Using elements of Su-Jok therapy in the work of a speech therapist

How to exercise with a chestnut ball

First of all, Su Jok ball and ring games are used to massage fingers and palms. Undoubtedly, you can use both balls and rings in classes. Sujok procedures will become more attractive and enjoyable for children if finger games are accompanied by interesting rhythmic verses.

Examples of games:

  • Ball Kids perform the actions described in the poems.

    I roll the ball around in a circle and move it back and forth. I stroke and clean my palms, as if I’m sweeping away crumbs from them.

  • Hedgehog First, the baby rolls the ball in his palm, then rolls it along each finger.

    The hedgehog was running on his palm, his legs were tired. There are needles on the back, oh so prickly. The hedgehog is very small and showed us his needles. And the needles also look like hedgehogs.

  • Magpie A tale about a magpie who cooked porridge. When pronouncing the words of a Russian folk nursery rhyme, we first move them across the palm of our hand. Then we put a ring on each finger, naming the next guest. We roll it to the base and remove it.
  • Press the ball on the baby's hand, imitating steps, then make the pressure weaker. Increase the impact again and speed up the pace, then press the ball one by one on your fingers.

    The she-bear walked sleepily, and behind her came the little bear. The kids came running and brought books in a basket. They began to open books and write on the leaves.

Working on your speech

Undoubtedly, working with grammatical and lexical categories, phonemic hearing, and sound pronunciation is also possible using balls:

  • One is many An adult rolls a ball on the table towards the child, while naming the object in the singular. The patient catches the ball and rolls it back, converting it to the plural.
  • Big - small You can build a game in a similar way if you transform words using diminutive - affectionate suffixes. For example, a fox is a fox, a cat is a kitten.
  • Syllable structure of a word Simultaneously pronounce the word syllable by syllable and spin the ball in accordance with the rhythmic pattern. One movement per syllable. Or tap a given rhythm with a massager. We thread our fingers into the springs, while observing the rule: as many syllables, as many fingers.
  • Phonemic hearing Listening to the words that an adult calls, go through as many sound tracks as there are sounds in the word.
  • Fine motor skills Write a letter on paper, then ask the children to roll the ball with their palm or fingers along the outline of the letter.
  • Coherent speech You can let yourself play with balls, developing creativity and imagination.

Principles of Su-Jok

There are quite a lot of options for exercises with sujok simulators. The person doing the massage (teacher or parent) can complement them and come up with his own in the process. The main thing is that the basic principles of using su-jok are followed:

  1. Conduct classes only when the person is healthy.
  2. Manipulations with the balls must be carried out before a pink color appears on the skin and warmth flows through the body.
  3. Avoid keeping the massage ring or ball in one position.

How it works?

Of course, knowledge about the importance of acupressure on the functioning of the whole body has been accumulated since ancient times. Human internal organs and systems have a projection on the surface of the skin in the form of special zones or points, especially many of them on the upper and lower extremities. Impact on these zones allows you to activate the work of the corresponding organ, improve its condition and reduce negative manifestations.

A simple and completely harmless system, which was invented by South Korean professor Park Jae-woo. Undoubtedly, it does not have any side effects or complications, therefore the use of this technique in classes gives very good results in children with speech disorders of varying degrees of severity. Not only during the work of a qualified speech therapist - specialist, but also during use by parents at home.

For these purposes, a massager is used in the form of a round box similar to a chestnut. Inside it are two metal springs in the form of a ring, which are put on the fingers and toes. At the same time, pleasant sensations arise, sometimes it tickles, but it doesn’t hurt at all. The surface of the chestnut tree is uneven because it has thorns or pimples. Young patients are better off with the latter, they don’t inject themselves. They can be rolled in your palms, on your cheeks and other parts of the body.

Su-jok to enhance speech development

In early childhood, a person develops phonemic hearing, speech, sound pronunciation, and sensorimotor skills. Children who have not received the necessary speech development in time find it difficult to catch up with their peers. The degree of development of fine motor skills of the fingers affects the child’s speech state. Therefore, elements of su-jok are included in the rehabilitation complex of exercises for children with speech delays and disorders.

In speech therapy, su-jok is actively used, as it develops:

  • phonemic hearing;
  • vocabulary, grammar;
  • orientation in space;
  • pronunciation;
  • fine motor skills.

During such activities, the areas of the brain that are responsible for speech, memory, and concentration are stimulated. In combination, therapy contributes to the gradual correction of speech therapy disorders.

It is recommended to use balls and metal rings in combination with special games and exercises.

Games and exercises with Sujok simulators

Depending on the final goal, there are different directions of exercises with su-jok. The following are relevant for the development of speech skills:

  1. Place the ball on your open palm and hold in this position for at least 30 seconds.
  2. Place the ball on the palm of one hand and cover it on top with the other, then switch hands.
  3. Squeezing and unclenching the ball in your fist with each hand in turn.
  4. Active pressure on the needles of the ball with your fingers.
  5. Pressing the massager with a pinch.
  6. Roll the ball over the palms of your hands in a circular motion, placing special emphasis on the pad under the thumb.
  7. Rolling the ball up and down on your outstretched palms.
  8. Hold the massager with three fingers in turn with each hand (thumb, index, middle fingers are used).
  9. Exercises with the ring consist of putting it on each finger in turn and moving it up and down to the end using the thumb and index finger of the other hand. One finger must be massaged with rhythmic movements for at least 1 minute.

Important! Do not stretch the ring or leave it on your fingers between exercises so that it does not become deformed and lose its therapeutic properties!

Sujok therapy prepares certain muscles to move to the next level of activity. Classes with su-jok also have the effect of increasing physical and mental development in children and adults.

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