Tongue twisters for schoolchildren starting with the letter “R” -

A ruff grew in the river, grew, grew, became a ruff, but did not grow.

Cancer found the letter P and gave Cancer a shell. How the fisherman came to the river. The poor crab crawled into the shell.

By the pond in the grass in the darkness, crayfish rustle in a noisy fight

The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, It’s time for them to get vaccinated to strengthen their feathers!

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, but began to complete his report, and completed his report.

Once upon a time there were crayfish, bully crayfish. The crayfish lived noisily and started fights

Veronica has a bucket of lingonberries, and Seryozhka has a bucket of cloudberries.

Like thirty-three Yegorkas standing on a hillock.

A mole is digging his underground passage at the gate.

The nimble mink darted into the hole.

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

The traffic light came on and we drove into the yard.

The blackbird is simple - a stubborn tail, an agile nose.

There is grass growing in the yard, and there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Makar gave Roman caramel, and Roman gave Makar a pencil.

The janitor held the door for two days - the wooden house trembled. The wind tugged at this door. The janitor thought it was a beast.

Beavers go into the pine forests. Beavers are kind, beavers are cheerful

The crow missed the crow.

Makar was eating pasta. A mosquito flew into his mouth.

The ship was carrying caramel. The ship ran aground. And the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks.

The drum is rustling.

The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; She dug up the floor of the yard with her snout, dug, dug.

Tractors rumble outside the village in the morning

The Greek was driving across the river, The Greek sees a cancer in the river, He put the Greek’s hand in the river, The Cancer grabbed the Greek’s hand.

Roma was afraid of thunder. He roared louder than thunder. From such a roar the thunder hid behind a hillock.

Like at dawn, two Peters and three Fedorkas compete with Yegorka, speak quickly.

The crab climbed onto the ladder and the crab fell asleep soundly. But the squid did not sleep, it caught the crab in its paws.

The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter.

Karl was putting the onion on the chest. Clara was stealing onions from the chest.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Kruglov and Kruglov twisted, twisted round weights in circles.

The crab made a rake for the crab, Gave a rake to the crab: Rake gravel with a rake, crab.

A bearded drummer drums on a drum.

There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood. Eject the firewood back to the wood yard.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle, Mountain under the eagle, eagle under the feather.

It's a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.

Four little black little imps drew a drawing in black ink, Extremely clean.

Lumberjacks were chopping cheese oaks into log houses.

Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.

I wandered alone by the hill, collecting tongue twisters.

The brave cornet boarded the corvette, The cornet from the corvette sends greetings to everyone.

Frosya is flying millet into the field, Frosya is taking out the weeds.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The bark beetle cut the bark of a Karelian birch.

The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, It’s time for them to get vaccinated to strengthen their feathers!

The thunderstorm is thundering, the thunderstorm is thundering, the thunderstorm is thundering while it is thunderous.

A steep mountain, a hole in the mountain, a wormhole in the hole.

Plantain on the road Collected by a strict passerby. A passer-by chose a more expensive Plantain.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney. There is blackness in the chimney. Find the cat there.

The pig dug and dug, dug half a snout.

Open the gate, Varvara, and chop wood on the grass in the yard.

The mouse jumped out from under the locker, and again under the locker.

Osip is yelling, Arkhip is not far behind - Who will out-shout who? Osip-osip, Arkhip - hoarse

Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutters were talking about Larya, about Larka, about Larya’s wife.

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

Khryukhryushka's ditty

I'm a piggy, I'm a piggy, I'm bathing my belly in a puddle. Why take a shower, since there are so many puddles in the world.

Pyotr Sinyavsky


The Lion came out from behind the mountain And, after thinking, said: -RRRY!

A cockatoo flew up: -What did you mean? Will I tear it apart and tear it apart? Will I smash it and scatter it? Will I scare everyone away?

Lev said: -I'm just RRRRRADED!

G. Kruzhkov

Near the river Rosla Ryabina. And the Tekla River, Ryabila. In the middle is the Depth, FISH-BI-NA was walking there. This fish is the King of Fish, called the Minnow.

G. Sapgir

The janitor held the door for two days - the wooden house trembled. The wind tugged at this door. The janitor thought it was a beast.

Tongue twister FORTY FORTY

Forty forty For their own forty Forty shirts, Without quarreling, they scribble. Forty shirts Stitched on time - Forty forty immediately quarreled.

