A practical guide to correcting sound pronunciation in children for speech therapists and parents, Anishchenkova E.S., 2011

Books to help

Speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics. Practical guide, ed. Krause E. N.

Description: This methodological guide is a reminder for beginning speech therapists and a training manual for parents who want to help their children overcome various types of speech defects.

Stuttering plans

Stuttering plans

Speech therapist lessons. Correction of speech disorders. Zhukova N.S.

The proposed manual “Lessons of a speech therapist” is intended for speech therapists, educators, Russian language teachers and their students.

In its methodological part, it can be used by teachers of speech technology and people of speech professions who want to improve their diction.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria. Arkhipova E.F.

Massage is a method of treatment and prevention, which is a set of techniques of mechanical influence on various areas of the surface of the human body. The mechanical effect changes the condition of the muscles, creates positive kinesthesia necessary for normalizing the pronunciation aspect of speech.

Automation of the sound Рь in game exercises. Album of preschooler L. A. Komarov

The manual offers a system of exercises for automating sounds for preschoolers aged 4-7 years, which turns the monotonous and monotonous work of strengthening the pronunciation of sounds into an interesting game. Along with its automation, the child’s reading skills improve, fine motor skills and creative imagination develop.

The manual is intended for individual work with a child and is addressed to speech therapists, teachers of speech therapy groups and parents of children with speech disorders.

Automation of the sound R in game exercises. Preschooler's albumL. A. Komarova

The manual offers a system of exercises for automating the sound “R” for preschoolers aged 4-7 years, which turns the monotonous and monotonous work of consolidating the pronunciation of the sound into an interesting game. Along with its automation, the child’s reading skills improve, fine motor skills and creative imagination develop.

Speech therapist lessons. Correction of speech disorders. Nadezhda Zhukova

Nadezhda Sergeevna Zhukova is a well-known speech therapist with thirty years of experience, candidate of pedagogical sciences. She is the author of original research on speech development in preschool children. The best traditions of such famous Soviet teachers and speech therapists-practitioners as E.F. Rau, A.G. Ippolitova were continued in the new book by N.S. Zhukova: “Lessons of a Speech Therapist.”

The textbook “Lessons of a Speech Therapist” will solve speech problems at any age scientifically, thoroughly, radically and forever.

Books for speech therapists


1. Aleksandrova, L. Lullabies in the system of speech therapy assistance: young children in conditions of maternal deprivation of varying degrees of severity / L.

Alexandrova // Preschool education. - 2010. - No. 10. - P. 89-95.

2. Borovtsova, L. Ways to improve the qualifications and professional skills of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution / L. Borovtsova // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 2. - P. 93-99.

3. Vavilkina, G. M. Relationship in the work of a speech therapist and primary school teacher / G. M. Vavilkina // Primary school. - 2007. - No. 1. - P. 43-45.

4. Vershinina, L. N. Joint work of a psychologist and speech therapist in elementary school / L. N. Vershinina, E. A. Ipkaeva // Elementary school. - 2007. - No. 11. - P. 68-74.

5. Volkova, E. N. The use of speech therapy rhythms in relieving mental stress in the process of teaching junior schoolchildren / E. N. Volkova //

Elementary School. – 2005. – No. 11. – P. 44-48.

6. Gromova, O. E. Arbitrary articulation and acquisition of the first words in the initial children’s vocabulary / O. E. Gromova // Defectology. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 57-66.

7. Kiseleva, V. Helping a child of the third year of life with delayed speech development / V. Kiseleva, O. Gromova // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 11. - P. 103-112.

8. Kiseleva, V. Does your child not speak? / V. Kiseleva // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 103-112.

9. Kiseleva, N. Didactic manual “Logoclub”: games and activities / N. Kiseleva, N. Nikiforova // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 7. - P. 105-106.

10. Kitik, E. E. Information technologies and training of speech therapists: educational computer program “Dislalia” / E. E. Kitik // Defectology. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 79-84.

11. Kitik, E. E. Information technologies and training of speech therapists: educational computer program “Dyslalia: sigmatisms” / E. E. Kitik // Defectology. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 74-84.

12. Kuznetsova, L. Didactic games for familiarizing preschoolers with spatial prepositions / L. Kuznetsova, A. Droyskaya // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 10. - P. 106-107.

13. Lekhanova, O. How to understand yourself and others?: working with older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment / O. Lekhanova // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 9. - P. 100-105.

