Tongue twisters that will help you get rid of burr

A ruff grew in the river, grew, grew, became a ruff, but did not grow.

Cancer found the letter P and gave Cancer a shell. How the fisherman came to the river. The poor crab crawled into the shell.

By the pond in the grass in the darkness, crayfish rustle in a noisy fight

The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, It’s time for them to get vaccinated to strengthen their feathers!

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, but began to complete his report, and completed his report.

Once upon a time there were crayfish, bully crayfish. The crayfish lived noisily and started fights

Veronica has a bucket of lingonberries, and Seryozhka has a bucket of cloudberries.

Like thirty-three Yegorkas standing on a hillock.

A mole is digging his underground passage at the gate.

The nimble mink darted into the hole.

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

The traffic light came on and we drove into the yard.

The blackbird is simple - a stubborn tail, an agile nose.

There is grass growing in the yard, and there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Makar gave Roman caramel, and Roman gave Makar a pencil.

The janitor held the door for two days - the wooden house trembled. The wind tugged at this door. The janitor thought it was a beast.

Beavers go into the pine forests. Beavers are kind, beavers are cheerful

The crow missed the crow.

Makar was eating pasta. A mosquito flew into his mouth.

The ship was carrying caramel. The ship ran aground. And the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks.

The drum is rustling.

The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; She dug up the floor of the yard with her snout, dug, dug.

Tractors rumble outside the village in the morning

The Greek was driving across the river, The Greek sees a cancer in the river, He put the Greek’s hand in the river, The Cancer grabbed the Greek’s hand.

Roma was afraid of thunder. He roared louder than thunder. From such a roar the thunder hid behind a hillock.

Like at dawn, two Peters and three Fedorkas compete with Yegorka, speak quickly.

The crab climbed onto the ladder and the crab fell asleep soundly. But the squid did not sleep, it caught the crab in its paws.

The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter.

Karl was putting the onion on the chest. Clara was stealing onions from the chest.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Kruglov and Kruglov twisted, twisted round weights in circles.

The crab made a rake for the crab, Gave a rake to the crab: Rake gravel with a rake, crab.

A bearded drummer drums on a drum.

There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood. Eject the firewood back to the wood yard.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle, Mountain under the eagle, eagle under the feather.

It's a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.

Four little black little imps drew a drawing in black ink, Extremely clean.

Lumberjacks were chopping cheese oaks into log houses.

Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.

I wandered alone by the hill, collecting tongue twisters.

The brave cornet boarded the corvette, The cornet from the corvette sends greetings to everyone.

Frosya is flying millet into the field, Frosya is taking out the weeds.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The bark beetle cut the bark of a Karelian birch.

The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, It’s time for them to get vaccinated to strengthen their feathers!

The thunderstorm is thundering, the thunderstorm is thundering, the thunderstorm is thundering while it is thunderous.

A steep mountain, a hole in the mountain, a wormhole in the hole.

Plantain on the road Collected by a strict passerby. A passer-by chose a more expensive Plantain.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney. There is blackness in the chimney. Find the cat there.

The pig dug and dug, dug half a snout.

Open the gate, Varvara, and chop wood on the grass in the yard.

The mouse jumped out from under the locker, and again under the locker.

Osip is yelling, Arkhip is not far behind - Who will out-shout who? Osip-osip, Arkhip - hoarse

Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutters were talking about Larya, about Larka, about Larya’s wife.

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

Khryukhryushka's ditty

I'm a piggy, I'm a piggy, I'm bathing my belly in a puddle. Why take a shower, since there are so many puddles in the world.

Pyotr Sinyavsky


The Lion came out from behind the mountain And, after thinking, said: -RRRY!

A cockatoo flew up: -What did you mean? Will I tear it apart and tear it apart? Will I smash it and scatter it? Will I scare everyone away?

Lev said: -I'm just RRRRRADED!

