Papak on self-education of teacher-speech therapist Nadezhda Viktorovna Klyushnik


Goal: to show the role and significance of logostories as one of the effective methods for developing speech in children .

1. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature (articles in the media, Internet resources);

2. Develop file cabinets for organizing the educational process.

3. Apply these developments in practice .

Relevance of the topic:

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of preschool children with speech development disorders. The objectives of speech therapy work come down to social adaptation and integration of a child with a speech disorder into the environment of normally developing peers. It is necessary to develop the sound side, vocabulary, grammatical structure, and coherent speech . One type of innovation in speech therapy practice is LOGOSKAZKI .

Speech therapy intervention in a playful, fairy-tale form is the most universal, comprehensive and effective method of intervention in correctional work .

The main goal of the logo-fairy tale is the comprehensive , consistent development of children’s speech and the mental processes associated with it (attention, memory, thinking, imagination) through the use of elements of fairy tale therapy.

Stages of self-education work

Information and preparatory stage

— Study of scientific, methodological and educational literature.

— Study of periodicals.

— Acquaintance with the works of other teachers .

— Maintaining your own card index of literature and periodicals on the topic.

Methodological literature:

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013

№ 1155

3. Bystrova G. A., Sizova E. A., Shuiskaya T. A. “ Logo Tales ” - St. Petersburg. "KARO", 2001

4. Gromova O. E. “Innovations - in speech therapy practice ”, M.: Linka-Press, 2008

5. Lapkovskaya V.P., Volodkova N.P. “Speech entertainment in kindergarten”, M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009

6. Directory of a senior teacher of a pre-school institution, No. 11, 2013

7. Preschool education, No. 8, 2009

8. Internet resources.

Practical stage

Develop file cabinets on the topic of self-education.

Develop recommendations and reminders for teachers and parents.

— Prepare consultations on the topic.

Develop and test a system of work on the topic of self-education .

— Participate in conferences and seminars. - Card files on the topic of self-education ,

-recommendations, memos for teachers and parents,

- consultations on the topic.

Final stage (report) Report forms:

— generalization of work experience on the topic of self-education .

- Speeches at teacher councils, seminars - on the exchange of experience and pedagogical findings.

- Master Class.

— Consultations and files for teachers on the topic of self-education .

— Introduction of teaching aids into the pedagogical process.

— Introducing colleagues to the latest in methodological literature on the topic


— analysis of work .

-Consultations and files for teachers on the topic of self-education ;

-Card index on the topic;

-Work experience , presentation on the topic.

Long-term work plan for self-education

for 2020-2021


-Reading fiction.

-Didactic, articulation, finger games.

-Independent activity.

-Selection and study of methodological literature on this problem

-Consultation for parents “ Logo tales in correctional work with children with speech


-Studying articles on the topic in the magazines “Preschool Education”, “Hoop”, “Handbook of Senior Preschool Teacher”

-Help in enriching the subject-developing speech environment .


-Exchange of experience between colleagues.

-Help in enriching the subject-developing speech environment .


-Study the experience of other teachers on the designated topic on Internet sites

Design of visual information.


-Use of logos fairy tales in individual work with children on the instructions of a speech therapist , in play, in free activity

-Create a card index of finger games, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, exercises for coordination of speech with movement , development games

auditory attention;

-Master classes for parents


-Select a cycle of fairy tales to correct the speech development of preschool children

-Consultation for parents: “Creating conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children through play activities at home”


-Exchange of experience between colleagues.

-Parental participation to reinforce correctional work


-Card index for teachers

- Participation of parents to consolidate correctional work .


-Prepare the results of work on the topic , present materials;

-Creation of a presentation “ Correction of speech of preschool children using logo-fairy tales .”

- Participation of parents to consolidate correctional work .


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013

№ 1155

3. Bystrova G. A., Sizova E. A., Shuiskaya T. A. “ Logo Tales ” - St. Petersburg. "KARO", 2001

4. Gromova O. E. “Innovations - in speech therapy practice ”, M.: Linka-Press, 2008

5. Lapkovskaya V.P., Volodkova N.P. “Speech entertainment in kindergarten”, M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009

6. Directory of senior preschool teacher, No. 11, 2013

7. Preschool education, No. 8, 2009

8. Internet resources.

Self-education plan “Use of health-saving technologies in speech therapy work”

author: Amirova Vasilya Raisovna

teacher-speech therapist MADOU DSKV "Yugorka"

Self-education plan “Use of health-saving technologies in speech therapy work”


Topic: Use of health-saving technologies in the system of speech therapy support for children with speech disorders

Taking care of your health is the most important work. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence depend on the vital activity and vigor of children... (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)


The well-being of society largely depends on the health of children. In recent years, a steady trend has emerged towards a significant decline in health indicators and the rate of development of preschool children, which is due to the deterioration of socio-economic and environmental conditions. In this regard, at present, pedagogical technologies that, in addition to the pedagogical effect, involve preserving the health of children are becoming increasingly in demand.

