Notes “Journey to the land of hats” for children with mental retardation

Sewing lesson summary “Hats. Making a baseball cap"

Regional state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students with disabilities “Borderline special (correctional) general education school - boarding school of the YIII type” of the YIII type” Pogranichny township, Pogranichny district, Primorsky Territory Lesson notes on sewing Hats. Making a baseball cap 9th grade Kryuchkovich Galina Petrov sewing teacher Lesson topic: Hats. Making a baseball cap. Purpose of the lesson: Learn how to make a baseball cap Objectives: Educational: teach how to make a headdress, practice the ability to work in a technological sequence. Correctional - developmental: develop technical and logical thinking, correct technological speech, fine motor skills. Educational: cultivate self-control during work, observe safe work rules, a sense of responsibility for completing a task, respect for working time, equipment, and tools. Equipment and materials: Product sample, cutting details, technological map, measuring tools, iron, sewing machine, exhibition of hats. Vocabulary: Hats, baseball cap, head, band, visor. During the classes:

I. Organizational moment. Greeting the teacher, checking the readiness of students and workplaces for class. II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson. We are starting a sewing lesson. You have achieved some success and learned a lot. You know how to sew bed linen, underwear, table linen, toys and much more. Today we will make a headdress. What kind of headdresses are there? How are they classified? Look carefully at the board, here is a classification of hats (the types of hats are being analyzed and discussed). III. Discussion of the manufactured product. What kind of headdress will we make today? Determine what kind of headdress we are talking about? This cap is a foreigner, It came to us from across the seas. Have you decided to take up sports? Put it on quickly. The visor is big, like an umbrella, Covers our nose and cheeks even in the hottest hour, Saves us from the rays. What is the correct name for this headdress? a) T-shirt b) baseball cap c) party (the correct answer is a baseball cap) Indeed, we are talking about a baseball cap. The baseball cap has its own history. As the name suggests, the baseball cap was originally intended for baseball athletes, that is, athletes who play baseball, the most popular game in the United States, which is very similar to lapta, which has long existed in Russia. Soon, the baseball cap gained great popularity among young people and girls and boys even far from sports began to wear it. And since baseball caps make you look younger and slimmer, people of all ages began to wear them. Currently, baseball caps are in great demand and are the leader among headwear. Jeans, shorts and a T-shirt - These are baseball friends, In the summer Mom, Dad, you and me are inseparable from her! What is a baseball cap for? a) for a better header on the ball b) for protection from sun rays and cold c) for convenience when carrying loads (correct answer: for protection from sun rays and cold) What material can a baseball cap be made from? a) made of denim b) made of cotton c) made of polyethylene film (correct answer: denim and cotton) What parts does a baseball cap consist of? a) heads b) band c) sleeves d) yoke e) visor (correct answer: head, band, visor) How can you decorate a baseball cap? a) make parts of different colors b) sew on an applique c) pierce holes d) paint with a felt-tip pen (correct answer: make parts of different colors, sew on an applique, pierce holes). Now let's move on to practical work. IY. Practical work 1. Repetition of the rules for safe work with an iron, scissors, and a sewing machine. 2. Carrying out practical work according to the technological map: a) Baste the interlining fabric on the wrong side of all cut out parts of the baseball cap from the main and finishing fabric and trim off the excess along the contour of the parts. b) Processing the head: - fold the middle parts right side inward and sew the central seam 0.8 cm wide; sweep the cuts; iron the seam on one side and stitch it with a seam 0.5 cm wide (Fig. 1);

- sew the side parts to the middle parts with a seam of 0.8 cm; sweep the cuts; Iron the stitching seams towards the central parts and stitch with a seam 0.5 cm wide (Fig. 2). c) Processing the visor: - fold the visor parts right sides inward and sew with a seam 0.5 cm wide (Fig. 3) - turn the visor right side out, straighten it well, iron it and stitch along the edge by 0.5 cm. d) Processing the band : - fold the details of the band along the front side inwards; - stitch the ends on both sides separately to a seam width of 0.8 cm; - cut seam allowances (Fig. 4); - Turn right side out, straightening the corners well and iron. e) Assembling the product: - to the sections of the middle front of the head, sew the sections of the band with a seam 1 cm wide so that their centers coincide. Overcast the sections, iron them to the wrong side of the head and attach with a machine stitch at 0.5 cm; - stitch the elastic (stretching it when sewing) onto the wrong side of the seam allowance of the central part of the back side of the head using a zigzag stitch; — stitch the visor onto the band by 0.8 cm, aligning the middles. - iron the band on the wrong side and stitch along the fold by 0.5 cm on both sides from the visor to the allowance for the fastener; - combine the ends of the band, sew on a button, iron (Fig. 5).

f) Control and assessment of the quality of the completed product. Y. Summing up the lesson: 1. What new did you learn during the lesson? 2. What did you learn to make? 3. Assessment for theoretical knowledge. 4. Assessment for practical work. Literature used: 1.Magazine Girls and Boys. School of crafts. No. 5, 2007. 2.I.V.Rakitina, N.A.Knushevskaya, Hats. M. Publishing house "Gnome", 2006. 3. From the Internet: - - - https: //

Caring for knitted hats.

The most difficult part of caring for many of your favorite knitted hats is the washing process. Such items can only be washed by hand and at a warm temperature. You can add simple shampoo to the water. The hat is simply soaked in such water, literally 10 minutes is enough, after which you can start washing the hat, wash the edges of the hat especially carefully, they darken the fastest.