Yu. Kushak

Brave Roma

Roma is not afraid of thunder or thunder.

Pyotr Sinyavsky


- Kra! - The crow screams. - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing! The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket! Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful Box! - Stop, crow, don't scream! Don't shout, shut up. You can't live without deception. You don't have a pocket. - How! - The crow jumped and blinked in surprise. - Why didn’t you say so earlier? Car-r-raul! Car-r-rman Ukr-r-rali!

V. Orlov

A crucian carp once gave a coloring book to a crucian carp. And Karas said: “Color, Karasyonok, a fairy tale!” On the coloring page Karasenka - Three cheerful little pigs: Karasenko repainted the piglets into crucian carp!

M. Yasnov

The bear, walking towards the market, carried a jar of honey to sell. Suddenly the bear is attacked - the wasps decided to attack! A bear with an army of aspen fought with a torn out aspen. How could he not fall into a rage, If the wasps climbed into the mouth, Stung anywhere, They got it for this.

Clara the King crept towards Lara.

A simple and modest shadow is cast by the reeds.

Under the roof of the box of the apartment building, a mansion was hidden in a secluded closet.

I’ll cut through the circle, I’ll see my mother through, I’ll take my sister out.

On the roads of Aragon the dragons of the Don guard.

There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood. Eject the firewood back to the wood yard.

Thrush, blackbird, Simple, simple, Forged nose, Iron tail.

The city of Nerl on the Nerl River.

Rake-row, broom-revenge, oars-carry, runners crawl.

The Greek heroes turned rivers, turned mountains, and Pythagoras suffered grief.

Look how simple the frame is: right angles and square edges.

Dybra is an animal in the wilds of the tundra, like the beaver and otter, the enemy of the cobra and the powder. He vigorously rips the cedar kernels and crushes the goodness in the depths.

Behind the mountain is a hill with sacks. I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack.

In a country spread out to the cardinal points, the wind spreads miles and miles.

In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria

Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors. Natasha painted dahlias in gouache.

The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

The admiral measured, shaved and died the girls

The Turk smoked a pipe, the trigger pecked the grain: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, don’t peck the trigger, the grain!

Pankrat Kondratyev forgot his jack, and Pankrat cannot lift the tractor on the road without a jack.

An incident with the quartermaster, a precedent with the applicant, an intrigue with the intriguer.

The barbarians rummaged through dictionaries and tore out words by their roots.

The longboat rushed to the port of Madras, The sailor brought a mattress on board, In the port of Madras the sailor's mattress was torn apart in a fight by the albatrosses.

On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

They dance in tongue twisters like crucian carp in a frying pan.

The ship was carrying caramel, The ship ran aground, The sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.

The children played together in the orchestra: Karl played the black clarinet, Kirill played the horn, Alla played the harp, and Lara played the piano.

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket. The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared. A magpie in the forest chirped about this: “The cow is missing in Makar’s pocket!”

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies on the grass.

Four men walked from near the Kostroma region; They talked about auctions and purchases, about cereals and reinforcements.

Theater actor.

Be careful with the image. It is amazed. Destroyed by time.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

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This page contains 150 interesting tongue twisters for burrs. People suffering from burr need special exercises to improve their speech. Naturally, this requires certain solutions. Tongue twisters for burrs can serve as an excellent option here, and many people will probably agree with this.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter P (text) – Part 1