14. Makauskienė, V. Group program for speech correction for stuttering schoolchildren / V. Makauskienė, J. Orzekauskienė // Defectology. - 2005. - No. 2. - P. 70-74.

15. Ovchinnikov, A. Work of a speech therapist with bilingual children / A. Ovchinnikov // Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 55-62.

16. Pavlyuk, E. Let’s explore the world together: correctional and speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age with ODD in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution / E. Pavlyuk //

Preschool education. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 80-85.

17. Perchatkina, E. Cooperation between speech therapist and parents / E. Perchatkina // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 102-108.

18. Podobed, S. Helping children with severe speech impairments / S. Podobed // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 71-73.

19. Pozhilenko, E. Introducing children to the environment and developing speech: from the experience of joint work of a speech therapist and teacher / E. Pozhilenko, E. Ignatieva // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 32-40.

20. Romusik, M. Correction of general speech underdevelopment: junior preschool age / M. Romusik // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 76-83.

21. Semushina, Yu. A fairy tale teaches us to speak: speech therapy fairy tales and leisure activities / Yu. Semushina // Preschool education. - 2009. - No. 12. - P. 54-65.

22. Stepanova, O. About the speech center at a preschool educational institution / Stepanova O. // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 11. - P. 26-33.

23. Tikhonova, E. We write as we hear: [speech therapy problems] / Elena Tikhonova, recorded by Elena Kutsenko // First of September. - 2005. - December 6 (No. 82).

24. Sheremetyeva, E. V. Diagnosis and main directions of correction of motor prerequisites for articulation in young children with deviations in speech acquisition / E. V. Sheremetyeva // Defectology. - 2008. - No. 4. - P. 69-75.

25. Shokhor-Trotskaya, M.K. How your child speaks depends on you / M.K. Shokhor-Trotskaya // Science and Life. - 2006. - No. 8. - P. 39-43.

If you don’t know where to start, because there are a lot of materials and manuals, and what of this will really be useful in practice is unknown, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with our speech therapist’s starter kit, which was compiled by specialists with many years of experience.

It includes all the most necessary materials and lectures that are needed at the initial level, when practical skills are still lacking or it is necessary to restore/update knowledge. Read more.

Multifunctional correctional and developmental aids for automation and differentiation of speech sounds

Regina Yarullina

Multifunctional correctional and developmental aids for automation and differentiation of speech sounds

Goal: to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work on the formation of correct sound pronunciation in preschoolers with various speech , to involve parents in the educational process and to make homework on automating sounds easier and more accessible.


To increase interest and motivation in preschoolers for speech therapy classes

Develop the correct articulatory patterns of sounds using game articulatory gymnastics

Consistently automate set sounds in syllables , words, phrases, sentences

Practice determining the position of automated sounds in a word

Develop the ability to differentiate automated sounds in your speech and use them correctly

Develop fine motor skills

Develop phonemic hearing and perception

Develop coherent speech

Form the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination and perception

Strengthen the skills of sound analysis and synthesis

Develop control over your own speech

Form elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Introduce parents to the sequential stages and various techniques for automating sounds

Provide practical assistance to parents in completing homework on automation and differentiation of speech sounds .


Writer L. S. Sukhorukov wrote that “our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, and mind.”

Timely mastery of all aspects of speech in preschool age is of great importance for the formation of a child’s full-fledged personality and his successful education at school.

A child with well-developed speech easily enters into dialogue, he can freely express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, agree on joint activities, and conversely, unclear speech makes relationships with others very difficult and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character.

Based on the above, my main goal, as a teacher-speech therapist, is to help children master correct, clear, expressive speech with an age-appropriate vocabulary and level of development of coherent speech , through the use of various methods and techniques of speech therapy aimed at correcting speech defects .

Most often, speech defects are observed in sound pronunciation , which is quite difficult to form correctly, since the child needs to learn to control his organs of articulation, to exercise control over his own speech and the speech of others.

Correction of impaired pronunciation is carried out step by step and sequentially. The stage of automation of sounds is designated in the methodology of speech therapy for correcting sound pronunciation as the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills (according to L. S. Volkova)

Its goal is to teach the child to correctly pronounce an already delivered sound .
As you know, pronunciation is first fixed in isolation, then in syllables, words, phrases. In parallel, the work begun in the preparatory period continues to develop sound analysis , the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word , and select words with a given sound . To automate sound, techniques of reflected repetition and independent naming of language units from pictures, diagrams, and symbols are used. The work proceeds sequentially and gradually, from simple to complex.