G. Kruzhkov

Near the river Rosla Ryabina. And the Tekla River, Ryabila. In the middle is the Depth, FISH-BI-NA was walking there. This fish is the King of Fish, called the Minnow.

G. Sapgir

The janitor held the door for two days - the wooden house trembled. The wind tugged at this door. The janitor thought it was a beast.

Tongue twister FORTY FORTY

Forty forty For their own forty Forty shirts, Without quarreling, they scribble. Forty shirts Stitched on time - Forty forty immediately quarreled.

Yu. Kushak

Brave Roma

Roma is not afraid of thunder or thunder.

Pyotr Sinyavsky


- Kra! - The crow screams. - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing! The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket! Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful Box! - Stop, crow, don't scream! Don't shout, shut up. You can't live without deception. You don't have a pocket. - How! - The crow jumped and blinked in surprise. - Why didn’t you say so earlier? Car-r-raul! Car-r-rman Ukr-r-rali!

V. Orlov

A crucian carp once gave a coloring book to a crucian carp. And Karas said: “Color, Karasyonok, a fairy tale!” On the coloring page Karasenka - Three cheerful little pigs: Karasenko repainted the piglets into crucian carp!

M. Yasnov

The bear, walking towards the market, carried a jar of honey to sell. Suddenly the bear is attacked - the wasps decided to attack! A bear with an army of aspen fought with a torn out aspen. How could he not fall into a rage, If the wasps climbed into the mouth, Stung anywhere, They got it for this.

Clara the King crept towards Lara.

A simple and modest shadow is cast by the reeds.

Under the roof of the box of the apartment building, a mansion was hidden in a secluded closet.

I’ll cut through the circle, I’ll see my mother through, I’ll take my sister out.

On the roads of Aragon the dragons of the Don guard.

There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood. Eject the firewood back to the wood yard.

Thrush, blackbird, Simple, simple, Forged nose, Iron tail.

The city of Nerl on the Nerl River.

Rake-row, broom-revenge, oars-carry, runners crawl.

The Greek heroes turned rivers, turned mountains, and Pythagoras suffered grief.

Look how simple the frame is: right angles and square edges.

Dybra is an animal in the wilds of the tundra, like the beaver and otter, the enemy of the cobra and the powder. He vigorously rips the cedar kernels and crushes the goodness in the depths.

Behind the mountain is a hill with sacks. I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack.

In a country spread out to the cardinal points, the wind spreads miles and miles.

In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria

Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors. Natasha painted dahlias in gouache.

The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

The admiral measured, shaved and died the girls

The Turk smoked a pipe, the trigger pecked the grain: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, don’t peck the trigger, the grain!

Pankrat Kondratyev forgot his jack, and Pankrat cannot lift the tractor on the road without a jack.

An incident with the quartermaster, a precedent with the applicant, an intrigue with the intriguer.

The barbarians rummaged through dictionaries and tore out words by their roots.

The longboat rushed to the port of Madras, The sailor brought a mattress on board, In the port of Madras the sailor's mattress was torn apart in a fight by the albatrosses.

On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

They dance in tongue twisters like crucian carp in a frying pan.

The ship was carrying caramel, The ship ran aground, The sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.

The children played together in the orchestra: Karl played the black clarinet, Kirill played the horn, Alla played the harp, and Lara played the piano.

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket. The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared. A magpie in the forest chirped about this: “The cow is missing in Makar’s pocket!”

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies on the grass.

Four men walked from near the Kostroma region; They talked about auctions and purchases, about cereals and reinforcements.

Theater actor.

Be careful with the image. It is amazed. Destroyed by time.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

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This page contains 150 interesting tongue twisters for burrs. People suffering from burr need special exercises to improve their speech. Naturally, this requires certain solutions. Tongue twisters for burrs can serve as an excellent option here, and many people will probably agree with this.

