Effective methods and techniques for working with children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions


When eliminating speech disorders, the leading approach is speech therapy, the main forms of which are education, training, correction, compensation, adaptation, rehabilitation. There are various classifications of teaching methods. In speech therapy work, various methods are used: practical, visual and verbal. The choice and use of one or another method is determined by the nature of the speech disorder, the content, goals and objectives of correctional speech therapy, the stage of work, the age, individual psychological characteristics of the child, etc. At each stage of speech therapy work, the effectiveness of mastering correct speech skills is ensured by the corresponding group of methods . Thus, the stage of sound production is characterized by the predominant use of practical and visual methods; during automation, especially in connected speech, conversation, retelling, story, i.e., verbal methods are widely used.
When eliminating alalia, practical and visual methods are also used to develop the sensory sphere, motor skills, and cognitive activity of the child. At the same time, when consolidating the correct skills of grammatical forms of inflection and word formation, along with visual methods, verbal ones are also used.

When eliminating stuttering in preschool age, the effectiveness of speech therapy work is achieved by practical and visual methods. Starting from school age, verbal methods combined with visual ones are predominantly used in eliminating stuttering.

Practical methods of speech therapy include game exercises and modeling.

Exercise is the child’s repeated repetition of practical and mental actions. In speech therapy work, they are effective in eliminating articulatory and voice disorders, since children develop practical speech skills or the prerequisites for their development, and master various methods of practical and mental activity. As a result of systematically performing articulatory exercises, the prerequisites are created for sound production and for its correct pronunciation. At the stage of sound production, the skill of its isolated pronunciation is formed, and at the automation stage, the correct pronunciation of sound in words, phrases, sentences, and coherent speech is achieved.

Mastering correct language skills is a long-term process that requires a variety of systematically used activities.

Exercises are divided into imitative-performing, constructive and creative.

Imitative-performing tasks are performed by children in accordance with the model. In speech therapy work, a large place is occupied by practical exercises (breathing, vocal, articulatory, developing general, manual motor skills). At the initial stages of assimilation, demonstration of actions is used, and during repetitions, as the method of action is mastered, the visual demonstration is increasingly “collapsed” and replaced by verbal designation. Thus, the implementation of articulatory exercises is initially carried out according to a visual demonstration, based on the visual perception of the tasks performed by the speech therapist; in the future they are only called.

In speech therapy work, various types of construction are used. For example, when eliminating optical dysgraphia, children are taught to construct letters from elements, from one letter to another.

Speech exercises are also used in speech therapy work. An example of this is the repetition of words with assigned sounds when correcting problems with sound pronunciation.

The use of play exercises (for example, imitation of actions: cutting wood, trees swaying in the wind, imitation of the gait of a bear, fox) causes an emotionally positive mood in children and relieves their stress.

Performing any exercises contributes to the formation of practical skills only if the following conditions are met:

the child's awareness of the goal. This depends on the clarity of the task, the use of the correct demonstration of methods of execution, the disaggregation of the demonstration of complex exercises, taking into account the age and mental characteristics of the child; systematicity, which is realized in repeated repetition (in speech therapy classes, outside of them, in class, during extracurricular time using a variety of speech and didactic material and various situations of speech communication); gradual complication of conditions, taking into account the stage of correction of the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child; conscious implementation of practical and verbal actions; independent performance at the final stage of correction (although at the initial stages of correction, exercises can be performed with the help of a speech therapist, with mechanical assistance, etc.); differentiated analysis and assessment of implementation.

Various games are used with preschool children: singing, didactic, active, creative, dramatization. Their use is determined by the tasks and stages of correctional speech therapy work, the nature and structure of the defect, the age and individual mental characteristics of children.

Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to form ideas about the structure of objects, the relationships and connections between the elements of these objects.

The effectiveness of their use depends on the following conditions:

the model must reflect the basic properties of the object and be similar in structure to it;

be accessible to a child of a given age;

should facilitate the process of mastering skills, abilities and knowledge.

Sign-symbolic modeling has become widely used. For example, when forming sound analysis and synthesis, graphic diagrams of the structure of a sentence, the syllabic and sound composition of a word are used.

The use of a model presupposes a certain level of formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization).

Visual methods are those forms of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching.

The use of manuals facilitates the assimilation of materials and contributes to the formation of sensory prerequisites for the development of speech skills. Reliance on sensory images makes the acquisition of speech skills more specific, accessible, and conscious, and increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work.

Visual methods include observations, looking at drawings, paintings, models, watching filmstrips, films, listening to records, tape recordings, as well as showing a sample task, a method of action, which in some cases act as independent methods.

Observation involves the use of paintings, drawings, articulation profiles, models, as well as showing sound articulation and exercises.

The use of these benefits helps to clarify and expand children's ideas, develop cognitive activity, and creates a favorable emotional background for speech therapy work.

Visual aids should:

be clearly visible to everyone; selected taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child; meet the objectives of speech therapy work at this stage of correction; be accompanied by precise and specific speech; a verbal description of an object should contribute to the development of analytical-synthetic activity, observation, and speech development.

