Speech therapist for adults: quick speech correction

A speech therapist works not only with children, but also with adults. They try to correct speech defects in the preschool or school age period, but sometimes they persist at an older age. There are speech disorders that are characteristic only of adults. In such cases, seek help from a speech therapist.

Some people believe that speech deficiencies cannot be corrected at a later age. But with correct correction work, a specialist can correct them. Adults need to make more efforts to correct, because incorrect pronunciation has been fixed for a long time. But techniques selected taking into account individual characteristics and a qualified specialist will help correct speech.

Types of disorders and their etiology

Not all types of speech defects occur in the older age category. Most often this is the incorrect pronunciation of a certain group of sounds. Usually, adults turn to a speech therapist with a request to correct burrs or incorrect pronunciation of the sound R. Less often, with violations of the pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds.

This defect may be a manifestation of an erased form of dysarthria, which was not paid attention to in childhood, or it may be the result of incorrect correctional work.

Another group of speech disorders for which people seek speech therapy help are voice and diction disorders. They can manifest themselves in:

  • impaired voice strength (weak, too loud);
  • timbre disorders - the voice has a nasal tone (nasal sound);
  • accelerated or slow pace of speech;
  • unclear pronunciation of sounds.

The cause of these disorders is the improper functioning of the organs of articulation or the peculiarities of their anatomical structure.

A more complex speech disorder is stuttering. Correction of this defect can take a long time, so a comprehensive intervention by a speech therapist and neurologist is necessary. Adults may need the help of a psychologist. Often a person with a stutter is embarrassed by his defect and worries if after the first lessons there is no noticeable result. Causes of stuttering:

  • the appearance of convulsions in the articulatory apparatus during speech;
  • unformed speech breathing;
  • features of the nervous system;
  • fright

When working with people who stutter, it is important to create a situation of success and explain the importance and purpose of each activity.

Another complex speech disorder is aphasia, or speech breakdown. A person has formed speech means, but due to organic damage to the centers of the cerebral cortex, a defect in pronunciation and understanding of speech occurs. This can be caused by head injuries or stroke. In this case, the speech therapist re-teaches the person to communicate and compose statements.

Less often, people with dyslexia and dysgraphia – disorders of the reading and writing processes – turn to a specialist. Typically these are clients seeking to improve their literacy levels. After all, errors in reading and writing are not always associated with difficulties in mastering grammar. A speech therapist will help correct these deficiencies in written speech.

What causes stuttering

Stuttering is one of the most common speech disorders. In addition, this pathology is the oldest. There are a large number of references to the fact that Egyptian pharaohs, Persian kings, great poets, philosophers and even orators suffered from stuttering. The Greek writer Plutarch described the story of Demosthenes, who was an excellent speaker despite his illness.

The first symptoms of the pathology usually appear in children aged 3–5 years. It is during this period that active formation of speech is observed, and therefore its violations become noticeable. Statistics say that around the world, approximately 2-3% of children stutter. It has also been noted that this problem occurs more often among boys. There is another interesting observation that almost all stutterers are overt or hidden left-handed. In adults, this pathology is less common, since timely correction can restore smoothness and rhythm to speech. And only about 1% of people remain stutterers throughout their lives.

There is an opinion among ordinary people that people become stutterers after severe fright or shock. But not everyone who has had a serious traumatic situation in their life begins to stutter. Severe stress is only an impetus, and the predisposition to this speech disorder was already inherent in the central nervous system.

Since the phase of active formation of phrasal speech occurs precisely at the age of 3 to 5 years, it is during this period that the speech function becomes most vulnerable. Any disturbances associated with the functioning of the central nervous system can cause a malfunction of the speech apparatus. That is, stuttering is a speech disorder caused by changes in the functioning of the central nervous system.

This pathology has a rather complex origin. Certain centers of the brain are responsible for the smoothness of speech; disturbances in the process of impulse exchange between neurons leads to the development of seizures in various parts of the speech apparatus. The causes of this dysfunction of the central nervous system can be infectious diseases and complications after them, as well as organic lesions of the nervous system of various natures.