  1. The white rams beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately, and broke their foreheads.
  2. Astra will ask sharply and soberly: is it in vain that I explode with blades?
  3. The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.
  4. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  5. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood.
  6. There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood. Drive the yard back to the wood yard.
  7. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters sharpened their axes, the axes are sharp for the time being, the axes are sharp for the time being. Three woodcutters, three woodcutters, three wood splitters chopped down the forest with an ax, turned the forest into firewood.
  8. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
  9. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral.
  10. Clara the King crept towards Lara.
  11. The crab made a rake for the crab. Sold the rake to the crab crab. Rake hay, crab, rake!
  12. Kirill bought a jar and a mug at the market.
  13. Karp Polikarpovich and Polikarp Karpych fed the carp. And in Polycarp’s pond there are three crucian carp and three crucians.
  14. The city of Nerl on the Nerl River.
  15. Radishes rarely grew in the garden bed, and the garden bed was rarely in order.
  16. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about Larka, about Varka, about Larina’s wife.
  17. THE WEATHER WAS WET The weather in our courtyard has become wet.
  18. He reported, but didn’t finish his report; he started to report, but didn’t finish his report.
  19. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with my snout, dug, dug.
  20. The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.
  21. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.
  22. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
  23. All the maples have become red, And not one of them is teasing, Since all the same, they are all red. Who cares?
  24. The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.
  25. Fedka eats a radish with vodka, Fedka eats a radish with vodka.
  26. The Greek was driving across the river, he sees the Greek in the river - cancer. He put the Greek's hand in the river, and grabbed the Greek's hand - claw!
  27. Our daughter is articulate, her speech is clear.
  28. Open, Varvara, the gates, if not the enemy is behind the gates, but the enemy and the enemy are turned away from the Varvara gates.
  29. Once - a dewdrop-bead, and once again - a bead, the beads sparkled on the blades of grass-tendrils.
  30. The emotional Lukerya felt the unfeeling Nikolka.
  31. The frame turns pink early, the frame is happy - the sun is warming.
  32. The farrier got up early, forged steel, forged, reforged the steel, but did not reforge it.
  33. Shot for quails and black grouse.
  34. The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.
  35. Three bakers walked, three Prokopiy bakers, three Prokopyevichs. They talked about the baker, about Procopius the baker, about Prokopyevich.
  36. Praskovya exchanged the crucian carp for three pairs of striped piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.
  37. Prov Egorka brought a pile of firewood to the yard.
  38. Forty forty stole peas, Forty crows drove away the forty. Forty eagles frightened the crows, Forty cows scattered the eagles.
  39. Frol ripped the hem of the caftan, ripped it open, ripped it open, but didn’t tear the hem apart.
  40. They bought a jar for Kirill at the market.
  41. A quail walks among the quails with its chicks.
  42. The quails flew by and dropped their feathers on the grass.
  43. He tied the belts with a belt, and burned the lights with fire.
  44. I'll go into the forest following the speckled cow.
  45. Pankrat came with a jack.
  46. Brother Arkady slaughtered a brown cow on the Ararat Mountains.
  47. A wedge with a sub-blade is cut out.
  48. A squirrel gnaws a nut, and the kids laugh.
  49. Before Makar dug ridges, and now Makar has become a governor.
  50. People are from the market, Nazar is going to the market.
  51. A drowsiness fell upon Yerema, and from the drowsiness Yerema fell asleep.
  52. The drum was given to the ram, the ram was very happy about the drum, and the ram drummed on the drum, the ram drummed on the drum.
  53. The digger weeded the dill, weeded and weeded.
  54. I will move Burenushka along the log, along the log.
  55. Roman arrived from the auction and brought his pocket full of money.
  56. Prokhor was traveling to Kharkov, and Zakhar was traveling from Kharkov.
  57. A fisherman is catching fish; his entire catch floats into the river.
  58. We walked through ditches and over humps into the forest, picking up mushrooms.
  59. Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.
  60. Karp Karpych bought carp from Karp Karpych.

Tips on how to improve your speech diction

Speech disorders in an adult can lead to similar problems in their children, since they tend to copy the manner of pronouncing words from those around them.

Various tongue twisters and pure tongue twisters will help you cope with the problem.

Often, problems with diction become the cause of complexes in both children and adults. Incorrect pronunciation of sounds, muffled slurred speech, and articulation disorders make it difficult to communicate with others. Problems with the quality of speech with normal hearing (dyslalia) occur in half of children, but at a younger age they are easy to cope with. At an older age, you will have to devote more time and effort to correct mistakes that have already become habitual.

There are several main directions for developing pronunciation:

Articulation gymnastics.

This type of gymnastics is aimed at training all muscle groups involved in reproducing words. It involves the upper and softer palate, tongue, lips, and lower jaw. The simplest exercises that can be performed in any environment are yawning with the mouth closed, circular movements of the lower jaw, puffing and retracting of the cheeks, and tongue movements. You can stretch your lips with a straw, try to smile with a dressed mouth. There are many exercises suitable for children to do. Even the little ones can be captivated by this activity if done in the form of a game.

You can complicate articulatory gymnastics if you combine exercises with your lips and tongue with other physical activities. Running, squats, and any physical activity are suitable for this.

Speech therapy massage.