The use of manuals can pursue various goals: correction of sensory disturbances (ideas about color, shape, size, etc.), development of phonemic perception (in a picture, find objects whose names contain the sound being practiced), development of sound analysis and synthesis (find objects in a story picture, the name of which has 5 sounds), consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, development of vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech (composing a story based on a story picture, a series of story pictures).

Computer technologies and films are used to automate speech sounds during a conversation when retelling content, to develop the skills of fluent speech when eliminating stuttering, and to develop coherent speech.

Features of the use of verbal methods in speech therapy work are determined by the age characteristics of the children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, and the stage of correctional intervention.

When working with preschool children, verbal methods are combined with practical visual ones. When eliminating dyslalia, stuttering and other speech disorders in preschool age, the speech therapist relies on the use of playful and visual methods with the inclusion of verbal ones.

At school age, it is possible to use only verbal methods without supporting them with visual and practical ones. For example, when eliminating stuttering in children of senior school age, conversations about books read, memorization of poems, retelling of what they read, stories from personal experience, and discussions are used.

The main verbal methods are story, conversation, reading.

A story is a form of teaching in which the presentation is descriptive. It is used to create in children an idea of ​​a particular phenomenon, to evoke positive emotions, to create a model of correct expressive speech, to prepare children for subsequent independent work, to enrich their vocabulary, and to consolidate grammatical forms of speech.

In addition to the story, retelling of fairy tales and literary works is used (short, selective, extended, etc.).

Depending on the didactic tasks, preliminary, final, generalizing conversations are organized. During the preliminary conversation, the speech therapist identifies the children’s knowledge and creates a mindset for mastering a new topic. For example, when differentiating the sounds ts - ev in a preliminary conversation, the sound s is highlighted, then ts, their articulation is clarified based on the children’s experience. Then the sounds are compared and the existing knowledge is generalized. The final conversation is conducted to consolidate and differentiate speech skills.

Based on analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, the essential properties of speech and its elements are isolated.

In the inductive form of conversation, facts are first reproduced, analyzed, compared, and then generalized (from particular to general). In the deductive form, a generalization is first given, and then specific facts are found to confirm it.

The use of conversation in speech therapy work must meet the following conditions:

rely on a sufficient amount of ideas, the level of speech skills, and be in the child’s zone of proximal development;

correspond to the logic of the child’s mental activity, take into account the peculiarities of his thinking;

activate children’s mental activity using a variety of techniques, including leading questions;

questions should be clear, precise, requiring an unambiguous answer;

the nature of the conversation must correspond to the goals and objectives of correctional work.

When conducting a conversation, various tasks are set: developing cognitive activity, consolidating correct pronunciation, clarifying the grammatical structure of sentences, consolidating the skills of smooth continuous speech, etc.

In the process of speech therapy, a variety of verbal techniques are also used: showing a sample, explaining, explaining, pedagogical assessment.

Explanation and explanation are included through visual and practical methods. For example, when producing sound, along with the demonstration, the speech therapist uses an explanation of its correct articulation, pays attention to the position of the tongue and lips, and accompanies the demonstration with explanations.

Of great importance in speech therapy work is the pedagogical assessment of the result of completing a task, the method and progress of its implementation. It helps improve the quality of the correction process, stimulates and activates the child’s activity, and helps the formation of self-control and self-esteem.

When assessing a child’s activity, it is necessary to take into account his age and individual psychological characteristics. Unconfident, shy, and acutely aware of their defects should be more often encouraged to show pedagogical tact when assessing their work.

Speech therapy intervention is carried out in the following forms of training: frontal, subgroup, individual lesson, lesson.

According to the nature of their focus, methods of speech therapy work are divided into methods of “direct influence” (for example, influencing articulatory motor skills when eliminating dyslalia) and methods of “bypass paths” (for example, creating new functional connections bypassing the damaged parts of the speech functional system in aphasia).

Practical methods of speech therapy intervention

Terekhova Vera

Practical methods of speech therapy intervention

Practical methods of speech therapy . Practical methods of speech therapy include exercises, games and modeling.


- this is the child’s repeated repetition
of practical and mental specified actions. In speech therapy work, they are effective in eliminating articulatory and voice disorders, since children develop practical speech skills or the prerequisites for their development, and master various methods of practical and mental activity.
As a result of systematically performing articulatory exercises, the prerequisites are created for sound production and for its correct pronunciation. At the stage of sound production, the skill of its isolated pronunciation is formed, and at the automation stage, the correct pronunciation of sound in words, phrases, sentences, and coherent speech is achieved. Mastering correct language skills is a long-term process that requires a variety of systematically used activities.

Exercises are divided into: • imitative-performing;

• constructive;

• creative.

Imitative-performing tasks are performed by children in accordance with the model. In speech therapy work, a large place is occupied by practical (breathing, vocal, articulatory, developing general, manual motor skills). At the initial stages of assimilation, demonstration of actions is used, and with repetitions, as the method of action is mastered, the visual demonstration becomes more and more “collapsed”

, is replaced by a verbal designation.
Thus, the implementation of articulatory exercises is initially carried out according to a visual demonstration, based on the visual perception of the tasks performed by a speech therapist ; in the future they are only called.
In speech therapy work, various types of construction are used. For example, when eliminating optical dysgraphia, children are taught to construct letters from elements, from one letter to another.

