How to get rid of burr and make communication free

Speech defects are very common, and not everyone is going to correct them. Burr and lisp always only brought trouble in childhood. People with the problem were objects of ridicule, bullying, etc. Burr does not in any way affect the development of the speech apparatus. It is recommended to correct it in childhood with the help of a speech therapist. Parents, for their part, should constantly talk to the child so that he often pronounces words with the letter “r”. This way he will get used to it faster and learn to speak correctly. If left unchecked, this problem can go too far. So why do people burr? We'll figure out.

What it is?

Burr is a violation of the articulation of the speech apparatus during the pronunciation of the letter “r”. This sound is not reproduced clearly, is too soft, and is similar in sound to others. In other words, burr is simply a speech defect that does not affect the psychological aspect of speech formation.

Why do people burr? In fact, there are a large number of reasons. The doctor identifies the exact situation in a specific situation and, based on this, takes action. People with problems are advised to visit a speech therapist, he will immediately find the cause, and you will begin to study. It must be remembered that adults and children alike can begin to burr. The main thing is not to be ashamed and come to a speech therapist. And then, together with him, identify the problem and solve it.

In the dictionary Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

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Why do people burr the letter "r"?

There are several significant reasons to explain this situation. Perhaps this is a physiological circumstance, you just need to look carefully. It often happens that this frenulum is too short, and the child simply does not know how to pronounce this letter.

Sometimes children begin to burr for a psychological reason. For example, if the father has a speech impediment, the children involuntarily repeat after him, and then it becomes a habit.

Why do people burr? There are quite a few reasons, let’s look at some of them:

  • tongue paralysis;
  • congenital defects of the speech apparatus;
  • problems with bite, jaw formation;
  • language features;
  • genetic predisposition.

Sometimes it turns out that the defect cannot be corrected due to lack of time, missing classes with a speech therapist, etc. Is it worth worrying about this? Burr is not a disadvantage; in some countries it is considered a virtue. Let's remember the French, they all speak like this, and their dialect is considered one of the most beautiful in the world.

German pronunciation

There are three different ways to say “r” in German.
The choice of the right one depends on the specific word and the letters surrounding this sound. None of them are found in the Russian language, so you still need to learn how to pronounce them correctly. The first option sounds like a slight burr. The sound is not as soft as the French, since the German language is hard. This is something between Parisian and Russian pronunciation.

The second sound of “r” in German is hissing. It also has no analogues with Russian letters, but resembles a soft “хь”. In order for the sound to be heard, it must be pronounced with a forced, sharp exhalation.

The third way of pronunciation is growling. And he repeats Russian exactly. You can meet it not in all corners of the country, but in the south. This dialect is especially widespread in Bavaria.

How to correct a speech impediment in a child?

Why does a person start to burr? According to statistics, this defect is common in families where several languages ​​are spoken or where parents have certain problems with pronunciation. In order for a child to stop burring, you need to visit some specialists and do exercises regularly. First, a speech therapist will prepare the speech apparatus, an otolaryngologist will solve problems with the inner ear, and a dentist will correct the dentition.

At home, you need to do exercises to overcome burr. Let's look at the most effective tasks:

  1. I have a sweet tooth. The essence of the exercise is that the child licks his upper and lower lips clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. Lick it. Here you need to lick your upper lip smoothly and slowly, 3-4 times in each direction.
  3. Gorochka. You need to rest the tip of your tongue against the lower row of teeth and bend it in an arc. Leave in this position for 5 seconds; over time, the duration of fixation should be increased.

Music for learning grazing

A very good way to become a person who can burr is French music. Some artists even use too much grease to give their songs the most appeal. The music of such performers will be the best option for learning burry pronunciation.

Especially if a person knows how and loves to sing, then such an activity will bring a lot of pleasure and at the same time benefit. You just need to choose songs you like, which you can do online or by purchasing a CD of French music in a store.

Speech defect in an adult. How to fix?

Why does a person burr? How to treat? In fact, an adult does not need to visit a speech therapist to get rid of a speech defect. You can solve this problem yourself by regularly performing certain exercises. In a couple of weeks, improvements will be visible. After a few months, the burr will completely disappear.

A set of tasks for an adult:

  1. Careful pronunciation. You need to pronounce the syllables “te-le-de” clearly and slowly. In this case, you should place the tip of your tongue behind the upper gums. If you do this every day, speaking will become much easier.
  2. Acceleration. Try to pronounce the same syllables as quickly as possible. However, the clarity of pronunciation should not change.
  3. Easy workout. At your appointment, you should ask the speech therapist for a list of training words with the letter “r”. These words are quite simple, you have to start somewhere.
  4. Patter. This is the next level of fast and correct pronunciation. Tongue twisters with the letter “r” help improve speech and speak beautifully.

Why do some people burr? Moreover, they don’t even try to correct the defect, not wanting to go to a speech therapist. By performing this simple set of exercises several times a day, you can achieve significant success and stop burring completely.

If it doesn't work out

When not a single exercise helps you adjust the sound correctly, and it doesn’t work out even with a teacher, you should consult a dentist. He will check the structure of the jaw apparatus and the length of the frenulum. This is a small piece of connective tissue between the tongue and the floor of the mouth.

If the frenulum is short, this may become an obstacle to the correct pronunciation of sounds. In this case, it is lengthened by making an incision. It is performed in a few minutes under local anesthesia, and does not cause discomfort within a couple of hours after the operation. After recovery, you can start exercising again.

