Types of singing voices: how to determine voice timbre
Knowing the range of your own voice is useful for every musician. It's not just about vocalists, but
Successful public speaking: advice from a professional
You will learn: What techniques will help make public speaking successful. Why impostor syndrome hinders performance
How to make your voice lower and why is it necessary?
Low female and male voice: how to do it and why it is needed
How often do we think about what would be very nice if we could produce
Development of rhetoric in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
RHETORIC OF THE MIDDLE AGES 1. The emergence and flowering of spiritual eloquence in the 4th century. Middle Ages -
10 amazingly simple tips on how to learn to speak beautifully
How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts correctly
A nondescript, gray-haired professor worked at one university: he wore glasses with thick lenses and
Structure of a Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech: Six Practical Speaker Principles for Effectively Influencing Your Audience
Attract attention to yourself, convince the public of the correctness of your point of view, become a leader in
Statue of Gorgias.
How Demosthenes became an orator: the unusual story of the great master of speech
Interesting facts about Demosthenes Demosthenes was born in Ancient Greece, in the city of Athens. Despite
How to learn to speak beautifully
10 amazingly simple tips on how to learn to speak beautifully
Speech is a powerful tool for influencing consciousness. Through speech you can immerse a person in thought.
Basic classifications of speaker types
The speaker and his audience. Speech preparation and public speaking
The main goal of any speech, and, consequently, of any speaker, is to influence a certain circle
General speech underdevelopment – ​​complex speech disorder
General speech underdevelopment: concept, classification, correction and prognosis
The diagnosis of GSD (general speech underdevelopment) is made with complex speech therapy disorders. Children with OHP
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