Creative exercises involve the use of learned methods in new conditions, on new speech material. Thus, during the formation of sound analysis and synthesis, the definition of the sequence of sounds is first given with the support of auxiliary means, and then only in speech terms, since the assimilation of the action of sound analysis is transferred to new conditions. And finally, the action of sound analysis is considered formed if it can be performed internally (the child independently comes up with words with a certain sound, number of sounds, selects pictures whose names contain sounds, etc.).

in speech therapy work. An example of this is the repetition of words with added sounds when correcting problems with sound pronunciation.

The use of play exercises (for example, imitation of an action: chopping wood, trees swaying in the wind, imitation of the gait of a bear, a fox) causes an emotionally positive mood in children and relieves their stress.

Performing any exercises contributes to the formation of practical skills only if the following conditions are met:

1. The child’s awareness of the goal. This depends on the clarity of the task, the use of the correct demonstration of methods of execution, the disaggregation of the demonstration of complex exercises, taking into account the age and mental characteristics of the child;

2. Systematicity, which is realized in repeated repetition (in speech therapy classes , outside of them, in class, during extracurricular hours using a variety of speech and didactic material and various situations of speech communication);

3. Gradual complication of conditions, taking into account the stage of correction of the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child;

4. Conscious implementation of practical and verbal actions ;

5. Independent performance at the final stage of correction (although at the initial stages of correction, exercises can be performed with the help of a speech therapist , with mechanical assistance, etc.);

6. Differentiated analysis and assessment of implementation.

The gaming method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques:

• Display;

• Explanation;

• Directions;

• Questions.

One of the main components of the method is an imaginary situation in expanded form (plot, role, game actions)

For example, in the games “Shop”
“Calling a Doctor”
“At the Forest Edge”,
children assign roles, use masks, clothing items, speech and non-speech actions to create images of people or animals, and, in accordance with the role, enter into certain relationships during the game .

In the game method, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who selects the game in accordance with the intended goals and objectives of correction, distributes roles, organizes and activates the activities of children.

Various games are used with preschool children: singing, didactic, active, creative, dramatization. Their use is determined by the tasks and stages of correctional speech therapy work , the nature and structure of the defect, the age and individual mental characteristics of children. For example, games for the development of auditory attention in children, finger games accompanied by speeches, an object-based environment for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers is presented. This is good. But when examining children who need specialized speech therapy help , it is revealed that often their finger muscles are weak, children cannot accurately reproduce a given pose, and cannot hold it. Particular difficulties are caused by tasks of changing finger poses and reproducing a given tempo in movements. What is the reason for such violations? Without dwelling on the anatomical and physiological aspects in detail, we will consider the pedagogical reasons. When performing finger games, children collectively perform movements inaccurately and are not aware of discrete (individual)

finger positions, the speech accompaniment of the game is also a distraction. In this regard, it seems advisable, along with the use of finger games, to conduct daily finger gymnastics with children, which includes a set of individual or alternating poses and movements for the fingers in a certain order and tempo. This will make it possible to more comprehensively carry out work on the development of fine motor skills of children’s fingers.

Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to form ideas about the structure of objects, the relationships and connections between the elements of these objects.

The effectiveness of their use depends on the following conditions:

• The model must reflect the basic properties of the object and be similar in structure to it;

• Be accessible to a child of a given age;

• Should facilitate the process of mastering skills, abilities and knowledge.

Sign-symbolic modeling has become widely used. For example, when forming sound analysis and synthesis, graphic diagrams of the structure of a sentence, the syllabic and sound composition of a word are used. The use of a model presupposes a certain level of formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization)


Kindergarten "Kalinka", Volgodonsk

Starting from an early age, any child with mental and physical disabilities can attend a general education preschool organization. A child can receive qualified assistance from specialists in various forms and volumes, based on his individual characteristics. An inclusive approach to preschool education involves changing pedagogical methods so that the educational organization can fully meet the diverse needs of all students attending it.

One of the rules of inclusive education is that all teachers and employees of educational organizations involved in the learning process must be trained in various strategies and new pedagogical technologies. In modern conditions of social development, pedagogical science and practice are faced with the task of finding the most optimal systems for teaching and raising children with speech disorders. The main problem for preschool educational institutions is the increase in the number of children who have difficulties mastering general education programs and children with severe speech impairments. As part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the priority task is to solve these problems with the help of innovative models.

Innovative processes - at the present stage of development of society, primarily affects the preschool education system, as the initial stage of revealing the potential abilities of the child. Innovation determines new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities. Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance, and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard work. Therefore, we have to search, find and skillfully use in practice more innovative methods and forms of influence, since they become the most promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. Today, correctional teachers have extensive practical material in their arsenal, the use of which contributes to the effective speech development of the child. But we are faced with difficulties in correctional work due to the increased number of speech pathologies. Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance , and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard work. Therefore, we have to search, find and skillfully use in practice more innovative methods and forms of influence , since they become the most promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders.

Practical methods ( game exercises and simulations).

Visual methods are forms of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching.

Verbal methods are determined by the age characteristics of the children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, and the stage of correctional intervention.

In my work I use innovative technologies when working with children with disabilities.