How to work with tongue twisters to improve diction

Procedure for working with tongue twisters for children and adults

  • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
  • Sasha accidentally hit a bump with his hat.
  • Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their hallway.
  • Forty mice walked and found six pennies, and the smaller mice found two pennies each.
  • A predator is prowling in the grove - the predator is looking for food.
  • In the grove, stirring the grass, we will pluck sorrel.
  • The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.
  • The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.
  • Have the lilies been watered, or have the lilies withered?
  • There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard!
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.
  • We ate and ate ruffs at the spruce tree; They were barely finished at the spruce.
  • The rolling “er” is not in vain sonorous: it growls and rumbles in persistent work!

How to cure burr yourself

In order to remove burr, you should:

  • learn deep breathing using the diaphragm;
  • perform special exercises for burring, aimed at developing the muscles of the tongue and lips.

Breathing technique

If you observe yourself, you can see that breathing is most directly involved in the pronunciation of sounds. Try to pronounce the sound “p” without breathing - it turns out to be an empty slap with your lips. The sound “p” appears only on exhalation.

The same is with the sound “r” - the deeper the breath and the stronger the exhalation, the brighter the “rrrrrr” sounds.

Tongue twisters for sibilants

  1. Shiva walked along the highway, crushing existence, and Sasha walked towards him, sucking round.
  2. In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.
  3. Dashka has whiskey in his pocket for Natasha.
  4. Notification via broadcast media: “All townsfolk with things for the meeting.”
  5. Sasha herself is perfection, and she’s also improving herself!
  6. You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

Tongue twisters for funny competitions

A festive event with adults present can always be diversified with fun competitions. The program must include funny tongue twisters for the adult competition. Some of them may turn out to be tricky, but this will only amuse the crowd. Comic phrases that need to be said as quickly as possible will definitely amuse your guests.

Let's consider several options that may be useful at a corporate event:

  • A macho man on a ranch in a poncho eats lecho and kharcho.
  • Konstantin noted the incident with the intendant and the precedent with the applicant.
  • They took off Nadezhda's colored clothes, Without clothes Nadezhda does not attract as before.
  • The upper echelons were drunk, marching towards their sponsors along the highway.
  • A clipper is sailing, with a skipper on the clipper.
  • The spoon is curved and curved with a subvert.
  • The organization organically organized the orgasm of the organized organic organs of the organ.
  • Notification by broadcast media: “All townsfolk with things for the meeting”
  • The masterpiece of a masterpiece makes a masterpiece of the masterpiece.
  • Boris Gryzlov gnaws on goats.

Naturally, the choice of tongue twisters must be approached with all responsibility and chosen for a certain contingent of those present at the event. For example, for older people, you should not include funny phrases containing obscene language, but for young people, on the contrary, select options with mild vulgarity.

Long tongue twisters for developing diction

  • Pankrat Kondratov forgot his jack, and Pankrat couldn’t lift the tractor on the road without a jack. And a tractor jack is waiting on the road.
  • On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked.
  • The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but said nothing about the ensign.
  • King Clarik has a king, Queen Carlisle has a dwarf. The dwarf is Karl, and the king is Clara. Clara has a clarinet, Karl has corals. Clara stole corals from Karl, and Karl stole Clara's clarinet. Clara doesn't have a clarinet, but she does have corals. Karl has a clarinet, but no corals. Queen Carlisle punished Clara for stealing corals from the dwarf Karl, and Clarik the king of Karl punished the one who stole the clarinet from the thief. If Karl had not stolen from Clara, Clara would not have stolen the corals, Clarik would have listened to his clarinet as he stole, and Karl gave the corals to Carlisle.

Causes of burr

Burr speech can have different reasons:

  • Atypical structure of the oral cavity, for example, insufficient length of the frenulum, protruding lower jaw, inert tongue. This disrupts the functioning of the articulatory apparatus and the person burrs at the letter “r”.
  • Organic hearing impairment. Hearing loss leads to underdevelopment of the motor side of speech and incorrect pronunciation.
  • Heredity. There is an opinion that there is a high probability of inheriting such a defect from parents.
  • Psychological. As a result of severe stress or an unforeseen situation, a malfunction of the body may occur and the pronunciation of certain sounds may change.
  • Social. If parents do not pay attention to how the child speaks and do not take timely measures to correct speech impairment, burr can remain with him for a long time.

