“Didactic game: “Who lives where and what they eat”

If you want your pet to live long and be healthy, you need to feed it properly. With food, he must receive all the substances necessary for growth and development. The diet must be balanced, junk food is excluded.

Why animals need to be fed correctly

With food, pets receive useful substances that go towards building cells. Products travel through the esophagus into the stomach, where they are digested using acidic juice. Then it goes to the intestines and undergoes a series of transformations - carbohydrates are converted into glucose, lipids into fatty acids, proteins into amino acids, etc.

The resulting elements are absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls, while unprocessed food leaves the body with feces. Glucose, fats, amino acids, and other substances in the blood enter the cells, which use them for growth and development.

Accordingly, the health of the pet depends on how high-quality the product is. Only harmful components can be extracted from rotten food. They are toxic, so the poison will spread throughout the body, permeate every cell and can destroy it. The result is problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, and weak immunity.

Basic feeding rules

To keep your pet healthy, you need to not only monitor the quality, but also the quantity of food. Don't overfeed - he doesn't need obesity. An adult pet should be fed 2 times a day, puppies and kittens according to age:

  • 2 months – 6 times every 3.5 hours;
  • 3-4 months – 5 times every 4 hours;
  • 4-6 months – 4 times every 4-5 hours;
  • after 6 months – 3 times with an interval of 6 hours;
  • after 10 months - 2 times a day.

Buy a comfortable bowl, not too shallow and not too deep. It is desirable that it be metal with a stand made of non-slip material - such models are strong, durable, and easy to clean. Alternatively, you can buy ceramic dishes, but they break easily.

Plastic bowls are not the best option. They can be made from low-quality material that can cause poisoning. In addition, plastic often cracks.

To teach your pet to eat properly, take the dishes away as soon as he finishes eating. When the animal refuses food, wait 10 minutes and take the bowl away, even if he did not touch the food. Put her back in place no earlier than the next feeding time.

Important: provide your pet with constant access to water. It should be clean, fresh, preferably filtered.

What's prohibited

Never give your pet hot or very cold food. It should be at room temperature. Fried, sweet, fatty, pickled, peppered foods are harmful to the animal.

Do not feed your pet table scraps or give him treats that you eat yourself. They can not only provoke poisoning, but also cause death.


Cow's milk contains lactose. Lactase is responsible for the breakdown of this substance, an enzyme that is almost not produced in the body of adult cats and dogs (the dog digests milk a little better). The drink can cause allergies, diarrhea, and itching in your pet.

Pets react especially poorly to low-fat products. When fat is removed from milk, vitamins A and D are removed, which contribute to the absorption of proteins and calcium. Because of this, the bones become weaker, and milk is absorbed worse than usual.

Fatty foods and bones

Do not give your pets animal fat, either cooked or raw. It can cause pancreatitis. It is better to replace it with vegetable oil. It is better absorbed, digested, has a good effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and makes the coat better.

Bones, especially tubular bones, are dangerous. They can get stuck in the esophagus, causing suffocation, intestinal obstruction, piercing one of the digestive organs, and causing the animal to suffer. If you want to pamper your pet, buy processed dog bones or cat sticks sold as treats (eg, Country Treats, Titbit). They strengthen gums, eliminate plaque and caries.


Do not give your pets lollipops, chocolates, ice cream and other sweets. They are the cause of excess weight, metabolic disorders, and dental problems.

Chocolate (especially dark chocolate), coffee and caffeine contain methlixanthins, which are very dangerous to animals. They can provoke:

  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • breathing problems, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • thirsty;
  • increased urination;
  • excessive activity;
  • tremors, spasms;
  • death.

It’s better to buy a special treat at the pet store and give it as a reward for a correctly executed command or just because.

Products with xylitol

Xylitol is found not only in chewing gum or candy, but also in nut butters. It can provoke additional synthesis of insulin, which is responsible for transporting glucose to cells. The result is seizures, liver failure, and brain damage.

Onions, green onions, garlic

Cats and dogs don't eat them raw anyway, but they can eat cooked vegetables. Important: do not give onions and garlic in any form, even after steaming. They irritate the digestive tract and can damage red blood cells.