Innovative experience, in my understanding, is “keeping your finger on the pulse” of modern pedagogy . What do we mean by the term “ innovative technologies ”?

Innovative technologies are introduced , new, highly effective methods and tools , techniques that are the end result of a teacher’s intellectual activity.

The main criterion for the “ innovativeness of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through its application.

innovative ones in speech therapy practice serves as an effective addition to the generally accepted most popular classical technologies and techniques developed at the end of the 20th century . And it refers to the so-called “ micro-innovations ”, since its use does not change the basic organization of speech therapy assistance, but only locally modifies its methodological component and serves to create a favorable emotional background.

By creatively varying the compatibility of different teaching technologies , systematically and purposefully using them in practice, in accordance with the individual capabilities of each child, the correctional and developmental process becomes more effective and efficient.

In recent years, there has been a steady trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children, an increase in the number of children with mental and speech development disorders, and therefore, the use of innovative health-saving technologies in the activities of preschool educational institutions becomes very relevant.

The innovative technologies I use in speech therapy practice are based on the priority areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Having studied in detail the latest in methodological literature , I have chosen, in my opinion, the most relevant and practical innovative methods that will help make correctional work with children with speech disorders effective and efficient.

Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are just an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies (diagnostic technology, sound production technology, technology for the formation of speech breathing, development of fine motor skills of the hands, etc.)

Non-standard approaches and new innovative technologies are needed to:

  • make learning conscious;
  • interesting;
  • optimize the learning process;

promote the health of children.

Types of innovative technologies used in speech therapy :

  1. Information and communication technologies;
  2. Innovative psychocorrective technologies: fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, etc.;
  3. Educational technologies (TRIZ, syncwine, smart map, cluster);
  4. Health-saving technologies:

- articulation, breathing, finger gymnastics,

-Su-Jok therapy,

-kinesiological exercises);

5. Mixed technologies - traditional speech therapy technologies using innovations (sensorimotor education of children, the use of reading skills in the formation of speech activity,

6. Organizational innovative technologies: identifying new forms of speech therapy assistance for children with speech disorders ( quest technology is a modern form of working with children with speech disorders)

The advantage of using innovative models in speech therapy practice (see slide) Directions of correctional work using innovative models (see slide.

ICT technologies:

Electronic learning tools are gradually becoming a tool that can significantly improve the quality of education, making the learning process interesting and multifaceted.


— Formation and development of speech and language means in children: sound pronunciation, prosody, phonemic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;

— Formation and development of skills in educational activities: development of cognitive activity, self-control, development of fine motor skills of the hands, development and coordination of mental processes;

— Tasks of the creative cycle: development of imagination, development of cognitive activity, development of the need for knowledge.

Innovative psychocorrective technologies: fairytale therapy, sand therapy

Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form to integrate personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interactions with the outside world.

The goal of fairy tale therapy is to reduce aggression in children, eliminate anxiety and fears, develop emotional self-regulation and positive relationships with other children. To do this, I use fairy tale techniques and methods of working with children that are accessible to them because of their simplicity and great interest in the fairy tale . Transforming into fairy-tale characters , children complete tasks with much more enthusiasm. Through fairy tales , a child gains knowledge about the world, about relationships between people, about the problems and obstacles that arise in a person’s life, learns to overcome barriers, find a way out of difficult situations, and believe in the power of goodness, love and justice.

The main goal of TRIZ is to develop the systematic thinking of children, to educate a creative personality capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and to teach children to independently solve their small problems. Children with special needs development lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking and, without special training, have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Therefore, in parallel with the task of accumulating, enriching, and clarifying vocabulary, another equally important one must be solved: creating conditions for its activation and actualization of one’s own statement. And here didactic syncwine . This technology does not require special conditions for use and fits organically into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren with SLD.

Among the variety of educational games familiar to us from pedagogical didactics, a very special, creative and kind Technology of intensive development of intellectual abilities in children through games by V.V. Voskobovich.

The principles embedded in the system of these games—interest—cognition—creativity become as effective as possible, since the game directly addresses the child in the kind, original, cheerful language of a fairy tale, the intrigue of a funny character, or an invitation to adventure.

Educational games V.V. Voskobovich is the integration of psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy technologies, which stimulates the development of the cognitive sphere and the development of certain skills and abilities. The features of these games are such that there is no need to rebuild the work of the institution or break the programs being implemented. Technology is organically woven into the already formed process of learning and correction. In the “adult-child” relationship, the position of the adult over the child is not assumed here, only a partnership relationship. The child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual and creative atmosphere. It is woven from a sense of external security, when the child knows that his manifestations will not receive a negative assessment from adults, and a feeling of internal relaxation will grow due to the support of his creative endeavors.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, special requirements are imposed on the developing subject-spatial environment, namely: optimality, integrity, multifunctionality, transformability, variability (in direct educational activities, in joint activities and in the independent activities of the child), and variety of games. Teachers-speech therapists, conducting monitoring every year, are faced daily with difficulties in mastering speech material, poor subject, predicative and attributive vocabulary, disturbances in the development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, immaturity of phonetic-phonemic processes, a lag in the development of coherent speech, violations of semantic and pronunciation aspects of speech, pronounced agrammatism, defects in sound pronunciation, specific violations of the syllabic structure of words in children with speech pathology. Therefore, taking all this into account, the group teachers introduced play space markers into their work.