Speech therapy massage is a way to engage the muscles of the articulatory apparatus when they cannot participate in articulatory gymnastics. Usually, a doctor gives a prescription for massage of the speech organs. This may be a speech therapist or neurologist if there is a need to reduce or increase the tone of the muscles of the neck, head, lips, tongue, and palate. The doctor determines the type of massage (relaxing or stimulating), and the exercise therapy instructor, speech therapist or speech pathologist must follow the recommendations.

Correct breathing.

Deep breathing combined with correct posture will help you speak clearly, loudly, without swallowing endings. Often a person simply does not have enough air to finish a phrase or sentence, hence the clutter of speech and shortening of words into entire endings.

Physical exercise and yoga will help you develop the habit of holding your back correctly. For children, an old proven exercise is suitable - walking with a book on your head.

Pronunciation of individual sounds and syllables.

You can train diction by pronouncing individual sounds. First, they pay attention to paired vowel sounds, then move on to consonants. To develop correct pronunciation, pairs of words for different sounds are usually spoken. For example, the sonorant sound “P” is trained by saying “fire-fire” or “rad-row”.

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

An adult can immediately begin reading tongue twisters without preparation. For each problematic letter, there are short or long quatrains, poems or simply sentences that focus on training one or a pair of sounds.

The point of tongue twisters is not in quick pronunciation, but in correct pronunciation. First you need to learn to speak the entire phrase slowly, pronouncing all the words and sounds. When you can pronounce without errors, the tempo can be increased. You can start training with three to five current simple tongue twisters. It is advisable to change tongue twisters for diction after a couple of weeks. Experts recommend training diction on those phrases and quatrains that cause more difficulties upon first reading.

It is better to train the articulatory apparatus, perform gymnastics or pronounce phrases in front of a mirror.

To identify violations and track progress, it is recommended to record your speech with a voice recorder. For activities with your child, you can come up with or select funny rhymes that should be chanted.

To improve the quality of your speech, you need to learn to speak slowly and pronounce all the letters. For this purpose, reading aloud with a certain intonation and timbre is suitable. Once you start exercising, improvements will be noticeable within a couple of weeks.

To identify your problematic sounds and combinations, you can try reading the longest tongue twister:

  • On Thursday the 4th, at 4 and a quarter o'clock, the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but 33 ships tacked, tacked, but never managed, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller was eloquent, but not clear reported, and so reported about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a candidate for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the tufted laughter laughed and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, better buy a pile peak, it’s better to buy a pile of peak, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come and bombard him with bombs because some black-snouted guy dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in fact the Turk was not in the business, and Klara the King was sneaking to the stall at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, 2 of these thieves stole firewood; but it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight - so the thieves had no time for the bombardier, but also not the tar widow, and not the tar children; but the angry widow put the firewood in the barn: once firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries the hay in a sleigh, then Senka carries Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled hops, Senka sideways, Sonya head on, everything into a snowdrift, and from there only a head of bumps knocked him down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found the sachet on the highway; Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with the cheesecakes in her mouth, would over-mix the sexton, - over-mix: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning: was at Frol's - Frol lied about Lavra, will go to Lavra at Frol Lavra will lie that - the sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain, the snake has a snake, the hedgehog has a hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest has taken away from him a cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 honey mushrooms and a half-quarter of a quadruple of lentils without a wormhole, and 1666 pies with cottage cheese from whey from yogurt - about all of that, the bells were ringing with groans, so much so that even Konstantin - a Salzburg unpromising man from - under an armored personnel carrier he stated: just as all the bells cannot be re-ringed, all the tongue twisters cannot be repeated, all the tongue twisters cannot be re-spoken; but trying is not torture.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter P (text) – Part 2