In case of severe speech disorders, the stage of automation is delayed ; for a long time, the child is unable to correctly pronounce the given sound in syllables and words , not to mention phrases. Repeated repetition of the same speech material tires the child. The matter is further complicated by the fact that for some sounds the speech material is very limited (for example, [g], [d], [y], [sch], etc.)

If the child is “stuck”
automating isolated sound , then there is no need to talk about the variety of techniques.
Therefore, so that the child does not lose interest in classes and the desire to visit the speech therapist’s office, I look for new approaches to the same exercises, try to diversify gaming methods and techniques of my work, give children new creative tasks to consolidate correct pronunciation. The constant search for new gaming techniques led me to create multifunctional Velcro aids for automating and differentiating speech sounds . These manuals are intended for individual lessons with preschool children. Each manual contains a lot of games with varied and colorful speech material, with changing plots and exercises based on articulatory gymnastics techniques, and stages of automation and differentiation of speech sounds .

Results achieved:

The use of these benefits in work made it possible to create the most favorable conditions for the development speech and increase interest in speech therapy classes.

Children began to consolidate the sounds , and creating their own stories in the game allowed them to easily introduce automated sounds into independent speech. Children have improved their ability to correctly construct lexical and grammatical sentences, train auditory and visual memory, develop thinking, memory, attention, and form elementary mathematical concepts.

Parents, with the help of a manual at home, practiced the acquired skills in their children’s classes, which contributed to the improvement of sound pronunciation in preschoolers .

Social significance:

Correct speech is the most important mental function of a person. Speech communication promotes social contact between people, thanks to which higher forms of activity develop. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier he expresses his thoughts, the better he understands reality, the more fully he builds relationships with children and adults, which is one of the keys to a person’s success in the modern world.

Thus, the availability of manuals to a wider audience made it possible to include parents in joint work, create a unified space for the child’s speech development and significantly increase the effectiveness of correctional speech therapy work on the formation of correct sound pronunciation in preschool children with various speech .

General requirements for work to correct deficiencies in sound pronunciation

When forming correct sound pronunciation in children, regardless of the causes and nature of dyslalia, a number of general requirements must be met.

Thus, when eliminating deficiencies in the pronunciation of a particular sound, it is necessary to adhere to a strict sequence of stages of speech therapy work:

1. Development of auditory attention and phonemic perception of the generated sound.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

3. Sound production.

4. Sound automation.

5. Differentiation of formed and mixed sounds in pronunciation.

If the child clearly perceives the formed phoneme by ear, the first stage of work can be eliminated.

Sometimes it turns out that a child, without preliminary articulatory gymnastics, reproduces all the differentiated movements of the tongue and lips necessary for a given sound. In this case, you can eliminate the second stage of work. However, it must be emphasized that the sequence of all other stages must be strictly observed.

When producing sounds, extensive use should be made of various analyzers (auditory, visual, skin and motor), which facilitates the reproduction of the required articulation according to the model and control over it.

As the skills of correct pronunciation of sound are automated, the need for visual control disappears. Further work is carried out based on auditory and kinesthetic self-control.

From the very beginning of working on sound, it is necessary to develop auditory self-control in the child. For this purpose, the speech therapist draws the child’s attention to the incorrect pronunciation of the sound and offers to compare it with the correct one. It is advisable for the speech therapist to imitate the distorted pronunciation, alternating it with the normal one, and the child compares both options and reproduces the correct one. Children should be constantly reminded to listen to how they pronounce. At first, the child’s exaggerated pronunciation of the sound is useful. This will make it easier for him to acquire auditory self-control skills.

You can move on to automating a given sound only when the child pronounces it in isolation completely correctly and clearly with prolonged or multiple repetitions. In no case should you introduce into syllables and words a sound that is not yet pronounced clearly enough, as this will only lead to the consolidation of incorrect skills and will not improve pronunciation.

Automation of the supplied sound must be carried out in a strict sequence:

Text of the book “Producing the sound R”


Problems of incorrect pronunciation of sounds in preschool children are very common. The sound [P] causes particular difficulty in pronunciation. This methodological manual is of a recommendatory nature. It presents basic recommendations for parents on setting and working on this sound at home on their own. Parents can use these recommendations for home activities with their child. The best result can be achieved if an experienced speech therapist and parents work with the child at home. Only through cooperation can good and correct children's speech be achieved. The manual consists of several sections. The first section is the ontogenesis of children's speech development. Having studied it, we will be able to understand what is the age norm and what requires correctional work. Next, the stages of working on sound are described in great detail. There are specific examples of games that can be used and many illustrations. The pictures will help explain each game to your child. When you read to the end, and I think you will, you will see a small conclusion. If you are reading this book, it means that you are already on the right path, and you are ready to help your child learn to pronounce this difficult sound. It is in your hands to make this process not boring and monotonous, but an interesting and exciting journey to the land of “Beautiful Speech Sounds”. Let's go on a journey together!