Smart Card Technology

a unique and simple method of memorizing information, with the help of which both the creative and speech abilities of children develop and thinking is activated;

helps to awaken the child’s ability to depict the world around him.

I am testing the “Cluster” technology in my work

Cluster - (cluster, bunch, bunch), a collection, association of several homogeneous elements or objects.

The Cluster technology makes it possible to visualize the mental processes that occur when immersed in a particular text.

Cluster technology is universal, as it helps to work with a large amount of information that needs to be mastered, highlighted, systematized and presented in a certain way. The essence of a cracker is to highlight a topic, semantic units and graphically design a diagram in a certain order.

The cluster activates the mental activity of preschoolers: the ability to pose questions, highlight the main thing, make comparisons, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

Since not all children can read, you can use illustrated or mixed clusters in your work. To make it easier to memorize, we use pictures, photographs, drawings, and diagrams. In the process of educational activities, options for creating a cluster on lexical topics are possible. The result is a structure that graphically displays children’s thoughts and determines the information field of this topic.

Breakdown into clusters in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

  • is an effective method in the formation of generalizing concepts and teaching classification
  • develops variability of thinking, the ability to establish connections and relationships of the concept being studied (phenomenon, event)
  • helps the student to think freely and openly about a topic
  • evokes fresh associations, gives access to existing knowledge, involves new ideas on a certain topic into the thought process
  • develops such personality quality as communication skills
  • It is known that the level of speech development of children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers .
  • If the development of finger corresponds to age, then speech development is within normal limits; if the development of finger lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. Scientists studying the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children note the great stimulating significance of hand functions.
  • Physiological scientists have proven that training fingers through certain zones in the cerebral cortex has a positive effect on the mobility of the articulation organs, which makes the child’s pronunciation clearer and more correct.
  • As M. M. Koltsova notes, there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of ​​the hand can be considered another speech area of ​​the brain .

One of the non-traditional speech therapy technologies is Su-Jok therapy (“Su” - hand, “Jock” - foot). In correctional and speech therapy work, I actively use Su-Jock therapy techniques as a massage for dysarthric disorders, for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as for the purpose of general strengthening of the body. The ribbed needle-shaped surface of the ball affects nerve endings, improves blood flow and activates blood circulation. The massage ball accelerates capillary blood flow, reduces venous congestion and increases skin and muscle tone. Massage spikes on the surface of the ball affect the biologically active zones of the cerebral cortex and help improve the condition of the entire body. The massage ball has a positive effect on the development of children.

Thus, Su-Jok therapy is one of the effective techniques that ensures the development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the child.

One of the new approaches related to health-saving technologies is kinesiology or “brain gymnastics”. Improving intellectual and thinking processes must begin with the development of finger and body movements. Developmental work should be directed from movements to thinking, and not vice versa. kinesiological exercises, or as they are also called “brain gymnastics,” come to our aid Finger kinesiological exercises can be used to develop hand muscles and develop interhemispheric interaction of the child’s cerebral cortex. Exercises must be done daily. From an early age, children are taught to perform finger games from simple to complex.

Practice confirms that the use of innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist can significantly increase the efficiency of speech therapy work , intensify the dynamics of the development of correct speech skills and the entire correctional educational process as a whole.
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Topic: “Methods, technologies and techniques in speech therapy”

Municipal budgetary institution basic secondary school No. 8 of Kansk

Topic: “Methods, technologies and techniques in speech therapy”

Completed by: Ekaterina Evgenievna Chudova

teacher of Russian language and literature

Kansk 2020

Methods, technologies and techniques in speech therapy

The long-awaited baby is born, he grows up, learns about the world, the time comes when our baby tries to speak and often we hear: “the touching bowl is walking through the forest, collecting boobs, singing a song,” “the ambassador’s mother sent the dog to the chikugarka to drown,” “the nanny is using a cassette.” left”, etc.

At first, parents are touched, then more and more often they convince themselves that many children are not born with ready-made, correctly delivered speech. Time will pass and gradually, step by step, he will learn to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly, connect words with each other, construct sentences, and clearly and consistently express his thoughts. But, unfortunately, time passes, and speech development occurs with a delay or with developmental features, which leads to big problems at school. Often this is the reason for referral to PMPC and training according to an adapted program. It is in such cases that we talk about the need for qualified help from a speech therapist who helps children understand how to correctly form their speech, explains and shows what speech therapy work consists of.

Therefore, the goal of my work is to use effective methods and techniques to achieve success in correcting students’ speech. Accordingly, the tasks that I have set are the study of literature on speech therapy.

Innovative methods of influence in the work of a speech therapist are becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. These methods are among the effective means of correction and help achieve the greatest possible success in overcoming speech difficulties in students. Against the backdrop of comprehensive speech therapy assistance, innovative methods, without requiring much effort, optimize the process of correcting children’s speech and contribute to the healing of the entire body.

There is a lot of methodological literature that highlights innovative methods of speech therapy practice.

