Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound and letter “Y””

Now you will learn about the letter and sound Y.

Listen to the words: reed , bylink , jump , lynx , soap .

These words have one common sound [s]. Let's get acquainted with this sound and its letter.

Let's say the word with y r. We can stretch out this sound by pronouncing the word s y r drawn out. The voice passes freely, does not encounter obstacles, this sound is a vowel. The peculiarity of the sound [s] is that it can only come after hard consonant sounds.


- The sound [s] is located closer to the beginning of the word, after the hard consonant sounds [ts], [b], [v], [d], [l], [r], [m].

Ts of films, bull , exit , smoke , ski , fish , s

- The sound [s] in the middle of a word, after hard consonant sounds.

Wash , covered _ _

- The sound [s] at the end of a word, after hard consonant sounds.

Frosts , tomatoes , worries , cucumbers _

The sound [s] and the letter Y do not occur at the very beginning of the word. Therefore, the capital letter Y does not exist.

You are always ready to serve,

Just not at the beginning of a word.

Words starting with Y

You won't find it in books!

The letter Y is important because it helps to distinguish words and can, by its presence in a word, completely change its meaning.

For example: M and la - soap la . The first word is the girl's name. Let's replace one letter, and this word will denote an action.

Mishka - mouse _ _

By replacing one letter, the big bear becomes a small mouse.

M and – m s : replacing one letter in the name of the note, we get the word we.

More examples:

The letter Y is close to the beginning of the word: son , now , hole

The letter Y in the middle of the word: March yshka , kry sa

The letter Y at the end of the word: carpets , chicks , garden

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See also:

  • Russian texts with audio
  • Dialogues in Russian
  • Video in Russian with subtitles
  • Correct pronunciation exercises
  • Russian tongue twisters in audio format
  • Common phrases in Russian
  • Russian slang expressions
  • Jokes in Russian with translation into English

Preparation for Russian language exams:

  • OGE in Russian language
  • Unified State Examination in Russian
  • Exams for migrants (Patent, temporary residence permit, residence permit, Russian Federation citizenship)

We recommend:

  • The best Russian tutors

The most necessary from the theory:

  • Grammar of Russian language

We suggest taking tests online:

  • Russian proficiency test
  • Russian vocabulary test
  • Russian grammar tests
  • What language should I learn?

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Cardboard craft

The simplest way to make a letter craft is to make a three-dimensional composition from cardboard sheets. This solution is suitable even for kids. Its implementation requires minimal time and physical investment, and the basic material is available to everyone.


  1. Sketch the outline of the letter on the cardboard, mark the allowance along the straight edges to the desired thickness.
  2. Cut out the workpiece. Attach it to the next sheet and make a 2nd copy.
  3. Make strips from the remaining material and glue them into narrow compact cylinders.
  4. Glue them onto one of the templates.
  5. Glue the second template on top.

A little grammar

According to the rules of the Russian language, ы is used to convey a vowel and the hard consonant preceding it:

  • not after prefixes, for example, byl, call, goats, and after the consonants g, k, x in extreme cases, mainly in foreign languages, some Russian interjections like kysh or geek,
  • as well as in foreign proper names (Kyzylkum, Kyshtym) or colloquial forms such as Markych;
  • after consonant prefixes except “over” and “between” (hopeless, play along, background);
  • at the beginning of a word in some words that convey pronunciation (ykanye, ykat) and in some foreign proper names.

Rules and exceptions

Some consonants want nothing to do with the letter Y. Even with appropriate pronunciation, we write the letter I next to the hissing ones. This is due to the fact that previously Zh and Sh were soft, and then hardened, and the combinations ZH and SHI remained with the letter I. Thus, we have the famous

rule of Russian grammar: “ZHI, SHI is written with the letter I.”

With the letter C the story is even more complicated; in some cases it remains soft, so Y next to C is allowed, but according to certain complex rules. In this regard, schoolchildren received a whole list of words with which we write Y after the T: gypsy, chicken, on tiptoe.

Volumetric version made of cardboard and napkins

To create such a stylish accessory, you should stock up on:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • with a simple pencil;
  • napkins 24*24 cm;
  • scissors;
  • patience.


  1. Make a stencil from a cardboard sheet.
  2. Cut napkins into strips. The number of flower petals with which the product will be decorated depends on their length.
  3. Take one strip, twist its edge into a tube and bend it at an angle of 45 degrees with the free end down.
  4. Wrap the cylinder with the tip turned up. You should now have a petal.
  5. Fold the free section of the strip at the same angle, creating petals, until the workpiece is finished.
  6. After the number of roses required to finish the letter has been made, cut off 10 mm from the bottom of the cone and “plant” it on a previously cut cardboard figure coated with glue.
  7. Make a mount on the back of the craft so that it can be attached to the wall.

Volumetric paper letters

Lightness and tenderness - these qualities are inherent in paper figures. This is a good solution for decorating a wedding celebration. They are created quite simply. First you need to make a pattern of the required letter. Next, it should be transferred to colored cardboard and carefully cut out with sharp scissors.

You only need one piece. Here are the next steps:

  1. Cut colored paper into squares of various sizes. Round the corners.
  2. Cut each element in a spiral. There should be a circle in the middle. You need to put a little glue on it.
  3. Wrap the workpiece in a spiral, forming a flower. Press firmly into the center to seal.
  4. After the required number of such elements has been made, decorate the letter stencil with them.

Foam letter

If you have foam plastic lying around, we suggest you make a letter-shaped craft from it. First of all, you need to decide on the dimensions and configuration of the future accessory.

The second step is to create a paper pattern. You then need to outline it with a felt-tip pen on a piece of foam plastic and carefully cut it out with a knife. Each face of the resulting letter must be sanded with sandpaper.


Such items will already be decorative details. Threads are wrapped around a cardboard or foam base. Next, the products are decorated to the master’s taste.

Letter pillow

Nowadays, an expensive gift toy will not surprise anyone. But when giving a gift, you always want to surprise. Only handcrafted products can make a smile appear on your face. The best example is the personalized pillow letter. Necessary materials:

  • cardboard;
  • fleece in two different colors;
  • padding polyester

This pillow is easy to sew. First you need to make a template from cardboard. Then transfer it to the fabric. Next, the material should be cut out, not forgetting to make allowances for the seams, stitched on a machine, filled with padding polyester, and sewn by hand.

Corrugated paper option

Corrugated paper is an amazing material that allows you to get stylish looking three-dimensional shapes. Instructions:

  1. Prepare a cardboard template.
  2. Cut strips of paper measuring 3.5*50 cm.
  3. Wrap one end of each piece.
  4. Form a flower, securing the bottom with a thread of the appropriate tone.
  5. Cover the cardboard template with paper of a similar color and decorate with the resulting flowers.

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