In cases where the movements of the tongue are restrained by a short frenulum, an operative method is used. But as practice shows, they are quite rare.

Reasonable questions arise: “Is burr curable?” and “How to get rid of it and stop burring the letter “r”?

Moreover, some want to quickly stop burring. Let’s immediately make a reservation that it will not be possible to avoid burring the letter “r” in 1 day - there are no such techniques.

Work, work and more work in working on yourself can lead you to your cherished goal!

Tongue twisters starting with "l"

  1. Have you seen me in invisibility? I wouldn’t have gotten out of the invisibility.
  2. The linoleum faded and faded, faded and faded.
  3. It is not clear whether the shares are liquid or illiquid.
  4. Do you have taxable grace?
  5. - Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!
  6. Depilated fillet paraded at the fildepers defile.
  7. Once there was a case in distant Macau: a koala macaque was dipping in cocoa, a koala was lazily lapping cocoa, a koala was dipping, a koala was dipping.

The talker kept talking, talking, talking, and saying

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “r” for 7-year-old children can be short or two or three lines long. Their main difference from tongue twisters for younger children is the increased difficulty in pronunciation.


Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors. Natasha painted dahlias in gouache.


The otter dived into the otter's bucket. The otter almost drowned in the bucket.


Mower Kosyan mows obliquely with a scythe. The mower will not mow the mower.


It's a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.


Quail quail and quail Hid from the guys in the copse.


We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish, and the cuttlefish walks around showing off the dress.


Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.


The carp with seasonings warmed up on a baking sheet and went into the frying pan for frying.


Three black kittens from Little Temka Stole three thin pieces of cardboard in the dark.


White sheep beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.


Karinka gives pictures to Katerina, Katerina puts the pictures in the basket.


Radish rarely grew in the garden. The garden bed was rarely in order.


The lynx quickly runs after the rat. The rat disappeared, no matter how you search!


Margarita says to the guys about the regatta: “The regatta, guys, is a little expensive!”


The thief stole from the thief, wandered around the back streets, and lost all the goods.


Four little black little imps drew a drawing in black ink: Extremely clearly.


Four black horses are no match for the devil on the fourth Thursday of November.


Riddle: “Rushes and shoots, grumbling in a patter. The tram can’t keep up with this chatter.” - What is this? (Magpie)

Public speaking training

Effective learning is built entirely through practice. That is why students of the Benefis Theater School devote maximum time to practicing their voice oratory skills. The ability to speak beautifully will open any doors for you and give you new unique opportunities. Under the supervision of a professional team, you will develop clear diction, a confident voice, and correct speech. Thanks to special training programs and proprietary methods, you will feel confident in yourself, get rid of the fear of public speaking, and learn to present material brightly and expressively!

Come to the public speaking training course at the Benefis theater studio.

What to do if you burr?

A specialist who can really help cure burr and learn not to burr the letter “r” is a speech therapist. Professional knowledge is never superfluous. Moreover, rhotacism, also called burr, is a fairly common phenomenon among adults and children.

Proper sound production, working with the articulatory apparatus, speech therapy massage of the tongue, special exercises to correct burr - all this is in the arsenal of a professional specialist. And all this can give you back freedom in communication and pleasure from the sound of your own voice.

Seeing a speech therapist to unlearn how to burr is especially important for parents of children over 6 years old. Until this age, while the speech apparatus is developing, unclear pronunciation of the letter “r” is considered normal.

Correcting burr is also possible at home.

All the tongue twisters in the world cannot be pronounced or quickly spoken!

Complex tongue twisters with the letter “r” for children.