After studying the latest methodological literature, I decided to use innovative methods in my work. Children with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by: a poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words into sentences, and defective pronunciation of sounds. Most of them suffer from attention disorders and imperfect logical thinking. Therefore, along with generally accepted techniques and principles, it is quite justified to use original, creative methods, the effectiveness of which is obvious.

Some techniques should be used as physical training at the beginning of the lesson, for example:

A new and interesting direction for the development of finger motor skills is bioenergoplasty.
is a combination of movements of the articulatory apparatus with movements of the hand. Such a joint movement of the hand and the articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, helps to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on enhancing the intellectual activity of children, developing coordination and fine motor skills. Another argument in favor of bioenergoplasty is positive structural changes in the body, as a result of which attention, memory and speech improve.

Facial exercises

contribute to the development of mobility of the facial muscles and precede work on the development of clear articulatory movements. During the first lessons, the child is asked to perform the simplest facial movements: frown, alternately open and close his eyes. At first glance, these are simple exercises, but they are not very accessible to children with dysarthria. Movements are accompanied by speech:

With pi, peephole, sleep, the other one.

Sleep at once, both eyes.

Right eye, wake up!

Left eye, wake up!

In the future, the child should develop voluntary facial expressions and control over them. In classes, facial expression exercises should be used more often, during which children learn to express their emotional state - sadness, joy, fun, grief, fear, fright, indignation, confidence, timidity, anger, dissatisfaction, happiness, unhappiness, jubilation, exhaustion, cheerfulness, concern, calm, guilt, embarrassment, etc. To maintain interest in this type of task, visual material is used: pictograms depicting the faces of children and adults in various emotional states, images of clowns and animals (an angry bulldog, a sly fox, an angry wolf, etc.) .


breathing gymnastics

– rhythmic noisy inhalations and exhalations help saturate the body with oxygen, improve metabolic processes, psycho-emotional state, relieve stress, and increase immunity.

For example, the exercise “Locomotive whistle”.

Children take in air noisily through their noses; holding your breath for 1-2 seconds, exhale the air noisily through your lips, folded into a tube, with the sound “u” (the exhalation is lengthened). The exercise teaches you to breathe at a pace of 3-6 times. Inhale shorter, hold your breath, exhale long.

“Airplane flight.” Airplane children “fly” by pronouncing the sound “U”. When performing aerobatics, takeoff - the sound is directed to the head, when landing - the sound is directed to the body. The exercise regulates the child’s blood pressure and teaches breathing at a given pace according to the imagination.

Finger theater is a great stimulus for children and a means of creating speech situations.

, which is in the arsenal of the speech therapy office. The most gentle, comfortable way for children to learn is to learn through play. The game calms, heals, and in my case stimulates children's speech. You should see the delighted eyes of my students when they put an animal figurine on their finger and begin to play their role and speak! Moreover, everyone, even timid children, takes part in the educational game with pleasure. They build dialogues, compose short stories, select action words, feature words, etc.

And even the most silent and shy child comes to the board and tells his story about the animal whose role he plays.

Gymnastics for the eyes, along with gymnastics for the hands, are good to use in poetic and playful form.

An airplane flies by (arms outstretched, flying, eyes down)

I was getting ready to fly with him! (we look down, without lowering our heads, with only our eyes, as if looking at the ground from the cabin)

The right wing was pulled back - (looked as far to the right as possible)

He moved the left wing - (looked to the left)

I start the engine (my hand describes a large circle, my eyes follow the movement of my hand)

And I'm looking closely! (we describe the circle in the other direction)

I rise and fly, (we describe big eights with our hands)

I don't want to go back! (we follow the movement of the hand with our eyes)

Others are the basis of the lesson:



Among modern speech therapy technologies and techniques, mnemonics are very popular. This is a set of techniques and rules that facilitate the process of memorizing information. Its essence is that you need to come up with pictures for words or small phrases. As a result, all text is drawn in diagrams. Looking at them, the student can easily reproduce a verse, riddle or tongue twister.

Using mnemonics, you can achieve the development of auditory and visual attention, memory, associative thinking, and coherent speech. In addition, the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds is accelerated.

Lesson results:

expansion of vocabulary; the emergence of interest in memorizing poetry and inventing stories; increasing knowledge about the world around us.

With cascotherapy

The technique is a separate branch of psychotherapy and first appeared in St. Petersburg. It consists in using the fairy-tale form for the speech development of the individual, expanding consciousness and improving interaction through speech.

Fairytale therapy involves the use not so much of already invented stories, but the creation of new ones.

List of corrective tasks of fairy tale therapy:

the relationship between the motor, auditory and visual analyzers; effective game motivation of children's speech; improvement of sound speech;

improvement of lexical and grammatical language means; creating a communicative orientation of all children's statements.

Fairytale therapy methods:

drawing fairy tales; creation of dolls; storytelling and writing.

L ogorithmics

This is a modern speech therapy technology, which is a complex of musical-speech, speech-motor and musical-motor exercises. As a result of classes, children learn to switch from one type of activity to another, move expressively, and develop creative abilities. They develop endurance, strength, agility, and a sense of balance. Also, muscles are trained and strengthened, and beautiful posture is formed.

Logorithimics helps calm active children and encourages slow ones.