  1. I’ll cut through the circle, I’ll see my mother through, I’ll take my sister out.
  2. The Common Duck dived and surfaced, surfaced and dived.
  3. In the field, Malanya is not for the sake of a walk, but bends his back for a reserve ahead.
  4. Grandfather Sysoy, shake your beard and set the sail so that the boat floats.
  5. In a swamp, in a meadow, there is a bowl of cottage cheese. Two grouse flew in, pecked them, and flew away.
  6. Varvara returned from the city, bringing three boxes of news.
  7. Ipat has a beard the size of a shovel for his pies, but when he saw a club, he had a beard like a wedge
  8. Wake up, miracle peas, roll, rumble, shovel three heaps of peas, pass the peas through the rumble, but don’t drop the pea grains.
  9. Near Karpov's yard there is a rolled mountain. Who drove away? Karpov's children rolled it out, dug it up, dug it up.
  10. The woodcutter, the woodcutter, chopped up mountains of firewood. Sharp axes: one - a mountain, two mountains, three mountains.
  11. The grandmother was coming out of the cage, spilling some grains. - Peck, hammer, grain! Peck, hammer, grain! Peck, hammer, grain!
  12. Ivan the fool forged a stump, but didn’t forge it, took it to the market, asked for three money, but didn’t beg.
  13. A goose flies to Holy Rus'. Rus', don’t be a coward, this is not a goose, but a sparrow thief, beat the thief - don’t be timid!
  14. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters chopped wood, the yard was overflowing.
  15. In the yard there is grass, on the grass there is firewood, behind the yard there is firewood, under the yard there is firewood, firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard. We need to take the firewood back to the wood yard.
  16. Radishes and turnips have strong roots.
  17. Our chebotar is a chebotar to all the chebotars, no one can outdo our chebotar.
  18. The role of the lira in the world is small. Nevertheless, the lyre is dear to me.
  19. Pink roses freeze in cold weather.
  20. The sprouts sprouted, grew, and the sprouts boasted of their growth.
  21. Seven old men were walking, the old men were talking about peas. The first one says: “The peas are good!” The second one says: “The peas are good!” A third says: “The peas are good!” The fourth says: “The peas are good!” The fifth says: “The peas are good!” The sixth one says: “The peas are good!” The seventh says: “The peas are good!”
  22. Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.
  23. Abrosim doesn’t ask, but if they give it, he won’t give up.
  24. There is a steep mountain, in the mountain there is a hole, in the hole there is a wormhole.
  25. The Greek heroes turned rivers and turned mountains. Pythagoras is in grief.
  26. Thick, thick, simple, simple.
  27. Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.
  28. The goat Seryozhka has sharp horns. And Seryozhka said: “I’m a little afraid.”
  29. There is a mountain in the middle of the yard.
  30. The magpie argued with the crow, chattered, chattered, and out-argued the crow.
  31. No matter how much they laughed at the unlaughing Nesmeyana, no one made Nesmeyana laugh.
  32. At the hill, Egorka killed a wolf.
  33. Lumberjacks were chopping cheese oaks into log houses.
  34. In the yard of the widow Varvara, two thieves were stealing firewood.
  35. Don't cut wood with a scythe; grass grows for the scythe.
  36. Be friends with a friend, but don’t be rude to another.
  37. Tara-bars, rastabars! Varvara's chickens are old!
  38. Pies with peas are good for the road trip.
  39. Don’t pepper the piglet with pepper, Peter, otherwise you might pepper the piglet with pepper.
  40. He will tell each other, and the friend will tell the girlfriend, and the girlfriend will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city.
  41. The blackbird teased and imitated the blackbird, but did not tease it.
  42. The common duck has raised the young birds.
  43. Roman Carmen put Romain Rolland’s novel in his pocket and went to “Romain” to see “Carmen”.
  44. Malina is not Marina.
  45. A man was walking from across the river, carrying nine bast shoes; We have no time for men, no time for bast shoes.
  46. Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.
  47. Three crows on the gate.
  48. I walk around the cellar, I keep talking about the cellar.
  49. The ram's horns are twisted and twisted, turned over and over.
  50. Greek rode across the river. He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river. He stuck the Greek's hand into the river. Cancer for the hand of a Greek - DAC!
  51. Hail fell on five ridges.
  52. Tetherin's child is lost.

Drawing up a correction program

It depends on the form of the sound pronunciation disorder. For example, a child may have no vibrant in his speech at all, or he may replace it with other sounds or mix them. Rotacisms, that is, distortions, are also common. There are 8 types of rotacisms. Therefore, the speech therapist selects a step-by-step production of the sound “r” individually for each little patient. However, there is a list of exercises that are suitable for any form of vibrant pronunciation disorder.

“Imitation” technique for simple cases

The staging exercise involves auditory perception of sound. The little student is offered examples of phonemes, for example, the roar of a motor, thunder. And he, sitting in front of the mirror, repeats what he heard.

Three ways to stage

Is your baby able to do articulation exercises? You can proceed to the next stage - sound production. The speech therapist has mechanical techniques in his arsenal.