Recently, an increasing number of children are being born with pathologies of the central nervous system due to unfavorable pregnancy or difficult childbirth. There are a number of psychological reasons, these include an overly demanding attitude towards the child on the part of parents and other family members, lack of attention and love, family conflicts, etc.

Many experts argue that the predisposition to stuttering can be transmitted genetically. But if the pathology has not manifested itself before the age of seven, then in the future the child will no longer stutter. However, there are cases where stuttering occurs in adulthood.

Actor John Bradley, who gained fame after the release of the series “Game of Thrones,” became so accustomed to the character of Samwell Tarly that he began to stutter after filming ended. He spoke about this in one of his interviews. Anxiety attacks and speech disorders seriously complicate the actor’s life and prevent him from getting new roles.

One might assume that a good psychotherapist would allow John Bradley to get rid of all the worries and habit of stuttering that he developed over the many years of working on the series.

When adults turn to a specialist

If parents bring a child to a speech therapist, or his speech development is examined in kindergarten or school, then adults independently seek advice. The exception is aphasia, because the causes of this disorder are serious, it is treated in medical institutions where comprehensive care is provided.

Adults can contact a speech therapist if a person:

  • strives to improve the quality of his speech;
  • speaks frequently in public or interacts with people;
  • feels psychological discomfort due to his deficiency.

The main task of the specialist is to motivate the patient to improve speech and create a situation of success. The specialist clarifies the reason why the adult turned to him for help, in order to find an approach to him and increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

How it manifests itself and where to start

Stuttering is very heterogeneous in its manifestations. There are many different forms of this pathology, which also indicates the complexity of its origin. In addition to impaired speech function, patients also experience general muscle tension, motor restlessness, or, conversely, stiffness and some angularity.

Stutterers also have psychological characteristics, for example, excessive shyness, fear of “speaking,” increased irritability and anxiety, and depression. With age, the patient's worries about his speech intensify, which leads to new psychological problems and increased speech disorder.

Almost all diseases, regardless of their nature, are easier to cure in the early stages. If we talk about stuttering, then this rule is most relevant. The sooner you start correcting this pathology, the less time it will take to eliminate it. In some cases, speech can be restored to the correct pace and fluency within two weeks, but this is only if the treatment is timely and comprehensive.

The fight against stuttering should begin with a visit to a neurologist. He will evaluate the functioning of the central nervous system and determine the cause of speech dysfunction. If the doctor does not find any serious problems, the patient will be referred to a speech therapist. But in most cases, treatment is more complex when several specialists work with the patient at once:

  • a neurologist carries out drug treatment of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • a reflexologist will help you get rid of muscle tension in the neck, abdomen and shoulder girdle;
  • a psychologist will help identify a traumatic situation, help you cope with it and teach you how to confront similar problems in the future;
  • A speech therapist will teach you to distinguish and correctly pronounce sounds, control the tempo and speed of speech.

Today, speech therapists have a large number of methods in their arsenal to combat stuttering. These include articulation gymnastics, speech therapy massage, breathing exercises, silent mode, and so on. But all these methods only work if the patient undergoes a course of treatment from a neurologist or a psychotherapy session (depending on the type and causes of stuttering).

Where to contact

Some people believe that a speech therapist only works in kindergartens, schools and development centers. But there is a system of speech therapy assistance in some medical institutions. Adults most often go to clinics and medical centers.

You can sign up for a consultation at a development center. But not everyone feels comfortable studying in a place where there are a large number of children. To improve their diction, adults enroll in special courses in public speaking or stage speech.

If you decide to use the services of a private specialist who will work with you at home, be sure to check that he has a diploma confirming his qualifications.

Diagnostic features

The speech therapist talks with the client, asks if he had problems with speech in childhood and school years; did he work with specialists? Therefore, an adult needs to prepare for a consultation, communicate with parents in order to learn more about their speech development at an early age. This approach will help the speech therapist more accurately determine the speech disorder and the causes of its occurrence.

