting or spanking. Where to put the comma is up to you, but it’s better to be patient.

    Any childhood crisis is a test for both sides, but it is an integral part of growing up at every age stage. This is the final stage of an entire period of childhood - figuratively speaking, the “annual control”. The task of parents is to help the child gently and without loss overcome this difficult path to the formation of a mature personality, the formation of his own “I”.

    How to develop speech at 5 years old?

    The main role of parents at this stage is to develop coherent and logical speech. This requires:

    • expand your vocabulary (get to know concepts, synonyms, antonyms);
    • practice the skill of accurate retelling;
    • form literate speech (correct declension in numbers, genders and cases).

    Don't forget that at this age your child is still a baby (no matter how strange it may sound). Therefore, in every lesson it is worth remembering the elements of the game. Below I would like to give examples of exercises and games that you can use when working with your children.

    1. We select synonyms. You name any word and ask the child to name a similar one. For example, sad - sad.
    2. We select antonyms. Everything is the same as with the first exercise, but the task is to name the opposite meaning of the word. For example, big - small.
    3. Classify objects into one group or another based on certain characteristics. For example, ask your child what type of sofa there is (soft, large, comfortable, corner, etc.). Then think about which object has the same qualities. For example, a chair. Remember together the general word for these items - furniture.
    4. Grammar exercises. Practice correct agreement of numbers, gender and cases. For example, you say: “I have one book, and on the nightstand...”, and the child continues: “... many books.”
    5. We make a sentence from words. You show cards with words. For example, we, love, listen, music. The task is to formulate a sentence that is grammatically correct: we love listening to music.
    6. Reading children's fiction, rhymes, sayings, tongue twisters and nursery rhymes. This is still one of the most effective ways of speech development. So try to read as much as possible.
    7. Game "Guess". You name the signs of objects, and the child guesses it. For example, red, green tail, grows in summer, added to salads - tomato.
    8. Game "Broken Phone". It's great to play with the whole family. Think of a word and say it quietly in each other’s ears. The last person gives away what he ultimately heard. This develops pronunciation and hearing.

    Remember the main rule - spend as much time as possible on your child and communicate with him. Your time, attention, love, care, experience and knowledge are the most valuable things you can give to your children.

    A child’s speech at 5 years old can still be improved. So everything is in your hands. I look forward to your likes and comments. See you again!

    Emotions and social skills

    5 years is a period of emotional extremes. Either you notice that your child has better control over himself, then suddenly he begins to “play” at being little and seems completely helpless.

    During this time, children learn to control their emotions, although they may burst into tears over an overturned glass of water. It is important to teach your child to understand his feelings and cope with them. At the same time, “coping” does not mean suppressing negative emotions.

    A five-year-old child can already consciously sympathize with another or share his problems with someone.

    Check how well your son or daughter's emotional and social development complies with generally accepted norms:

    • periodically the child tries to please people;
    • can distinguish reality from fantasy;
    • may be more independent;
    • realizes that society has its own rules that must be followed;

    Your child can become more sociable if he starts going to kindergarten and meets more children.

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