As you know, beavers are kind. Beavers are full of kindness. If you want good things for yourself, you just need to call the beaver. If you are kind without a beaver, then you yourself are a beaver at heart.


Whoever wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand. We will talk and we will pronounce it so correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand.


Once upon a time I gave a crucian carp a coloring book. And Karas said: “Color the fairy tale, Little Karas!” On the coloring page of Little Kara - Three cheerful little pigs: Little Kara has repainted the piglets into little crucians!


Verochka and Egorka are at the fire under the hill. Verochka and Yegorka repeat tongue twisters. Their conversation is nimble, quick and rapid-fire: “An officer is marching, an engineer is reporting, a fire is burning,” - Vera and Egor are happy


Beavers wandered into the mountain, and beavers are both evil and kind. Trees grew in the mountains. Yes, everyone is as sharp as mountains, And the beavers are wearing caps. Kolpakovsky caps. Bizarrely sharp. Yes, all the beavers used Kolpakovsky caps to cut down the trees in the mountains.


Barely Elizar, he goes and goes to the market. And from the market, and from the market, You won’t catch up with Elizar. The Greek was driving across the river, He saw the Greek - there was a cancer in the river. He put the Greek's hand into the river, Cancer grabbed the Greek's hand - tsap!


Prokop came, the dill was boiling, Prokop left, the dill was boiling; Just as dill was boiling under Prokop, dill was boiling without Prokop. The crow missed the crow. The seller sells dry products: Crackers, dried fruits and dried fruits. There are dry bagels and crackers. But you don’t need to eat them dry.


- Kar! - the crow screams - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing! The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket! Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful box. - Stop, crow, don’t scream! Don't shout, be quiet. You can’t live without deception: You don’t have a pocket! - How?! - The crow jumped and blinked in surprise. - Why didn’t you say it before? Guard! My pocket was stolen!


A fisherman catches fish. The entire catch went into the river. Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; She dug up the floor of the yard with her snout, dug, dug. I tried for seven and forty days, I hurried, I sewed rawhide boots for myself. The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor: “The magpie strives to become the most squeaky one!”

I wandered alone by the hill, collecting tongue twisters

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “r” for 10-year-old children are already more difficult. Children can even be offered full-fledged short tongue twister poems.


The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, It’s time for them to get vaccinated to strengthen their feathers!”


Our chebotar To all chebotars, chebotar, No one can overdo our chebotar


Roma was afraid of thunder. He roared louder than thunder. From such a roar the thunder hid behind a hillock.


Like at dawn, two Peters and three Fedorkas compete with Yegorka, speak quickly.


Plantain on the road Collected by a strict passerby. A passer-by chose a more expensive Plantain.


Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perepelovich, tamed the quail. The quail brought to Pyotr Petrovich Perepelovich they will quail


No apricot, coconut, radish, Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice, No compass, longboat and rope, Thermos, press, Indian sailor, No bass, no taste, weight and demand, No interest - no question.


Raisa prepared rice soup for Boris. Boris gave Raisa Thirty-three and three irises.


Where does the millet come from in the clearing? We simply spilled millet here. We found out about millet. Without asking, they pecked up all the millet.


Ostriches build nests to the side. These funnels look strange. They dig holes in the sand quickly and easily. Slender, tall birds


At the stern, in addition to Romka, are Egor and Artemka. At the stern, except for Mark, Rita and Tamark


Ruff gave a gun loaded with a cork to a timid fish. Since then, the pugnacious black cancer has not started fights with her.


Tiny cats ate cakes. Tiny cats love cakes. The cats crushed the cakes with their paws. The cats from the cakes filled our tummies.


In the depths of the tundra Otters in spats Poking into buckets Cedar kernels! Having torn out the leggings of an otter in the tundra, I will wipe the kernels of the cedars with the otter, I will wipe the otter's face with the leggings. Cannonballs in buckets - Otter in the tundra!

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