The specialist looks at the anatomical structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and its work. Then he asks to perform tasks to maintain a certain articulatory posture and gives dynamic exercises. Draws attention to the formation of speech breathing.

The speech therapist checks the state of the pronunciation aspect of speech:

  • whether the person pronounces all groups of sounds correctly;
  • evaluates the strength and timbre of the voice;
  • looks at the general state of diction.

The work of phonemic processes is tested (the ability to distinguish sounds in a speech stream, proficiency in sound-letter analysis skills), and the formation of the syllabic structure.

For aphasia and written language disorders, the speech therapist checks impressive and expressive vocabulary; formation of grammatical structure and coherent speech. A special feature of diagnosing patients with aphasia is determining the preservation of speech components. After all, it is on their basis that correctional work will be built.

When stuttering, a speech therapist pays special attention to the person’s psychological state and the activity of the motor sphere. One of the main areas of work in correcting this speech disorder is normalizing muscle tone. Therefore, the specialist evaluates general and finger motor skills.

For dysgraphia and dyslexia, a speech therapist checks writing and reading. Checking in this direction includes the following tasks:

  • writing from dictation;
  • cheating;
  • reading using different fonts;
  • writing letters on different sides and parts of the sheet;
  • explanation of the meaning of what was read.

There are several forms of dysgraphia and dyslexia, due to various reasons. It is necessary to do a full speech therapy examination to determine the exact etiology and select appropriate exercises for correction.

Traditional correction methods

While when working with children, a combination of pedagogical and medical techniques comes to the fore, stuttering in adults is treated primarily with medications and psychotherapy. The main task of the drugs is to eliminate nervousness, anxiety and tension. Thus, the patient becomes more susceptible to psychotherapeutic and speech therapy effects.

Today there are a large number of techniques developed by various authors. The traditional method of treating stuttering in a hospital setting consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory stage. The duration of this stage is usually 2–3 days. A person who stutters is being diagnosed. His condition is being assessed by doctors of various specialties, speech therapists, and psychotherapists.
  2. Installation stage. On the 3rd day, direct speech classes begin. Patients are invited to a meeting where they are told about the positive results of treatment for other people who stutter. This gives a person who stutters an incentive to work on himself and his speech.
  3. Silence stage. The period of maximum restriction of speech communication is mandatory when correcting all types of stuttering. The patient must remain silent for 3-5 days, after which a period of relative speech rest begins (7-9 days). The patient is given exercises to establish speech breathing, he does articulatory gymnastics and learns the techniques of reflected and conjugate speech.
  4. The stage of active restructuring of speech skills is the most extended in time, it lasts up to 4 weeks. All this time, the patient is practically taught to speak again. He will have to work on dialogues, learn to retell short texts and prepare conversations on given topics.
  5. The next stage is necessary to consolidate correct speech skills in everyday life.

At the end of the treatment, a so-called graduation party is held. Patients recite poetry, stage theatrical performances, answer questions, etc. All this allows not only to demonstrate the achieved results in the treatment of stuttering, but also has a positive effect on the formation of self-confidence, allows you to get rid of the fear of speaking and speaking in public.

Various proprietary methods of complex treatment of stuttering also imply step-by-step work on the pathology. But the number of stages and their duration may be different. For example, the technique of V.M. Shklovsky takes into account the need for psychotherapeutic influence. Approximately 3–4 days after the start of correctional work, hypnotherapy sessions are conducted with the patient, during which special attention is paid to normalizing the activity of the articulatory apparatus and the emotional-volitional sphere. In addition, patients are recommended to conduct self-hypnosis sessions before bedtime. They should present themselves as speaking normally.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient should not stop working on himself. The stages of medical examination and prevention are of no small importance. To prevent stuttering from returning, recovered people are recommended to regularly undergo sanatorium-resort treatment. In comfortable conditions, they will be offered various relaxing procedures, climatic and balneological effects, physical therapy classes and much more.