  1. Spatula and nipple technique. The doctor places the pacifier on a wooden spatula. The student assumes the “Airplane drone” position. The specialist makes rapid movements under the tip of the tongue until it begins to vibrate. Movements - up and down, left and right. This technique is more effective if the baby's head is on the doctor's lap.
  2. Vibration - using paper. A wad of paper is placed on the tip of the tongue, a string is tied to it so that the paper does not fall on the floor, and it is given to the baby. He hides his tongue behind his upper teeth and tries to blow the paper off his tongue.
  3. Repetitions of the sound "d". The student sits in front of a mirror, opens his mouth slightly, places the tip of his tongue at the beginning of the upper teeth and quickly repeats “d-d-d-d.” Then he connects “d” with vowels: “d-d-a”, “a-d-d” and then the rest of the letters.

At this time, the specialist places a spatula under the front edge of the tongue and carries out frequent oscillatory movements. This contributes to the pronunciation of the rumble that is characteristic of vibrant.

Gymnastics for lips

The complex includes 3 exercises:

  1. "Let's smile!" The baby smiles, showing all his teeth. The duration of the approach is 5 seconds.
  2. "Tube". There are 2 variations of this exercise. The student stretches out his lips, imitating a tube, silently “reproduces” the sound “u” or closes his teeth and slightly stretches his lips forward so that a square is formed.
  3. "The doors are opening." The baby slowly opens his mouth so that there is a distance of 10 mm between the teeth of both jaws.

Then he smiles, showing his teeth.


I love playing football, scoring goals! They bought me a soccer ball, and they didn’t forget the pump. The ball must be elastic to score a goal for the opponent. And my opponent is my brother Roma! Together we go from home to the playground for the yard children. I kick the ball on the run, I don’t yield to anyone. Well, try, catch up, take away my faithful ball! Roma is rushing at full speed, He wants to hit my ball. One, two, three, four, five - It’s unlikely that he’ll catch the ball! My ball rolled quickly, found itself behind the bushes, Cunningly hid from us, - We will find it now. And again my fast sports ball rushed off! I didn’t miss the chance. I still scored a goal against Roma! There is no offense to me, - We are one family! Roma and I love football, and then - hurry up to the table! ***

A. Smetanin

Mom washed the frame on a warm spring day. Mom washed Roma in a warm bath with foam. The frame will become clean Without whining and arguing, And mom will not cope with Roman soon. Very simple with a frame, quiet and silent. Why does Roma’s mother wash her more often?


T. Non-green

Hush, woodpecker, don't knock, you'll wake Roma! sun, hide your rays, let him see Dream. In the Kingdom of Sweet Dreams, an elephant will blow into his ears: “Sleep, my friend, count the elephants, Napping by the pillow...” Very kind-looking, checkered pajamas. “How you have grown!” - speaks. It's a pity mom can't hear. ***

Vladimir Orlov Sewed up ROMAN One pocket, Sewed up ROMAN Another pocket: After all, he has nothing in his pockets Except the wind!


K. Schott

Roma played a robot, raised his arms in the air, jumped on straight legs, instilled fear in his friends. He growled like a terrible beast, But he hit the door... The robot no longer growled, Roma wiped away his tears. The guys invited Roma the robot to play pirate...


D. Room

Our kettle whistled loudly. Romka ran into the kitchen and shouted to me: “I’m turning it off. Mommy, pour me some tea." Aromatic, sweet, pleasant tea. With a cheesecake bun, Gingerbread and biscuits, And candy, and cookies, And raspberry jam. The spoons clanked loudly, Romka clapped his hands. How happy he is, look. Do you want some tea? Come in!


V. Minevich

A boy is walking near the house. Catches a pigeon, our Roma. “Gulya, Gulya, my dear, I’ll give you a scoop.” He wants to catch a bird and play with it in the sandbox. A gray dove is looking for crumbs. And Roma’s feet are freezing. Buckets are thrown into the sand. “Mom, give me a piece of bread.” Roma will throw some crumbs to Gula. He’ll quickly go warm his legs. Roma will be greeted by a warm home. But Gulya is barefoot! Walks sadly between the birches, lowering his black nose. Roma takes off the doll’s shoes and takes off her boots: “They only wear slippers in the house. Without boots the paws will freeze. The tramp has a dove. Life without a roof is not easy.” I’ll take the boots to him, let him put them on his feet. Gulya will go for a walk in them and play with Romochka.