Speech therapy practice shows that the number of children with dysarthria, motor and sensory alalia, and stuttering increases every year. Children with speech impairments, especially those of an organic nature, usually differ from their peers in terms of physical and neuropsychic health.

Features of physical development:

  • breathing and voice disorders;
  • violations of gross and fine motor skills;
  • disinhibition and inhibition of muscle tension;
  • increased fatigue;
  • a noticeable lag in indicators of basic physical qualities: strength, speed, agility;
  • violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of movements.

Features of mental development:

  • violations of optical-spatial praxis;
  • instability of attention;
  • memory disorder (especially auditory);
  • unformed thinking;

Accordingly, there is a need to carry out comprehensive health-improving and correctional work with these children, and the use of health-saving technologies contributes to an integrated impact, as well as achieving sustainable, stable results in a shorter time.

The effect of their use depends on the professional competence of the teacher, the ability to use new opportunities, to include effective methods in the system of correctional and developmental process, creating psychophysiological comfort for children during classes, providing for a “situation of confidence” in their abilities. New stimuli serve to create a favorable emotional background, contribute to the inclusion of intact mental functions in work and the activation of impaired mental functions. Thus, the therapeutic capabilities of health-saving technologies help create conditions for speech expression and perception.


identifying effective ways to use health-saving technologies in the work of a speech therapist in order to optimize the process of speech correction and form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children.


— study and analyze pedagogical, psychological, methodological and special literature on modern health-saving technologies.

-to create the prerequisites for the full development of educational programs by students by correcting speech disorders using health-saving technologies;

- create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children, based on the comprehensive and systematic use of physical education means available for kindergarten - (protection of the nervous system, relieving mental and nervous tension; formation of oral praxis; improvement of general, fine motor skills and visual-spatial gnosis; increasing the reserves of the respiratory system)

- involve parents in solving the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle;

— identification, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience for teachers of preschool educational institutions;

— preparation of publications for printing on the topic of using health-saving technologies in the educational space of preschool educational institutions and the family.


the topic was selected for study and practical use for the 2016-17, 2017-18 academic years.


children, teachers and parents of the compensatory group for children with special needs development

Expected results:

  • cognitive and speech activity;
  • correct speech breathing in children;
  • formed finger movements, general motor skills;
  • positive dynamics in the development of all aspects of the student’s speech;
  • lack of tension and stiffness in children;
  • improving the somatic health of speech-language pathologist children;
  • use of health-saving technologies by parents and teachers in classes with children.

Work plan for the 2016-2018 academic year

ChapterDeadlinesThe content of the workPractical solutions
Studying methodological literature and other sourcesSeptember - May
  1. Studying methodological literature on this issue:

— Pavlova M. A., Lysogorskaya M. V. Health-saving system of preschool educational institutions. Program models. Recommendations. Lesson developments.

Ilyakova N.E. Positioning probes in the correction of sound pronunciation: a manual for speech therapists in preschool, school and medical institutions.

— Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of the development of intelligence in preschool children. Psycho-gymnastics.— Yastrebova A.V., Lazarenko O.I. Classes on the formation of speech-thinking activity and culture of oral speech in children.— Yastrebova A.V., Lazarenko O.I. I want to go to school.

— Bushlyakova R.G. Articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty.

2. Search for materials on the Internet.

Analysis of the studied sources.
Work with childrenSeptember-May
  1. Conducting monitoring studies.
  2. Conducting practical classes:
  3. Organization of a subject-development environment that promotes the health of children.
OctoberMayLearning articulation exercisesThe Tale of the Merry Tongue

Exercise card (2017-18)

Development of speech breathingThe Tale of the Wind

Exercise card (2017-18)

Learning finger gamesFinger Theater “How the frog was looking for friends.”