Differences between adult speech therapy practice and children's practice

Speech therapy work with adults has several important differences:

  • The duration of correctional work and its effectiveness largely depend on the patient’s interest and determination.
  • Speech therapy classes are conducted in the form of a conversation - the specialist does not use game techniques in his work.
  • The lessons use complex techniques that are not suitable for children's practice.
  • Features of speech disorders - in adults they have a long-term stable nature. Therefore, correcting even one sound can affect the quality of coherent speech.

Before starting classes, the speech therapist must clearly set a goal and explain why the exercise is being performed. Often, when working with adults, a voice recorder is used to clearly demonstrate the success of correctional work. Creating situations of success allows you to increase the effectiveness of your classes.

Features of correctional work for various disorders

When correcting a speech defect, the etiology of its appearance must be taken into account. By eliminating the cause of the violation, you will eliminate the defect itself. The speech therapist draws up the structure of classes after the diagnostic results.

  • If sound pronunciation is impaired, the main emphasis is on articulatory gymnastics and the formation of speech breathing. Speech therapy work in this case consists of a preparatory stage, staging, sound automation, and differentiation. Another important area is work on phonetic-phonemic processes.
  • For voice, timbre and diction disorders, classes include articulation and breathing exercises; expressive reading, pronouncing phrases with different pitches of voice; pronouncing tongue twisters with clear pronunciation of sounds.
  • When stuttering, work is carried out in the following areas: normalization of muscle tone; formation of speech breathing; articulation gymnastics; formation of communication skills; creating speech patterns for specific situations; correction of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech.
  • Corrective work for aphasia depends on its form. The main task of speech therapy work is to restore the ability to use speech components.
  • With dysgraphia and dyslexia, the structure of classes depends on the form of the disorder. The emphasis is on correcting the motor sphere. If necessary, work is carried out on the pronunciation side of speech, phonetic-phonemic processes, or the formation of optical-spatial representations.

The effectiveness of training depends on correctly selected methods. The speech therapist also gives homework assignments so that an adult can consolidate the acquired skills.

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Comprehensive treatment and improvement of communication skills

Speech therapists for children and adults are not limited to just correcting speech disorders. Correctional classes increase the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, develop phonetic hearing and various types of thinking, correct visual perception, improve auditory attention and memory.

Correcting emotional behavior, along with correcting speech disorders, allows a person to overcome shyness, develop public speaking skills, and teach correct behavior in conflict situations.

Psychological help

As a rule, patients, even with ordinary speech impairment, have serious psychological problems. What can we say about people who have lost the ability to speak normally as a result of accidents, illnesses or complex psychological traumas. All speech therapists practicing in Preambula clinics have undergone special training and use certain psychological techniques in their classes.

Seek the services of speech therapists for children and adults

If your child or loved ones need the services of a speech therapist, do not delay visiting a specialist. Many of the successful people around us could have been notorious losers if their parents had not raised the alarm in time and taken them to a speech therapist.

Call us, we are waiting for you!

Admission fee:

10673 Speech therapy diagnostics2100
10797 Speech therapy classes using articulation massage and neuropsychological correction techniques2000
15277 Speech therapy session with neuropsychological correction2000
10797 Speech therapy classes using articulation massage and neuropsychological correction techniques2000
4284 Speech therapy correctional lesson1500

How to reduce the cost?

Duration of classes and possible results

The duration of correctional work depends on the structure of the speech defect. Even with a mild impairment, classes can last several months, because sometimes difficulties arise at the stage of automation in coherent speech. When working with adults, their determination and interest in improving speech plays an important role.

To be more effective, explain to the client’s loved ones the importance of speech therapy sessions. Their support will be of great help in correction. The prognosis for correcting a defect depends on its complexity and the correctness of the selected techniques.

Cost of speech therapy services for adults

The price depends on the region and the qualifications of the specialist, but on average the cost is 1,400 rubles for 30-40 minutes. In some medical institutions, upon referral from a doctor, classes with a speech therapist may be free.

Of course, an adult can try to correct his speech on his own. But a speech therapist will correctly determine the cause of the defect and select appropriate correction techniques. There is no need to assume that only children can work with a speech therapist: adults also have the opportunity to make their speech literate and beautiful.

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