Learning foreign languages ​​requires a lot of effort to achieve correct pronunciation. But competent daily practice always bears fruit. The ability to speak and sing in another language opens up great prospects both for creativity and for communicating with representatives of another culture and nationality. And this is important for social development and human formation.

Letter "r". How to pronounce correctly?

In order to pronounce correctly, you need to know the mechanism according to which a particular sound is formed. It represents the following (in the context of the letter “r”): the lips are relaxed, the tongue begins to rise to the level of the upper teeth and becomes an arch. If you do everything correctly, vibration is felt.

You can check this way: place your finger on the place where the lower jaw connects to the neck. If there is no vibration, you need to contact a speech therapist. Why do people burr? One of the unspoken reasons is ignorance of the pronunciation mechanism. Now, by guessing how it should be, you yourself can determine your speech defects.

Studying sayings and tongue twisters

To learn and consolidate the skill of pronunciation of the grazing sound “R”, it is good to use sayings and tongue twisters in French. Finding them is not difficult; there are a huge number of them on the Internet.

Having chosen short and simple expressions to begin with, you can begin to pronounce them. Before doing this, it is better to listen to how the French themselves do it. Over time, you can move on to longer and more complex phrases. For example, you can take the following tongue twister:

"Rat vit riz Rat mit patte à ras Rat mit patte à riz Riz ciut patte à rat."

You can also use this example of a saying:

"Dans la gendarmerie, quand un gendarme rit, tous les gendarmes rient dans la gendarmerie."

You can also find out how to pronounce these expressions on the global network. If a person can master the correct pronunciation of tongue twisters and sayings, then all the work was not in vain. After all, their reproduction is not so simple.

Burr in adolescence

As you know, adolescence is one of the most difficult periods in life in terms of emotionality. A guy or girl who burrs often withdraws into himself and does not feel confident or supported by his peers. To get rid of this disease, you need to follow some rules:

  • undergo regular medical examination by a dentist (once a year);
  • carry out a set of exercises 3 times every day, this method is very effective in the fight against speech impediment;
  • It is worth remembering that tasks must be completed before meals or an hour after eating.

Learn to burr by imitating

First of all, start by studying the peculiarities of the mechanisms of pronunciation of the standard “R” sound. After all, in order to learn the defective “r” you need to clearly understand the mechanisms of its action. Next, study the features of the pronunciation of the engraved “R”. Having studied the differences, you will find that when pronouncing the standard “R”, the tip of the tongue is actively used. The grazing “P” engages the root of the tongue, its base.

Feel where your tongue is located when pronouncing this sound. As soon as you feel this, smoothly move your tongue from tip to root. If you fail, try pronouncing the “G” sound in the Ukrainian manner; this practice will help relieve excess tension from the tongue.

Learn what a slashed "R" sounds like

An important condition when learning to engrave “R” is your consciousness and understanding of how this sound is correctly reproduced.

Download French songs to your player, watch movies, TV series and programs with subtitles and pay attention to how “R” is pronounced in this language. Carefully repeat the words after the French, make sure that the pronunciation is perfect or at least similar.

To monitor your acquired skills, record your voice by reading a couple of sentences in French and listen critically.

Burr of Jews and French

Why do people burr? If they are Jews or French, then there is nothing surprising here. As you know, Jews speak Hebrew. The peculiarity of this language is that it differs phonetically from Russian. There the words are pronounced drawlingly and gutturally. Therefore, other peoples have the feeling that Jews are burbling, although they simply speak their own language.

The same can be said about the French. Our reproduction of the letter “r” is different. The French have a softer language, unlike the Russian language. The phonetic difference has been formed over centuries, they just speak differently.

Burr is not a hindrance or a problem. This is just a small speech defect that can be eliminated with the help of specialists by regularly performing a set of exercises.

How to cure burr yourself

In order to remove burr, you should:

  • learn deep breathing using the diaphragm;
  • perform special exercises for burring, aimed at developing the muscles of the tongue and lips.

Breathing technique

If you observe yourself, you can see that breathing is most directly involved in the pronunciation of sounds. Try to pronounce the sound “p” without breathing - it turns out to be an empty slap with your lips. The sound “p” appears only on exhalation.

The same is with the sound “r” - the deeper the breath and the stronger the exhalation, the brighter the “rrrrrr” sounds.

Getting rid of burr

Burr is not a dangerous pathology at all. It does not cause any health problems. However, burry people may face a number of problems when looking for work. In this regard, a person’s self-esteem falls and self-doubt appears. For an adult, this can become a real problem, which will prevent one from being fulfilled in life, both at work and in family terms. Therefore, you need to know how to unlearn how to burr.

If you notice your child has speech problems, consult a doctor immediately. The advice of a speech therapist will help you get rid of this problem at an early age and forget about it forever. It is best to contact a specialist at the age of 5-6 years. Even at the age of 13-14, correcting such a speech defect will be much more difficult. Only a doctor can accurately tell you how not to burr and what needs to be done for this.

First of all, an experienced speech therapist will tell you what the causes of burr are, and will also determine why exactly you have such a problem and tell you how not to burr. He will also prescribe treatment. These can be easy exercises to correct speech if your case is not very advanced. But, he may also prescribe surgical intervention to correct the burr.

A person with a burr must be prepared for the fact that it will take time to correct the burr . Only a few months of hard work will help you forget about this problem. Of course, correcting burr is much easier for children than for adults. Even for a 14-year-old teenager, dealing with this problem will be more difficult than at 6 years old.

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