Lesson options:

dancing, singing; playing musical instruments; a combination of singing and breathing exercises; games with onomatopoeia; pure talk; singing and walking in different directions.

Logorhythmics is necessary in the following cases:

during the period of intensive speech formation; dysarthria;

insufficiently developed motor skills and coordination of movements; excessively fast or slow intermittent speech; stuttering.

M music therapy

Music increases the tone of the cerebral cortex, evokes pleasant emotions, stimulates blood circulation and breathing. It helps to develop the skill of listening and analyzing the sound of melodies.

Music therapy is used for the treatment and prevention of a number of pathological conditions.

Lesson options:

listening to music; singing; playing musical instruments; elements of theatricality;

music drawing.

Music therapy results:

normalization of emotional state; developing skills in using voice; elimination of fears of speech and movement disorders;

development of a sense of rhythm, independence, activity; stimulation of auditory perception; reproduction of musical images.

And zotherapy

Isotherapy classes help individuals express themselves and realize their creativity. The goal of the technique is the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills.

There are several options for classes:

drawing on semolina; finger painting; blotography.

Color therapy

This is a modern speech therapy technology designed to correct speech and psychological disorders. Scientists have long proven that colors influence the emotional, intellectual and psychological state of people.

The teacher organizes the work as follows:

children take toys and objects of certain colors, perform different actions with them and simulate situations; discuss the work done with repeated repetition of the necessary sounds.

Results of color therapy:

awareness of special color preferences; increased sensitivity and susceptibility; expansion and deepening of the perception of colors; expanding the ability to manage emotional-volitional processes; increasing interest in cognitive activity.

A large number of speech therapy technologies allows you to choose from them what is suitable for a particular child. After all, he himself must show interest in classes and experience positive emotions during them. This is very important to achieve good results.

Technology "Cluster"


– (cluster, bunch, bunch), aggregate, association of several homogeneous elements, objects.

The Cluster technology makes it possible to visualize the mental processes that occur when immersed in a particular text.

Cluster technology is universal, as it helps to work with a large amount of information that needs to be mastered, highlighted, systematized and presented in a certain way. The essence of a cracker is to highlight a topic, semantic units and graphically design a diagram in a certain order.

The cluster activates the mental activity of schoolchildren: the ability to pose questions, highlight the main thing, make comparisons, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

Drawing a model of the solar system: the star in the center is our theme


Around it the planets are large semantic units

Each planet has satellites, semantic units to large semantic units.

You can use illustrated or mixed clusters in your work. To make it easier to memorize, we use pictures, photographs, drawings, and diagrams.

In the process of educational activities, options for creating a cluster on lexical topics are possible.

The result is a structure that graphically displays children’s thoughts and determines the information field of this topic.

Breakdown into clusters in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

  • is an effective method in the formation of generalizing concepts and teaching classification
  • develops variability of thinking, the ability to establish connections and relationships of the concept being studied (phenomenon, event)
  • helps the student to think freely and openly about a topic
  • evokes fresh associations, gives access to existing knowledge, involves new ideas on a certain topic into the thought process
  • develops such personality quality as communication skills.

Syncwine technology

The most effective technology, as students' vocabulary expands. The relevance and feasibility of using didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice is explained by the fact that:

  • new technology – opens up new opportunities; Modern speech therapy practice is characterized by the search and implementation of new effective technologies that help optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher.
  • fits harmoniously into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories; the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness.
  • contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.
  • is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered.
  • has the nature of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but contributes to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

Rules for compiling a didactic syncwine

  • the first line is one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;
  • second line – two words, adjectives;
  • third line - three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;
  • the fourth line is a phrase of several words showing the attitude towards the topic;
  • fifth line - words related to the first, reflecting the essence of the topic (this can be one word).

For example:

  1. Doll
  2. Beautiful, beloved.
  3. Standing, sitting, smiling.
  4. My doll is the most beautiful.
  5. Toy.
  1. Car
  2. Fast, powerful.
  3. He drives, overtakes, brakes.
  4. I love to ride.
  5. Transport.

From the above examples it is clear that in order to correctly compose a syncwine it is necessary:

  • have sufficient vocabulary within the topic
  • generalize
  • concepts: word - object (living, not living), word-action, word-attribute
  • learn to understand and ask questions correctly
  • agree words in a sentence
  • correctly formulate your thought in the form of a sentence

Sinkwine can be used in individual and group classes, with one group or in two subgroups at the same time. Children who can print can create their own syncwine on a piece of paper, but not in the form of oral compositions. You can give homework for joint activities between the child and parents: draw an object and compose a syncwine.

The following work options can be used:

  • compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine (using words and phrases included in the syncwine);
  • correction and improvement of finished syncwine;
  • analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying the topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones);
  • It is useful to compose a syncwine to consolidate the studied lexical topic.

Compiling syncwines:

  • facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content
  • teaches you to briefly but accurately express your thoughts
  • contributes to the expansion and updating of vocabulary.

Cinquain requires less time; writing it requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative).