Cats are more susceptible to these spices, while dogs may be harmed if onions and garlic are eaten in large quantities.

Salt and salty snacks

Never give your pet foods high in salt. It will cause thirst, excessive urination and even poisoning, the symptoms of which are:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • depression;
  • tremor;
  • heat;
  • convulsions;
  • death.


Nuts contain a lot of oil and fat, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).


Never, under any circumstances, give your animal alcohol. Don’t listen to “good” neighbors who claim that a glass of vodka will save you from poisoning. In this case, take the animal to the doctor immediately.

All it takes is a sip for your pet to become poisoned. Alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma and even death.

Natural food or prepared food?

There is a lot of debate about what is better: ready-made food or natural food. Many people agree that a puppy or kitten up to 3 months should be fed natural food. Further opinions differ:

  • Fans of feed convince that homemade food is unable to provide animals with all the substances they need, no matter how carefully the diet is selected. Another plus is that drying helps save time spent searching for food and preparing food. It is also convenient if you need to travel to another city.
  • Fans of natural food are convinced: if you properly develop a diet and periodically add vitamin and mineral complexes to your food, your dog will be healthy and happy. They focus on the fact that ready-made food is often of poor quality, it is difficult to check its composition, and examination costs a lot of money. In addition, the digestive tract will get used to natural food and will not be able to digest heavier foods.

Cats and dogs can be fed both natural food and prepared food. The main thing is to choose quality products and choose the right diet.

It is important to remember that you cannot mix natural food with ready-made food or even alternate. The reaction is immediate - the pet may begin to vomit bile. Even if this does not happen, the functioning of the digestive system will be disrupted.

Who are pets

Pets are animals that have been tamed by humans by caring for them and providing them with food. All domesticated species and artificially bred breeds based on them were used for the purpose of obtaining material gain or pleasure. They became good companions for a person, brightening up his life. The process of animal reproduction occurs easily even outside natural conditions. By controlling it, people create breeds with the desired properties.

Interesting! Alternative medicine has long noted the ability of animals to heal people. Cats achieve the greatest success in this. Scientists explain the effectiveness of cat therapy by the ability of this animal to create a unique electromagnetic field with low-frequency currents thanks to its thin and soft fur. This allows the cat to act on the source of inflammation and pain and destroy microbes.

Scientists have proven that stroking an animal is not only pleasant, but also useful. During the bioenergetic contact that occurs in this case, the central nervous system of people receives special impulses that cause positive emotions and improve mood. Therefore, communication with cats is especially important during psychological disorders and stress.

Is it possible to give raw eggs?

Eggs are good for pets. They contain:

  • protein;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins A, D, E, B;
  • omega-3;
  • antioxidants;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

There is no Salmonella in eggs, but the bacteria can be found in chicken droppings. If he stains the shell and it cracks, salmonella can get inside.

To avoid problems, do not buy products with cracked shells. Before giving your pet raw eggs, be sure to wash them in hot water.

Features of dog nutrition

Feed your dog after an active walk, otherwise stomach volvulus may occur. Even if this does not happen, the pet will be passive, since a full stomach will not allow it to run and jump normally.

Dogs are omnivores with a predatory bent. They have sharp teeth and a short gastrointestinal tract, which is better suited for digesting meat than plant foods. However, dogs produce enzymes that are responsible for the absorption of glucose and starch, and are able to break down carbohydrates - this is what true carnivores lack.

Farm animals

Farm animals bring the greatest benefit to humans in everyday life. Most of them are able to live not only in favorable conditions created by people, but also adapt to various changes, due to which they are bred almost everywhere. These species include sheep, horses, cows, and pigs. Some farm animals, such as the camel or llama, on the other hand, can only live in certain geographic areas. For this reason, it is more difficult to maintain them in other areas, since it is necessary to create conditions close to natural ones.

Farm animals provide humans with natural products: milk, eggs, meat. Leather and wool, down and feathers are highly valued. Pork is recognized as the most consumed meat. It is also often considered the most delicious, since compared to beef, for example, it is fattier and softer. Pigs are quite unpretentious in terms of housing and food, they produce large offspring, which is why they are most often bred for slaughter. In addition to meat, bristles and skin are obtained.