Exercise card (2017-18)

Kinesiological exercisesCard index
Visual gymnasticsManufacturing of simulators
Elements of art therapy, logorhythmics, sand therapy, su-jok therapyProducts of activity
Working with familySeptember



Logo training “Why do we need articulation gymnastics?”
Consultation “Formation of correct speech breathing”
Speeches at parent meetings.



Consultation “We play with our fingers - we develop speech”
“Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing”
Folder - moving





Master class “Kinesiological exercises”
Master class “Development of speech breathing through game exercises”
Speeches at parent meetings



Report on the work done for the academic year. Consultation “Organization of speech regime in the summer.”
Progress report for the training course

Consultation “Speech readiness of children for school”

Speeches at parent meetings
Self-realizationSeptember - MayCollection of materials, notes on the topic of self-education.Design of a folder with materials on the topic of self-education.
SeptemberDrawing up a work planSelf-education work plan.

October 2017

Consultation “Health-saving technologies in the correction of speech disorders”
Consultation “Formation of correct speech breathing in children through corrective exercises.”
Speeches at the methodological council



Master class: “Use of kinesiological exercises in working with children with speech disorders”
Workshop “Making didactic games for the development of speech breathing.”
Speech speech therapists at the GMO
For teachers of older groups



Consultation for teachers “Development of fine motor skills of children in theatrical activities.”
Master class “Use of logorhythmics in classes on speech development with older preschoolers”
Speech at the method council
For teachers, compensation. groups
Attendance at the workshop "Ryabinushka" MADOU DSKV "Innovative technologies of preschool education", participation in the master class "Su-jok therapy"
Preparation of a report on the work done on the topic of self-education.Report.
During a yearListening to webinars, taking advanced training courses.Certificates

Expected result:

  • Increasing the results of correctional work up to 95% - 100%.
  • Formation of a set of didactic materials.
  • Preparing students for the city competition “Young Talents” and for the reading competition in preschool educational institutions.
  • Formation of pedagogical developments of educational activities using health-saving technologies.
  • Development of the project “Correct breathing - beautiful speech.”

A way to demonstrate the result of the work done:

  1. Master classes for teachers
  2. Open classes using health-saving technologies.
  3. Posting developments of classes using health-saving technologies on the preschool educational institution website.
  4. Progress report:
  5. Generalization of work experience at the kindergarten level.
  6. Speech on the exchange of experience of speech therapists and teachers of compensatory groups working on GMOs.
  7. Presentation of an analytical report to the administration with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other specialists and educators.

Self-education plan “Use of health-saving technologies in speech therapy work”

Self-education plan for a speech therapist teachermaterial on the topic


self-education of speech therapist teacher

Myasnikova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

Methodological topic: Development of coherent speech in preschool children with special needs development

Time frame for topic development: from 2021 to 2024.

The purpose of self-education: increasing the methodological basis, level of qualifications, professional skills and competence.


Increase your own level of knowledge;

Develop a long-term plan for working with children;

Carry out diagnostics at the beginning and end of the school year;

Create a working curriculum;

Set up a speech activity center in the group and in the office;

Prepare and conduct consultations for teachers and parents on the topic;

Participate in seminars, conferences, webinars of various forms and levels;

Conduct a master class for teachers and parents on the topic.

Justification of the chosen topic.

The number of pupils with speech disorders is increasing year by year, the degree of manifestation of the speech defect is worsening, so the problem of stimulating speech development is very relevant. A child’s speech is formed in the process of communication with peers and adults around him.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines target guidelines, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands oral speech well and can express his thoughts and desires.

In this regard, one of the main tasks of a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution becomes the organization of a unified educational process with the interaction of specialists (teacher-speech therapist, teachers of groups of all ages in kindergarten, teacher-psychologist, music directors, physical education instructor) and parents in order to create effective conditions for the full development of a child’s speech.

The result of the work should be high results in mastering the kindergarten program, good quality of preschool training, in particular speech, and the creation of methodological tools (recommendations, booklets, consultations, manuals for parents, teachers, students on further support and improvement of speech function).

Self-education is one of the forms of advanced training for teachers, independent systematic training. The choice of a methodological topic is determined by the degree of its relevance for the teacher, the preschool educational institution, the teacher’s level of knowledge of the scientific and theoretical base and practical skills necessary in teaching, knowledge of issues of psychology, didactics, and educational theory.

Self-education plan.