After washing, the hat should be rinsed in cooler water, but under no circumstances should it be wrung out! You can use the help of a washing machine at the final stage; to do this, turn on the spin mode for woolen items, or delicate spin, then lay it on a cotton fabric and wait for it to dry. You can also dry your hat on a can, but only you know whether it’s convenient for you or not.

Features of caring for hats made of different materials

Let's define the main materials in the production of hats. Each material has features that should be taken into account when caring. Here are some of them.


The composition of woolen fabric can be supplemented with other materials. The peculiarity of accessories made of wool is that they shrink easily and become deformed from water (cannot be washed in a machine). This material is also highly electrified, which can attract dust or lint. To clean, use only a brush or roller, or better yet, take it to the dry cleaner.


This soft fabric cleans well. It is best to use hand wash at 30-40 degrees if it is not possible to dry-clean your hat. For washing, you can use mild detergents without bleach or acid, as well as a brush. Dry on a rack only.

Leather and suede

Do not use water, especially suede does not like moisture (stains may remain). Use cotton pads with alcohol or a cloth with soapy water. After using the soap, remove any remaining solution with a damp sponge and dry. Do not dry near heating elements.

Features of materials from Ais Collezioni
High quality materials are used in the production of hats. From the first touch of our models, you will be convinced that they are odorless and made of materials that are pleasant to the touch. Ais Collezioni hats dry quickly and do not cause skin irritation.

Caring for fur hats.

Hats made of natural fur are the most expensive, which is why you must care for them carefully and carefully. So, for example, it is best to have a special stand for such hats. It will be useful to you at any time of the year, the main thing is that it fits in the hallway. When the season for such hats passes, put the fur hats in boxes turning them inside out, this way they will better preserve their appearance. If the hat is dirty, then you will need a soft brush, which should be moistened with gasoline and a little powder. To make the smell come out faster and better, rub the hat, or rather a specific place, with starch, which will absorb the smell.

How to care for hats

Like any item in our wardrobe, hats require careful care. This is especially necessary for products that we use for everyday wear. Since today there is a huge number of hats made from various materials, each hat or cap requires an individual approach. High-quality care of things is the key to their attractiveness and durability.

Leather hats. Women's and men's leather winter hats should not be tightly packed in plastic during summer storage. This type of product must “breathe”. It is best to place a leather cap on an upside down jar and put it in the closet. To clean leather products, it is better to use special products that are commercially available. You can often hear that it is best to cleanse the skin with acetone or gasoline. Do not do this under any circumstances! Such substances wash away a special protective layer from the skin, which protects it from severe pollution. To add shine to your skin, use orange peel.

Felt hats . Felt hats for women and men should be cleaned with a soft brush in the direction of the pile. To remove stains, use a mixture of medical alcohol and ammonia, which are taken in equal proportions. Dampen a cloth with the mixture and wipe the stain. After this, take a dry towel and blot it. Sandpaper will help get rid of scuffs by lightly rubbing the scuffed area. You can also use fine salt. To remove fresh grease stains, rub them with a crust of black bread. If the brim of a felt hat has changed its shape slightly, you can iron it with a not too hot iron.

Fur hats . Ushanka hats, as well as other hats made of fur, do not like dampness and moisture, so you should not wear them in rainy weather. But if you do get caught in the rain, when you get home, shake and dry the hat, and then comb it thoroughly with a comb. Gasoline will help get rid of contaminants. Use a dampened cloth to wipe the fur in the direction of the pile. Fur hats should be stored in a dry, dark place. Also, don't forget to put anti-moth repellent.

Knitted hats. Unlike other hats, this type of hat can be washed. To maintain shape, it is best to do this manually. For washing, use warm water, wool powder or regular shampoo. Soak the headdress in the resulting solution and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash thoroughly, paying special attention to areas where dirt accumulates. Then rinse the hat in cold water. Squeeze lightly, but not too much, so that the product does not stretch. To dry a knitted women's hat with or without a pompom, you need to lay the product on a cotton cloth and let it dry at room temperature.

Knowing these simple rules for caring for hats, your hat will always look “like new.” Well, if you haven’t managed to purchase the accessory yet, then you can do it in our online store “HATSANDCAPS”. Among the assortment you will find high-quality, beautiful and original knitted hats, fur hats with earflaps, felt hats and much more.


  • Selecting the color of the headdress
  • Ushanka hat - winter fashion

Caring for hats.

Hats require special care. For example, you will need to clean a felt hat quite often, 2-3 times a week with a soft brush. If such a hat gets dirty, then you can remove the stain with ammonia, in which you dip a rag and moisten the stain on the hat. Next, the hat needs to be combed, but not in the direction of “growth”, but in the opposite direction, and also dried thoroughly.

If the stains are greasy, then you will need gasoline to remove them, after which you need to ventilate the cap well. Gasoline also helps in cleaning hats and winter fur hats. If the color of the hat is light, then you need to prepare a special solution of 5 tablespoons of vinegar and ammonia, and half a spoon of table salt. If the cap has already become worn, then it definitely needs to be renewed; for this you will need simple salt and a brush. The brim of the hat may lose its shape; to give it freshness, iron the brim thoroughly through a cloth moistened with water. Out of season, put the hat in a special box, and stuff the inside of the hat with paper so that it does not lose its shape.

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