A cow is the breadwinner of the family, as Russian peasants used to say. Every day it is capable of producing several liters of milk, from which fermented milk products, butter, and cheese are then obtained. Man has even achieved success in domesticating insects - bees, thanks to which he was able to obtain honey, propolis, and wax.

Interesting! More and more people, for various reasons, have recently given up meat and become vegetarians. However, blindly following this fashion trend is extremely dangerous for your health. Meat is a source of essential amino acids. They are needed for the construction of antibodies that provide protection against pathogens of various diseases, including cancer. When you give up meat, the body stops receiving essential amino acids, immunity decreases, which causes the development of infections.

On the farm, animals also participate in agricultural work, transporting loads and people. Horses are usually used for this purpose. At stud farms they are kept and bred to participate in horse racing and equestrian sports. For horse lovers, just communicating with them brings great pleasure.

What you need to know when buying food

You need to approach the purchase of food responsibly so as not to run into counterfeit food that contains no useful substances at all. First of all, we must take into account that there are such categories of food:

  • economy;
  • standard;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

They differ in ingredients, nutritional value, composition, and digestibility. Economy class feed is made from cheap raw materials, the amount of meat usually does not exceed 30%. The composition of one brand of feed is often variable and depends on the availability of raw materials at certain times of the year.

Holistic food is made entirely from natural products, there are no preservatives, flavors, or dyes.

When purchasing, pay attention to the composition. If it's not listed, don't take it. The components on the label are written in descending order. Give preference to a product where animal protein is listed first.

Animal domestication

Little information about the domestication of wild animals has survived to this day, but it is known that the dog is considered the first domesticated pet living in a house. In ancient times, she played the role of a companion for humans. Thanks to its excellent learning and training abilities, the dog eventually began to guard the house, participate in hunting and herding livestock. In some countries, attempts have been made to domesticate the weasel to fight rats and mice. However, she did not adapt well to life in captivity, and over time, cats replaced her.

Interesting! The question of whether cats are fully domesticated remains open. They still retain the habits of their wild relatives, although they have been living next to humans for many thousands of years. Unlike dogs, they do not become so attached to humans, remaining independent. According to one point of view, for cats, coexistence next to humans is only an opportunity to live in good conditions, continuing to hunt birds and rodents. But there is an opinion that this proud animal, like a dog, is capable of establishing emotional contact with its owner and experiencing a feeling of affection.

It is believed that most domestic animals descended from representatives living in the wild. The ancestor of cattle was the aurochs. But from whom the dog originated is not known exactly. It could have been a wolf, a jackal, or even a coyote. The ancestors of the sheep are considered to be wild sheep, mouflon and mountain sheep. The exact time of domestication of animals has not been established. Rock paintings indicate that already in ancient times humans had domesticated pets. However, exactly when this happened still remains a mystery.


A narrow muzzle, a black nose, beady eyes, and most importantly, a “fur coat” with prickly needles. This is what this forest dweller looks like. The needles are needed so that the animal can defend itself from enemies - the hedgehog curls up into a prickly ball in case of danger. Basically, hedgehogs sleep in a hole or bushes during the day, and in the evening they lead an active lifestyle - they go out hunting. Sharp claws, spines and teeth help the hedgehog even catch a snake. Hedgehogs also eat insects, amphibians, caterpillars, worms, as well as fruits and berries.

They often live close to people - perhaps because we feed them. But you shouldn’t pet hedgehogs or pick them up - not only can you get hurt, but these animals are also carriers of dangerous diseases, including rabies. And you should not try to keep a hedgehog at home - it is a free animal.

Hedgehogs spend the winter hibernating in their burrow under tree roots, branches or stumps. The hole is prepared in advance when it starts to get colder. They drag grass, moss and leaves there to make it warm and cozy to sleep. And in the fall, hedgehogs feed intensively, accumulating fat for the winter.

Hedgehogs are born in the spring - like the cubs of many animals, they are toothless, blind and deaf. Hedgehogs feed their children milk and hide them under grass and leaves during their absence. After a year, hedgehogs become completely adult and independent.

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