  1. Professional and pedagogical activities.
The content of the work Deadlines
Timely identification of children with special developmental needs, collection of anamnesis, development of questionnaires and conducting surveys, formation of correction groups, development of an individual route for speech correction for each child. Beginning of the school year
Organization of the educational process.
During. year Creation of an accessible, safe, variable, multifunctional subject-development environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Throughout the year, online consultation of parents on issues of speech development through communication on the pages of the personal website of the teacher - speech therapist, the kindergarten website on the Electronic Education portal, and in personal correspondence. Throughout the year, assistance to music directors in preparing children for matinees, festivals, and competitions. According to the preschool educational institution's plan, Preparing children for reading competitions, creative competitions, literary genres. During the year, developing scenarios and holding events together with preschool educational institutions teachers: entertainment, master classes, pedagogical projects, exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, consultations, teacher councils. Throughout the year, Consultations for parents: group and individual: “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education on Speech Development”, “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, “Causes of Speech Impairments”, “Manifestations of Speech Impairments”, “Conditions for Full Speech Development”, “Norms of Speech Development” : how to achieve it?”, “Articulation gymnastics: with or without it”, “Interaction at all levels”, “Hand in hand”, “Speech and motor skills”, “How to start working on correcting sound pronunciation”, “Do no harm” , “What do I know about my child”, “Speech breathing: what is it?”, “Voice formation”, “Diction or fiction”, “Target guidelines”, “Unity of requirements in kindergarten and family: developing a strategy”, “How to children’s speech is figurative and expressive” During the year, “Joint Card Index” - selection, search, production, creation of didactic games, manuals that can be used both in kindergarten and at home. Forms of work: round table, creative workshop, search in stores, on the Internet, joint projects. During the year 10 Seminars - workshops, integrated classes on the development of breathing, voice, intonation and motor skills of a preschooler During the year Seminars - workshops “Methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech by improving the motor sphere of the child” According to the MO plan. “The role of children’s books in a child’s speech development” - creating little books on the topic of the week together with children and their parents. Exhibition of manufactured books. During the year “Prevention of dysgraphia in children 5-7 years old” - preparing the child for writing and developing fine motor skills During the year Implementation of the “Hand in Hand” project - pedagogical support for parents of children with speech difficulties During the year Preparing and conducting PMPK: developing a script and carrying out the graduation of children from the speech therapy group, examination of children of the middle group, enrollment of children in speech therapy groups for the next school year April Generalization of work experience on a methodological topic: self-analysis of classes, report on the work done, monitoring of child development, maintaining diagnostic cards, development of recommendations for parents and teachers on the topic, publications in collections, on educational websites, portals, participation in face-to-face and correspondence conferences, seminars, webinars, competitions - Mersibo, VseWebinars, Sfera shopping center, Prodlenka. Open classes for parents throughout the year. Beginning and end of the year. Participation in the work of the RMO of speech therapists According to the RMO plan Availability, maintenance, updating of a personal website Constantly Club work (“Activities”) Except for the Summer period. Creative collaboration with preschool teachers. During a year
  1. Methodical work.

Replenishment of the methodological piggy bank, generalization and dissemination of practical experience on the topic.