I couldn’t help but include TRIZ technology in my work, because... I’ve been using it for a very long time in history and social studies classes. Which I will focus on in more detail:

Games for correcting sound pronunciation using

elements of TRIZ technology


Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with sound

Progress of the game:

Children sit around the table. In the hands of the speech therapist is a stack of upside down cards. The first player takes out any card from this pile, for example, “fur coat,” and comes up with some phrase, for example: “Fluffy fur coat.” The picture moves to the next player. “The fur coat is warm,” “The fur coat is new,” etc., say the participants of the game one by one, moving the picture in a circle. The player who named the last phrase keeps the “fur coat” picture and gets the right to take the next picture from the pile. The winner is the one with the most pictures.

Unusual riddles

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with practiced sound, picture of a steam locomotive.

Progress of the game:

Pictures with answers are laid out on the table. Without pronouncing the real names of the pictures, the speech therapist gives them comic teaser names.

Staring eyes, crying eyes, blinking eyes, winking eyes -... eyes.

Wheelchair, cart, jump rope, whinny, plinth - ... horse.

Hammer, striker, knocker - hammer. Etc.

Having solved the riddle, players try to place their index fingers on the corresponding picture as quickly as possible and clearly name it. The one who manages to do this before the rest receives a prize chip. The player with the most chips starts the next round, in which the children make up similar riddles on their own. In this round, chips are not awarded for correct answers, but the first player to solve the riddle gets the right to come up with the next riddle.

What happens?

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with sound

Progress of the game:

Children sit around a table on which there are pictures illustrating words for a given sound. The speech therapist asks a question, for example: “What is magical? Blue? etc., depending on the sound being processed. Participants in the game, using pictures, make up all sorts of phrases with given adjectives, for each of which they receive prize chips: a magic wand, a blue bag. You can complicate the task at the second stage by asking children to explain why this or that object is exactly the way it is, for example: why is the bag blue? What else could she be? The one who collects the most chips wins.

Remember this

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with sound

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist shuffles the pictures and places them in pairs in front of the players. Two participants in the game will have to remember and name from ten to twenty (and more, if possible, of course) pairs of pictures. The speech therapist first explains to the children that this is not at all difficult to do if you “connect” the pairs logically. Moreover, the funnier and more imaginative this connection is, the more reliable it is. For example: horse - bicycle; the horse rides a bicycle. etc.

After the first player aloud “connects” the first ten (as many as he can) pairs of words with sentences, the speech therapist invites the second player to remember what lies under each picture. The second player answers, for example: under the bicycle is a horse, etc.

Checking the correctness of the answers, the speech therapist shows pictures of each pair and swaps them. Now the first player needs to restore pairs of pictures in memory in reverse order: under the horse there is a bicycle, etc.

Who's doing what?

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with a given sound

Progress of the game:

Pictures are laid out in the center of the table. The speech therapist asks a question, for example: “Who or what can we say “goes about?” Each player, using pictures, creates a phrase with a given verb and explains its meaning. A prize chip is given for the correct answer. The person with the most chips wins. Verbs: goes, flies, grows, falls, stands, sits, etc.

Game "Five Wizards"

Goal: to activate the dictionary on this topic.

For example, the lexical topic: “Vegetables”, wizards are the eye, nose, mouth, hand and ear.

The speech therapist invites the children to look at the tomato and asks the children the question: “What will every wizard say about it?” For example, the eye wizard will say that it is red, the nose wizard will say that it smells delicious, the mouth wizard will say what it tastes like, the hand wizard will say that it is hard and sometimes soft, the ear wizard will say that it is quiet and inaudible , it does not squeak, does not whistle, does not make noise.

Ping Pong game

Purpose: to practice selecting antonym words.

The speech therapist names the definition word, and the child says the opposite meaning (cold - hot, clean - dirty).

Game "Change"

Goal: learn to explain any event from the point of view of good and bad.

The speech therapist names an event and asks the child why it is good and why it is bad.

Circles of Llull

Four types of tasks are used:

Type 1: find a real combination.

By combining the pictures under the arrow, a real picture of the world is formed. Sentences are composed that combine these objects. Conclusions are drawn.

Type 2: explain the unusual combination.

When spinning circles, the random connection of objects is considered and the unusualness of their interaction is explained as reliably as possible.

Type 3: come up with a fantastic story or fairy tale.

When spinning circles, a random coincidence of objects is considered, which serves as the basis for fantasy.

Type 4: solve the problem.

In fantastic fairy tales, different stories happen to the heroes, it is necessary to formulate problems, and it is proposed to put forward ideas for solving them.

This manual allows you to solve problems in the development of coherent speech in children with ODD of all four levels (from the first to the fourth).

Exercises should be done taking into account the child’s characteristics. When something doesn’t work out for him, he needs to simplify the task. If there are problems with sounds or fine motor skills, then it is important to increase the number of appropriate exercises.


Thus, the use of active teaching methods and techniques increases the cognitive activity of students, develops their creative abilities, actively involves students in the educational process, stimulates independent activity of students, which equally applies to children with disabilities.

The variety of existing teaching methods allows the speech therapist to alternate different types of work, which is also an effective means of enhancing learning. Switching from one type of activity to another protects against overwork, and at the same time does not allow one to be distracted from the material being studied, and also ensures its perception from different angles.

Activation tools must be used in a system that, by combining properly selected content, methods and forms of educational organization, will allow stimulating various components of educational and correctional development activities for students with disabilities.

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