Ontogenesis of children's speech activity.

The first vocal reaction in a baby is a cry. It is with the help of it that a child can express his need for something (warmth, nutrition, sleep and comfort). Let's further look at how speech appears in children according to time intervals:

In children aged 2-3 months, there is an increased enrichment of vocal reactions in intonation. The presence of this process indicates to us that the child is beginning to develop communication as a function. Next, a specific vocal reaction appears - humming. Humming can include sounds such as: the sound of a child grunting, joyful squeals and those sounds that remind us of vowels [a, o, y, e] and consonants [p, m, b, g, k, x]. The appearance of these sounds in children's speech is due to the fact that vowel sounds are the easiest to pronounce, and consonants are associated with the physiological acts of sucking and swallowing.

At the age of 4-5 months, the child moves to the next stage of pre-speech development. This period is characterized by the appearance of babbling in the child. The vocal flow that was noted in the child earlier now begins to break up into syllables.

In children aged 5-6 months, babbling speech is rhythmically organized and closely related to the movements of the baby himself. Waving his arms or jumping in the arms of adults, he rhythmically repeats syllables such as “ta-ta-ta” and “ha-ha-ha” for several minutes in a row.

By the age of 8 months, sounds that do not correspond to the phonetic system of the native language gradually begin to fade away. Some babbling sounds that do not correspond to the phonemes of speech heard by the baby are lost. New speech sounds appear that are similar to the phonemes of the speech environment.

At the age of 10-12 months, the child reproduces the most typical characteristics of the rhythm of his native language.

By the beginning of 1 year of life, the baby pronounces the first words and reproduces their general sound appearance. This usually occurs to the detriment of the role of individual sounds in it. The speed of mastering active vocabulary in preschool age occurs individually.

The vocabulary of speech is replenished especially quickly in the last months of the 2nd year of life and elementary phrasal speech is formed. The child can construct and pronounce phrases such as: “Mom give it.”

The child’s need for communication sharply increases by the age of 3. In his speech, the ability to correctly connect different words into sentences is gradually formed. From a simple two-word phrase, the child moves on to using complex constructions using conjunctions, case forms of nouns, singular and plural. From the second half of the third year of life, the number of adjectives increases significantly.

By the age of 4, a child’s phrasal speech becomes more complex. On average, a sentence consists of 5-6 words. Speech uses prepositions and conjunctions, complex and complex sentences.

At the age of 5, a child completely masters everyday vocabulary and masters correct sound pronunciation. He masters the types of declensions and conjugations. Collective nouns and new words formed with the help of suffixes appear in his speech.

At 6 years old, the child, according to R.E. Levina, the formation of speech in lexical and grammatical terms can be considered complete.

By the age of 7, the child uses words denoting abstract concepts and uses words with a figurative meaning. At this age, children fully master the conversational style of speech.

Stages of working on the sound [P] with specific examples of games for consolidation.

All speech therapy work to correct this sound should be carried out in stages with strict implementation of the recommendations for each of them. You cannot skip stages. Speech therapy work at each stage should be given as much time as necessary to obtain the maximum effect, but you should not stop for too long if the child quickly learns everything.

The stages of working on the sound [P] are as follows.

1. Preparatory stage.

The purpose of this stage is to prepare the basis for the correct pronunciation of sound and its perception.

In order to move on to producing the sound [P], it is necessary to carry out work in several directions.

The first direction is to develop articulatory motor skills with the help of gymnastics. To pronounce this sound, complex work of the muscles of the speech apparatus is required. In order for them to function properly, articulation exercises are performed. All exercises in which the tongue rises upward are suitable, for example, such as: “horse”, “mushroom”, “accordion”, “sail”. In difficult cases, if the movements of the tongue are difficult, then passive articulatory gymnastics and speech therapy massage are performed. The form of presentation can be different: in poetry, in a fairy tale, in any way in a playful way to achieve a result.

Description of the articulation exercise “Horse”.

This exercise can help develop the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. By performing it, we will gradually develop the mobility of the tip of the tongue and develop the correct articulatory posture for pronouncing the sound [P].

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