The content of the work Deadlines
1 Studying new programs and teaching aids on the topic and related sciences and disciplines. 2019 and beyond.
2 Study of regulatory documents on issues of preschool education: Law of the Russian Federation dated September 1, 2013. “On Education”; Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education”; Resolution No. 26 of May 15, 2013 on the approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”; Approximate basic educational program of a preschool educational institution Beginning of the year, regularly
3 Development and approval of the annual work plan, work program of the teacher-speech therapist for the academic year. September
4 Mastering the methodological base, methodological literature, familiarizing with available and proven Internet resources, summarizing the existing experience of teachers on the problem. 2020.
5 Development of a correction program for the academic year. Beginning of the year
6 Creation of an electronic database: training manuals, presentations, literature on the topic, regulatory documentation, educational games, card files. During 2019-2024.
7 Decoration of stands, groups, office with screens, memos, booklets: “Tips from a speech therapist.” During a year
8 Development of scenarios for joint activities with children and their parents. During a year
9 Preparation for matinees, festivals, competitions. According to plan
10 Development of scenarios for joint events with preschool teachers: entertainment, master classes, pedagogical projects, exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, consultations, teacher councils. During a year
11 Preparation of consulting material for parents on the topics: “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education on Speech Development”, “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, “Causes of Speech Impairments”, “Manifestations of Speech Impairments”, “Conditions for Full Speech Development”, “Normal Speech Development: How to achieve?”, “Articulation gymnastics: with or without it”, “Interaction at all levels”, “Hand in hand”, “Speech and motor skills”, “How to start working on correcting sound pronunciation”, “Do no harm”, “What I know about my child”, “Speech breathing: what is it?”, “Voice formation”, “Diction or fiction”, “Target guidelines”, “Unity of requirements in kindergarten and family: developing a strategy”, “How to make children’s speech figurative and expressive." During a year
12 “Joint card index” - creation of a card index and a database of didactic games, manuals for use in kindergarten and at home. 2021
13 Development of methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech by improving the child’s motor sphere 2022
14 “The role of children’s books in a child’s speech development” - creating little books on the topic of the week together with children and their parents. Exhibition of manufactured books. During a year
15 Development of a program for the prevention of dysgraphia in children 5-7 years old (preparing the child for writing and developing fine motor skills) 2020-2023
16 Design of the “Hand in Hand” project - pedagogical support for parents of children with speech difficulties 2024
17 Preparation and conduct of PMPK: development of a scenario for the release of children, filling out documentation for PMPK, report April
18 Independent development of teaching materials of various levels and nature. During a year
19 Generalization of work experience on a methodological topic: self-analysis of classes, report on the work done, monitoring of child development, maintaining diagnostic cards, development of recommendations for parents and teachers on the topic, publications in collections, on educational websites, portals, participation in face-to-face and correspondence conferences, seminars, webinars, competitions – Mersibo, VseWebinar, Sphere shopping center, During a year
20 Training, advanced training courses, webinars, conferences, self-education on the issue of “Coherent Speech” Constantly
21 Systematization and replenishment of the portfolio with materials on the topic of self-education. 2019-2024
22 Participation in the methodological activities of the RMO of speech therapists: development of a work program, selection of topics for meetings of the RMO of speech therapists According to the plan Art. speech therapist
23 Maintaining the preschool educational institution website Constantly
24 Availability of a personal website: maintenance, updating, improvement, monitoring, self-reporting. Constantly
25 Publications of systematized teaching experience. Regularly
26 Online work “Our Portal”, the pedagogical community “My Education”, attracting participants (parents of children with disabilities), updating materials, providing support in matters of speech development of preschoolers. Constantly

3. Study of specialized literature.

1. Studying and posting materials on sites:
  • Children's portal "Sun", Magazine "Logopedia",, "Extension", "Infourok", "Video lesson", "Speech therapy for everyone", "Logopedia.bu", "Logoportal", "Multilesson", "I - teacher", "Open Lesson", (Self-education of teachers as one of the factors in improving the quality of work with preschoolers).
2. Studying periodicals, methodological literature.
  • Library of the magazine “Preschool teacher: Interaction of preschool teachers with parents.”
  • Bolshakova S. E. Formation of fine motor skills of the hands: Games and exercises. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.
  • Bot O. S. Formation of precise finger movements in children with general speech underdevelopment // Defectology. - 1983. - No. 1.
  • Vasilyeva S.A., Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. - M.: Shkola-Press Publishing House, 2001.
  • Vorobyova L.V. Educational games for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.
  • Vorobyova T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. Ball and speech. – St. Petersburg: Delta, 2001.
  • Golubina T.S. What will the cell teach? M., Mosaic - synthesis, 2001.
  • Ermakova I. A. Developing fine motor skills in children. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.
  • Journal "Handbook of senior preschool teachers." 2007. No. 2. P. 37-41; article “Self-education of teachers in preschool educational institutions.” Author: K.Yu. Belaya, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education at the Moscow Institute of Open Education, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.
  • Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. "Parent meetings in preschool educational institutions."
  • Konovalenko S.V., Kremenskaya M.I. Development of the psycho-physiological basis of speech in preschool children with developmental disorders. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-press, 2012.
  • Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2007.
  • Krupenchuk O.I. Preparing your hand for writing: contour, line, color. St. Petersburg 2005
  • Krupenchuk O.I. Training fingers - developing speech: preparatory group of kindergarten. St. Petersburg, Publishing House Litera, 2009.
  • Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A manual for speech therapists and parents. – St. Petersburg: ICHP “Hardford”, 1996.
  • Discoveries: Approximate basic educational program for preschool education / E.G. Yudina. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis. — 2015 – 160s.
  • Ruzina M.S. Country of finger games. St. Petersburg, Crystal, 1997.
  • Tsvintarny V.V. Playing with fingers and developing speech - St. Petersburg: ICHP "Hardford", 1996.
  • Chirkova S.V. "Parent meetings in kindergarten."