V. Kucherov

As the sun begins to appear in the sky, Roma and mom go to wash. There is no need to beg Mommy Lyuba for Roma to wash himself - he loves it himself, even though in the bathroom you have to stand on a chair so that you can get a trickle of water. Here is soap, here is a brush, here is toothpaste - Mom checked everything by opening the tap. Now with the red little pipette the faucet is turned on, and Roma, groaning, washes himself. - Oh, mom, look - I splashed a little! And his mother smiled at him and said: “Well, now you know how to wash your face, it’s time for you to get dressed yourself.” - Yes, it’s easier for me than for the wolf Akella! After all, in kindergarten we were taught to dress. After all, I can do it. Now I’ll show you, I’ll just sit Mishka at the table... He immediately put on a blue Panama hat, He put on a colored shirt inside out, He hides the excess shirts in his panties, And he puts on his pants backwards... But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t put the treacherous sock on his left leg. . I thought, scratched my forehead at my temple: “Can I go without a sock today?” ***

Roma, Romochka, Roman, I fixed the faucet in the kitchen. *** Our Roma is a great joker, restless, mischievous. I’m ready to cheer everyone up and treat everyone to delicious juice. Now he's skipping, now he's sitting, reading a book, now he's playing with a ball, Roma is a nice boy! ***

Ilona Grosheva In honor of a very beautiful city and noble people, they came up with the name Roma, as if he were of Roman blood. Well, our Roma is handsome and noble in mind, in addition, we like the city in which Roma and I live! ***

N. Batsanova

The plane takes off high - the wings are silvering, The fighters are buzzing - a squadron of aces. Glorious soldiers go into battle with Romka. The enemies fall in panic - they are waiting for retribution. The drum banged loudly and the kettledrums rang - dinosaur monsters scattered into the corners. That's it, the war is over! Roma is the winner! And now he is building a house, he is our builder! Our Romka took five pillows, chairs, blankets, and decided to build a hut - just for starters!.. Dump trucks rushed along all the roads with their loads - Rubbles grew out of sand and granite. A powerful excavator is digging a hole under the foundation. This means that Roma’s house will be bright, warm, and durable! Up, floor by floor, the tower grows... Only suddenly there is an earthquake - the tower falls... On the carpet, as in a meadow, wolves and lambs, They will be covered with white snow... - and pieces of paper fly... “I will build a cosmodrome! I’ll fly into the sky and find a country where it’s summer all the time!” I took a bucket and five pans - everything is almost ready! Mom entered the room and looked sternly: “Wash up, my friend, collect your toys!” Only Roma immediately wilted: “I wish I had a pillow... My arms and legs hurt so much!.. and I’m tired, Mom...” But he doesn’t hear, as if Mom is so stubborn! “Assemble the planes... And the cars too!” “Even my tail might fall off!” I'll collect everything tomorrow, no problem, no big deal! Well, why collect them? It’s so unimportant!” And when Roman fell asleep, abandoning all his toys, the Tin General fired from a cannon! “Hey, soldiers, boats, tractors and bears, we’re all leaving! Forever! From this boy! He doesn’t care about us at all, Roma doesn’t need us, And for us there’s only room on the floor in this house!” And then the bear said: “He only plays with us... Well, but at night on the floor he forgets us all!” “Let him live alone now! — the helicopter said, “I went to bed myself, but didn’t remember about us...!” In the distance, wherever the eyes look, toys are stomping, And they built a house in the forest on the edge. Wolves, hares and a fox visit there, They live very happily, play happily... Only often at night they remember Roma, And they want to see him again - to his dear, dear one! ***


If you left the house and went on a hike, you are now not just Roma, you, Roma, have become a pedestrian.

A pedestrian needs to know where to walk and where to stand, how, where, when to look, and when not to dare walk.

A pedestrian is not a bird, A sidewalk, a curb is a border, A highway has spread out in the foreign zone.

Transport rushes along the highway, Roaring and grinding - a riot of forces. Don’t go on the road, Rom, no matter how much you’re in a hurry.

To cross the road, you must first find the road. There is a zebra shield for the pedestrian, the zebra will control the transport.

And look straight ahead, if the traffic light is red. Stop, not a step, Rom, freeze! And green - come on in.

Be calm as a pedestrian, Remember where and how not to walk, You will be safe and sound, everyone will love Roma.


Marina Feigina

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