Speech of a new manager upon taking office example
VIEW THE BOOK A big and smart book on Insta posts What companies and personal brands need
Speakers' techniques and tricks - photos
Oratory. Speaking to large groups
Modern society has expanded the possibilities of human self-expression, but the ability to speak, especially in front of large audiences, is the ability
What is the subject, tasks and laws of rhetoric?
What is rhetoric: term, subject, internal classification
It is important for every person to be able to communicate, since such a skill is a good assistant in
Definition of rhetoric
Rhetoric of communication in modern society: what kind of subject is it?
Rhetoric as a science and art Rhetoric of speech arose in ancient times and at the same time
How to prepare for a public speaking - photo
How to properly prepare a public speech: plan and checklist
The ability to behave in public has been considered the most important social skill since ancient times. Oratory is in demand
active vocabulary
Active and passive vocabulary: what they are and how to replenish them
The fact that the language's dictionary contains approximately 300 thousand words is of only theoretical interest
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We read texts of increased complexity and train reading techniques.
The most difficult text in life “If there is victory, then there must be battle. If it's coming
How to learn to express your thoughts clearly and clearly. Important qualities for correct formulation of thoughts
Consultation for parents “If a child speaks poorly at 3–4 years old”
Article: Speech development disorders occur in 25% of cases. The pathological condition is observed mainly in
Not just words: 7 speeches by politicians who changed the world
Exactly 52 years ago, on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King spoke in Washington
The art of public speaking or analysis of Steve Jobs' speech
The history of the world has already met dozens of specialists in oratory, whose speeches we still remember
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