Self-education plan for a speech therapist teacher

Myasnikova S.V.

for 2021 - 2021 academic year

Individual topic of self-education:

“Development of coherent speech in preschoolers in the process of working on retelling and storytelling.”

Time to work on the topic: September 2021 – May 2021

Sources of self-education:

  • methodological literature,
  • Internet resources,
  • exchange of experience on the basis of MADOU,
  • exchange of experience between speech therapists.


  • consulting teachers of MADOU;
  • posting methodological developments on the MaDOU website;
  • showing an open lesson for speech therapists;
  • generalization of the studied material in the “Portfolio” (section “Professional improvement”).

Rationale for choosing the topic:

This topic of self-education was not chosen by chance. Teaching a child to talk means forming his coherent speech. This task is included as a component of the general task of developing children’s oral speech in preschool educational institutions. It is also the most important in speech therapy work with preschoolers. With the formation of coherent speech, all aspects of the child’s oral speech are improved. All this is necessary both for the most complete overcoming of speech development defects in children, and for preparing older preschoolers for the upcoming school education.

Work plan

Tasks Forms and methods of implementation deadlines
1. Planning work for the academic year Determining the topic of self-education. September
Development of a long-term work plan on the topic being studied.
2. Studying information from various sources on the topic of self-education Studying methodological literature. during a year
Review of information on the Internet.
Familiarization with innovative techniques on the topic.
Study of psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of teaching preschoolers to compose stories and retellings.
3. Identification of features of violations when composing stories and retellings in older preschool children Diagnosis of coherent speech of children of preparatory groups. October
4. Implementation of corrective influence on preschool children attending speech therapy classes. Introduction of modern educational technologies into the correctional process for

development of coherent speech in preschoolers in order to correct oral speech disorders, form key competencies and increase the motivation of preschoolers.

during a year
Improving the methods of correctional and developmental speech therapy process.
5. Generalization of teaching experience on the topic Production and replenishment of visual material on this topic. during a year
Design of folders and transfers for consulting legal representatives of preschool children.
Writing a report on the work done.
Consulting preschool teachers on the topic.

Publication on the preschool educational institution website.

Studying methodological literature

Questions to Study Deadlines Literature Reporting forms
1 Program requirements for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers August From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education/edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, 2014 Consulting for educators
2 Methods for forming coherent monologue speech of preschoolers September Glukhov V.P. Methodology for the formation of coherent monologue speech of preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Textbook special course manual. – M.: Alpha, 1996.

Zhukova N.S. and other speech therapy.

Consulting for educators
Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children: Book. for speech therapist/N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva.Ekaterinburg: Publishing house ARD LTD, 1998
3 Linguistic and research aspects of the problem of composing a story and retelling by preschoolers. October Gvozdev A.N. Issues in studying children's speech. – M.: Education, 1964. Parent counseling
4 Directions of correctional work on teaching preschoolers how to compose a story and retell it. november Korotkova E.P. Teaching preschool children storytelling: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden – 2nd ed. corr. and additional . – M.: Education, 1982 Consulting for educators
Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Markaryan I.A. Speech development of preschool children. – M.UC Perspective, 2009
5 Educational technologies used in teaching preschoolers how to compose a story and retell it. December


Studying Internet resources. Design of the “Additional Material” folder
6 Methods for developing skills in writing descriptive stories through visual modeling February March Smyshlyaeva T.N. Using the method of visual modeling in the correction of general speech underdevelopment of preschool children [Text]/T.N. Smyshlyaeva, E.Yu. Korchuganova // Speech therapist - No. 5 – P.28 Design of the folder “Visual modeling method”
The use of visual modeling in the formation of coherent speech utterances in older preschool children with special needs O. V. Pishchikova - (
Maletina N. Modeling in descriptive speech of children with special needs [Text] / N. Maletina, L Ponomareva // Preschool education. – 2004.- No. 6.
7 Contents and methods of examining the state of coherent speech of preschoolers April May Gribova O.E. Technology of organizing speech therapy examination: method. Manual.- M.: Iris-press, 2005 Design of the folder “Surveys of the state of oral speech of preschool children”
Speech examinations in children. Under the general editorship of I. T. Vlasenko, G. V. Chirkina. Compiled by T. P. Bessonova. Issue 2. Moscow. 1996
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